February‘s book arrived. Thank-you for the gifts Lindy. Underneath is February‘s book getting ready to be sent out today. @Lindy @CouronneDhiver
February‘s book arrived. Thank-you for the gifts Lindy. Underneath is February‘s book getting ready to be sent out today. @Lindy @CouronneDhiver
I can‘t remember the last time I was at a university bookstore. This is the haul I brought back from York University. I would have bought more but, 5 was my limit.
I found this book entertaining. It might have been different if I read it, Chen did a great job narrating. Throughout, I had to keep reminding myself that it was fiction. Some of the scenes and things the characters did just left me breathless. It‘s a fun book if you don‘t take it too seriously and this is why I have it as a pick. I don‘t think I‘ll continue with the second book. Some of the characters were just too horrible!
This isn‘t the “nicest” book I‘ve ever read on a Sunday afternoon but, it is one of the best written. The subject matter is horrible yet, written in such a way that the author doesn‘t overwhelm. There are moments when she allows her readers to take a deep breath.
I know many people bailed on this book. So, I would highly recommend that they try again but, listen to the story. Especially since myths were originally meant to be heard and not read. The reader did a great job and brought the story to life.
Bought this book before I noted the author. The best way to describe his style is “chatty.” It‘s not bad, but I‘m glad I‘ve read other books about Mrs. Simpson.
A new series to start. The first book wasn‘t bad. A bit of a change-up with a grandfather pared with the female main character. And she does stained-glass! Yay! Thanks @Moonpa
This is my pick for my book club. I remember it being longer, hmmm. I loved this book as a kid and read it over and over and over. I definitely recommend it as a choice for kids getting into reading.
In the backyard reading, look no snow! A friend got me on these books. If your interested in reading some fun books for the summer, pick-up Marissa Meyer‘s The Lunar Chronicles. I read books 1 and 2 back-to-back and started book 3 right away. I took a break mid-way so, I wouldn‘t finish too soon. Thanks @Moonpa
This was a tough read at times, namely because the author's dislike of HRH Princess Margaret was too obvious. It overshadowed the text. Where he should have just ended the sentence he added a comma and a snarky comment. Other than that, the book did show that life as a Royal isn't easy, nor really their own. It also showed the ruthlessness and moral bankruptcy of the Media in pursuit of a "story" is horrible.
What does a girl do when she's sick? She reads. And if your me, you read all the TBFs. I really enjoyed this, it was a good presentation of the history. The author didn't do what so many historians do, which is have the belief that they actually "know." This author laid down the events. Plus, it made me feel better about watching "The Crown" -- most of that program plays with the facts. It is essentially a fictional program.
So, I now have this series as books, ebooks and audiobooks. If you‘re looking for a good fantasy book, which isn‘t a high fantasy the first book “Green Rider” is a good book to read. Waiting for the next book in the series so, starting again with the audiobooks.
This was a Book Club book. Had to bail there are some subjects that I just can‘t read. The writing wasn‘t bad and at the beginning it held my interest. And then I learned about the main topic.
There‘s nothing quite like having a book read to you, especially when the speaker does a great job. I definitely recommend this as an audiobook. Also, I enjoyed this much better than reading it. If anyone was disappointed with book 3 of the series, I suggest starting from the beginning with the audios.
This is a tough book to read. Definitely not a feel good book. I‘m almost at the end and am getting uncomfortable about the read, namely because of the fact that some of the people in the book are still alive. It feels disrespectful — I don‘t think I‘d like to have a book written about my family and our skeletons. Not that my family is book worthy but, still.
Okay, holiday season is over and I have had a chance to catch my breath. Whew! Sorry, @KassKho I didn't post earlier. Thank-you for the t-shirt -- it fits. I have finished this round's book and will be sending it on this week.
Just finished reading book three and can't wait until book four. These were a compulsive read, one right after the other. What makes them special is the fact that they are based on a real person, Constance Kopp (plus sisters), real events, etc. I found some of the newspaper articles that report on her actions and cases -- even in a local newspaper in my city!
I love this book, and am now listening the audio. The narrator is doing a great job.
