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Flat Broke with Two Goats
Flat Broke with Two Goats: A Memoir | Jennifer McGaha
When life gets your goat, bring in the herd Jennifer McGaha never expected to own a goat named Merle. Or to be setting Merle up on dates and naming his doeling Merlene. She didn't expect to be buying organic yogurt for her chickens. She never thought she would be pulling camouflage carpet off her ceiling or rescuing opossums from her barn and calling it "date night." Most importantly, Jennifer never thought she would only have $4.57 in her bank account. When Jennifer discovered that she and her husband owed back taxesa lot of back taxesher world changed. Now desperate to save money, they foreclosed on their beloved suburban home and moved their family to a one-hundred-year-old cabin in a North Carolina holler. Soon enough, Jennifer's life began to more closely resemble her Appalachian ancestors than her upper-middle-class upbringing. But what started as a last-ditch effort to settle debts became a journey that revealed both the joys and challenges of living close to the land. Told with bold wit, unflinching honesty, and a firm foot in the traditions of Appalachia, Flat Broke with Two Goats blends stories of homesteading with the journey of two people rediscovering the true meaning of home.
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I really liked this book!! Unexpected farm life. Sweet animals. Sad situations. Perseverance. Delicious sounding recipes sprinkled throughout. 😁😁😁

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A Big Read two years ago I never got around to. But no more!

She never compromises on ingredients so this LONG BOOK IS LONG. Ebook is over 600 pages and (even after several sleepless nights) I wasn't making a dent. Unlike so many other reviewers, I don't blame her for being a financial ostrich. But so much caterwauling about her dead gran made me want to pitch her off her waterfall.

I liked the goats. The goats were fun. But I hate waiting.

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Such an annoying book - very woe-is-me and everyone else is to blame for their problems. The author and her husband owe the IRS a huge debt so they go to live in a shack in the mountains of #northcarolina and raise goats (there ends up being about 10 goats so goodness knows where the title comes from!)

#nfnov #wil #whatIlearned Possums do actually ‘play possum‘. Oh and don‘t be such a whinge-bag when you brought it on yourself!


Librarybelle I‘ve heard this one isn‘t that great. Good for you for staying with it...another state down! 5y
Crazeedi I borrowed this but didnt read before I had to return, probably wont be in a hurry to get again. Thanks for review 5y
squirrelbrain I wouldn‘t bother @Crazeedi - very annoying! At least it was free on Libby and a quick read! @Librarybelle 5y
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TrishB 😂 great review 5y
Hooked_on_books Hmm…sounds more like a pan! In good goat news, did you know that the Reagan library used a team of hundreds of goats in the spring to eat back ground cover around the library and this probably saved the library from a recent wildfire? Hooray for goats! 5y
rsteve388 9 pts 3 for TIL, 5 because you finished it and 1 for the post it's self. 5y
squirrelbrain That‘s fab news @Hooked_on_books ! They certainly are good goats! 5y
Crazeedi @Hooked_on_books that is awesome, I've heard of places using goats to clear growth, this is fantastic 5y
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This book is exactly why I try to overpack when I take a few days away and unfortunately on this trip this was my only downloaded recorded book. I would‘ve bailed as a large part of the beginning was about financial problems and a violent husband who tried to kill the author. So-so was a generous rating. While the farming second part of the book was mildly interesting it was largely depressing. Misleading title.

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I read this on audio a few weeks back based on the non recommendation of @britt_brooke 🤣🤣. I can see why other littens haven‘t cared for this one. The marketing and title are a bit misleading. It‘s past the halfway mark when the goats are acquired. Up to that point, it‘s basically a woe-is-me story written by someone that doesn‘t want to take any responsibility for her financial mess. I found that part intriguing as well but the narrator UGH.

