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Daniel Deronda
Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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THis could be said by a character in a book written yesterday, and would ring as true

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Incredibly modern writing

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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It is incredible to me that George ELiot, literally centuries back,wrote sympathetically about an ambitious woman, who was allowed to be successful, and not a monster.

Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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Yes this was very long. Very long. But I loved the slow immersive development of the story and the three central characters were all people whose brains I loved to be inside. For a Victorian novel I thought it was surprisingly not anti Semitic! It wasn‘t 100% not-anti-semitic but it pleasantly surprised me with its human, thoughtful, heroic Jewish characters.

ponyflorist George Eliot is da bomb! What a legend in life and literature 🙂 3y
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Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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My 1st online group read through Goodreads. Characterization was great. I enjoyed how Gwendolen's character matured throughout the book. My only wish is that it wasn't so wordy.

#Chunksters 5/10
#Booked2019 7/24 (public domain) @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Yay!! Another prompt completed 💚 6y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Reminder to self- When participating in an online discussion, don't forget to double check the chapters before typing in huge spoilers. I'm so ashamed and annoyed with myself.

Patchshank Eh...it happens. It was accident. You're only a jerk if you do it on purpose 🤓 6y
Butterfinger 💖💖thank you @Patchshank 6y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Crazeedi Yes 6y
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Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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These are the books I'll be leaving 2018 with, still not finished though I had every intention of getting them read in 2018.
I'm a few hours into the audio of Daniel Deronda but it's a 28 hr listen. I read the first Heinrich Mann, Young Henry of Navarre back in July but just couldn't find time for the sequel. I've waited a good ten years for Zusak to write another book so no need to feel guilt about not rushing to read it now.

Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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Free English books are hard to come by in my Dutch village. I was very happy to find these at the book swap bookshelf at the train station. #freebies #riotgrams

knittedgnome What a lucky find! 6y
Purrsistently I LOVE once and future king💕 6y
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Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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How am I supposed to read this book without breaking the spine? #dilemma #bookwormproblems

Mdargusch It is really beautiful! 7y
BucklingBookshelves That‘s huge! 🙄 7y
smilingshelves @Mdargusch Isn't it? I'm so afraid to open it! ☺ 7y
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smilingshelves @Bucklingbkshelf This is the only one I'm really worried about finishing in time for my Classics Club list! 7y
Alismcg 😂 without breaking the spine... only on a Kindle. 7y
smilingshelves @Alismcg Fair point! 😀 7y
Alismcg @smilingshelves don't give up on this one, it's a fantastic book... i started with a library copy but finished up with the Oxford Kindle Edition ... Eliot's one of my favorites, and this definitely a great classic. 7y
smilingshelves @Alismcg Oh, I won't! I'm just reading it over breakfast every day so I can savor it. I only get through about ten pages a day, so it'll probably take me all year to finish, but I'm really enjoying it! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot

Maybe it is just the horror fan in me, but the quote “What furniture can give such finish to a room as a tender woman‘s face?” just makes me think of Ed Gein.

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Daniel Deronda | George Elliot
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Brother-in-law, sister, boyfriend, me #booksonholidays

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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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If you have to work on a Sunday, at least make your breaks count 👌🏻👌🏻

BarbaraBB The view looks good! 7y
Michael_Gee Wow I love this pic! 7y
MrBook Excellent vantage! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Vacation reading! Increasingly disliking the cover to my book. Generally I don't want people on the cover of the book (The Modern Library version of Adam Bede is an exception 😛)

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Evening reads in the park 🙌🏻

BarbaraBB Great photo, great spot! 7y
Jas16 Lovely! 7y
MrBook Beautiful! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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I put down my book for a minute and Suki decides that is WHERE SHE NEEDS TO BE. I have just gotten to the part where we learn about Daniel--could he be more different from Gwendolen? Excited to see how they interact and shape each other.

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Granola ✔️blanket ✔️book ✔️happy evening ✔️

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot

Wow! This was so good! Gwendolen is such a complex, realistic, well written character and you find yourself feeling a full range of emotions as you experience her story - disgust at her selfishness, admiration at her unwillingness to marry just to become known as "Mrs X" and her desire to live her own life, and finally sadness for how she is unable to fulfill her dreams. I know Middlemarch is Eliot's masterpiece, but I enjoyed this much more.

