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Man Booker Prize
Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Man Booker Prize for Fiction, also known in short as the Booker Prize, is a literary prize awarded each year for the best original full-length novel, written in the English language, by a citizen of either the Commonwealth of Nations, Ireland, or Zimbabwe. The winner of the Booker Prize is generally assured of international renown and success and, for this reason, the prize is of great significance for the book trade. It is also a mark of distinction for authors to be nominated for the Booker longlist or selected for inclusion in the shortlist.
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The #internationalbooker longlist has been announced today. I only read two so far, Kairos and The Details.
I feel a bit overwhelmed (not to say stressed) about all the books I want to read, with #LitsyToB24 and the #womenprize calling for my attention too!

Oh and my fulltime job 😂

Any recommendations of this longlist are very welcome!

TheKidUpstairs I, too, am feeling the overwhelm! I haven't read any of these but I'm very interested in The House on Via Gemito, because I've enjoyed Starnone's writing in the past. 3mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs That‘s one I‘ll definitely read too for similar reasons. And there‘s a Dutch one among them which I hadn‘t heard of but will read soon too. 3mo
BookWrym Looking to attempt reading some of these at least. Have requested what I can from the Library let‘s see what turns up and how it goes. For some reason Crooked Plow is calling to me I have no idea why. (edited) 3mo
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Bookwormjillk If only someone would pay us to read 3mo
BarbaraBB @Bookwormjillk If only 😉 3mo
BarbaraBB @BookWrym that one appeals to me too! 3mo
Hooked_on_books Well, you could always quit the job and just read. 😉 3mo
vlwelser I'm going to forget I saw this and keep working on all of the other lists. 3mo
BarbaraBB @vlwelser 😂😂 3mo
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books Imagine 😍😍 3mo
Ruthiella Read only the short ones! 😆 3mo
Graywacke Also overwhelmed. I want to read them all, and I can‘t decide on just one to start with. 3mo
BarbaraBB @Graywacke Have you read any? 3mo
Graywacke @BarbaraBB no. All new to me. 3mo
sarahbarnes I know, that pesky job! 😂 I‘ve only read Kairos and have a copy of Crooked Plow. I‘m interested in many of these, too. Would you recommend The Details? 3mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes Not really to be honest. I am curious about Crooked Plow. I hope you‘ll read it soon so I can decide whether to read it 😉 3mo
sarahbarnes I think I‘m going to read it next since I have it! 😊 I just finished Hard Girls last night. I wanted to like it much more than I did. 3mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes Me too!! I had so looked forward to it, him being J Robert Lennon, but it turned out to be nothing special! 3mo
TheKidUpstairs Now that I've had time to look into them further, these are the ones going on my TBR: The House on Via Gemito, White Nights, Crooked Plow, The Silver Bone, Lost on Me. Only The Silver Bone is available from my local libraries right now, so I'll start there and see which (if any) I can get to! But I've got so many Women's Prize ones piled up at home, and The Postcard has derailed all my reading plans - I can't put it down! 3mo
Readerann 😩 📚 📚 📚 📚 3mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs Thanks so much for sharing your ideas. That means a lot. I still need to do my research 😀. The Postcard is fantastic and the WP longlist too - so far! 3mo
Suet624 I‘m exceedingly overwhelmed. Giving myself a break as I am dealing with shingles and post election data work. 3mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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My #Bookerdozen : it was embarrassing how few of all those books I‘ve even heard of. But I still had to pare it down! Not necessarily the absolute best books, but the ones I enjoyed the most.

BarbaraBB Some great ones you chose 💕 4mo
TheKidUpstairs LOVE Cat's Eye. But I only let myself choose one Atwood for my list :) 4mo
Singout @TheKidUpstairs lol I deliberately chose the underdog 4mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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My #Bookerdozen. I have no idea if any won or which were shortlisted. I tend to read the long list and then it drops off my radar until the winner is announced. I will definitely pick up a book if it‘s got one of those gold Booker Prize labels on it, though.

Suet624 I grab Booker books whenever I run across them too. 4mo
vivastory Excellent list! I saw George Saunders read just a week or so after he had won the Booker & to this day it remains one of the greatest live events I have ever attended. He could have easily just been on stage for 45-50 minutes & the crowd would have been thrilled, but the whole event lasted for almost 3 hours. He was phenomenal. 4mo
sarahbarnes A few of these are definitely on my TBR! 4mo
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Ruthiella I also ummed and awwed over Johnathon Strange and Mr. Norel. Such a fantastic book! 4mo
Aimeesue @Suet624 Booker, Virago, NYRB, Persephone. . . There are a few awards and imprints that I swear by! 4mo
Aimeesue @vivastory I‘m jealous! He‘s in DC pretty frequently, but I‘ve never been able to catch him in person. He‘s one of my favorite authors, Top 10 for sure. I also love this one (it‘s ridiculous, but with heart) which I reread just this week 4mo
Aimeesue @sarahbarnes Yay! I Hope you enjoy them! 4mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella It‘s that Gentleman With the Dandelion Hair, to be honest. 4mo
vivastory Yes! That one is great. It really sticks with you too, for such as small book. I read it years ago & still have a vivid memory of reading it 4mo
Aimeesue @vivastory Sticks with you! Hahahaha! It does, in many ways! 😂 4mo
Tamra Lincoln in the Bardo! ❤️❤️ The audio book is my best listening experience. (edited) 4mo
Centique Moon Tiger and Blind Assassin and Narrow Road and Lincoln in the Bardo - were all close calls for my list as well 😍 4mo
BarbaraBB Great list! I loved The Claremont and The Bookshop (they were close calls for me) and I now want to read The Dress Maker! 4mo
Liz_M Ooooh 😍The Remains of the Day 😍 4mo
Aimeesue @Tamra Such a phenomenal audiobook! 4mo
Aimeesue @Centique It was really hard to pick! 4mo
Aimeesue @BarbaraBB I love Bainbridge - she‘s so dark 🖤 4mo
Aimeesue @Liz_M Stevens! 😭 4mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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My LT shows that I read 230 books that were longlisted, shortlisted or won the Booker prize. Of those I have 20 books rated with 5 ⭐️, so I had to kill some darlings to create this #bookerdozen 😀. This is the result. Great idea, Scott!

Titles below ⬇️

BarbaraBB Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day
Roddy Doyle: Paddy Clarke ha ha ha
Elizabeth Strout: My name is Lucy Barton
Eleanor Catton: The Luminaries
Keri Hulme: The Bone People
Jon McGregor: If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things
Kamila Shamsie: Home Fire
Niall Williams: History of the Rain
Arundhati Roy: The God of Small Things
Tan Twan Eng: The Garden of Evening Mists
Salman Rushdie: Satanic Verses
Rachel Seiffert: The Dark Room
TheBookHippie Rushdie I‘ve read everything he‘s written I couldn‘t pick it‘d be like picking the favorite child 😂😅. Great list!! 4mo
BarbaraBB @TheBookHippie I haven‘t read all but many by him yet this one (and Midnights Children) always stood out for me 💕 4mo
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TheBookHippie @BarbaraBB Midnight‘s Children if was made to pick 😂😅 would be top. 4mo
TheKidUpstairs Great list, I had to kill some darlings, too. Paddy Clarke was on my original list, but I had to let it go. Looking at everyone's lists, I think this is the year I have to read 4mo
Ruthiella I also wanted to add Lucy Barton to my list! It‘s so hard to choose. Similar to @TheKidUpstairs ‘s comment, I clearly need to read 4mo
vivastory Not familiar with either The Dark Room or The Garden of Evening Mists. Fantastic list, Barbara! Will definitely be looking into some of these! (edited) 4mo
Suet624 So many good reads. Each one so distinctive and soooo good. 4mo
sarahbarnes So many good ones here, and some to add to my list! 4mo
Singout The Bone People is one of my all time faves. 4mo
Centique Wow! 230! I had only read about 55 and i still found it difficult! We have 5 the same and im going to have to get to the ones here i havent read 😍 4mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs You definitely should read it! I read it a very long time ago but still remember it. 4mo
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella That‘s such a wonderful book, I hope you will! 4mo
BarbaraBB @Centique I noticed that too, which is a lot out of twelve! ❤️ 4mo
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I realized that too as well as that the Booker absolutely added a lot to my reading life! 4mo
BarbaraBB @vivastory The Dark Room is a short story collection. One of them I‘ll never forget. The Garden of Evening Mist is fantastic as well, obviously, since 12 is so few! 4mo
BarbaraBB @Singout I read it so long ago, yet it stuck with me for all those years 💔 I am thinking of rereading it. 4mo
Singout @BarbaraBB Same! I read it in 1995. What exactly is the Booker Dozen? 4mo
BarbaraBB @Singout It is something @vivastory came up with. Just post your 12 favorite Booker books (winners, shortlisted, longlisted) and add the hashtag #bookerdozen so we can all compare our various all time favorite Booker nominated books! 4mo
Liz_M OOooh, 😍If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things 😍 4mo
BarbaraBB @Liz_M Did you love that one too? It has got way too little love imo! 4mo
BarbaraBB @Liz_M Are you going to show your 12 Booker favorites? Can‘t wait to see them! 4mo
AnneCecilie I loved Jon McGregor‘s Reservoir 13 when it came out a few years ago, so have put myself on the list at the library for If Nobody Speaks 4mo
BarbaraBB @AnneCecilie That‘s great! I hope you‘ll love it too. I‘ll look out for your review 💕 4mo
Liz_M @BarbaraBB where did you get your list of 230 Booker books? I don't have many tagged, so it'll be a while for me to compare what I've read to the boiler list(s) 4mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Booker Shortlist is just announced and I have no idea how I feel about this list.