RaimeyGallant Ugh was exactly what I was thinking while reading your review! Funny that you ended it with that. :) 5y
britt_brooke 😆 non-recommendation 5y
rretzler This sounds more to me like a real Appalachian experience than JD Vance‘s fake Appalachian experience in Hillbilly Elegy! 🤣 5y
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Megabooks Right, but I think the title Flat Broke probably wouldn‘t have inspired you to try this at all! 5y
Reviewsbylola That was actually the part I was most interested in. 😂 @megabooks 5y
britt_brooke @rretzler 🔥 I hated Hillbilly Elegy so much, I bailed (which I rarely do). 5y
rretzler I didn‘t even read it but have heard enough about it. I live in Ohio - grew up in a small town in the foothills of the Appalachians ( just across the Ohio River from WV) and have family that lives in smaller town Ohio. I now live in the suburbs of Columbus and have been to Middletown (a suburb of Cincinnati) many times. Middletown is NOT a hillbilly town - I think the problem is likely with Vance‘s family than where he‘s from. 🤔 @britt_brooke (edited) 5y
Reviewsbylola See, I liked HE but my stepdaughter‘s maternal family is all from Kentucky and I could really relate to that aspect because it was eerily similar to their family. And I‘m also in the columbus suburbs! (Bexley) @rretzler 5y
Reviewsbylola That said, I don‘t have a ton of knowledge about Appalachia but this book has a much narrower focus than HE so they‘re hard to compare. @rretzler 5y
rretzler Cool! We‘re in Dublin! 5y
Cinfhen I started this on Hoopla but quickly bailed...it wasn‘t working for me 🙄 5y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ If I owed the IRS six figures, I‘d be sipping Natty Light, not trendy Asheville craft brews ... but I digress. I came super close to bailing early on because I wanted to choke these dingbats out, but once McGaha got into the farming bits, it was quite entertaining. She‘s a funny writer with the right subject matter. Overall, this is an okay memoir, but I think it was mismarketed. Also, there are more than 2 goats. 🐐🐐🤷🏼‍♀️🤔

vumblereads I enjoyed the audiobook 😄 5y
britt_brooke @vumblereads I started reading it on my kindle then borrowed the audiobook from my library. I liked audio much better. I usually do with memoir, iIt seems. 5y
Tamra It was hard to relate to - so many of us have been in the poorhouse at one time or another and it didn‘t resemble anything like hers. 5y
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britt_brooke @Tamra Completely agree. 5y
Reviewsbylola Something about this appeals to me. Like really, the husband was an accountant and yet they didn‘t pay taxes. I need to know more. 😆 5y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola It‘s truly ridiculous. I almost don‘t believe it, but it‘s too embarrassing to make up. 😆 5y
Reviewsbylola Yesssssss way more than two goats. Wtf?! 5y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Should‘ve been Flat Broke with Two Dipshits. 5y
Reviewsbylola 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Great day so far! 🎧💪🏻🥵☀️

Finished the tagged book + 45 min upper body lift, a slow 1-mile run, 10 mins on a stairclimber (at the Y), then a bonus 1-mile walk while my boys played at the park (there‘s a path surround the playground equipment). Maybe later, I‘ll find time to do my nails. 🙈

#BFCR2 #teamflow #fightevilreadbooks

wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 5y
julesG Amazing! 5y
britt_brooke @wanderinglynn @julesG Thanks! 💚 I didn‘t work out yesterday so I had a some making up to do. 5y
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Minispok Great job! 5y
britt_brooke @Minispok Thanks! 💚🙌🏻 5y
BookishBelle Alright! Great job! 5y
LauraJ You are a badass! 5y
megnews ❤️ 5y
CocoReads Woohoo! 5y
britt_brooke @BookishBelle Thanks!! 💚🙌🏻 (edited) 5y
britt_brooke @LauraJ That just made my day! Thanks - I wish! Now if I could only control my fork. 🙊 5y
britt_brooke @CocoReads 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Well done! 👏👍 5y
imabusybee 👏🏻👏🏻Sounds ike you stayed busy!! 5y
LibrarianJen You are so amazing! 💖 5y
britt_brooke @LibrarianJen You are so sweet! Now, if I could stop stress eating when my kids are naughty, I‘d be good. 😆😬 5y
britt_brooke @imabusybee 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
LibrarianJen If you figure that out let me know because I have no clue and half the time I want to load up on carbs either pasta, beer or cake. 😳 5y
britt_brooke @LibrarianJen Literally had pasta for dinner .... and now having wine. I‘m so bad. 5y
Reecaspieces Wow! Fantastic! 5y
britt_brooke @Reecaspieces ☺️🙌🏻 5y
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While it's never fun to be forced in the situation, i love stories about people finding their roots in a personal crisis. This little memoir about going broke and going back to nature was more inspirational than I had expected. Making my own cheese and yogurt is now totally on my bucket list.

