For today, at least, I‘m living my best life.
For today, at least, I‘m living my best life.
The rest of my reading group gave up. But I love it.
My Barnes & Noble Christmas gift card purchase just arrived and I love them. I got the Library of America Laura Ingalls Wilder boxed set and it‘s beautiful. It will be interesting rereading the Little House books without the wonderful illustrations but I‘m just so happy to have them. I‘ve never owned the set before.
First time I‘ve reached my goal since starting reading challenges. Next year, I‘m going to change it up. Not focusing on a number but will attempt to read twelve classics from my list of shame (books you‘d think an English major would have read by now).
Men explain things to me, but they needn‘t. The last essay in this collection gives forth a ray of hope.
I can not remember a book ever making me so angry, particularly at men. It‘s like when you wake up from a dream where your spouse has done something lousy and even though it‘s just a dream you can‘t help being angry at them. Yeah.
Currently reading my first Octavia Butler.
A rainy day spent reading on my porch. Sweet dreams are made of this.
Current read. Killer, four-word opening sentence.
It was wonderful to visit again some of my favorite Greek characters and stories. Especially the charming Odysseus.
Delightful characters and storyline but it took me forever to finish. Something was lacking for me. Probably just that I‘m in the mood for something dystopian.
This is a lovely book. Mr Wallace‘s only commencement speech. I‘ve read passages aloud to people who could benefit from his wise words.
1920s London is the setting for this mystery which employs an early use of psychology.
Loved this book of letters with it‘s quirky characters and amazing tales of frontier life. Zebbie, Cora Belle, the twins, Sedalia and Regalia and more bring the Wyoming Territory to life.
Reading this now because the movie was so good I want to continue living in this place and time with these people a little longer.
The best days include book deliveries. I‘m especially excited about Letters of Note. It‘s always such fun reading correspondence. The first letter is from the Queen who is sending along a scones recipe to President Eisenhower. There are letters from Iggy Pop, Annie Oakley, Groucho Marx, Nick Cave and on and on. Photographs of the originals accompany the transcribed letters.
I‘m a slow, but dedicated reader so only finished thirty books last year. Here are my top 12 of 2017.
Having a lazy day-in body. My mind is being highly entertained by this lovable family.
Starting this today. Sounds promising.
LOVED this book. Check out this quote which is applicable to our time: “I would not confuse the temporary leaders of a country with the country itself.”
Sorting my towering TBR pile into reading now, up next, and library loans. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Is there a word for a collection of e-readers?
Sure, I knew there'd be a crime but I didn't know what. My first time reading this classic meets with a spoiler in the List of Characters. 🙄
This book. It's everything I love. Jane Austen, England, time travel and dystopia. I'm in heaven.
Being decadent and amusing myself by reading a Christmas book on the Fourth of July.
Damn book made me cry. I was prepared to dislike it and ended up loving it. The author did a fair job of representing both Scott and Zelda. Sniff, sniff.
When you've read every book on the bookstore's display.
I'm having a hard time putting this down.
I liked how it reminded me of some of the tough times I had growing up as well as being a mirror of the daily life I see here in Independence MO. I liked how Vance puts accountability on the poor where it is due without blaming too harshly. I liked, especially, how it left me feeling that small contributions and investments of time can make all the difference in the life of a young person in a bad situation.
My reading spot got an update!