SaraBeagle I also found myself drawing several comparisons (in a good way) to Lily in 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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It is an overcast, chilly day--perfect for staying in bed and reading! 🐱📖🛏

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Switched over to audio to do a little audio Mario 😆

Megabooks That game was so fun!!! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Me and George Eliot heralding the impending weekend. Helloooooo Friday 🙌🏻🙌🏻

mrozzz Where is this picture? 😊 7y
Leannr It's Grafton Street in Dublin, on my way to work at 6am! 😴 7y
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mrozzz It's a lovely street. 🙃 7y
Michael_Gee That cover! 😮 7y
MrBook Beautiful street! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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On this lazy Sunday, I approach the end of part one, "The Spoiled Child." Gwendolen is a great character, and like so many of GE's heroines, idealistic and independent but lulled into thinking great things lie ahead for those born with beauty and charm. It's a trap!

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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My new companion for 735 pages! I ❤️George Eliot

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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I've got one more book until I clear Mt Blanc on #MountTBR and I want to make it one of my #BigBooks. I can't decide which one- what do you guys think?

Gezemice I am partial to Dostoyevsky. 😊 7y
batsy Eliot or Dostoyevsky, as I love some of their other books ☺️ (haven't read these ones yet) 7y
EvieBee Daniel Deronda! 7y
Michael_Gee Eliot!! 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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What do you Littens think of George Eliot? I adore Jane Austen, haven't had much luck with the Brontë sisters and love Oscar Wilde. I love classics in general, and being honest only heard of this title when I saw the BBC adaptation on Netflix! But like the idea of it :)

Ms_T I've not read anything by her before which is why I have Silas Marner on my list of books to read in June. (edited) 7y
BeckyK @Ms_T I'll take a look at it :) I hope you enjoy it! 7y
Minervasbutler I love her. Read this one a long time ago but I remember enjoying it. Middlemarch remains my favourite though. 7y
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BeckyK @Minervasbutler Ahhh another title to look at! Thank you :) 7y
batsy Middlemarch is one of my favourite books. I really need to read the others! 7y
BeckyK @batsy It's on my wish list now :) 7y
Michael_Gee Middlemarch is incredible, but I have loved every book I've read by her. She is wise, very funny, and has a wonderful sense of compassion. Also, you will have amazing conversations with strangers if you read Middlemarch in public! It has touched people. 7y
BeckyK @Cat.snores.and.classics Oh how lovely. Thank you :) 7y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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I don't have a lot of books with #dressesoncovers but I found these in my bookcase! I have yet to read them. Any recommendations from these three? #readjanuary

Lindy I haven't read any of these, but I would pick up George Eliot first. 8y
josie281 Excellent series!! 8y
BookishMarginalia Soulless is very fun! 8y
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candyflossramparts I loved Soulless! I've recommended that series to all types of people, and so far everyone's enjoyed it. 8y
readinginthedark @Lindy I've never actually read George Eliot! My lit grad shame. 😕But I've heard all good things, so maybe this will be the year! 8y
readinginthedark @josie281 @BookishMarginalia @candyflossramparts Good to know! My sister recommended Carriger to me last year, but I just haven't gotten to it yet. 😕 8y
candyflossramparts I know the feeling! I definitely have more books than time. 😕 8y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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Each year I set a goal to read more classics that are difficult but 2016 was the actual year I made it happen by tackling MIDDLEMARCH and ANNA KARENINA. I actually enjoyed them! So going to see if I can read FOUR daunting classics in 2017. My goal is 52 books this year. #readjanuary #bookishresolutions

