This is a somewhat good book because in the Beginning I say it as a cool book with potential but then it did a full turn on me for the story. It is still a good book but not one of my favourites
This is a somewhat good book because in the Beginning I say it as a cool book with potential but then it did a full turn on me for the story. It is still a good book but not one of my favourites
The bread winner was a good but for me confusing at some parts in the story the way the characters react to stuff and the way you can see there expressions and read them like a normal face is outstanding
This book is so good but for me I feel like book two had more storyline and more reasons for it to keep going
It‘s a good book but is packed with jokes but so much that it gets annoying and it really doesn‘t have much lines that doesn‘t feel like he is just saying what is happening instead of what he is thinking
This is an all out amazing book with kids being themselves with there creativity and there inspiration form either people from tv or people that they love. The superhero‘s these characters created are all out fun and cool for how they used cardboard or just an outfit for fine details.
This is the final post I‘ll be doing for this book about dogs who fought in the war. This one was personally my favourite this is about Sheba. Sheba was in the Vietnam war and was never far away from her owner. The owner keeps having flashbacks of the war and wishes he can see his dog again because after the war dogs are considered equipment for the government. So he now has to live alone teaching a new dog tricks making him think it‘s Sheba.
I‘m making three post about each dog in the wars. This one is about Loki. Loki is a mean dog to everyone else but one person her trainer and partner in World War Two. He is a fast brutal smart canine that keeps his own alive against the Germans. Loki saved two comrades and killed 10 Germans that tried to get near his friends and family‘s
I‘m making three post about each story and the amazing dog in it. This one is about boots he was a dog in World War One and he never left his owners side. Boots could get low so not much people can see him sniff the bodies of people and he can tell if there dead or alive. The dog couldn‘t making anyone in the war more happy because this dog is a hero
This book is making me feel like the person you want may be not the person you need and the friend that‘s next to you through all of the tough times is the one you want
This book is good but not the best because it‘s a nice storyline and artwork but for me it felt like I was wondering off in my mind
This was an extremely addicting but a little harsh book with the character feeling like his family is more broken the glass after a 200 foot drop there‘s rarely a book that would be higher one my favourites then this one
For this book I couldn‘t tell if I liked it or disliked it because it was a nice story but sometimes it was something completely random. It was a quick read and that might be because of not having ideas for the storyline
This is a fiction book that has cats as the characters but each cat has its own story to go along with it that is unique in its own way and each time I see the next cat I just can‘t help to live the art for that character so far I‘ve just finish thunderclans cats and now I‘m on to the shadow clan
This is a spectacular book thats a fun easy read that left me lost in the words. The main character happyface is such a weird goofy nice guy even though he has it really bad at home. his crush Gretchen Is the popular party girl that disobeys her parents but has fun in life. The title for the book is made to seem like a fake face that makes him seem all happy when his life is at the bottom of the pit
This is and amazing book about a kid trying to get his feelings out to his only friend (Chloe) but his family embarrassed him and now he won‘t talk to Chloe now he has met some new people and some girls.
This book is amazing and has beautiful art in it . It‘s a sequel to the nameless city but even though it‘s a sequel it‘s still a really nice short read.
This is a amazing book about a lost city in a mountain that no one could name. A boy is training to become a warrior and meets a girl that teaches him ways to run jump and survive. This is a amazing book that I would hope you read to
This is a amazing book with beautiful artwork and a amazing story about a newsboy that is actually a girl and she meets a man that‘s really good at inventing even making a robot.
This is a extremely good book for people who don‘t like to read there are 5 girls that a lumberjanes and they go on a adventure that leads them to the brink of death
This is the second book of giants beware this one they take in the dragon that are her fathers best sword and his arms
This is a amazing book for beginning reading it‘s nice story is amazing and I would give this book a 8/10