Libro appassionante, un giallo che prende molto e dal finale inaspettato
Libro appassionante, un giallo che prende molto e dal finale inaspettato
A great French read. This book is well written, character development is flawless and it keeps you hooked for the 850+ pages. The only criticism I have is it‘s really long, so I read it over a month while reading other books (but was always happy to return to it).
This is a good book and so well written but it really dipped in the middle. At over 600 pages, this is wayyyy to long for a whodunnit, there‘s only so long you can keep the suspense going. I started to not care. Also the main relationship between the 34yr old writer and a 15yr old girl was gross and the constant references to their great love for each other was too much over so many pages. A very strong ending though.
Mai scontato, modo creativo di inserire dialoghi, flashback e narrazione. Il finale da effetto Matrioska 🤩
How did I like it the first time through? This book is TERRIBLE! A vulnerable child becomes the love of a 30-something would-be writer‘s life but is murdered before they can elope. Zero relatable characters or dialogue and it is at least 200 pages too long. Slog.
Rereading a book I read while in grad school is like reading it for the first time...
“Love, love, always love! But what is love? It doesn‘t mean anything! Love is just a trick invented by men so they don‘t have to do their own laundry!”
Have you read this book? I start reading it tonight, I'm very curious!
My #doublespin book for April was just that. It made my head spin! The main character is trying to solve a 30-year old mystery. But everyone remembers 1975 differently, and he struggles to discover the real, real, real true story. Also using this for my #bookish #memoirsandmysteries pick because the two pivotal characters are authors. Lots of discussion about the writing process.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. My current read is translated from French! Tagged, and it is goooood. 👏🏻
2. I wish ... I am monolingual except for a sprinkling of Spanish. OTOH, I often help my fluently French-speaking granddaughter find books in French. She‘s just a high school senior.
Tagging my #booked2020 cohosts @Cinfhen and @4thhouseontheleft and a few others @kspenmoll @KarenUK @Lizpixie @AJBowers @Blaire
This was a fab book. It had so many twists and turns. Just when you thought you found out, some information comes out and changes the story. I never guessed at all how it turned out!
I moved to Spain and had finished reading what I packed with me, so headed out hoping to find some English books. It was slim pickings so that's how I came across this one. It's intriguing so far and I'm hooked but the absolute dismissal and downplaying of the paedophilia by the narrator is BURNING me up.
This book was incredible! So many plot twists had me all confused 😂😂. I admit to sometimes getting exasperated because I felt it became slow on some parts, but it was a great read. 4⭐️
New audiobook!
@LoveToReadLiveToRead @jhod #whodunituk #lmpbc sent today first class - there's 🍫 in the parcels so I hope it doesn't melt!
Oh my. Words don't do justice here.
How many plot twists and turns? And the ace characters?
The last chapter opens with a quote about how a reader should feel when finishing a book; that's how I'm feeling now. 😣😊😣😊
Next up for me .... #BlameitonLitsy I saw this in one of @CarolynM ‘s posts this week ... loving it so far 👍🏻♥️
The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair - a novel written in French, set in the USA and contains kissing.
#FrenchKissingInTheUSA #WanderingJune
AMAZING! So many suspects, so many wrong directions, great characters. I love this!
It's THAT time of the week! #frideas!!!
I'll start, but do please join in anytime! 🥰🌙
1. It's a tie: GWTW and Adaline
2. Me Before You
3. I guess I'd have to say 11/22/63 by Stephen King. It's not a movie, I know. As a movie, I'd say Twilight: I loved it, but hated the casting choices.
4. It's a tie between Leonardo Di Caprio (dreamy 😍) and Hugh Jackman (c'mon that man can dance, sing, act and play!)
5. The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair
I loved this book. It was captivated me from the start. I couldn't put this book down, I had to know how it all ended. I did figure out one of the characters out as a suspect, but it still surprised me in the end on how it went down.
I would recommend this book for sure if you love mystery.
This was a really good book in a lot of ways, I loved how compelling it was and the town, the range of characters. It‘d absolutely have been a pick if I could get round the narrator just never questioning the ‘great love‘ of a 34 yo and a vulnerable 15 yo. Right to the end it was just ‘but they were in love‘ and it made me want to scream. Harry only fell in love with her cause she was pretty, brought him food and thought he was a celebrity?