The only book I read and enjoyed didn‘t make it (The House of Doors).

But the book I DNF (This Other Eden) and a book I have no idea how I feel about (Western Lane) made it.

And the book no one seems to like (Obedience) made it.

I have seen a lot of positive reviews for Prophet Song, so maybe I‘ll give that a try?

Do you have any thoughts?

charl08 😭😭😭😭 8mo
squirrelbrain The first 3 on the list were my least favourites of the whole list. 😬 I‘d give Prophet Song a go, although I didn‘t like the ending. I‘d highly recommend Bird-Hearts though. It was my favourite, closely followed by House of Doors. 8mo
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Gissy I have watching some youtubers reactions of this shortlist. @Suposedlyfun (Greg) commented that those authors have never been in the short list before. An element to think if it was deliberately considered🤷🏽‍♀️ @Eric Carl Anderson also surprised with this short list. Both of them agree that The Prophet Song has good comments. Maybe I read that one and the book you mentioned it sounds interesting to me. 8mo
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB The library has now gotten both Bird-Hearts and Prophet Song, so I‘m on the waitlist for both. 8mo
AnneCecilie @Gissy I haven‘t seen Eric‘s reaction video yet, but I‘m looking forward to it. He‘s always so thoughtful in his responses. 8mo
Gissy @AnneCecilie Yes, he is. 8mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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So disappointed by the #Booker23 shortlist. But of course I could have expected this to be the shortlist.
Yes I liked most of them. But it‘s getting so predictable. Please read Little Birds Hearts and The House of Doors nevertheless!

squirrelbrain I agree @BarbaraBB - only two that I actually liked on there! (Although I said that I thought Study, Western Lane and Eden would make it as they are #bookerybooks). And I agree with you re House of Doors and Bird-Hearts - those are two that I‘m really happy to have read. 8mo
Cinfhen Ugh - I‘m not surprised but it‘s sooooo disappointing although I found the longlist pretty unappealing 8mo
TheKidUpstairs Hmm... of course my three least favourites were all shortlisted 🤦‍♀️ 8mo
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Cinfhen I‘ve ordered and I‘m waiting for my copy of 8mo
Cinfhen And I‘ll probably read Bee Sting when it becomes available 8mo
Deblovestoread Can‘t believe 3 of the 6 I read are on the short list…they were ok but not great in my opinion…Western Lane, Eden and Survive you. Most excited for the two you mentioned just waiting on copies and have Bee Sting on shelf. 8mo
squirrelbrain Yep @TheKidUpstairs - my 3 least favourites are here too, but I did think they‘d make the list anyway. 🙄 It‘s always the way with books I dislike! 8mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen It‘s annoying right, how we all knew Obedience and Eden would be on it. And If I Survive You and Western Lane aren‘t that special either. Well.. 8mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I think the Escoffery baffles me the most - it was just so forgettable, very meh. At least Obedience provoked a reaction in me! 8mo
vlwelser Well that's unexpected. I loved House of Doors. If I Survive You is so blah. 8mo
sarahbarnes Those are the two I still plan to read, even though they aren‘t on the shortlist. I‘m disappointed by this, too. 8mo
Suet624 I was so surprised by the selection 8mo
Megabooks Thanks for the recs! Award lists can be disappointing. 8mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs @vlwelser I read If I Survive You before it was nominated and have literally no recollection of it. Even when I read or hear about the premise my mind stays blank. 8mo
BookwormM I am beginning to think Booker is not the literary award for me this was the worst Longlist I have ever read and the Shortlist is so meh seems more shock value than literary value 8mo
AnneCecilie Why do you find the shortlist predictable? (edited) 8mo
BarbaraBB @AnneCecilie The shortlist almost always consists of the books I didn‘t like / were unreadable/ lacked a plot: books that are well-written and have a good plot almost never make it to the shortlist. That‘s what I meant! 8mo
BarbaraBB @BookwormM I didn‘t think it the worst longlist ever, I really read some good books and I am always glad for the variety but I agree on the shortlist 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8mo
rockpools I was just about to ask how the list was on your most recent post - I‘ve seen a lot of meh comments. Bird-hearts and Doors it is then! 8mo
AnneCecilie I definitely see what you mean about favourites not making it to the shortlist, I‘m quite used to that and not only for the Booker but the Women‘s Prize as well. But I hadn‘t read enough of this year‘s Booker longlist to actually form an opinion. 8mo
BarbaraBB @rockpools I hope you‘ll enjoy them when you get to them! 8mo
BarbaraBB @AnneCecilie That is true, it goes for other shortlists too! 8mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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It's hard to make a personal Shortlist, as there are 4 books I haven't been able to read yet (darn North American publication dates). 3 of those 4 are on both @squirrelbrain and @BarbaraBB lists, so I know there's still some good reading ahead of me!

Of those I've read, my favourites are The House of Doors, Pearl, Western Lane, and I'm enjoying How to Build a Boat so far.

Cont'd in comments

I REALLY didn't like Study for Obedience, and wasn't impressed by This Other Eden or If I Survive You. I wouldn't be surprised to see Obedience on tomorrow's official Shortlist, it's also up for the Giller so it really seems to be working for these juries. Clearly, I'm missing something!
BarbaraBB I feel the same about the books you weren‘t impressed by. They‘ll probably make the shortlist 😉 it‘s been fun to read the books together 🩷. I have two more to go! (edited) 8mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Here‘s my own shortlist for the #bookerprize, in order of favourites.

I‘m cheating a bit by having TWO lists as, whilst these are my faves, I don‘t think they‘ll all make the list.

Bird-Hearts, In Ascension and Prophet Song should make the list. Study for Obedience will be on there because I hated it (!). And I think This Other Eden and Western Lane are more Booker-y than some of those above.

Looking forward to the *actual* list tomorrow!

BarbaraBB You make me curious about In Ascension! I have my copy ready! We have many shared favorites but I agree they probably won‘t all make the shortlist. I am almost sure This Other Eden and Obedience will be on it… unfortunately! 8mo
JamieArc I‘ve only read 3 Longlist books, but looking forward to seeing the shortlist so I can determine what‘s next. Hoping for Little Birds and the Eng book, which doesn‘t come out in the US til mid October anyway. 8mo
Cinfhen I watched a few BookTubers today and they seem to be all over the place with likes and dislikes so who knows what tomorrow will bring🤷🏼‍♀️Hopefully it‘s not a total bust 8mo
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AnneCecilie I‘ve haven‘t read many from this year‘s longlist, but I will be very happy if The House of Doors make it. I bailed on This Other Eden and have hardly seen any positive reviews of Obedience so won‘t rush to read that. 8mo
squirrelbrain I‘d love House of Doors to make it @JamieArc @AnneCecilie , but I‘m just not sure it‘s ‘Booker‘ enough. Ie it‘s not that weird! 🤣 8mo
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - In Ascension seems like the right mix of slightly weird and a great storyline. (To me anyway, others have found it boring!) 8mo
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen - I‘m sure it will be the exact opposite of what I think! 🤣 8mo
BarbaraBB I have high hopes! 8mo
Cinfhen Definitely makes for an exciting announcement!!!! 8mo
TrishB I also may bring The House of Doors to Gladstone‘s 😁 8mo
squirrelbrain I think you‘ll like it @TrishB 8mo
sarahbarnes I‘m happy to see your shortlist! 8mo
jlhammar Great to see your faves! Excited for the shortlist announcement. 8mo
Cinfhen Is Gladstone‘s this weekend?? @TrishB I REALLY want to join one day- lmk your next meetup!!! 8mo
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen - it‘s a week today! We‘ll probably book next years dates before we leave. It‘s likely to be a similar time next year but we‘ll let you know for sure! @TrishB 8mo
Cinfhen Yay!!!! I hope it works out 🙏🏼 8mo
TrishB @Cinfhen that would be cool 😁 I‘m so excited about next week! 8mo
TrishB @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB even better! Barbara - they fly Amsterdam to Liverpool 😁 8mo
BarbaraBB @TrishB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen That would be so fantastic! Let me know the dates and see if we can make this work 🤞🏽🤞🏽😘 and yes Trish I‘d fly to Liverpool! Love to see it! (edited) 8mo
Cinfhen I‘m dying to visit Liverpool too @BarbaraBB @TrishB 8mo
squirrelbrain Ooh ooh @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB - that would be so exciting! 🎉🎉🎉 8mo
Cinfhen Right… it would be AWESOME @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain 8mo
BarbaraBB Let‘s really consider this! @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain @TrishB 8mo
Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @TrishB @squirrelbrain when do you think your next meet up might be? Winter time or Spring? 8mo
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @TrishB - probably the same time next year, but we‘ll let you know once we‘ve decided. 😃 8mo
Cinfhen Ok - thanks @squirrelbrain for some reason I thought you guys meet twice a year 🤪 8mo
squirrelbrain Gladstone‘s is once a year @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @TrishB but of course we can do something else at a different time of year / different place if it suits you guys better. #litsymeetup in Amsterdam?! 😃 (edited) 8mo
TrishB Now you‘re talking Helen 😁 @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen you‘ll probably have a whole years notice to plan! 8mo
Cinfhen Hahaha @TrishB @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain - Helen…we‘ll let you and Trish discuss next week where & when our international meetup should take place! 8mo
Cinfhen Also, the shortlist is AWFUL! 8mo
squirrelbrain Yep, terrible! @cinfhen Although my guess at what would make the list (rather than what I liked) wasn‘t that bad! 8mo
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen @Squirrel super frustrated by the shortlist. And yes Helen, you and @trishb discuss it next week. Amsterdam is fine of course, you‘re very welcome but man, I‘d love to see Liverpool 😂 8mo
squirrelbrain Maybe a Northern England tour?! We could do Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and York. @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @TrishB 8mo
BarbaraBB Is that including Gladstone? It would be great to combine it all! 8mo
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - we could include Gladstone‘s too! 8mo
quietlycuriouskate I've concluded I would much rather read the Squirrel Prize Shortlist than the Booker Prize one. 8mo
ClairesReads What did you think of the Shortlist in the end? 8mo
squirrelbrain @ClairesReads - I really didn‘t like it; mainly (4) my least favourite books! What did you think? 8mo
squirrelbrain Lol @quietlycuriouskate - maybe I should launch my own annual prize! 8mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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I haven‘t yet read In Ascencion and A Spell of Good Things but am proud to have read 11 of the #Booker23 longlisted books.