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Not quite the farming memoir I was expecting but very good nonetheless.

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The author and her husband (an accountant!) owe six figures to the IRS after YEARS of nonpayment. They lose their house, move into a ramshackle cabin, and discover how hard life is when you have neither money nor credit. Sadly, the narrative oozes oblivious privilege and ignores the larger issue of poverty. I would have enjoyed the book more if the author had stuck to the learning-to-farm aspect of her story.




Honest memoir of a riches-to-rags story. Foreclosure, debt, chickens, goats, dogs, and recipes including how to make your own yogurt. Not a cautionary tale by any means, but more of a “we‘re here, what next?” tale of letting go and moving on.

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Liked it, but wow, these people are feckless. How do you not pay federal taxes for 4 years and keep figuring that you‘ll be able to work it out somehow? How do you not notice that your spouse hasn‘t prepared the tax return for 4 years running? I couldn‘t trust a spouse again who did that to me, but the author is nicer than I am, I guess. Anyway. The story of these two roughing it in a barely livable cabin after losing everything is interesting.

Nute Tell it, Girl!!! 6y
azulaco @Nute Oh seriously...and then the idiot husband who got them into this mess is like, “Living in this snake-infested falling-apart cabin with no hot water in the wilderness is the BEST THING EVER! It‘s like Disneyland every day!” Why she didn‘t smack him and leave then and there is a mystery to me. Don‘t get me wrong, the book‘s well-written and interesting to read in a lot of ways, but oh my Lord these people are bad at adulting. 6y
Nute I‘m so intrigued. I must read it....though it sounds like it might be the first book that I throw across the room out of frustration. 6y
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Memoir listened to for Big Library Reads. Fell short. Felt no empathy for her situation because she never took responsibility. The last half of the book was her playing farmer and telling about breeding goats. Chore to get through.

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Digging into this book tonight! I have high hopes for this one. I‘m really into memoirs about homesteading these days.

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I‘m getting tired of variations on the following pattern in this book: “Every animal husbandry book we had read told us not to do ________, but we went ahead and did it anyway. After this bad decision, all did not go well.” I guess the book is supposed to highlight how unprepared they were to be thrown into this rustic lifestyle, but repeatedly ignoring expert advice on a subject they know nothing about is just dumb, and it irritates me.

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I had no idea that goats did this. They talk to their babies in utero, just like people do. Amazing.

bookishkai That‘s really cool! 6y
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I liked it but... there were too many inconsistencies with technology. In the Glass Castle the kids had no choice, in Flat Broke the adults had choices but chose bad ones.

RenePenn This wasn‘t my favorite! I listened to it commuting back and forth to work, otherwise I probably wouldn‘t have finished it 6y
thisbookends I listened as well. 6y
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I actually don‘t know what a “Big Library Read” is, but this popped up on Overdrive and I‘m a sucker for memoirs. The reader was excellent, but her voice didn‘t fit. The author is 2 years younger than me (53), but the reader‘s voice sounds like she may be in her 70‘s. This one is so-so. I was interested in the story, but it did get tiresome. I was even getting tired of the goats 🐐 🐐 at the end.2/5⭐️

echalpan Good point about the narrator. She didn‘t seem like a great fit to me either 6y
Samplergal I bailed. And I usually don‘t bail. 6y
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I started this one last night, and it kept me up late. It‘s well-written enough to almost read like a novel. This is the current Big Library Read, but I think today may be the last day to grab it at unlimited access on Overdrive/Libby. It‘s worth reading in any case. 40-something English prof loses house during Great Recession, is forced into a rustic life in a dilapidated North Carolina cabin while trying to repair marriage and life.

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Is anyone else reading this for the #BigLibraryRead? I‘m really liking it so far! #audiobook

WanderingBookaneer I read it and was expecting more from it. I prefer 6y
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Easy read.

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#BigLibraryRead #memoir this is the first time I‘ve participated.