Incredible book and the fact that this is a biography is even more incredible. I read it really fast, faster than usual. It was easy to get caught up in the “story.” I could write more but, it wouldn‘t do justice to the book.
One of my favourite series and am revisiting through audiobooks. They are read by Isobelle Carmody and it wonderful hearing the story through her voice. All are performed with a dramatic feel, with each character being distinctive from the next. She uses a different timber, accent, pitch, etc. for each.
Look what was in the mail! And my favourite candy. Thank-you for the additional book, looking forward to both reads. @KassKho #theCanadianTour
I enjoyed this book, it wasn't what I expected at all. It's hard to describe -- about the nature of evil, how people's can deceive themselves, taking revenge and what it means to be angry, "the sins of the father" or in this case people who know them being forced to answer ... I started it as an audiobook then switched to a physical book and the back to the audio. And I preferred the audio as, the narrator did a fantastic job!
Decided to read a book rather than what is on my "To Do" list today.
Received first book today! I'm looking forward to the read and the tea.
(Note to self, the book title is a secret! Shhh! 🤦🏻♀️)
There were two levels to this biography: Van Gogh's time in Provence and the events that lead-up to his self-harm and; the author's research journey. It was just as fascinating to learn how she wrote the book and all the avenues she had to take to unearth the history behind the events that took place.
Annual re-read of The Chronicles of Narnia. I love these books!
Lady Jane Franklin, wife of Sir John Franklin spent 12-years searching for her husband after he disappeared in 1845, in the Arctic! And in many ways, she is the one that created the "image" of her husband as a great explorer. Her story is fascinating also, because this Victorian woman travelled places and experienced her own adventures. In many ways she was a rebel!
I love this book and the whole series. It follows the adventures of a little 5-year old girl as she explores her world and the people that she meets. When reading them it puts me in that mindset I had when I was young -- everything was interesting and I wasn't scared about anything. I often find myself laughing out loud and just smiling when reading about the situations she gets in and the people in her life just enjoying the experiences with her.
I really enjoyed this book and more so, because it presents a murder case in my hometown that took place during the Depression. And as written on the inside cover it is a, ". . . portrait of Jewish life in Ottawa and the struggles toward middle-class respectability." My only real criticism is there was a lot about Mr. Edelson and his trial but, not the aftermath and how it affected Mrs. Edelson -- the Alice in the title.
Would you want to live forever? In this book you can, except you won't remember it. And if you do you have to see a specialist to cure your "nostalgia." In this society if a person becomes dissatisfied they can start over by having their memories erased and new ones uploaded, and the cycle can continue endlessly with the body being constantly altered to prolong its continuance. The book follows Dr. Frank and his patient Presley Smith.
The story is interesting. It's a lot of work to read -- there are just so many characters to remember and almost every section another one is introduced. The author is asking too much of her readers. I'm at the point where I'm going to have to write everyone down and to whom they are tied just to continue.
Of all the "Cousins' War" books that I have read this is my favourite. The pacing is fast and unlike the others, I haven't flipped to see on which page the book ends. The author has us spending a lot of time in Margaret Beaufort's head. Her psychology is fascinating, as well as her contradictions. She seems more real than either Elizabeth W. or Anne N.
Found this in a small independent book store, all hail the small bookstore. Despite its small size, it's packed with a lot of historical content.
I have to say that I am enjoying this book, especially when read with the other books in the series. The different points-of-view of the women during the same period gives one the impression of looking at a many sided object. It's essentially the same story but, it changes depending from which side you look at it.
I'm excited, I found a book about the creator of Rupert Bear and his friends.
The "The Cousin's War" (War of the Roses) is a time period that I never really paid attention to, and this book helped me learn that it was more than Richard III and the Two Princes. Anne Neville is a compelling character and I was slowing down my reading at the end just to spend more time with her.
In very many ways S. Schiff has rescued Cleopatra from the smear campaign perpetuated against her by the Romans of her time, and the mythology that has been built-up around her. We learn about her time and about the woman herself. She was an important figure on her own beside Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. And Schiff states that, "It is easy to forget that he [Mark Anthony] was Cleopatra's undoing every bit as much as she was his."