Love that my daughter loves to read.
Love that my daughter loves to read.
4 ⭐This is a fun Middle grade title that was chosen as an Illinois Reads title a few years ago. It‘s all about kids‘ imagination. They don‘t need fancy toys or video games; they just need some cardboard and some friends. This book works quite well and there‘s more than one volume. Perfect for elementary and middle grade leaders.
I wish I‘d had friends like this as a child.
Everyone should have friends like this as a child.
Creativity. Camaraderie. 💕
This is an all out amazing book with kids being themselves with there creativity and there inspiration form either people from tv or people that they love. The superhero‘s these characters created are all out fun and cool for how they used cardboard or just an outfit for fine details.
@Kenyazero thanks for the tag! I read a lot of comics and graphic novels, especially for kids and teens, but I think this collection of short stories is my favorite. A group of diverse neighborhood kids invent alter egos/personas and build elaborate costumes in their own Cardboard Kingdom for the summer. Plus, there‘s a sequel due out this year! #comiccomfort
Adorable juvenile graphic novel about neighborhood kids having fun over the summer. They make amazing costumes out of cardboard. 4⭐️ book 32
A pick minus for me. Pros: diverse (in so many aspects), most kids should find someone to relate to, cool idea about a whole neighborhood spending a summer in their fantasy world. Cons: vignettes that can feel disjunct, and some sections are stronger than others; I didn‘t care for the bully‘s story. It felt forced. Still a good read.
Third done for #SummersEndReadathon #24B4Monday
@Clwojick @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid
I love it when kids' books do things like this. A boy playing a sorceress? Cool, whatever, let's play! ❤
Fantastic afternoon with author Chad Sell who visited our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classrooms with his Eisner Award nominated The Cardboard Kingdom. Great presentation on the book, characters, process, and to finish up, some drawing. The kids were so into it, you could hear a pin drop. So many great questions too. Such an inspiration and a joy to bring authors and young readers together. A great start to the week.
Started and finished this book last night and it‘s all I wish Graphic novels to be! Stories of Inclusion and friendship, interesting and storyline that hooks the reader, and illustrations are magical. #Summer19BluebonnetNominee Of #SummerReadin 1️⃣
Adorable art, diverse characters, and world created by cardboard boxes. This graphic novel is kid-friendly and has a great way of dealing with some tough issues that kids run across everywhere. My only complaint is that there are 10 co-writers, and some stories are better done than others.
A short, creative graphic novel that made for a good break from my normal reads. Besides it was about time I got it returned to the friend that loaned it to me. I like how unique the characters are and the way the neighborhood kids came together. If you ever played pretend as a kid this book will take you back to that. #graphicnovel #childrenslit #teachersoflitsy #vhsreads #viloniareads
The hardest part of finishing one book is not being sure what to read next. I left my next TBR book at school so for tonight I will make a quick read of this graphic novel my friend loaned me. #viloniareads #vhsreads #graphicnovels #tbr
This was such a lovely book. Every character had something that made them feel different or “less than”. But the beauty of Cardboard Kingdom was that it took those differences to show how they made the kids stronger and unique. I really enjoyed it and it has now disappeared into my son‘s room. 😊
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ All the stars and all the love for this middle grade graphic novel. If you are a fan of these type of books run, don't walk to the nearest library/bookstore and read it. Full of heart, charm and nostalgia these 16 kids turn their neighborhood into a cardboard kingdom filled with diverse super heroes.
Full of imagination, Chad Sells works with 10 other authors in his #GraphicNovel The Cardboard Kingsom https://wowlit.org/blog/2019/01/01/wow-recommends-the-cardboard-kingdom/ . 16 kids come together in a make-believe world where they gain confidence resolving conflicts and challenging gender norms. Our #WOWRecommends book of the month is sure to inspire creativity.
One thing parents & kids can agree on is the magical properties of a cardboard box. This book celebrates cardboard boxes in all their glory, lazy & adventurous summer days, the power of imagination, the value & importance of inclusion & acceptance, & the joys of friendship. A wonderful celebration of childhood, with all its ups & downs, knowing who you are & finding your way in the world. A fun MG read that is a welcome addition to the library.
Making friends through reading books! 😀😀😀 #charactersreading
I had to borrow this book from another library, since our copy‘s been out since I bought it, and now I‘m thinking I‘ll need a copy for my personal collection too. This kids‘ #graphicnovel collects the stories of an entire neighborhood home for the summer, inventing characters and reinventing themselves as they build a cardboard kingdom. Diverse and inclusive and imaginative, it lightly touches on #lgbt themes too. All the ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ here! #kidlit
I loved this book I got from the library so much that I bought my own copy yesterday! Has anyone else done that?
To say I enjoyed this book would be a serious understatement. I adored it!!! Everything about it was precious...kids who all live in the same neighborhood start creating their own characters and costumes made out of cardboard. As the book progresses, new kids/characters join the Cardboard Kingdom. In addition, it also touches the surface of some issues like sexual orientation, gender, divorce, gender roles, etc. Absolutely LOVED it ❤️
cardboard boxes📦 imagination, and friendships!
A graphic novel filled with imaginative play and summer adventures! A neighborhood of kids transform their block into a cardboard kingdom! Love the diverse neighborhood and that everyone is welcome in the cardboard kingdom. I want to hand this novel off to every kid!
What a creative and fun collection of graphic stories! This book is an ode to summer, imaginative play in a diverse neighborhood and the power of kids to build a world all their own. Fun, funny, and occasionally touching, I want to hand this to every kid.