#IdiomInsight #DimeADozen
I honestly just bought it for its title 😂
#IdiomInsight #DimeADozen
I honestly just bought it for its title 😂
My trip to the #bookstore today was a strange one. I don't know who arranged these books like this but there are a bunch of them.🆘 I couldn't help but giggle.😂
Oh, and there was a teenage couple sitting on the floor untangling a ball of yarn debating the origins of a candle lit church service. 🔥 I think I fell into the upside down except without all the slime! 😄
Ever feel like you walked into a place at an odd time?
This was an interesting read about classifying and managing assholes. It wasn't quite as good as I hoped, but still worth reading.
It's a beautiful day to read this theory 📖😜☀ #IloveLA #whatswinter
I purposely saved the review of this gem (a very readable and useful book) for today. Themed reading, as one of the examples in the book is none other than the new US president 😂 (The book was written in 2012 so doesn't actually refer to his campaign.)
And then there are the days when even books aren't a refuge. I don't really know what to do with this news. Stop buying books published by Simon & Schuster?
What say you, o readers of Litsy?
http://thecut.io/2imjFLL 😡
Down the Rabbit Hole
@KimG - I'm making sentences with your book titles! #onlynerdsdothis
My sister told me this print looks like messy bookshelves, so I bought it but now I'm just seeing ink splots. Thoughts?
I really loved the first half of this. I wish I'd skipped the chapter on "Asshole Capitalism," as it was a bit dry, but overall I thought this was both funny and thoughtful.
"We first seek neither the 'royal asshole,' who is distinguished even among assholes, nor the 'borderline asshole," whose status as an asshole is not entirely clear. We want to identify the mean asshole between these extremes: your normal, everyday asshole."
This book was alright. Mediocre. Interesting enough that I finished it, but not something I'd do again. There was less humor than I was expecting. The language was academic and could be difficult to comprehend for some readers. Definitely not a light read by any means.
It is an interesting question whether assholes ever wholly transform, or whether being an asshole is more like being an alcoholic: one is always gratefully in recovery and never finally cured.
More likely, the thought of doing things differently just didn't occur to him. He went in the direction of defensiveness instead of personal growth mainly because this seemed to work out pretty well for him. He mostly got what he wanted out of this.
If good society could have this dampening influence, it would seem that nurture, not nature, is doing the casual work when a society lets assholes run wild.
To take someone to be an asshole is to make a moral claim about when a person's sense of entitlement exceeds what morality justifies.
If one is special on one's birthday, the asshole's birthday comes every day.
"Certain styles of capitalism are inherently pretty be to decline or, more specifically, to degrade, due to the proliferation of assholes. Asshole capitalism, as we hereby define the term, is the name of this kind of unstable social system"
Def offers some interesting insights to the insufferable jerks in my life 😜