THE DOUBLE BIND, the first of my books born on a bike, is a novel of psychological suspense about a homeless photographer, a determined social worker, and an obsession with an American classic. Of all my books, none polarized readers like this one.
THE DOUBLE BIND, the first of my books born on a bike, is a novel of psychological suspense about a homeless photographer, a determined social worker, and an obsession with an American classic. Of all my books, none polarized readers like this one.
What!? Oh my goodness, I think I need to reread beginning at page 1 and pay closer attention to all the POVs.
The photos in the book and the story behind them are very cool.
TW, TW, TW for physical assault and rape.
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
Although this is a bit different than the other books I've read by this author, I really enjoyed it.
I truly appreciated that the story delved into homelessness and mental illness and showed the human side of a growing problem in our society.
The mystery side was predictable, but it doesn't take away from the storyline or become annoying. It's weaved together well with a journey through photographs and the world presented in The Great Gatsby.
Laurel is brutally attacked while on a bike ride deep in the woods and her subsequent recovery and work take her back down that ride again when she finds a homeless man, Bobbie Crocker, has a photo of her snapped moments before the attack.
I‘m not a reader who judges a book based on whether or not I can guess the “twists” or predict the ending. I did not see it coming (well, not totally, only knew something was up) but that‘s not why I loved this book. I loved it for its humanity in portraying the homeless and the mentally ill, and for the quality of the writing. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Starting today with a bubble bath and my #readwithmrbook #authoronlitsy selection. Stay calm Littens, and do what you need to do for self care. @MrBook @ChrisBohjalian
Rainy night, so I‘m in pjs and starting this one tonight! Just found this author and this is my 3rd book by him in a month. While his books aren‘t life changing , they are good and super entertaining!
I just couldn‘t personally do this book. I think it is really important for literature to grapple with issues of sexual assault and gendered violence, but the opening of this book was not something I could get through, and I think could be a serious trigger for some readers.
When you get home from a long days work and have lovely bookmail waiting on you.
I didn't walk far or fast because there was SNOW! I am in Southern California and this is a serious rarity! ❄❄❄
It was 12 years ago today that THE DOUBLE BIND was published. So grateful to readers around the world who still worry about Laurel Estabrook; to everyone at Vintage Books and @PRHLibrary ; to Becky Holt and Rita Markley at Cots Vermont for suggesting there might be a story in a once homeless but spectacularly photographer; and to so many booksellers and librarians who championed this novel from day one.
3.5 Stars
The book moved a lot slower than I‘d expected, which was disappointing for a psychological thriller. If I were to rate the book on the creative premise and the shocking twist, it would be a five star book. Unfortunately, the pacing made it less enjoyable than the alluring plot conveyed.
I didn‘t dislike it. I just found it difficult to feel wholly engaged until the last 100 pages or so. I do feel the ending made the read worthwhile.
An unreliable narrator attempts to solve the mystery of a homeless man who may have had a connection to her own assault. The story is well written. A little “meta” as it incorporates “The Great Gatsby”; however, it is so claustrophobic I can‘t say I enjoyed the experience.
“We tend to stigmatize the homeless and blame them for their plight. We are oblivious to the fact that most had lives as serious as our own before everything fell apart.” ~Author‘s note in The Double Bind/Chris Bohjalian
Who knew I would find such interesting stuff looking through the bookshelves at my parents house?
I have not read this author before but The Flight Attendant is on my TBR (on the library wait list for it!) I recognized his name and pulled these two books off the shelf.
Turns out, one of them is signed! How cool!
#emojimadness 🚲
One of my favorite @ChrisBohjalian books, not to mention a great modern twist on #TheGreatGatsby
Had such a great time seeing @ChrisBohjalian tonight with @CaitMobley ! I‘m stoked to read his new book, but even more excited that he signed my copy of The Double Bind (one of my all time favorites). He is such an incredible storyteller and easily one of my favorite contemporary writers. Not to mention, he is such a genuine and gracious person and takes the time to talk with each of his readers.
As an advocate for victims of sexual assault and a Gatsby lover, how could I not love this book?!?!?!
It was 11 years ago this month that THE DOUBLE BIND was published. My thanks to Vintage Books and to so many readers who used the novel as a tool to raise awareness of homelessness -- including Vermont's amazing Committee on Temporary Shelter.
1. 34 (35 in July)
2. Yes, a younger sister. She‘s 31 (32 in May).
3. Just the furry, 4-legged variety. 🐶😺
4. Retreading Sue Grafton‘s books. I‘m on D.
5. So many! But the tagged book is one of my favorites.
6. 🤦🏻♀️
7. Plethora
8. That I have 2 tattoos.
9. Both!
10. Tea
11. Fangirl
12. @PolaroidPoet ☺️
#hallowhoareyou @Gyldholm
Great meeting @ChrisBohjalian at the Southern Festival of Books today!
Just in from my library through the Cloud Reader app. Not that I don't have hundreds of books on my Kindle.
Here is the book I ended up getting. I actually had my original pick "stolen," but was happier with my second choice. ? #mysterybookexchange
Rather ambitious June #tbr, but considering I read 17 in May, I don't think it's too far-fetched.
Starting today with the tagged book, my first by @ChrisBohjalian
"A term came to her that they used on occasion at the shelter: the double bind...They used the expression in much the same way that they would a term like catch-22." -- from THE DOUBLE BIND, because May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Having a nice relaxing Easter with my mom. And of course a good book.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. So begins The Double Bind: "Laurel Estabrook was nearly raped the fall of her sophomore year of college. Quite likely she was nearly murdered that autumn."
This is a quote from THE DOUBLE BIND, envisioned in this photo by Dashawn Harry of Syracuse, NY. He took the photo as part of the Central New York Reads community read of the novel. I love the photo. Thank you, Dashawn!
Please note that due to the blizzard, my two events in Syracuse, New York tomorrow, Tuesday, have been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 28. Please mark your calendars and join me then. I promise to be extra charming!
Ten years ago this week THE DOUBLE BIND was published. Happy Anniversary! My thanks to everyone at Vintage Books -- and to Becky Holt and Rita Markley who suggested once upon a time that I write an article for the Burlington Free Press about a very talented, once homeless photographer. (Also? Just for the record, I do still worry about Laurel Estabrook.)
A daring book by a gifted author. Could have been executed better, but I will remember this book for a long time. I have enjoyed Bohjalian's historical fiction very much, and I was engrossed by this foray into the land of psychological thrillers. Some will feel betrayed by this book, but you can't claim it is predictable.
Thank you @PenguinInFlight I love all these wonderful gifts! I don't think I've ever read a book where the protagonist has my name! And the bookmark was the perfect inspirational message I needed this morning! #wintersolsticebookexchange #secretsantabookexchange @BookishMarginalia great idea & awesome job coordinating!
By far my favorite Bohalian and definitely one of my top ten books of all time. #couldntputitdown #somethingforsept
I had to move a stack of my TBR's and some re-reads out of my bedroom....the stack was about to topple. If you haven't picked up books written by Bohjalian you're missing out!
Biking incident gone brutally wrong, a homeless man dying and leaving behind an incredible picture collection and The Great Gatsby?!?! Too much?? I think so. ⭐️⭐️⭐️