Most were bleak again, and missing parents seem a central theme this year, but I have enjoyed most of them and am glad I read them.

Above is my personal shortlist (from left to right), it will no doubt be completely different from the official one, to be announced tomorrow. Looking forward to it!

Cinfhen I think you might be close with your personal favorites! 8mo
jlhammar Wow, 11 read! Great to see your favorites. 8mo
squirrelbrain You have the same top 2 as me! Need to consider the rest though as I have 6 to choose from for the other 4 slots… 8mo
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JenP We‘ll be posting our blog predictions later today but I think I had three of the same as you. I can‘t remember now 😂 8mo
sarahbarnes I‘m excited to see your shortlist so I know what else to prioritize! 😊 8mo
Suet624 What @sarahbarnes said. I think I have your top two stuck in a hold time warp at the library. I really want to read them. 8mo
Megabooks I have the Barry out now and am on the list for the bee sting. I‘ll check to see if your other faces are available!! Thanks for the tag. 💜 8mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Cinfhen I‘ve read two and own one 🥹I‘m hoping to #BorrowNotBuy as many as possible before the shortlist is announced🤞🏼🙏🏻 10mo
squirrelbrain It‘s an interesting list I think! I‘ve read two (Barry and Maroo) and I had 4 already reserved at the library as they were rumoured. I just got the Bernstein as a #netgalley ARC and I can get Pearl on Scribd audio. 10mo
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JamieArc I‘m a little disappointed that I haven‘t read one on this list! BUT, now that I‘ve read summaries, I‘m excited. I‘m also going through another rage that Book Depository isn‘t available because several of these aren‘t available in the US yet, or just not through the library. I do have access to three from the library, with another two on the way, so that‘s a good start. 10mo
Cinfhen It‘s a very interesting list especially since I only saw a few of these books on prediction videos @squirrelbrain but im not really drawn to most of them 10mo
wanderinglynn I especially want to read In Ascension, How to Build a Boat, & Pearl. I too hope to #norrownotbuy 10mo
Cinfhen Yeah @JamieArc I‘m totally missing BD!! My library has only two!! Need to check #Scribd / they usually have a few 10mo
Cinfhen How to Build a Boat also grabbed me @wanderinglynn but so far I can‘t seem to find it 😔 10mo
wanderinglynn Same here. I just checked my library & none of the 3 I want to read are in the library‘s catalog 😔 10mo
JamieArc @Cinfhen @wanderinglynn How to Build a Boat really interested me too so it‘s one that I chose to dish out some money for on Amazon, along with In Ascension. 10mo
JamieArc @squirrelbrain I really wish I had followed your lead and listed predictions with Book Tubers, since I don‘t remember most of these being predicted. 10mo
wanderinglynn @JamieArc I‘ll be interested to hear what you think 10mo
squirrelbrain @JamieArc - the ones that were rumoured (that I saw) were the Harding (probably most strongly), McInnes, Barry, Eng and Adebayo. 10mo
Cinfhen I read Escofery & Maroo, I own the Barry. I‘m on hold 8 weeks wait for Adebayo & Bernstein and I can borrow from Scribd the Harding but that‘s it @squirrelbrain @JamieArc @wanderinglynn even Audible doesn‘t have most of these books. I‘m going to have to wait and see what gets shortlisted 🥴 10mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve been 2 in the library queue for over a month for a couple of my books, which doesn‘t make sense as they are 3 week loans. I‘m assuming they‘re ‘lost in transit‘ in the library system somewhere. So I may have to buy them in the end…. I can get a couple on Audible, Cindy, so they must be the UK based authors. 10mo
Cinfhen Yes, most of these books are not available yet in the US @squirrelbrain so I‘m assuming once they publish in the US I‘ll have a better chance of borrowing some 🙏🏻 10mo
Cinfhen I‘m drawn to The Bee Sting but it‘s 656 pages and it‘s not available until mid August. 10mo
Deblovestoread I was so excited that my library hold for In Memoriam came in as it was on every prediction list I saw and then it‘s not there. Oh well! I haven‘t read any or heard of many but will keep an eye on US release dates, May just wait for the short list🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 10mo
sarahbarnes Thanks for the tag! I may have to wait for the shortlist to buy any - as you noted many not out in the US yet. I was pleasantly surprised about the list though. I‘ve only read one and some I haven‘t even heard of. 10mo
Lunakay I was also surprised and haven't heard of any of them, I think I'll go audiobook on those I find interesting, starting with In Ascension and The other Eden. 10mo
TrishB I‘ve read 1 and have 3 on the pile. I brought Bee Sting on holiday but haven‘t got to yet! 10mo
Cinfhen I know @Deblovestoread @Lunakay @sarahbarnes @TrishB I thought I had an “idea” of where the longlist was going…but I was wayyyyyy off. 10mo
BarbaraBB I am happy that the list is so surprising, no usual suspects! I read Western Lane and If I Survive You and have The House of Doors on my shelves. I can purchase most books here but I‘ll wait a bit to see what the reviews are. There are a lot I hadn‘t even heard of, despite @squirrelbrain excellent excel-sheet! 10mo
Cinfhen We‘ve read the same two books @BarbaraBB 👯‍♀️ I think the next one I‘ll start will be this one 10mo
BookwormM I have read 3 well nearly 3 over halfway through Old Gods Time. Read House of Doors and Adebayo. Sad Levy didn‘t make the list but great to have so many new to me authors 10mo
sarahbarnes I can get Old God‘s Time, A Spell, Bee Sting, If I Survive You and House of Doors at the library here, so I‘ve gotten on the list for those! There are a few others I‘m interested in but I may see reviews/shortlist before buying. 10mo
Cinfhen Yesssss so many new to me books and authors @BookwormM like @BarbaraBB said “not the usual suspects “🤪 10mo
Cinfhen @sarahbarnes That‘s a great start!! I‘m really most interested in this one so please lmk what you think after you read it - it‘s the one book I might splurge for!!! 10mo
BarbaraBB I might start that one next too but I have a bunch of them coming my way 😎 10mo
Cinfhen Hahaha 🤣 vacation reads!!! Totally makes sense @BarbaraBB 10mo
BarbaraBB You‘re right! My suitcase of books is getting heavier by the week 😂 10mo
sarahbarnes I will definitely let you know! It‘s still on order so hoping it doesn‘t take too long to get it! 10mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Booker Longlist for 2023 has just been announced

I haven‘t read any of these.

The library has one: A Spell of Good Things

I own one of Sebastian Berry‘s backlisted novels, so maybe I will get to that now.

I hope the library gets in some of these titles

What do you think of the list?

Cathythoughts I have Ascension and This Other Eden. I must get S Barry one. I‘ve never heard of most of them. I like their idea that the ‘ 13 novels cast a new light on what it means to exist in our time ‘ 👍🏻♥️ 10mo
BarbaraBB I am pleasantly surprised because it doesn‘t consist of the usual suspects! 10mo
sarahbarnes I agree - this list was a nice surprise! I‘ve only read Western Lane and haven‘t heard of several! 10mo
jlhammar I loved Old God's Time! Very heavy read though. That's the only one I've read so far. Overall, a really surprising and interesting list. I already wanted to read the Harding, but several of these hadn't been on my radar. I only wish more were published in the US. Some will be over the coming months, but a couple don't even have US pub dates on the horizon. 10mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The #Booker23 longlist. I have read two (If I survive you and Western Lane) and have one on my shelves (The House of Doors) so a lot of books to get my hand on! Super excited though, especially since there are so many titles I didn‘t expect!

