I love this book!!! I love historical fiction so much!!! This book is based on Anne Neville's life. She was the wife of Richard III. It was an interesting read 4/5 stars!!
I love this book!!! I love historical fiction so much!!! This book is based on Anne Neville's life. She was the wife of Richard III. It was an interesting read 4/5 stars!!
Impossible to know if this story bears any resemblance to Queen Anne Neville‘s real life because hers was so poorly documented. But I‘m fascinated by what Ms Gregory did with her depiction of Richard III who I‘ve always thought of as terrible. He isn‘t terrible at all in this book. Interesting the way Ms Gregory portrayed Elizabeth Woodville (The White Queen) as disliked and feared in this account. I‘ve always known her as well-liked. Great book.
The two books I‘m #currentlyreading. I‘m about 3 chapters into #natashalester‘s #therivierahouse, and I‘m in love. #philippagregory‘s #thekingmakersdaughter is also very interesting.
#currentlyreading about Anne Neville, who eventually marries Richard III and becomes Queen. This is the third in a trilogy-within-a-series about The War of the Roses and I‘m surprised to say that so far I like it more than the previous two books. I knew almost nothing about Anne going into this book and I know that much of this is fiction, but I‘m still learning a lot.
Since there‘s no link feature in the bio, I thought I‘d share my linktree link so you can access all of my links: https://linktr.ee/historybookreads
Really enjoying this series and the perspectives of the women involved during this volatile time in history. This novel is told by Anne Neville, eventual wife of King Richard III, and I was once again caught up in the royal world of jealousy, betrayal, tragedy, and battles for the throne. Though not a very well-documented Queen, Gregory brings her to life and also gives a kinder interpretation of the historically villainous King Richard III. 4⭐️
#AwesomeAugust Day 5
I finished The Kingmaker‘s Daughter last night, so have finished 1/4 books and 412/1700 pages. Probably won‘t meet my lofty goals, but it‘s fun trying!!
My #awesomeAugust readathon goal is to finish four books! This is about 1700 pages, so I‘m shooting for about 200 pages/day for the duration of the readathon. Thanks, @Andrew65 for the “build your own” challenge. I‘m looking forward to it!
I am posting a book every day from my TBR collection. 📚
Day 91
#tbrpile #bookstoread #tbrmountain
I tried so hard to get into Philippa Gregory when I first got back into reading (unfourtunately high school turned me off reading for a while). I always loved the endings but it was quite a feat to actually get to the ending. Eventually I realized that Philippa Gregory was not for me - but I'm glad it didn't turn me off reading again because it very well could have.
#CrownOnTheCover #MagnificentMarch
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620
Here we go , onto the next book in this series!!!
Settling into hour 8 of the #reversereadathon and it‘s snack time! I‘ve got my favourite late night treat... a mug brownie to go along with Philippa Gregory‘s The Kingmaker‘s Daughter! #deweyaug #readathonhourlyphoto #readathon
Ending day one of #24in48 with 7.5 hours of reading on the clock! Snuggled in bed with the fourth book in Philippa Gregory‘s Plantagenet/Tudor series... it‘s been a few years since I read the first three, so I‘m enjoying being back immersed in the royal intrigue of the 1400s!
1) Fork meme. 2) Fork. 3) Historical fiction. 4) I have no idea but it‘s been too damn long! 5) Hahahaha! No. @MinDea #humpdaypost
I‘m really enjoying this series. I love experiencing stories from different perspectives. I‘ve learned a lot historically as these books have prompted me to research some of the people/events. If you have an interest British history or like historical fiction, give this series a go.
Another enjoyable Philippa Gregory novel. While not my favourite from her Cousins War series, mainly due to not liking the main character very much, it was still a wonderful read. There are definitely some historical inaccuracies (which is why I always try to read as many nonfiction history books as historical fiction) but it does present a dynamic time in history and has some lovely detail!
Another wonderful read from my favorite time period! How crazy is it to wonder and dream about the truth during these times of cover-ups, scandals, and no proof of who the father is?!
The battles for the crown, witchcraft, the desperation of making an heir and the indulgences of the royal court, there's never a dull or easy moment in this one. Gregory create such immense tension in her historic tales told, as always, from the women behind the men.
I'm home sick today - which sucks as much for that I feel rubbish as that I don't get paid - at least I get to lie in bed reading.
I've got a job interview in the morning. I'm pretty nervous. Hopefully this will take my mind off it and help me get to sleep.
Starting this tonight. It's due back at the library in a couple of days so let's hope I can read quickly.
It's been ages since I read a Philippa Gregory, they're one of my literary indulgences.
I have had Phillipa Gregory's novels on my TBR list for a while and finally decided to read them. I admit, I am not a history buff, but I have enough of a working knowledge to get some correct answers on Jeopardy. I have enjoyed the books! It was interesting to read events from Anne's point of view after having read the story from other view points. It just shows how differently people will interpret the same set of events/circumstances.
"This is fortune's wheel indeed. You can go very high and you can sink very low, but you can rarely turn the wheel at your own bidding."
"I think that I too should feel victorious. I am where my father wanted me to be. I am the greatest lady in the land - never again need I fear treading on someone's train - for now everyone follows me."
"Now I see that every man is a kingmaker. A throne is not empty for a moment before someone is being measured for the crown. And fresh princes spring up like weeds in a crop as soon as the rumour goes out that those who wear the crown are dead."
"If a woman rises to greatness she becomes every woman's enemy. If she fights to keep her greatness then everyone, men and women, simply hate her."
"We were born the kingmaker's daughters; ruling England is our inheritance."
"It is as if we are re-enacting those days of victory and Father is once again unstoppable. Now he has a second king in his keeping and he is going to put a new puppet on the throne. The French servants who come into the city of Calais tell us that the French call my father 'the kingmaker' and say that no-one can hold the throne of England without his permission."
"It was my father who bravely drove the sleeping king off the throne and put his crown on the head of King Edward, so it must be right."
Philippa Gregory has done it again. I was hooked to this book from the beginning. PG's writing is well paced and compelling and her characters are heartfelt and honest. I shed a tear at the end.
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The "The Cousin's War" (War of the Roses) is a time period that I never really paid attention to, and this book helped me learn that it was more than Richard III and the Two Princes. Anne Neville is a compelling character and I was slowing down my reading at the end just to spend more time with her.