A very regal looking sausage accompanying me on my reading journey
A very regal looking sausage accompanying me on my reading journey
I moved to Spain and had finished reading what I packed with me, so headed out hoping to find some English books. It was slim pickings so that's how I came across this one. It's intriguing so far and I'm hooked but the absolute dismissal and downplaying of the paedophilia by the narrator is BURNING me up.
"My name is Jessie and I think it's hilarious that Mum is struggling through a bad book instead of patting me"
I carried this book up a mountain and back today, just so I could read at the top! It follows the functions of women in the masculine-dominated world with stunning honesty and critical clarity. Written in the early 70s, I feel it may have lost a little of its power over the years but nevertheless I'm still enjoying it.
Trying to get ahead of the upcoming uni semester by doing my course readings on holidays
The longer stories in this book showcase exactly why Cheng has won awards for writing; perfectly capturing the fragmented and nuanced existence of modern Australian culture. Unfortunately the shorter stories in this book always left me feeling unsatisfied, seemingly ending right as they got started.