LeeRHarry I have House of Doors out from the library - now more reason to read it 😊 10mo
RebelReader I‘ve only heard of two of these authors and none of these titles are familiar to me so lots here for me to discover! ❤️ 10mo
batsy Interesting! It feels like a refreshing list & it's nice to see titles I'm not familiar with. I enjoyed Paul Murray's Skippy Dies and must check out the new one. 10mo
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BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry I have read both his other books and absolutely adored them. So I have such high hopes of this one! 10mo
BarbaraBB @RebelReader I know 7 of the authors but almost none of the books 😂 10mo
BarbaraBB @batsy Refreshing indeed. I am kind of glad David Copperhead and The Marriage Portrait are not nominated although I wonder if Sebastian Barry has ever written a book that hasn't been nominated. But I am super glad for The House of Doors and I also liked Skippy Dies a lot. 10mo
batsy @BarbaraBB Your Sebastian Barry comment made me lol! It's true, feels like his name comes up every time. I've yet to read any of his books 🙈 10mo
vlwelser Well, this is an odd list. A Spell of Good Things was good but I might not have anticipated it ending up on the list. If I Survive You has definitely been making the rounds on the US prize lists so not surprised there exactly. But what even are these others? 😂 10mo
vlwelser Oh. The Garden of Evening Mists author 😍. I think I picked what I'm cheering for. 10mo
CarolynM @batsy Old God‘s Time is the only Sebastian Barry I‘ve read and the only title on the list I‘ve even heard of! I liked it a lot - it deserves to be on prize lists. 10mo
batsy @CarolynM Oh, good to know! I didnt know a thing about the book but just looked up the Guardian review and it's not at all what I thought it was about. It sounds intriguing. I also remember that Litsy reviews of The Secret Scripture were largely positive some years back. 10mo
BarbaraBB @CarolynM Thanks for the recommendation! Like @batsy I was pleasantly surprised by its premise. So I‘ll definitely read it! 10mo
BarbaraBB @vlwelser I have high hopes for The House of Doors! I‘ll temper my expectations for A Spell. I liked but didn‘t love If I Survive You. 10mo
vlwelser I just downloaded the audio for If I Survive You. It seems to keep making the lists but not winning. Which seems like the level it's actually at. 10mo
sarahbarnes Agreed this list is a nice surprise! Only one I‘ve read so very excited. 😄 10mo
Ruthiella I like the variety this year! 10mo
jlhammar I loved The Garden of Evening Mists so excited to see House of Doors on here! It's not out here until mid-Oct though so I'm going to try to be patient. 10mo
BarbaraBB @jlhammar I loved that one too and preordered House of Doors, so I am lucky and have a copy! 10mo
Suet624 I was excited to see House of Doors on the list. 10mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Tomorrow the winner of the #InternationalBooker Prize will be announced. I am wrong about the outcome no doubt, but this is the shortlist in the order I liked them best!
Number 1 to 4 I really liked, number 5 started out strong but didn‘t hold up, number 6 was not for me.

rockpools Oh interesting! I would move Boulder down to 4 or 5 (!) but otherwise agree with your order! 12mo
BarbaraBB @rockpools That is interesting. I loved Boulder but it was definitely the right book at the right time. Still Born was very good too! 12mo
Tamra I really want to read Boulder and Still Born! 12mo
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AnneCecilie I just bought Still Born after seeing so many loving it. 12mo
squirrelbrain I look forward to seeing how right (or wrong!) you are. 12mo
batsy Oh wow, time has really flown. Looking forward to seeing the winner and slowly making my way through most of the longlist! 12mo
BarbaraBB @batsy Which is your favorite so far? 12mo
batsy @BarbaraBB I haven't read any! Only one from the longlist 😂 I had such grand plans this year... Lol but I loved the one I did read and am still sad it didn't make the shortlist (Is Mother Dead) 12mo
Cinfhen Well done!!!! Can‘t believe you read all 6 🙌🏻 12mo
BarbaraBB @batsy That‘s one I‘ve been meaning to read too 12mo
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I suddenly was on a mission 😂 12mo
Suet624 Congrats on getting through them all! 12mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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And there‘s more… the #InternationalBooker shortlist. More books I need to get my hands on. Fortunately I have three already, but I‘ve read none so far.

sarahbarnes I know! I‘ve only read Boulder. I have two others coming in from this list. I‘m actually reading Is Mother Dead from the longlist right now and really like it - I‘m kind of sad it didn‘t make it. 14mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes Is Boulder good? I‘ve heard good things about Mother too but I am pretty pleased with this shortlist. Now I just have to read them - and that with all this CampLitsy temptations 🤦🏻‍♀️ 14mo
batsy @sarahbarnes I'm really disappointed Is Mother Dead didn't make it, too. I thought it was brilliant. Like Barbara I'm curious about your thoughts on Boulder! 14mo
sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB @batsy I really liked Boulder! I related to the story in many ways, and also loved the darkness of it. The ending had some Djuna Barnes Nightwood vibes for me. 13mo
batsy @sarahbarnes Glad to hear it; sounds good! And I also should probably get around to Nightwood 🙂 13mo
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The #InternationalBooker longlist has been announced. I have read none of these… 🤦🏻‍♀️

batsy It's such an interesting list! I'm excited in attempting to read as many as I'm able to access. I've heard good things about The Birthday Party and the Nettel and Hjorth. And I've had Perumal Murugan's other books on my list for so long 🙈 1y
BarbaraBB @batsy I want to read as many as I can too. I am in need of international literature!! 1y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read any of these either and the only title im familiar with is 1y
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Hooked_on_books I basically haven‘t even heard of any of them! 1y
AmyG @Hooked_on_books Ha….same here. 😳 1y
sarahbarnes I haven‘t either! 1y
RowReads1 The Birthday party is the only one that‘s even on my TBR. 1y
Hooked_on_books I should have mentioned yesterday, Maryse Condé is from Guadeloupe, so there‘s a potential #ReadingAmericas2023 read! 1y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books Thanks! Definitely going to read it for the prompt! I thought she was from Mali because of her book 1y
BookwormM Same here 🤣🤣let the fun begin 1y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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A fun quiz to identify the shortlisted Man Booker by a portion of the UK cover & a quote:

BarbaraBB That‘s fun! 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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This year Booker Shortlist has just been announced.

Off course, the books I wanted to read this week from the longlist (The Colony and After Sappho) didn‘t make it.

I haven‘t read any of these, but I own Glory and I‘m waiting on Small Things Like These from the library. So I guess I‘ll start with those from the shortlist. Then I‘ve heard great things about The Trees

What did you make of the shortlist?

jlhammar I'm sad The Colony didn't make it, but am pretty excited about this shortlist. Small Things Like These and The Trees are fantastic. Hope you enjoy! I also loved Treacle Walker and Oh William, but I think it best to read My Name is Lucy Barton and Anything is Possible before Oh William for context. I still need to try Glory and Seven Moons. 2y
JamieArc The Colony is still worth a read! I loved Small Things and am currently reading The Trees and I can‘t put it down! 2y
JamieArc The Colony is still worth a read! I adored Small Things and am currently reading The Trees and can‘t put it down! 2y
BarbaraBB I am disappointed The Colony and Spectacular Bodies didn‘t make the shortlist and glad that The Trees, William and Small Things did. I didn‘t like Treacle and still need to read Seven Moons (looking forward to it) and Glory (not at all). So that‘s where I stand 😄 2y
AnneCecilie There seems to be a lot of love for The Colony and The Trees. I‘m almost done with The Colony and completely understand. I hope to get my hands on The Trees soon. The library had gotten some more of the books from the shortlist, so I‘m on the waiting list. @jlhammar @JamieArc @BarbaraBB 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The bottom row is my personal favorites from the books I‘ve read -
I still have Glory, Seven Moons & Case Study to read, which I think all three might have a good chance to make the #BookerShortlist22 based on the buzz I‘m hearing/ seeing

I also think Maps & Nightcrawling might be there but I couldn‘t finish Maps.
In all honesty I don‘t think Oh William or Booth will make the list.

Excited to see the judges picks😍

Ruthiella I agree that Booth and Oh William probably won‘t make the shortlist. I‘m actually still annoyed that American author are now allowed to complete. 2y
Cinfhen Ooops I forgot to tag a few #Booker friends @batsy @vivastory @JamieArc - sorry 2y
Megabooks I‘ve got to read The Colony! 2y
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TrishB I‘ve read 2 of your choices and have The Colony ready. 2y
Cinfhen Right now my favorite is The Colony @TrishB @Megabooks @Ruthiella 2y
Hazel2019 I haven‘t read Booth or Oh, William! And I won‘t get to them before the announcement. I‘ll make sure to get to all this year though if not before the winner announcement. 2y
BarbaraBB I am reading Booth now and am looking forward to Trust. The others I read and loved too. 2y
squirrelbrain We have 4 the same, and whilst I liked both Booth and Oh William, I too agree that they probably won‘t make the shortlist. @Ruthiella 2y
jlhammar I like your favorites! Almost identical to mine (5/6). I might have to give Trust a go if it makes the shortlist. 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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I just bailed on After Sappho and I won‘t be able to finish Booth before the announcement of the shortlist so here are my favorites for that shortlist.

Note: I haven‘t read Trust, Glory, and The Seven Moons yet but out of all others these are my favorites. My ultimate vote for now would be for The Colony.