I‘m about half way through and enjoying a lot of aspects of it, the writing and the plotting, but when the narrator just DOESN‘T feel icked out by a blatantly paedophile relationship for ten hours it undermines the rest of the plotting and other characters. Maybe this will be explained in the second half but it seems so weird to me now. I also hate passionate love affairs with no real reasons for them to have ever been interested in each other.
"Gli uomini che ammiro di più nella nostra società, Marcus, sono quelli che costruiscono, ponti, grattacieli e imperi. Ma in realtà, i più coraggiosi e ammirevoli sono quelli che riescono a costruire l'amore. Perché non esiste impresa più grande e più difficile."
- La verità sul caso Harry Quebert, Joël Dicker -
Next book from my audible tbr queue. Trying to plough through them all before I buy any more. Had this one for ages, but now there‘s a tv show I‘m worried I won‘t be able to avoid spoilers so I‘m reading it asap!
Okay, so meta fiction-ing the hell out of a book does not make it literary. But ignoring that I absolutely loved this book as you never quite know what will happen yet. Unlikely at times, but populated with a Stella cast of bonkers characters. Funny at times too. Makes some good points about the process of writing and about authorship. The meta parts are a little clunky but seem to work in the context.
Just finished the book, watching the TV series. Marcus is already proving to be pretty insufferable! I am hoping he doesn't put me off watching.
Tuesday night tv: the first two parts of The Harry Quebert Affair, which I haven‘t got around to reading and as this has Patrick Dempsey in it I think it may be a good option...
The reason I chose this as my beach book because 2 years ago I picked this up to take it to the beach and read it in 2 1/2 days! Great read.
I normally am not into Crime Thrillers and have not gone outside my comfortable reading genre for a long time. Let me tell you though this book was incredible and constantly kept you second guessing "who dun it" with this amazing plot twist at the end I am going to recommend to all my friends
Some fantastic books that I neglected to review at the time!
Lila is moving, haunting, and beautiful, because it's by Marilynn's Robinson.
Reservoir 13 is astonishing. Every page feels hand crafted rather than written. Read it!
Lean In is helping me with tenure track negotiations!
TTATHQA is a book within a book- not my kind of thing, but a gripping mystery/whodunnit!
These are books 7-10 of my #52Booksin2018 (maybe. I lost track)
Thank you to @irre for sending me an extra book with the #postlit package this month! (Sorry it took a while to post - I‘ve just caught up with all things Litsy) #graduation
My first book of J. Dicker, was a gift from my father in law, now Joel has become my favorite author.
Love this book
This was somewhere between a pick and a so-so for me, but I always round up 😁 For a large book, this read incredibly fast. I found the melodramatic style to be a lot of fun (larger than life characters, twists on twists) and reminded me of my early love for Mary Higgins Clark. I did have a few problems that kept it from being a full pick (see spoiler comment for more), but overall I enjoyed it!
#FreakyFriday @irre @monalyisha @Clwojick
1. Definitely female.
2. 11
3. Gold
4. My shelves are a jumble of colours!
5. Diana Gabaldon
6. Somerset
That was fun! I always enjoy your quizzes, @Kaye 😁
Farewell, ridiculously comfy hotel reading chair! #itsashame I have to leave you and drive out into the impending ice storm, but the dudes await!
@Cinfhen @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi
I should be folding laundry. I should be tidying the house. I should be packing, because the husband and I are going away for an overnight and the kids are sleeping over at my brother's.
And yet.....
#FreakyFriday @irre @monalyisha @Clwojick
Drizzly, cold days call for the BIG mug of tea. Cracking this #chunkster for my next #FreakyFriday read!
@irre @monalyisha @Clwojick
Good morning fellow Littens! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Curious if anyone is familiar with this book and liked it?
#JaninBooks18 Books with long titles - I finished reading these books in the first week of the year
This thriller was too 'rambly' with predictable plot twists and chapters wasted on red herrings. The narrative style was a redeeming point
Backman's #novella was a fraction of the the thriller's length, yet conveyed so much more with fewer pages.
The narration style keeps me going through this slow-paced whodunit #nowreading #currentread
"Chi osa vince, Marcus. Pensa a questo motto ogni volta che affronti una scelta difficile. Chi osa vince."
- La verità sul caso Herry Quebert
#joeldicker #herryquebert
After finishing this book I really don't know what I should read next.. Maybe something fun and light..
Even thought it was little drawn out I really like it, never would have guessed the ending at all it made the whole book worth it.