If you think the solution to being in extreme debt is to take out a loan you can‘t possibly repay, this is your book. (I gave it 30 minutes.)

knittedgnome It didn't really get any better 😒 I had higher expectations for a big library read. 6y
Graywacke @knittedgnome kudos for getting through it. It‘s funny, less than five minutes in, I had stop it and list to myself out loud all the things that were bothering me. All she had done was describe the mail being delivered. 6y
knittedgnome It has 22% here on Litsy. Guess I should have checked that first. 6y
Graywacke @knittedgnome wow, 22% is really low. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I haven‘t seen the slightest bit of love for this book. Who picked it for the Big Read? 6y
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I'm so torn about this book! I think I would have really loved it had it just been about the food, farming and reconnecting to her heritage. All the financial stuff and their extremely poor decisions really didn't sit well. Originally, I felt that Jennifer's character was rather likable and I could understand how they got to this point. After the second half of the book I was put off by her and just done hearing her complain. #BigLibraryRead

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Umm are we serious right now?! I'm in debt, but I'm bored so let's take out more loans! Seriously?! I am just baffled!

Is this why everyone dislikes this title? #BigLibraryRead

RaimeyGallant I have yet to see a good review. 6y
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When did I get so judgmental of people‘s mistakes? Just started this on audio, and all I think about is how irresponsible this family was and how unwilling the author is to see it. Is that even fair of me? Maybe it‘s time to quit.

Crazeedi I have this book downloaded from library, now I'm wondering if worth starting 6y
Graywacke @Crazeedi I‘m seriously thinking of abandoning. 😐 If you‘re studying the mentality of entitlement for the children of the upper-middle class, then I might encourage you to read it. Otherwise, I‘m thinking there are better books. 6y
Smrloomis This got mixed reviews and I think others had similar issues so I‘m probably skipping it personally. Ugh, it sounds terrible when you put it that way! 6y
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Graywacke @Smrloomis ha! Yeah, it does sound pretty bad that way. I guess something about it really bothered me. 6y
RaimeyGallant Why Overdrive? Why? 6y
Graywacke @RaimeyGallant Overdrive has standards? 6y
RaimeyGallant They've just lost the world's trust, so I guess not. 6y
Graywacke @RaimeyGallant that comment sent me googling, but I came up empty. I‘m wondering, what has OverDrive done? (Or, of course, my little brain could be missing something here in translation . ) 6y
RaimeyGallant It's The Big Library read for ebooks on Overdrive this month. No wait lists. Everyone can borrow it at once. 6y
Graywacke @RaimeyGallant ah! I knew it was a big library read, didn‘t know Overdrive selected it. (I always assumed public librarians chose these things) 6y
RaimeyGallant Maybe that is how it works. I'm not sure. Either way, I'm guessing money fuels the decision somehow as it does with some of the larger book clubs. 6y
sloanghost @RaimeyGallant wait, that's a thing?? Also why do you know everything? Lol! 6y
RaimeyGallant @sloanghost The only thing I know for sure is that you are the only person in the world who has ever said that. ;) 6y
Crazeedi @Graywacke thanks for info 6y
Wife I felt a little guilty for being judgmental during this book. I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who questioned the author‘s (and her husband‘s) decision making. 6y
Graywacke @Wife yeah, I want to be sympathetic, but... oye 6y
SqueakyChu So...would this be a good book to recommend to my friend who volunteers in the goat corral at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore? 6y
Graywacke @SqueakyChu Well... I would actually advise your friend against it. (but I never made it to the goats.) 6y
SqueakyChu @Graywacke LOL! Okay. I promise not to tell her about it. 6y
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Started this for the #biglibraryread. Not sure what to think. The story of the move to the cabin is interesting, but the wining about bad decisions is getting on my nerves (I tend to be a bleeding heart, but you gotta pay your taxes.) For now, I‘ll keep going and see what happens. (Picture is of a waterfall near where the book takes place.)

Graywacke I feel the same way, almost exactly. Just started. 6y
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Well, that was a bunch of boomer nonsense.

I only finished this one because I once raised a baby goat named Waylon, (pictured, sleeping on a bench where I worked because he followed me everywhere) which was also the name of a goat in this book.


