Read in February! #readingstats #readin2019 Favorites: New Kid by Jerry Craft and The Perfect Predator.
Read in February! #readingstats #readin2019 Favorites: New Kid by Jerry Craft and The Perfect Predator.
Read in January! Favorites: Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo and You Are Enough by Jen Petro-Roy.
I haven‘t been on Litsy too much lately! Hello! #readin2019 #readingstats
Started this one and LOVE IT. I know what I‘m doing tonight (probably finishing this). Out in Feb!
Chores this morning! 😝 Good thing I‘ve got a stellar audiobook!
Ooh my holds came in! 😍 #librarylife
The view from here! I love my Kindle Paperwhite because I can read by the light of the 🎄 😊
Loved the first two thirds of this book, which were Annie Spence‘s letters to books she‘s read or encountered. Fun and funny! The last third is annotated lists of book recommendations which I could have lived without (especially on audio), but I‘m sure some readers will dig them. Would recommend this to librarians and book nerds!
I really enjoyed this prequel to Anne of Green Gables that imagines Marilla Cuthbert‘s teen and young adult years. Not sure it‘s how I would have imagined it, but it hit the spot for a historical #audiobook novel for November.
Loving this audiobook! I kept adding extra loops to my morning walk so I could keep listening!
A fun retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in modern Pakistan. Hand this to P&P fans and fans of multicultural romance. Out in January!
Our power‘s our from an ice storm but look what came in the mail today! 😍 Has anyone read it yet???
The most in-depth discussion my #bookclub has had was a Jodi Picoult and we‘re doing this one next month. I know it‘ll be a lively discussion, too! Set during a hostage shooting at an abortion clinic, this issue-driven novel explores pro-life and pro-choice from a variety of points of view.
Living the dream! Rereading this for #bookclub in a couple weeks! #hammockreading #outside #fallreading
Did not want to get off the couch last night, but a beautiful evening and a great audiobook helped! #audiobook
A treat in my reading chair. This is delightful!
Went to visit these gorgeous trees in my neighborhood on my walk this morning. Listening to an audiobook, of course! I can see why this middle grade novel is popular - it‘s action-packed and a good introduction to refugee situations from different countries and times. #audiobook #walking #middlegrade
Excited it‘s finally leggings season and excited to start this book. I loved her book THE POISONER‘S HANDBOOK.
Spent some quality time with #Frankenstein this morning, getting ready for our One State One Story book discussions later this month! Confession: I thought it was boring the first time, BUT I have been fascinated on the reread. 😮🤗😱 #onestateonestory #indianahumanities #itsalive
Really enjoying this memoir in verse by Jo Ann Allen Boyce who integrated the high school in Clinton, TN in 1956. Great verse and includes headlines, clips from court docs, etc for a kind of documentary feel. Comes out in January, put it on your radar! #yalit #verse #amreading #bloomsburykids #howiereads
Yessssss look at what is in my hot little hand!
This #audiobook was great company on a couple of work road trips this week. Read by LeVar Burton for a true melding of childhood media loves to many 80s kids! Fascinating and moving. #biography
#readin2018 I‘ve been so lax about looking back each month on what I‘ve read and I really want to get into it again! I read more than I thought this month, actually!
Just a rainy night with some poetry. WORTH picking up if you like poetry (even if you, like me, aren‘t always certain you understand it). #poetry
My current library pile (PART of it). Howie and I will whittle it down this weekend. #howiereads #libraryhaul #weekendreading
Waited until fall to start this summer read for my #bookclub. Breakfast from a local bakery. Perfect Saturday morning!
New niece‘s first book! (The wine was for me. 😂)
This finally came in and it‘s just as great as I hoped it would be! Dropping everything to read!
Howie and I are HERE for new Brandy Colbert. 🙌🏻 #yalit #weneeddiversebooks #wndb #ownvoices #howiereads
Tried the peasant bread master recipe today and it turned out great! Would recommend for very novice bakers like myself. Can‘t wait to experiment!
I‘ve just really been wanting to reread this childhood favorite but I apparently don‘t have a copy! So I fixed that. ☺️
This book was well loved and provoked much discussion at #bookclub last night. We talked about power in relationships, religion, medicine, and more. Plus, it is a riveting true story. Would highly recommend!
Gail Jarrow, I love you so. This is a fantastic and timely account of the 1938 radio dramatization of The War of the Worlds that sparked panic in many listeners. Hand this to anyone concerned about “fake news” or anyone who rolls their eyes upon hearing that phrase. #nonfiction #yalit
Having a great audiobook improves my life so much! I have more energy for exercising, cleaning, and running errands so I can listen! (I am enjoying SICK more than I thought I would. Memoirs make great audiobooks and the narrator does a great job.) #memoir #medical #audiobook
MOAR EPIC #BOOKMAIL TODAY! Miracle Submarine is out in April and when I read the plot synopsis I had to have it! The Yoo Family run a hyperbaric oxygen tank (the Miracle Submarine) to cure all kinds of ailments, but when it explodes foul play is suspected. 😱😳😱😳 I know what I‘m doing toniiiiight... PS: Look at that gorgeous cover! 👀😍
Spent most of the day in bed finishing up this beauty. Fans of The Handmaid‘s Tale are going to love it! In a near future America, women are limited to speaking 100 words a day. 🤭😳😱😡
Have you guys ever used the Book Club app?? I just downloaded it and think it will be great for my #bookclub!
Saturday book & breakfast! True confession: the first time I tried to take this pic my Kindle fell right in the cream cheese. 😳😱 #currentlyreading
Curled up with a cat and a soft blanket looking at cookbooks on a Saturday morning. 😍📚😋 #howiereads
Just bawled my eyes out over this audiobook is all. 😭😭😭 Anthony Ray Hinton spent 30 years on Death Row for a crime he didn‘t commit before he was exonerated in 2015. What a powerful story; this is a must-read for everyone, but especially anyone who read his lawyer‘s book Just Mercy.