britt_brooke I need to do both of things, too. 👏🏻 8y
Marchpane Nice! Admirable goals 👍 8y
RanaElizabeth Nice work! Middlemarch and Anna Karenina are huge accomplishments. Love to hear what your classic picks for 2017 might be! 8y
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Moray_Reads Two mammoth books! Do you know what you'll be aiming for this year? 8y
erzascarletbookgasm I'm with you on this :) 8y
Reviewsbylola I finally read AK in 2016, thanks to @SerialReader . Still need to tackle Middlemarch. Someday. 8y
Gulfsidemusing 👏👏👏 8y
EvieBee @britt_brooke I don't know why I feel so guilty reading so many library books when I have a ton here at home. #bookproblems 8y
EvieBee @Marchpane Thank you! 😊 8y
EvieBee @RanaElizabeth Thank you so much, Rana! I've put together at least 10 lists of potentials and I can never decide! THE FOUNTAIN HEAD is one, but so many people are on the fence about it. And it's huge! Sigh. Any recommendations? You name it I probably own it. (edited) 8y
EvieBee @Moray_Reads Yes! I'm thinking that will good planning and sticking to my reading schedule daily I can probably tackle four this year. 8y
EvieBee @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you, Jesse! 🤗 8y
EvieBee @Reviewsbylola Congratulations! It was a bit tough in some areas, right? It worth it. 8y
RanaElizabeth @EvieBee84 I'm actually terrible with classics, have read very few except most of the Russians. I went through a terribly cliched few months where all I read with heavy Russian lit. I'm also a fan of Graham Greene as a later classic and anything by a Bronte. 8y
kspenmoll Ever since college my sister has been trying to get me to read Middlemarch, a favorite. Confession: I shy away from big books with huge amounts of pages... 8y
EvieBee @kspenmoll Me too! Do you know how many regular books I can finish in the time it takes me to read that one?! But that one was so worth it. More so that Anna Karenina in my opinion, which I don't plan on rereading. Gone with the Wind was another one that I had been trying to read since I was 13 but tackled it 6 years ago and now it's a favorite! Big books are VERY challenging, lol. Motivation needed throughout. 8y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot

"At last she succeeded in saying, brokenly - 'I said -- I said -- it should be better -- better with me -- for having known you.'"

I am just going to say it: In the world of 19th century lit shipping, for me, it is Team Daniel + Gwendolen over Jo + Laurie any day.

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot

My favorite George Eliot novel. It isn't perfect, but the character of Gwendolen, and her relationship to Daniel, is so beautifully written. I don't usually cry reading books but definitely cried at multiple points when I read it in college. And definitely watch the BBC adaptation afterwards (complete with Lord Grantham from Downton Abbey as Gwendolen's evil husband)!

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot

“No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.”
― George Eliot, Daniel Deronda

Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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The best literary villain by far is the utterly despicable Henleigh Mallinger Grandcourt -- the bane of Gwendolen Harleth's existence in Eliot's Daniel Deronda.

The fact that he was played by Hugh Bonneville in the BBC adaptation made me suspicious of Lord Grantham well past the point I should have started liking him. #favevillain

Yossarian Note: Despite the illustration, in no point in the novel does Gwendolen shoot him in the head with an arrow -- but it would have certainly been justified. 8y
LeahBergen I'm feeling a BBC adaptation binge coming on... 8y
ValerieAndBooks Thanks for the reminder that this is a classic I want to read someday...adding to the stack! 8y
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Yossarian @LeahBergen This one and Gillian Anderson in Bleak House are two underrated gems. 8y
DeborahSmall I love George Eliot ❤️ 8y
LeahBergen Yeah, Bleak House was great (and so was Gillian Anderson. She brings back the accent for the series, The Fall. Have you seen it?) Any other recs for classic adaptations I may have missed? 8y
Yossarian The only one I can think of that isn't obvious is "The Way We Live Now" from about 10 years ago. Trollope is underrated, and so was this one. 8y
LeahBergen That looks great, too! And David Suchet? You're cutting into my reading time here. 8y
LeahBergen And thank you. I almost forgot my manners in all the excitement. 8y
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Daniel Deronda | George Eliot
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I love Austen, but everything I love her for, I love George Eliot more. For @Liberty 's Fun Friday, my favorite ending is Daniel Deronda, because everyone gets the ending that is best for them, whether it is a happy marriage or something else.

Also, Lord Grantham is the bad guy in the BBC version!

balletbookworm I think my favorite Hugh Bonneville role is Mr Rushworth in Patricia Roszema's Mansfield Park 8y
shawnmooney I read this at university back in the Paleolithic era. Loved it, not sure I could summon up the gumption to read it again but do want to re-read Adam Bede and Middlemarch some day. 8y
LiteraryinPA I remember really liking Middlemarch when I read it, which was probably 15 years ago. But lately I've been much more into recent fiction. There's so much great fiction coming out all the time! 8y
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Blaire Haven't read this or seen bbc version, but love middlemarch. 8y
rynae This is on my TBR. I love Middlemarch so much. 8y
amycollard I love George Eliot!! She is the best. 8y
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