AmyG Ha! I am doing this without my glasses and thinking...that dog doesn‘t look right. 😜 6y
Gezemice I saw this on Overdrive as The Big Library Read, but everyone seems to be panning it. Not a great advertisement for their program if they pick bad books. 6y
Samplergal @Gezemice I agree. This was a mediocre pick. Perhaps the price was right? But at what cost. I really want this to take off. It could be the beginning of something huge. 6y
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parttimedomestic @Gezemice That‘s the only reason I picked it up, but yeah I may be more judicious with the next one! 6y
parttimedomestic @Samplergal my guess is it was cheap. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
Gezemice @Samplergal @parttimedomestic Yeah, it is a great idea but people need to trust it to take off. 6y
Kaye This must not be very good. Most reviews have been so-so or below. 6y
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Memoirs aren‘t really my cup of tea, but love #biglibraryread

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I'm trying to enjoy this, but it's hard when at every turn I keep shouting to the narrator "You idiot". And I feel a little trapped because now I just want to finish to make sure her kids are okay.
#biglibraryread #memoir

RebL I‘m listening to this book too... 6y
MinDea @hgrjmes have you read this? 6y
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☕️. I‘ve been craving pan dulce, specifically conchas. Probably means I need to go visit my little cousin.
☕️. The book I just finished: self-absorption gets you nowhere.
☕️. 24
☕️. Futurama
☕️. Libra

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Jennifer(the author)& David are a middle class couple out of touch with their bank account & each other. When foreclosure means living in a cabin & sharing space with snakes & mice, Jennifer must decide to stay with her husband of 20 years or run. At times I liked this book as I could relate to her angst over finances & desire to do right by her family; at others the author acted spoiled & entitled. And I learned entirely too much about goat pee.

knittedgnome It was a solid meh from me too. 6y
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Reading this as part of the #biglibraryread. I like it so far but am only a few pages in. The reviews don‘t seem very good though so we‘ll see. I‘m hopeful it‘ll be fun and interesting.

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It was a good story. It just felt a little repetitive at times. The author has definitely had an interesting life.

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I read this because it was a #biglibraryread Parts of it I enjoyed but too much back in forth and not enough goats! Just all over meh.

Tamra It was sort of like a train wreck - couldn‘t look away. 6y
Rissa1 @Tamra YES!!! 6y
Earlene That was my thoughts. 6y
knittedgnome @Tamra @Rissa1 @Earlene glad I'm not the only one! I expected more being library sponsored! 6y
Tamra @knittedgnome yes, very true. I gave it a pick only because I thought the writing was good, but I didn‘t care for her choices or attitude. 6y
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I finished this last night only because I started skimming halfway through. It‘s not that I didn‘t care about the events or the author, it‘s just that they didn‘t interest me and it was really wordy. I‘ll put a spoiler in the comments as to why I gave it a so-so instead of a Pan. #biglibraryread #overdrive #goatsmatotes

LibrarianJen Spoiler: so Jennifer the author does become content and happy with her life at the end. Her crisis and freak outs and flight instincts go away and she learns to adapt. It just takes her a long time to do it. I think having the goats to take care of helped with that. 6y
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I guess based on the title and knowing nothing else going in, I expected this to be a bit more... I don‘t know, whimsical? Instead things just took a pretty dark turn. Definitely not what I expected!

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I found the author to be whiny, immature, and unable to accept responsibility for her and her husband‘s actions for the first half of the book. For some reason though, I stuck with it. I enjoyed learning about her homesteading experience as the story continued. I‘m curious about why/how the library system chose this book for its big read. #BigLibraryRead

RaimeyGallant Me too. 6y
Mrs_Organized_Chaos Completely agree. Between her, “ I am a victim” mentality and constantly talking about her grandparents I was over it. 6y
echalpan @Mrs_Organized_Chaos yes, she chose the luxury of being negligent and blind toward family finances. Those sections frustrated me. 6y
Wife Good review! 6y
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Hmmmmm.. I have some strong opinions on this one. They are not necessarily positive. I don‘t write negative reviews, especially a memoir. Though this book was well written and brutally honest, which is how I like my memoirs. I can‘t help but feel we will see a sequel titled Still Broke With No Goats or Living With our Senior Parents With Goats.