I hope the judges agree with me!

jlhammar That‘s a great favorites stack! I think mine will include 4 or 5 of the same. Still working on finishing Nightcrawling and Booth. 2y
BarbaraBB @jlhammar Looking forward to your choices! 2y
Cinfhen Gorgeous photo ♥️I like your picks and think a few will definitely be on the shortlist 2y
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Cinfhen How was your flight???? 2y
Megabooks Great photo!! I enjoyed many of these, and I‘m excited to get to the colony. 2y
squirrelbrain We have 4 the same, so I hope the judges agree with you / us too! 2y
batsy Lovely stack. I got nowhere close to even attempting the whole longlist, but a few of those are on my TBR regardless of whether they make the shortlist. I'm interested to see what makes the cut. 2y
Ruthiella Can‘t wait to find out what made the shortlist! I 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I took a sleeping pill (which I never do) and that helped to pass the time enormously 🤣😴 2y
Hazel2019 Colony is in my top 2 along with Trust. Can‘t wait for the shortlist announcement! 2y
BookwormM Nearly the same as my predictions 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Excited for this. At first sight it looks very doable and I am happy to see Oh William and The Trees among them! #bookerprize2022

squirrelbrain I‘m really pleased with the list. As you say, Barbara, it‘s very ‘doable‘. I‘ve read 5 so far, nearly 6. I have 5 others either on my shelf or already borrowed from the library. Which ones do you fancy reading, Barbara? 2y
sarahbarnes Yes, agreed! I‘m happy about this list and excited for a few I haven‘t heard of. I have a handful of these out from the library right now. And yes so happy to see Trees and Strout on here! 2y
JamieArc @squirrelbrain It‘s great you have a head start on the list. I am really interested in a handful of them, and am glad to see there are a few shorter ones this year. 2y
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squirrelbrain @sarahbarnes @JamieArc - the only one I‘m not sure about is Glory..it just doesn‘t sound like my thing. I can‘t get hold of it yet anyway (for free) so I‘ll see… Seven Moons isn‘t out here (UK) until early August. 2y
jlhammar Yes, so happy to see the Strout and Everett on here. I loved the Keegan as well. Look forward to reading The Colony and Booth next! 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Glory is the only one I am not interested either. You‘ve read 5 so far! That‘s terrific! I read only 2 and have Night Crawling on my shelves. I am especially looking forward to Case Study, Small Things and The Colony but I hope to read them all! 2y
BarbaraBB @jlhammar Thanks for the recommendations, I haven‘t read the Keegan, nor The Colony or Booth! 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, I loved the Keegan too @jlhammar and The Colony is wonderful. Case Study just arrived at the library today for me - perfect timing! 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @jlhammar What is your favorite so far? 2y
rmaclean4 So excited for this list! I have read the Keegan and have started The Trees and The Colony. Wiating for more from my library! It is a favorite book prize! 2y
BarbaraBB @rmaclean4 Me too! I am looking forward to so many of them! 2y
squirrelbrain Gosh, so difficult to choose, Barbara! It‘s between The Colony and The Trees for me. The Colony maybe just edges it, partly because it‘s a very recent read for me. I‘m listening to Maps at the moment which is beautiful but terrible and that may sneak into the lead. 2y
squirrelbrain Good choices to read first! @rmaclean4 2y
jlhammar @squirrelbrain Look forward to your thoughts on Case Study. I enjoyed His Bloody Project so definitely planning to get that one once it‘s released here. 2y
jlhammar @BarbaraBB My fav so far? That‘s tough. Keegan, Strout and Everett were all five stars for me. I think I‘d vote Keegan for being kind of perfect. I just love her writing. But I‘d vote Everett for originality. The Trees is just so darned smart and funny. Can‘t wait to read some others. 2y
BarbaraBB @jlhammar Now you really make me want to read Keegan, I loved Strout and Everett too! 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Now I am super excited for The Colony and Maps. I am sure now I want to read them all 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
squirrelbrain I‘m the same @jlhammar - several 5 star reads already so it‘s difficult to choose, but that bodes well for the rest of the list. 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain This longlist could have been the #ToB one! 2y
squirrelbrain It certainly could have been @BarbaraBB - we have such good taste! 🤣 2y
batsy It's an interesting list! I'm hoping to read as many as I can get my hands on. 2y
JamieArc @batsy I always look forward to your reviews - I will look forward to seeing your thoughts on these. 2y
vivastory I think it's a really diverse & interesting selection! I'm thrilled to see The Trees included. I'm planning on reading at least half of the list. 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The #InternationalBookerPrize2022 shortlist. I am happy for Elena Knows and Heaven, both of which I enjoyed a lot. Of course Jacob is still there, I am slowly making my way though his books. The others I haven‘t read (yet…).

rockpools This list makes me happy! You have some fab reads ahead (…and A New Name, but I think you‘re more likely to appreciate that than I did!) 2y
BarbaraBB @rockpools I‘ll start with Bunny and Tomb. But I haven‘t got them yet. I was thinking Mother and Paradise would make the shortlist so I bought them instead. I will read them first! 2y
sarahbarnes Nice! I‘m still making my way through Jacob, too, and planning to read Heaven and Elena Knows for sure. 2y
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Cathythoughts Some are big books 😳 are they as big as they look !! 2y
BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts Jacob‘s Books is BIG. The other one I haven‘t seen in real life but @Simona says it‘s a relatively quick read! 2y
Simona @Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Slovenian translation of Books of Jacob weight 1 kilogram. It is hardcover, but however, that is a lot to hold for hour or two … on the other hand The Tomb of Sand have a lot of blank pages and the prose isn‘t so dense as it is in Jacob. 2y
AnneCecilie I‘ve read Elena Knows and enjoyed that. Next up is Heaven which from the blurb sounds like a though read. 2y
BarbaraBB @AnneCecilie Very tough indeed but also very good. 2y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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I hadn‘t expected it already but stumbled upon it on Instagram: the #Booker longlist. I am now off to finding out more about the books I don‘t know nothing about.

vivastory We're ahead of the game having already read the Lockwood & Ishiguro! 📚📚 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures I love these lists so much! I guess I should move Great Circle up on my pile. 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory We are! I‘m excited for A Passage North, An Island and Great Circle. Some others do sound good too but I‘ll wait for more reviews. Like Fortune Men and A Town Called Solace. How about you? (edited) 3y
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BarbaraBB @ChaoticMissAdventures That one does sound good!! 3y
vivastory I'm also excited for A Passage North & Great Circle, but am really intrigued by Light Perpetual & The Promise. I think that it is a very strong long list. 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory The Promise does sound intriguing indeed. 3y
Ruthiella Excellent! I didn‘t realize it was out. 3y
mstie Ooh thanks for posting. Did not realize the long list was out. I‘m excited for A Passage North, too. 3y
Cathythoughts I just saw it on Instagram too 🎉 Looking forward to investigating some 3y
emmaturi Keen to read Light Perpetual and Great Circle 3y
LeeRHarry I‘ve only heard of one - yikes 😳😏 3y
Tamra I have The Sweetness of Water TBR, but that‘s about it. 3y
quietlycuriouskate I've only read the Lockwood, but have just reserved seven of the others from the library! 🙂 3y
BarbaraBB @mstie have you read his other book? I loved that one. 3y
BarbaraBB @emmaturi Light Perpetual is intriguing too. I hope to read that one too. Great Circle might be one of the easy ones. 3y
BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry @Tamra I read two... not much either... (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB @kathedron Which ones are you looking forward to? 3y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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What an interesting longlist! I have already read 2 of the books & I just placed holds on the majority of the long list. I am also planning on buying Damon Galgut's “The Promise“ as it's not available at the library & I have heard so many intriguing things about Galgut as an author. There were a few more established writers this year, but plenty of writers who were new to me.👇

vivastory This is a very manageable longlist, 11 titles by Nov. Onwards! (edited) 3y
MicheleinPhilly I read Galgut‘s The Good Doctor ages ago and remember loving it. I have another of his (unread) but the name escapes me and I‘m too lazy to walk up 2 stories to find out. 😂 3y
vivastory @MicheleinPhilly Laziness is underrated 😂 I've had Galgut on my radar for awhile now & recently one of my fave booktubers raved about The Promise, so this is the perfect opportunity. Plus, I have been meaning to explore Europa's category in depth more 3y
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MicheleinPhilly When I‘m sitting up there tomorrow bored out of my skull on yet another meeting, I‘ll dig it out. 3y
vivastory @MicheleinPhilly I'm def. curious! My library has a couple of his books I've been meaning to read. I think I even checked one out at one point. 3y
Cathythoughts The Promise sounds good .. exciting.. I might get a copy too 👍🏻 3y
Centique I‘m so excited about this list and I‘m not even planning to read it! I just love watching all you guys read it and then your reviews help me choose a few. Often the long list is more fun than the short list I think. Go forth and find the gems for me I say!! 😜💕 3y
Tamra Agreed @Centique ! 😄 3y
sarahbarnes So exciting!!! 🎉🎉 3y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Finally‼️ The key dates were announced. @rockpools are you ready for another round? 😘

rockpools 🤣🤣🤣 No?! Let‘s see if I‘ve caught up with Reading Asia before I commit to anything else - I‘m only 6 books behind! So if I get through 10 this month…. 3y
Simona @rockpools I‘m extremely glad that they chose longer span between long and short list. That is very encouragin. 3y
rockpools @Simona Is the longlist 13 (or 12) for this one? 3y
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Simona @rockpools Officially 12, but usually 13.🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
rockpools @Simona Hmmm 🤔 I think I‘m going to give myself a break, and not even attempt it! I‘ll cheer you on though, and read the Simona-approved titles at the end 😘 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks for sharing the dates, I had been looking for them. Can‘t wait to see the longlist! 3y
BarbaraBB Hmm. No date yet for announcing the winner? 3y
Simona @BarbaraBB No, no date yet, but my guess is late October/early November. 3y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Man Booker International Longlist was announced yesterday. There's a short turn around before the short list:

Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Oh man, I read none 😳. How about you @Simona ? My to do list grows!

Also - happy to see another Dutch writer! #internationalbookerprize

sisilia I haven‘t been following new releases recently 🙈 Those titles look aliens to me hahahaha... Enjoy your Man Booker project 👍🏻 3y
BarbaraBB @sisilia I won‘t read the longlist, it‘s simply too much 🤷🏻‍♀️. I‘ll just happily follow reviews of the people who do and make notes which ones to put on my tbr 😀 (edited) 3y
Dolly Absolutely none! Judging for the BookTube Prize has me focusing almost entirely (personal reads are exceptions) on 2020 publishing dates. 3y
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batsy I have read exactly zero and I'm glad I'm not alone 😁 3y
BookwormM None here as well but I can get a whole 3 of them from the library and then we shall have to see what the shortlist brings 🤣🤣 3y
Simona I finished yesterday, as it looks the tiniest book of the list, Minor Detail. 3y
BarbaraBB @Simona It‘s a start 😉👍🏽 3y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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This year‘s Booker shortlist is ready. I haven‘t read any of these.

