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So You Want to be a Wizard
So You Want to be a Wizard | Diane Duane
28 posts | 56 read | 21 to read
Thirteen-year-old Nita, tormented by a gang of bullies because she will not fight back, finds the help she needs in a library book on wizardry which guides her into another dimension.
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Train ride to the weekend adventures but I might enjoy that book too much and finish it in one go.
Always loving a plot with a bookworm and a library :)

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So after I don't even know how long. I have been wanting to finish this book. This was my first Wizard book. Before Harry Potter. The series is called Young Wizardry.
Nita just wants to get away from bullies, and comes across an interesting book while hiding in the library. Just reading a page in the book, changes her world. To a world within ours. Along with a new friend Kit. They are tasked to prevent the end.

wordslinger42 I remember this series! I read the first 3 books when I was younger, but never finished it. I'll have to revisit it soon! 5y
bullbunny @wordslinger42 I came across it once, exploring tumblr. Did the same thing. Now there are 10 books and like 3 novellas 5y
wordslinger42 @bullbunny Oh wow!! I'm more behind than I thought 😅 I have 1-7 and thought that was the end of the series 5y
bullbunny @wordslinger42 Nope a few more, the novellas are between 9 and 10. The last one came out a couple years ago. Starting over I am now I am on book 2 5y
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So I continue to be waayyyyyy behind on #24in48 - I've only read an hour and a half so far because I realized last night that I still needed to catch up on sleep (and then slept for 12 hours). I decided I'm not going to set a new goal; just keep reading and see how far I get. I do have a meeting in an hour, so in the meantime I'm going to start rereading one of my favorite books. 😊

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I read mostly library books and collect hardcovers and nice trade paperback copies of books for my own collection. The problem with that is that, when I decide I want to read in the bath, I‘m not willing to risk any of the books high on my TBR. So I‘m starting a reread of this ratty library discard paperback I read as a kid. I remember almost nothing about it except that the premise is stellar✨ #kidlit #middlegrade #fantasy

LibrarianJen I do the same thing! If I like the library ebook then I buy the physical copy. As for baths, I put my kindle or phone in a half gallon freezer ziplock. 😊 5y
CollapsingLibrary I really want to get one of those tray things designed to hold books In the bathtub! 5y
emtobiasz @hjreviews me too! I‘m going to hint about it for my birthday, I think 🛀 @LibrarianJen the ziplock is a good idea! I‘m just vain enough to want pretty books for my shelves, forgetting about what would be practical to actually read... 5y
ravenlee I really enjoyed this as a kid, but also remember zip. I lost heart when it became a series and didn‘t follow it. 5y
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I‘ve got a lot of wizards on my bookcases! 🧙‍♂️

#shelfie #bookshelf #bookcase #littens

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A very zen book about wizards and the possible destruction of the planet. Some parts were a little too zen but others were unique and intense. A LOT about science.

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I found this book when we were doing the #HarryPotterSwap and I was really intrigued. Was so excited when I found it at the thrift store! I‘m going to read it first then share this as a read aloud probably with my boys! ❤️❤️

BookaholicNatty @bullbunny I think I have you to blame for this awesome find! ❤️😘 I think you gifted it to @Joread (edited) 6y
JoRead @BookaholicNatty @bullbunny She did! This is another case of #blameitonLitsy 😉 6y
wordslinger42 I read the first three when I was younger & remember them being so good! I have all seven.. I should really revisit the series!! 6y
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annkuch13 This series is really fun! 6y
bullbunny It is a great series that has 10+ books! I am rereading what I have read before so I can read the others! 6y
Emilymdxn I loved this as a kid! 6y
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Thank you @bullbunny ! I love my mug and the book😊 My mug collection is now complete. And no worries about the other package. I'm sure it'll get here soon 🙂

BookaholicNatty @JoRead I love that mug and that book looks awesome! I‘m going to have to add that to my TBR!!! Yes @bullbunny said a something else was on the way too! So the gift keeps giving! ❤️❤️ 6y
bullbunny Wow I didn't know you knew it was me. Yes Thursday the earliest or Friday:/ 6y
bullbunny @BookaholicNatty Yes this is my first wizard series before Harry Potter. It is called the Young Wizardry series ^^ 6y
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Quirkybookworm @bullbunny did you ever open the pkg? 6y
bullbunny @Quirkybookworm yes I did, I crashed before I could post the pictures 6y
JoRead @bullbunny @BookaholicNatty There was a note with the mug that something else was coming so it's ok. And the note said it was from you @bullbunny 😊😉 6y
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britt_brooke Yes! 😆 6y
ReviewsbytheMrs For real! 💜 6y
Eggs Truth 6y
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Ddzmini Exactly 😝📚📚📚 6y
sprainedbrain Same! 🙌🏻 6y
maich 😂😂😂 6y
CoffeeK8 Same! 😂 6y
rather_be_reading love this!! so tru for us littens 6y
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I remember loving this series as a young reader; they sparked my imagination and asked me to look within and beyond myself. I just learned today that the author is having difficulties making rent (https://t.co/XcoFCcogpX?amp=1) and would appreciate any sales from her ebook store here https://ebooksdirect.dianeduane.com I suppose this is a very good time to revisit a favorite childhood series!