Samplergal I left after first chapter. Made me anxious. I don‘t need that in my life while reading! 6y
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Finally got a few minutes to read and actually eat some sort of breakfast. Hummus toast with tomatoes. I'm still pushing through the #BigLibraryRead Flat Broke With Two Goats. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's any easy read and despite their stupid choices, I'm finding Jennifer somewhat relatable/likable. However, there's something there keeping me from loving it.

lovelyn I just finished that book this weekend and had similar feelings about. 6y
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Anyone else doing the #biglibraryread? I just stumbled across this today. I am fascinated by homesteading and we are going to start a small scale homestead this spring so I am going to have to pause all my other books and read this!

Mrs_Organized_Chaos On the verge of bailing on this book. I don‘t need to hear someone who wants to whine about how things went bad in their life and yet will not take any responsibility. Your broke because you lived a champagne life on a beer budget and chose to look the other way when it was obvious bills were not being paid. 6y
Mrs_Organized_Chaos And now I am going to bail. She had to mention unfriendly pitbulls. (edited) 6y
Mrs_Organized_Chaos It was torture but I finished it. 6y
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I want to like this, but I get crying about life not being fair from my children. I don't want to hear grown woman whine. #biglibraryread

Samplergal I stopped one chapter in. Not for me. 6y
Rissa1 I keep hoping she will take some of the responsibility, but it seems that she is perfectly happy whining and blaming her husband for everything. 6y
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I'm not entirely into this book so far but this section right here hit me hard. It brought up so many emotions from my own Grandmother's passing. The quiet moments of labored breaths. Having us come over there but not wanting us there at the same time. #BigLibraryRead

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I hadn‘t heard of this one before but decided to give it a try because it‘s the #BigLibraryRead this month. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Usually I like memoirs about people starting a new life with a stronger connection to animals and the natural world, and the relation of experiences during the recession had promise, but I was just bored from the beginning. I made it a little ways in and then switched to something else.

17 hrs, 30 min toward #25inFive

hgrimes I love farm memoirs, especially when they involve goats! Thanks for the warning - I‘ll skip this one! 6y
Jprglisa I was not a fan either. I was surprised this one made it to such a big book club choice. It was not well written or particularly inspiring. 6y
readinginthedark @hgrimes @Jprglisa 👍🏻 Yeah, I don‘t know why it was chosen! Maybe they felt like it was unique because of the commentary on the recession, a relevant topic to a variety of modern readers? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
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Andrew65 Thanks for the review @readinginthedark and the comments @hgrimes and @Jprglisa , I was tempted too but think I will avoid too now. 👍. Well done on the reading total! 6y
Suet624 Oh. Good to know. I was considering listening to it. Not anymore. 6y
readinginthedark @Andrew65 @Suet624 👍🏻Happy to help! 6y
readinginthedark @hgrimes @Jprglisa @Andrew65 @Suet624 I enjoyed The Mindful Carnivore and am currently reading Notes from the Hill. Neither of them are about farming, but they both have that homesteading/reconnecting to nature thing going on. 6y
Suet624 @readinginthedark thanks. Stacked the one you tagged. 6y
hgrimes @readinginthedark Thank you!! Added to my TBR! 6y
readinginthedark @Suet624 @hgrimes 😊Hope you like it! 6y
Jprglisa @readinginthedark I was following the discussion on the online board and the moderators said that it‘s an email vote? A would say it was about 50/50 people who love it versus people who hate it. I‘ve joined the newsletter so maybe it‘ll be better next time? 6y
readinginthedark @Jprglisa Interesting! I subscribe to those emails, but I get so many all the time, there‘s a good chance I just missed it. 6y
jillannjohn I was considering this. Thanks for the warning! 6y
readinginthedark @jillannjohn 👍🏻Some people liked this, so don‘t take my word as gospel. I just think there are more interesting books in similar topics. 6y
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Thanks to @CrowCAH for this suggestion. Up next for my #audiobook #litsyatoz

CrowCAH And don‘t forget the current #BigLibraryRead book choice! 6y
Snow If you tag this #biglibraryread you could win a kobo 👍 (https://biglibraryread.com/) 6y
Lmstraubie @Snow Thank you for the heads up! An added bonus 🙂 #biglibraryread 6y
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rubyslippersreads @Snow I guess that's because the same company owns Overdrive and Kobo. 😄 6y
Snow @Lmstraubie you're welcome! And good luck 😊 6y
Andrew65 I‘m tempted by this one. 6y
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