I have The Shadow King out from the library and will get to that as soon as possible.

I have also been eyeing Snuggie Bain.

What do you think of this list? Any recommendations?

Update: I just checked my library and they have really been shopping since the longlist was announced. They now have Burnt Sugar, Shuggie Bain and Real Life. I‘m on the waiting list now 😊

BarbaraBB I only have Burnt Sugar but have not yet read it! 4y
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB Looking forward to your thoughts once you read it. I haven‘t seen much about it. 4y
Lindy If the three I‘ve read, Shadow King is my least favourite, but it‘s decent. Hard to choose between Real Life and Shuggie Bain. I think I prefer Shuggie. 4y
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AnneCecilie @Lindy Interesting. I‘m now on the waiting list for the other two. There‘s something about Shuggie that just caught my eye. 4y
vivastory I'm about 50 pages into Shadow King and really enjoy it. I've heard great things about both Shuggie and Burnt Sugar. I think the one I have the least interest in is Real Life. I've heard so many mixed reviews. I'm SHOCKED that Mantel didn't make the list 4y
tpixie The Shadow King Cover reminds me of The Vanishing Half‘s cover. Seems cover themes trend. Enjoy reading! 4y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Here it is, the #2020BookerPrize longlist.

I‘ve read so many books this year buy only one of these 🤦🏻‍♀️ (and one on my shelves, thanks to @Cinfhen ). I won‘t try to read them all this time but I‘ll definitely check them all out! The shortlist will be announced on 15 September.

If you have recommendations where to start, let me know!

Cinfhen OMG.!!! Same!!! I‘ve read nearly 200 books and only 2 from this list....and I disliked both of them 🤪need to go investigate but I‘ve heard good things about (edited) 4y
Cinfhen I own but haven‘t read 4y
BarbaraBB The one I read I did like but not love. Thanks for the recommendation! 4y
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TrishB Read 2, liked 1, loved 1. Had my eye on one of the others. 4y
squirrelbrain Same here Barbara @Cinfhen @TrishB - only read 2! I too liked Such a Fun Age and loved The Mirror and the Light. A shame that the library isn‘t getting many new books at the moment, as I read most of the shortlist through them last year. 4y
AnneCecilie I haven‘t read any on the list, but have heard great things about How Much of These Hills Is Gold, and I‘ll read Mantel once it get translated. I read her previous books about Cromwell and loved those. I just checked out what the library has, and have put myself on the waiting list for 5 of these and think that‘s a good place to start. 4y
Cinfhen Oh wow @AnneCecilie your library is awesome!!! My library had NONE 4y
Cinfhen Such a Fun Age is the other book I read along with 4y
Cinfhen @TrishB which were the books you read besides Mantle?? 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘m finding that the Booker folks and I tend not to have the same taste. That being said, I‘m surprised and delighted to see Such a Fun Age on the list. I thought it was great and I‘m happy to see the author get some recognition. 4y
BarbaraBB Which one did you love @TrishB ? 4y
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen My library keep on surprising me, but in a good way, with its books. Especially since English isn‘t it main focus. 4y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I am looking forward to that one! And I will definitely look out for Hills @AnneCecilie ! 4y
TrishB @BarbaraBB I loved the Mantel one and liked Such a Fun Age (that one is definitely not prize winning though 🤷‍♀️) @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain 4y
vivastory I've read none of these, but there are quite a few that I want to read! The ones that stand out the most are Apeirogon, Burnt Sugar, Mirror & the Light, The Shadow King & Shuggie Bain. 4y
sisilia I have The Shadow King, but haven‘t read it yet 4y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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OnlyYoo Ooh thank you! Def a goal to read all the winners! 4y
LiteraryinLawrence At first I didn‘t understand why so many years were not listed. But then I realized that this is only the winners from one publishing house! Now I get it! 4y
vivastory @OnlyYoo Completely agree! 4y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The 2020 Man Booker Longlist will be announced in 2 weeks! Here's a link to Erik Karl Anderson's speculation as to what they might be:

JamieArc 🎉🎉🎉 4y
MsMelissa The UK version of this book is so much nicer than the North American version. I might have to order from Book Depositary! 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I agree! I feel the same about the newest Samanta Schweblin too. I can't stand the American cover art for 4y
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OnlyYoo I love this booktuber! 4y
vivastory @OnlyYoo He's one of my favorites 👍 4y
JamieArc After watching it, there are so many of his possible nominees that I would be excited about. This is my first time watching his videos but I‘ll definitely be watching more. 4y
vivastory @JamieArc I'm glad you liked it. I really like his videos: they're really thoughtful & engaging. I agree that a lot of the books he mentioned I'd be really excited about. 4y
AnneCecilie I love his videos too. I always get a lot of recommendations from him. 4y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Soooo the booker international list 2020 is here and while there‘s a lot I haven‘t heard of, and a couple things I‘ve heard of that look good, the main thing I‘m seeing is that Seratonin by Houellebecq is there and I‘m at a loss - it‘s the most pompous, sexist, racist thing I‘ve read in my life. I‘ve never come across a book that made me angrier. If u wanna read the list dear god don‘t pay money for that one we don‘t need that shit in the world.

DrexEdit I see a few from my #tbr, but nothing I've read. Something to look forward to, I guess! 😊 Thanks for the warning on Serotonin! 4y
rockpools I just read your review of Serotonin - unfortunately after I‘d put the library reservation on. Wow 😳. 4y
Caterina Thank you for taking one for the team and suffering through Serotonin! It's on my list of "never ever read" books now ? 4y
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BarbaraBB Thank you! I only know Serotonin (from your review) so am in no hurry to read it 😂. The others I‘m gonna check out right now! 4y
BookwormM This was the book I least wanted to read so it will probably win 🤣🤣 4y
Butterfinger Thanks for letting us know. 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures Wow! Thanks, I don't think I have even heard of it. But I usually go through the MB list so thanks for letting us know what to skip. 4y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Joy!!!!! My #BookerBundle arrived ?All 6 shortlist nominees, in hardcover from TheBookPeople.co.uk for Qc.99 and because it was shipped internationally an additional Qc.95 ?? Books were sent last Tuesday, the day the Atwood was released and in less than a week they‘ve arrived. I‘m super impressed with this website ♥️ shoutout to @GuiltyFeat for letting me know about this company❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️#HappyLitten

Cinfhen Daniel, if you‘d like to borrow any of the books I‘m happy to share 💚 @GuiltyFeat 5y
TrishB I can‘t wait to see you tackle the HUGE one 😁 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha me....1000 + pages @TrishB what‘s the problem??????!!!!!??? 😜 5y
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Cathythoughts I can‘t wait to hear what you think of that huge one. They all look lovely ... nice stack to get 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts It‘s a great deal too 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Amiable Awesome bundle! 👏🏼 5y
Owlizabeth I started that HUGE one last night and it is hypnotizing. 5y
Kalalalatja What a stack! 5y
Kalalalatja Also, your page count phobia must be going bonkers at the sight of those chunksters 😂 5y
GuiltyFeat Ooh that's great service. I assumed they would take weeks to arrive! I've had mine sent to London and from there they're going to LA before they come back to me here. Fortunately I still have a healthy TBR to tide me over until they arrive. 5y
reluctantangeleno OMG, love this!! I'm ordering mine immediately!! 5y
Cinfhen I will definitely use TheBookPeople again @GuiltyFeat 😃 5y
Cinfhen Well, I‘ve read The Orchestra of Minorities so that‘s one chunkster down @Kalalalatja @Cathythoughts @Owlizabeth but the REST of the bundle is a little daunting 😂😂😂 5y
Cinfhen And FYI @reluctantangeleno Last year‘s #BookerBundle is on sale for (d4.99 ❣️❣️❣️❣️ (edited) 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! What a beautiful stack! Happy reading! Though I‘m staring anxiously at that chunkster 🦆 😅 5y
Cinfhen I can‘t decide which book to begin with @erzascarletbookgasm 5y
LeahBergen Ooooooo! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm If I have this stack, I‘m most eager to read Girl, Woman, Other. 🙂 5y
Cinfhen Maybe I‘ll try that one first @erzascarletbookgasm I‘m almost done 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Booker Shortlist has been announced.

Margaret Atwood, Lucy Ellmann, Bernardine Evaristo, Chigozie Obioma, Salman Rushdie and Elif Shafak are on the shortlist.

My favorite “Lanny” didn‘t make it ☹️

I have Ellmann and Evaristo, and are looking forward to reading those.

What do your think of the shortlist? Did your favorite(s) make it?

