One of the very best discussions of privilege I have ever read. Saving to use the next time a straight white man tells me money/class is the most significant axis of privilege in America.
One of the very best discussions of privilege I have ever read. Saving to use the next time a straight white man tells me money/class is the most significant axis of privilege in America.
One of my favorite YA's that I've read this year. Loved the humor and the well-developed characters, especially the younger sister, Kitty. Kitty is one of my favorite characters that I've discovered in a long time!
Mixed feelings on this one, but there was a lot to like. The descriptions of restaurant life and culture are fascinating.
Mixed feelings on this one, but there was a lot to like. The descriptions of restaurant life and culture are fascinating.
One of my favorite passages from this very interesting book. I really enjoyed the fraught but nuanced family relationships portrayed.
Beautiful and heartbreaking ode to girlhood, memory, friendship, and Brooklyn in the seventies. Highly recommend.
Required reading for all humans. That is all.
Really enjoying Lutz's dry observations in this one.
Very cool story. Enjoyed the flawed narrator.
Oh my god, this book. I love a deliciously creepy ghost story, but they are so hard to find--and then came this book. Stunningly well written and genuinely scary. Am saving The Night Sister for when the weather turns cold!
I just loved this. Moran is so, so damn funny. Laughed harder at this than at anything in recent memory.
I really enjoyed this twisty, high Gothic family drama/mystery. Devoured it all in one late night!
This one wasn't as riveting plot-wise as HE'S GONE, but Deb's writing is so beautiful I would read it if she decided to write a creative re-interpretation of the Brooklyn phone book. I underline my copies of her books more than those of any contemporary author.
I love PCH, and this book is no exception! I especially enjoyed the dynamic of a smart woman discovering and re-claiming her own distinct identity after years of being overshadowed by her husband and his family. Great read!
Very thoughtful and well-done portrait of a family and their complex internal dynamics. Really enjoyed this!
I love the way that Weiner is not afraid to write truly flawed characters. These are people who mess up, have bad habits, make infuriating decisions, and feel all the more human because of it.
This book is blowing me away. So much wisdom and truth and empathy.
I loved Liz & Lisa's latest! Really charming, funny, and thoughtful read. It's breezy and upbeat in tone but has a lot of substance, too.
I absolutely loved this one! Heartfelt but not saccharine story about growing up and doing better. The storyline with the father is especially moving and real.
This one was excellent! Great, mysterious plot that keeps you guessing--I didn't foresee the twist at all. Really well written and enjoyable book!
I loved this fun, witty, charming read--great pick for anyone who loves stories about family dynamics!
Yes. This. Exactly this. All that gone... that is exactly how it feels. The gone never, ever stops.
"So unwilling to think about the things their children might MAKE happen." Eerily relevant to this week's news about the Stanford rape case, and the father's insistence on his son's innocence.
I loved this book! So charming and creative and romantic.
Really wonderful, beautifully written book. My heart ached for Vivian and all the other kids who never really felt secure and belonging in their homes. That's a fundamental human need to have to live your life without.
I so loved this! It was exactly what I wanted--charming, summery, sweet but not saccharine, and very well written. Can't wait to read more of hers.
Brilliant book! Rich historical detail and descriptions of the circus setting--and a wonderful celebration of the art of storytelling as well.
I loved the wonderful, atmospheric Southern setting of this book.
This book was not without problems for me, but I still really enjoyed and admired it. Excellent setting, details, characters, and plot.
Joshilyn Jackson is one of my favorite authors, and books like this are why. It grabbed me from the first words and did not let go once. The voice is SO strong and the writing is SO good... just go read it!
Really enjoyable read. The setting was my favorite part--lush and vivid and fascinating, from the desert and the palace to the descriptions of Shahrzad's clothing and food. It all conjured a wonderful sense of mood and atmosphere.
In terms of pure writing craft that makes me stop to savor it on every. single. page, Deb Caletti is one f the best I have ever read. I took a photo of this passage while reading He's Gone, because I was just in awe.
The opening paragraph of this book is, like the entire novel, superb. This is exactly the kind of opener I love: the kind that says "Sit back, settle in, for I am about to tell you a story. Are you ready? Let's begin."
This book was pretty much perfect for me. Engaging characters, terrific humor and wit, favorite setting (England is the country I'd live in if I could) and absorbing plot. Huge win on this.
Outstanding book. Well plotted and researched, with lots of fascinating historical detail. I swept through it at top speed!
Loved this one! Really enjoyed the story, the setting, the nuanced characters, and I really couldn't tell which direction the story was going to go.
This was the first of Laura's books that I read, and I loved it. Her writing is sophisticated and funny and thoughtful.
Sweet, genuine, beautifully written. I really loved this.
Polished this one off tonight. Holy CRAP was this book good. Perfectly plotted and beautifully written. I get why people don't like the MC, but I completely understood why she was the way she was, and she was a pleasure to read about. There's vulnerability & need there if you're looking.
This book is so wise and compassionate and inspiring. I really loved it.
An absolute read-all-night, take-it-into-the-bathroom-with-you, unforgettable beautiful story. Amazing book!
This book was incredible and gave me an ugly-cry of the first order. Loved loved loved.
I loved this book so, so much. Beautiful, thoughtful writing, adorable characters, charming illustrations. Very fresh and unique.
Oh this book. Only a quarter in, and I know it's coming for me. Be gentle, book.
God DAMN, this is good writing. This single, benign, commonplace detail positioned before an excruciating ordeal just shreds your heart.
Just read this for the first time and I absolutely loved it! Loved the way the relationship between Anna & St. Clair felt genuine and earned. And so romantic!
Incredible book. Gripping story, beautiful writing. I love Amanda's work.
AMAZING book. Incredibly well drawn suspense, coming of age story, and mother-daughter tension in a dense, woodsy, summer-rich setting. Cannot recommend highly enough.
I loved this story about looking deep and coming to terms with one's own hard truths.