LitLogophile Wow - I used to love these and completely forgot about them. They made a very bookish child extremely happy. Time for a reread 😊 7y
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If you've ever read Diane Duane's Young Wizards series, you might be interested in her ebook sale. She's recently had some financial difficulties, so this is your chance to score some great YA and help out a wonderful author! DianeDuane.com/outofambit/a-difficult-appeal/

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It feels nice to be surrounded by my kind of people. (o・・o)/
#magic #fiction #fantasy

RaimeyGallant It is, isn't it? :) Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you're interested. :) 7y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🎉 7y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
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winterrsoldier @RaimeyGallant and seeing books all over my feed is NICE. (Much better than facebook, tbh) I'll go and check it out. Thanks! 7y
winterrsoldier @Smrloomis Thanks! (o・・o)/ 7y
winterrsoldier @DebinHawaii Thanks! I'm sure I will. OuO 7y
RaimeyGallant Agreed. 7y
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Rereading this childhood favorite of mine since discovering that a tenth book came out last year and an eleventh is in the works.

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I've had these books forever, and I have yet to read any of them?

Do you have books that just sit on your shelf unread?

#book #bookstagram #bookporn #booknerd #bookworm #bookclub #bookshelf #bookhoarder #booklove #booksofinstagram #bookphotography #bookphoto #bibliophile #bookaholic

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Day 24: Urban Fantasy. Young wizards, fantasy check. Manhattan setting, urban check. This is an old used copy that has the first three books. They did rerelease a newer updated version of this series (it was originally published in 1982). #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading It definitely looks very 80s! 7y
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I was promised this would be similar to A Wrinkle in Time, and it was! Need I say more?

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Diane Duane's Young Wizards series is one of my favorites of all time. Magic and adventure and stands up to rereading. #tbrtemptation for all my magic-loving #Littens Plus the series is on sale as ebooks http://ebooksdirect.dianeduane.com/collections/the-young-wizards-series/products...

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I spent a large part of today grieving and filled horror at the atrocities we humans commit against each other. I will never forget #Aleppo, nor those abandoned there. However, I remembered the Wizard's Oath from one of my favorite childhood series, and it gave me some peace, an oath I can stand by 🌱☮️🌻🌍

art cred: dawnpaladin at deviantart

Notafraidofwords I can't un-see all of that. Those images. I cannot look at the world the same way. 8y
thec0zy @Notafraidofwords I know exactly how you feel, but everything else around me just continued as though it were just another day 😢 8y
Notafraidofwords @thec0zy I know. & donating doesn't feel like enough at this point. 8y
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thec0zy @Notafraidofwords it really doesn't. I feel like 2016 has been a lesson in persevering against feelings of powerlessness. 8y
Notafraidofwords @thec0zy that's a great way to put it ! 8y
thec0zy @Notafraidofwords thanks ☺️ I've spent a lot of time trying to make sense of it. 8y
Tsubame @Faibka I think you should see this too ☺️ 8y
Faibka @Tsubame thank you @Tsubame I confess I've been avoiding the news as everything seems to be getting worse and seeing what happened, I just don't understand how or why these things happen 8y
thec0zy @Tsubame @Faibka 💜💜💜 8y
Suet624 What is to be done against such savagery? That town. Those people. It's just unimaginable what they've been through. 8y
thec0zy @Suet624 it's awful, and I wish I had answers or a plan of action 😢 8y
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A good middle grade fantasy novel with all the required elements (young 'uns discovering wizardry, magic in the every day that leads to strange lands, tasks that seem impossible but that turn out to be possible all the same,...), although I thought it got a little slow toward the end.

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A group of Millenials reminisced so poetically about this, I just had to read it. But I think it was best read before Harry Potter and at a much younger age. Anyway, I did like the talking trees particularly coming to the rescue in Central Park and the dragon who lived deep within the subway system! Also liked that the main character is a girl, and that she overcomes her bullies, as a result of wizardry, but not how she anticipated!

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"Wizards love words. Most of them read a great deal, and indeed one strong sign of a potential wizard is the inability to get to sleep without reading something first."

How many wizards out there?

BookishMarginalia (Under that definition,) Me! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds like me too... 8y
Texreader I had no idea I was an aspiring wizard! How cool. 8y
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She loved any library, big or little; there was something about all the knowledge, all those facts waiting patiently to be found that never failed to give her a shiver. When friends couldn't be found, the books were always waiting with something new to tell.

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Attended @bookriot Read Harder meetup and members had such fond memories of this book. One of the group said you HAVE to experience going to the library and taking it off the shelf. So, I did! Want to finish before next meeting on Sunday! 👍🏻 Has anyone read it? Thought it also could work for #weirdbook #septemberphotochallenge #somethingforseptember

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And I wanted to see the life on other planets. There's more life in *this* world than I expected.