Cathythoughts I loved Lanny too ♥️💔. I loved Orchestra too 👏🏻 5y
Moray_Reads I loved Lanny too. I haven't read any of these yet but I'm a little glad that the Wall didn't make it, I thought it was very poor 5y
AnneCecilie @Cathythoughts I read his debut and I didn‘t fall for it like everyone else seemed to do. Might have something to do with just having finished A Little Life. So Orchestra hasn‘t been high on my list of books to read. I think you are the first to have been positive towards it. I‘ve seen a lot of negative reviews 5y
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AnneCecilie @Moray_Reads I‘m reading the Wall now and it has been a long time since I spent almost 2 weeks reading a 270 p book. 5y
quietlycuriouskate I would have picked Lanny or Lost Children Archive so far. I'm looking forward to embarking on my copy of Ducks, Newburyport but next up is Girl, Woman, Other (borrowed from the library last weekend). 5y
Cathythoughts I‘m wondering about Ducks ? What do you think ?! 5y
Moray_Reads @AnneCecilie There was absolutely nothing in it that I haven't seen done much better elsewhere. I appreciate the Booker looking more at “genre“ fiction but please, choose better examples. 5y
AnneCecilie @kathedron I didn‘t love Lost Children like everyone seem to do. I got really interested in Girl, Woman, Other after hearing the author talk on Guardian Books podcast. I‘ve heard nothing but good things about Ducks and I‘m looking forward to the reading experience. 5y
AnneCecilie @Cathythoughts I have high expectations towards that one. Everyone seems to love it and I love a good chunkster 5y
AnneCecilie @Moray_Reads I couldn‘t agree with you more. Now I‘m just reading to finish it. I‘m terrible at DNFing 5y
BookwormM I am really excited for Atwood having read all of these (40% of Ducks) 10 Minutes was my favourite. Personally if it hadn‘t made the short list I would DNF Ducks I don‘t understand why everyone loves this now I am being forced to finish it maybe I will find out... 5y
BarbaraBB I am disappointed and discouraged ro read them! 5y
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB Which books were you rooting for? 5y
AnneCecilie @BookwormM That‘s interesting, everyone seems to love Ducks, what is it about you don‘t like? I haven‘t read The Handmaid‘s Tale jet and feel like I should probably read that before reading The Testaments. 5y
BarbaraBB Lost Children Archive, Lanny, The Wall, My Sister.... 5y
BookwormM @AnneCecilie basically I feel I could flip to any page in this book in any order and it would still just be a load of random rambling. The phrase “the fact that” is used over 15,000 times according to the Kindle there are whole pages that are just lists and I personally just don‘t care what she has to say. 5y
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB Lanny was my favorite, I absolutely adored it. LCA didn‘t quite live up to Lanny. I‘m reading the Wall now and if I‘d been an active DNFer, I probably would have dropped this book. I haven‘t read My Sister jet, I‘ve it and hope to read it this month. 5y
AnneCecilie @BookwormM Thanks for your comments. I‘m curious to find out how I feel about Ducks. 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Booker longlist is here!!
So far I have read Lanny (SUPERB), The Wall (brilliant & poignant dystopian on the aftermath of a climate-crisis), and My Sister, The Serial Killer (entertaining but MEDIOCRE on every level).
On my TBR:
Ducks, Newburyport
Lost Children Archive
10 Minutes, 30 Seconds in This Strange World
Fran Kiss Stein
The Testaments (waiting for reviews as I'm hesitant to read anything that might undermine the Handmaid's Tale)

The_Real_Nani I will read anything by Salman Rushdie. I hadn‘t realized he had a new book out! 5y
Niso @The_Real_Nani it is actually curious that there has been no news circulating about his upcoming book 5y
Freespirit Wow. I‘ve only read Lanny which I loved💕 5y
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charl08 Looking forward to reading some of these! 5y
The_Real_Nani @Niso I wonder why! 5y
emilyhaldi I have only seen rave reviews of Lanny!! I‘m reading My Sister the Serial Killer now... I think I‘m going to agree with your assessment 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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It‘s heeeere! I‘ve read 3/13 (Lanny, Orchestra of Minorities, My Sister the Serial Killer) and loved them all, I‘m excited by the crop overall!

There‘s two that won‘t come out for months in the UK which will make reading them all a challenge for now but that‘s 8 to get through now. Bit daunted by the 1000 page one sentence novel but last time they picked something like that, the Overstory, it was one of my new all time faves.


jhod I also think its a great list and have read three - and have two more out of the library so I fancy my chances! I may leave the doorstop until shortlist time...! 5y
jhod Update - the goodreads reviews have now made me really want to read it! 5y
Clare_Riley It looks like a really interesting list! I‘ve read 2 (Lanny and My Sister, The Serial Killer), I have the audiobook of The Wall (need to listen to it now!), ordered The Testaments (released in November here in the UK), and have 2 on my bookshelf (Lost Children and Frankissstein - better get reading!). Ducks, Newburyport is getting some huge love on bookish twitter, so I might have to try and find that! 5y
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Emilymdxn @Jhod which ones have you read? I‘m really excited for the doorstop weirdly I got it originally cause it was one of the cheapest on kindle but I‘m now really excited to dive into it even if it is huge 5y
emilyhaldi I haven't read a single book on this year's list 😱 and the few that I'm most interested in reading aren't released yet! 5y
ephemeralwaltz I'm really excited for Ducks Newburyport - it sounds wild! I haven't read any from the lidt - YET 5y
Emilymdxn @Clare_Riley I‘m really excited! I‘m in the uk too and seems like there‘s an unusually high number of books still to wait to come out? Testaments is ages away! I‘m starting ducks newburyport today hopefully so I hope it‘s good! 5y
MicheleinPhilly I‘ve read a whopping 1 book on this list! Go me! I don‘t know how I feel about pre-pub books like Atwood being on the list. I think there should be clear guidelines on pub dates/eligibility. @emilyhaldi 5y
emilyhaldi I agree! @MicheleinPhilly I think it takes some of the excitement out of the list when so many nominations are unpublished and therefore unread by most 😏 (edited) 5y
Emilymdxn @MicheleinPhilly I think their rules allow for books published into the autumn (cut off is end of October or November but can‘t remember which) but it‘s relatively rare for there to be many books released that late in the period! 5y
Emilymdxn @ephemeralwaltz I just started it and the first few pages are SO promising but my kindle thinks it‘ll take 22 hours to finish 😱 5y
Clare_Riley @Emilymdxn I keep hovering over the ‘buy‘ option on my kindle for Ducks - it looks far too big to read it in paperback! 😂 5y
enidkeaner I‘ve only read My Sister, The Serial Killer and found it pretty blah, which makes me fairly hesitant to read anything else on the Longlist which is kind of a bummer cause a few of those other books were on my TBR 5y
jhod Losy Children, The Wall, My Sister - first two great, My Sister is pretty blah compared to them @enidkeaner so i wouldnt let that put you off. 5y
jhod @Clare_Riley agree, that would be too big a book to carry round without severe shoulder ache! 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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So excited to see what makes the list!!

JamieArc I just saw a post that it‘s already been announced! 5y
rmaclean4 @JamieArc sweet!! 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Excited! I didn‘t manage to read the whole shortlist this year as I ran out of money 😞😞😞 but I‘m still thrilled to be here hearing readings from the shortlisted books before the winner is announced!!

Oryx Very cool! enjoy 5y
julesG Wow! Enjoy the evening! Seems like you have perfect seats. 5y
BarbaraBB Enjoy!! 5y
BookwormM Exciting enjoy 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Shortlist is here! We‘ve got both my favourites from the long list (remainder and drive your plough), one I found quite good (celestial bodies), one of the most disappointing books I‘ve ever read (shape of ruins) and some I haven‘t read. What an odd mix! What do you think??

Samplergal I‘ve not read any, nor have heard of some. Wow. Not sure. 5y
Redheadrambles I have only read “Jokes for the Gunman” which I am pleased is not there ! I might need to pick up Olga‘s book on your recommendation 5y
Suet624 Yay for a shortlist. Now I have to get reading! 5y
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mreads 4 women 👍. I've only read The Remainder, the others are hard to access here in the US 5y
Simona I‘m a little bit disappointed ... 5y
BookwormM We both predicted 4 of these but different books 🤣🤣 5y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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See @Samplergal for original post. #ManBookerChallenge19 Very excited for this. Come join us.

Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Still haven‘t made it to a book shop yet but....I had the short list bundle sent to where I‘m staying in London...Missing is Mars Room because my host has taken it? #TheBookPeople All 6 hardcovers were Qb.99 with 2 day free shipping ❤️ #LovingLondon

the_hibernator Beautiful! I haven't read any but The Mars Room yet, but Washington Blaxk is in the mail on the way to my house. 😁 6y
Cathythoughts I havnt read even one ... great to get them on your trip 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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quietlycuriouskate I haven't read any of them yet: I'm waiting for my library reservations of Burns, Johnson and Powers to come through. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Good buys, and who can resist free shipping? 6y
Velvetfur Errrr, are you in London at the moment?! 6y
emilyhaldi Oh wow!!! What a beautiful bundle 🤗 I didn‘t realize your London trip is NOW!!! Have SO much fun! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
emilyhaldi Omg and please go to Persephone 💓 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Love that sticker 😂😂😂😂😂 6y
TrishB Will await your reviews. I have the Black one from a work colleague. 6y
Kalalalatja 😍😍😍 6y
Cinfhen I‘m about halfway through Everything Under...it‘s weird @Kalalalatja @TrishB @GlassAsDiamonds @emilyhaldi @erzascarletbookgasm @kathedron @Cathythoughts I‘m LOVING London @Velvetfur but there is just wayyyyy too much to do & see. 6y
Velvetfur @Cinfhen That's so cool! How long are you here for? 6y
Cinfhen I arrived on Thursday & we leave tomorrow morning @Velvetfur 😥😥 it‘s been wayyyy too short. I NEED to come back without hubby & son. I STILL have not gone inside a freakin bookstore!!!!!! 6y
Velvetfur @Cinfhen Oh nooooo I've missed you then! Well hopefully you'll be able to come back some time and we can meet up then 😊 Enjoy your day today then! 6y
Cinfhen I will definitely let all my lovely Brit‘s know next time I‘m in town @Velvetfur it would be so nice to hang out & meet the girls xx 6y
Velvetfur @Cinfhen Aaww you're too cute 😘 6y
Reviewsbylola Some absolutely beautiful spines!! 6y
Cinfhen The spines seem to be better than the content @Reviewsbylola so far I‘m 0/3 in liking the books 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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It‘s on!!


Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Man Booker Shortlist has been published. Any thoughts?

Have you read any?

Which one would you vote for?



Crazeedi I have not read any unfortunately. I will have to investigate these 6y
Redwritinghood I‘ve read half of them and am reading Washington Black right now. My favorites so far are The Overstory and The Long Take. 6y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Neither have I, but I do want to read 6y
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Andrew65 @Redwritinghood Well done! 👏 6y
JamieArc I‘ve read half of the long list, two of them that made the shortlist: The Mars Room and The Overstory, which I really liked and am rooting for to win. I‘ll try to read 2 or 3 more of the shortlist. Really looking forward to Under Everything. 6y
Reviewsbylola I haven‘t read any of them. I will probably read Mars Room. 6y
Kalalalatja I really liked The Mars Room and Everything Under. Did NOT like Milkman, and haven‘t read the rest, but I have The Overstory and Washington Black from the library at the moment, so hope to get to them soon 🤞 6y
Simona I‘ve read them all and my winner is The Overstory. 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The #manbookershortlist is here!! I didn‘t quite get through the whole long list but I did read all these ones.

It‘s pretty close to what I would have picked actually! I‘d have swapped out the mars room for Normal People (which I can‘t believe isn‘t here), but I‘m happy other than that. What do you think??


JenniferP I don‘t make an effort to read all the nominees but I did read and enjoy The Overstory and am not surprised it made the list. I‘d also like to read Washington Black sometime. (edited) 6y
BarbaraBB I am not happy at all. Only two of my favorites made it to the shortlist. Two others I didn‘t like at all and the remaining two I haven‘t read and I don‘t appeal to me. So that‘s how I feel 😕 6y
Simona @BarbaraBB I‘m quite happy with the shortlist. All three my favorites are shortlisted, and others three - I simply ignore them 😘 6y
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BookwormM I read the whole list and think these deserve their place although I only predicted 4 of them 6y
Emilymdxn @JenniferP the overstory was my absolute favourite! 6y
Emilymdxn Sorry to hear that @BarbaraBB which ones were your faves? (edited) 6y
Emilymdxn @Simona ooh which ones are you ignoring? 6y
Emilymdxn @BookwormM ooh which ones???? I‘m so nosy about what everyone thinks 6y
BarbaraBB The Long Take is my fav. I also liked Everything Under. 6y
Simona Washington Black, Everything Under and Mars Room. 🤷‍♀️😘 6y
BookwormM I predicted The Overstory, The Long Take, Everything Under, Warlight, The Mars Room and In our Mad and Furious City 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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The Man Booker shortlist has been announced.

What do you think about it?

I‘m happy that the two books I‘ve bought from the longlist made the cut to the shortlist; Washington Black and The Long Take. I‘ve yet to read any of the books from the lists

JamieArc I was really hoping The Overstory would make it. I really liked it. 6y
AnneCecilie @JamieArc I‘ve seen a lot of love towards that one. Maybe now I‘ll actually get to it 😊 6y
HardcoverHearts I‘m so sad that Warlight didn‘t make the cut. I love his prose. And that book was wonderful. But happy to see The Mars Room included. 6y
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BarbaraBB I am so sad that Normal People and Our Mad and Furious City didn‘t make it! 6y
AnneCecilie @HardcoverHearts I've seen mixed reviews for both of your favorites. I might try Warlight though 6y
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB Normal People seems to have been a favorite among many. I feel like Our Mad and Furious City has gone a little bit under the radar and I haven't seen many reviews. 6y
BarbaraBB They both are real good, I think you‘d like them too. My favorite is The Long Take! 6y
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB Both seem interesting so I might get to them. I've already bought The Long Take and hope to get to it soon, hopefully before the winner is announced. 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Tomorrow the shortlist of the #ManBooker2018 will be announced. Above are the ones I‘ve read. My six favorites for the shortlist are:
▫️The Long Take
▫️Normal People
▫️In Our Mad and Furious City
▫️Everything Under

Let‘s see which ones will make it. What are your favorites?

AmyG I‘ve only read The Mars Room. 6y
DGRachel I‘ve read four, but the only one I enjoyed was From a Low and Quiet Sea. I‘m reading The Mars Room now and struggling with it a bit, and I have The Overstory checked out from the library. 6y
Lola I‘ve only read one so far. I loved it and hope it makes the longlist 6y
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Lola @DGRachel Good to know about Quiet. I bought that and The Overstory but haven‘t read them yet. 6y
JamieArc I really enjoyed Snap (though I don‘t think it will make the short list, and don‘t even think it should), and I REALLY like The Overstory and am Rooting for it to win! 6y
DGRachel @Lola I have requested Washington Black from my library but I‘m still waiting. Part of the problem is that half the long list hasn‘t been published in the US, yet. 😔 6y
Redwritinghood I still haven‘t read them all - still have 5 more to go. So far I favor Overstory, Long Take, Mad and Furious City, and Mars Room. 6y
Lola @DGRachel Yeah, I cheated with Washington Black and ordered it from the Book Depository UK 6y
Reviewsbylola And I‘ve still yet to read a single one of them. 😆😆😆😆😆😆 6y
emilyhaldi Ooohhh fun! Excited to see how your picks match up 🤗 6y
Kalalalatja I‘m so excited to see the shortlist! 6y
BarbaraBB @Lola That‘s one of two I haven‘t read! But it will probably make the shortlist since my predicties turn our wrong most of the time 😉 6y
BarbaraBB @DGRachel That is so disappointing, that they haven‘t been published in the US yet. I always forget, living in Europe. 6y
mklong So what do you think? I am fuming over Gunaratne‘s snub! I‘m happy to see Kushner and Robertson make the cut though. 6y
BarbaraBB @mklong I am not happy. Only two of my favorites made it to the shortlist. Both of the books that I haven‘t read made it to the shortlist too and somehow I don‘t feel like reading them. I am really disappointed. 6y
mklong How disappointing! I assume you are rooting for The Long Take? I still plan to read Milkman and Washington Black. I would have skipped both if they hadn‘t made the short list. 6y
BarbaraBB Yes I do vote for The Long Take. How about you? I am not sure if I‘m going to read Milkman and Washington Black. I am still not really tempted. 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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I think this shop is the first place I‘ve seen all the Booker books all next to each other and they‘re an attractive bunch! I really wanted to buy Sabrina but managed to control myself... this time

AceOnRoam I see they chose not to display 6y
AceOnRoam My kind of bookshop 😊 6y
Emilymdxn @AceOnRoam oh I didn‘t even notice that! 6y
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AceOnRoam There is another book missing as there are 13 in the longlist. I can't work out which book it is..... 6y
BarbaraBB That‘s a coincidence. I saw them all together as well today, in our local Waterstones. I forgot to take a picture! 6y
Emilymdxn @AceOnRoam @BarbaraBB it was normal people that was missing! I haven‘t read it and keep forgetting about it 6y
AceOnRoam Ah yes, well spotted. It's not out yet!!! It is due out on the 28th but I have no ARC 🙁 6y
Emilymdxn @AceOnRoam ahh that must be why!! I never see it in bookshops but never thought about why 6y
AceOnRoam Oh and I have been meaning to say I ❤ those Moleskins to the left. I got one 2 weeks ago, but am afraid to actually write in it... 6y
Mdargusch How nice! 6y
KellyHunsakerReads Are you all in the UK? I can‘t get a good number of them here in US. 6y
Emilymdxn @Hunsakermountain I‘m in England yeah! I assumed they would all be available in the states tho - I always kind of imagine America has everything! 6y
Emilymdxn @Mdargusch I know right!? They‘re an aesthetic bunch 6y
KellyHunsakerReads Unfortunately literary fiction is often released later here. 6y
Emilymdxn @Hunsakermountain I‘m assuming all the ones that are originally from America are available? I‘m not sure how many of them are British. Snap is definitely English, and I think 2 are Irish 6y
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Man Booker Prize | Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster
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Man Bookering. I almost have the full set. Only missing Normal People. The others I have as ecopies.

Sorry been a bit quite her lately as I attempt to read them all before shortlist is announced. But I am reading all your posts 😊

Emilymdxn I‘m doing my best but no idea how I‘ll get through them all before the shortlist is released 😱 6y
JamieArc I‘m making my way through as many as possible before the shortlist is announced. Everything Under just arrived today and I‘m in love with the cover 😍 6y
ReadingEnvy I'm stalled on Milkman so I need to move to another one I think 6y
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JenP @JamieArc yes, beautiful! 6y
JenP @Emilymdxn good luck! 6y
JenP @ReadingEnvy I‘ve heard great things about it but also heard that it‘s all about the narrative style and that the style won‘t work for everyone 6y
Simona Enjoy 😊 6y
BookishTrish Wow! 6y
AnneCecilie Who's your favorite(s) so far? 6y
JenP @AnneCecilie I‘m waiting until we post all our reviews to reveal my favorites. But I‘ll tag you when I am ready to post them 😬 6y
BarbaraBB Tag me too please 😘 6y
JenP @BarbaraBB will do! And tag me in your reviews too! 6y
BarbaraBB I will. I just started my fourth book, The Water Cure. 6y
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