4⭐️ | Got a bit grittier than i anticipated toward the end but I really guessed no part of the mystery! These books are really well put-together and it's so great falling back into this world, no matter how much time I spend away from it.
4⭐️ | Got a bit grittier than i anticipated toward the end but I really guessed no part of the mystery! These books are really well put-together and it's so great falling back into this world, no matter how much time I spend away from it.
Currently reading some brain candy, Witness in Death by JD Robb! Always fun and easy to read.
3⭐️| oh, hello, black sheep moment. We meet again. I had a hard time with this one in a few ways. The beginning did little to push the plot forward, characters and relationships way underdeveloped, and pretty much all of the action in the literal last chapter. Frustrating and slow overall.
Brought me back to my photo archive of 2012 where we also totally found a tub in the woods while hiking 😳😮
4⭐️ | Gritty, dark, realistic, and suspenseful, reading A Good Idea is a good idea! (Oh god someone take this thing away from me). The ending got a little off track for me for just a bit but I enjoyed the complexity of the situation and the characters!
Enjoying this so far but need more time to read! I'm excited to see where it goes!
4⭐️| Was hoping for more reveals to keep the plot going but ultimately enjoyed so much! Loved the characters, can't wait to learn more about the world and history!
Always have to have a book in my purse! This one is just in transit - not Currently Reading - but it's next on my TBR!
5⭐️| My first graphic novel and I loved it! My favorite series so of course I did. So great to see Iko, my OTPs, and this whole world back again!!
4⭐️| Loved the growth in this book! This series is so much fun and I loooved the premise for this one!
4⭐️| this was so darkly funny and surprisingly REALLY enjoyable! It was silly and sarcastic and reminded me of Teaching Mrs Tingle meets 2gether meets Drop Dead Gorgeous!
3⭐️| Black sheeeeep. This one didn't do it for me. I felt like there were so many opportunities to make this great and it didn't feel like it grew in the right directions. I just didn't get the magic.
Time for a new shelfie with all of my latest books and gifts! Can you tell I'm a bit Marissa Meyer obsessed? 🙃
4⭐️ | this was so unique and very, very creepy. I did love how the author made the reader sympathize and identify with this clearly psychopathic main character. It was so interesting despite its insanity!
4 - 4.5⭐️ | loved this book from start to finish! Dark, clever, swoony, and mysterious!
4⭐️ | This was so adorable! I loved the concept and it was so well adapted for a modern, geeky Cinderella.
4⭐️ | A big nod to Sherlock Holmes but with a paranormal twist! This book was very fun! Maybe a bit too much hodgepodge of paranormal for me but interesting. Didn't quite get in board with the romance but curious about the next book!
Just got this for my birthday and I am drooling over this beautiful artwork!! Maggie is so talented!
This book was kind of a mess. Could have been so interesting but the actual point of the plot was kind of all over the place. There was so much going on at so many points in time. Almost DNFed in the middle because I got bored/annoyed. Also may be a series?? Can't tell. 2.5 - 3⭐️
This was actually a little disappointing but I wouldn't quite say thumbs down. The relationships were so unsupportive, the romance was less than swoony, and it started to get super dramatic towards the end. 3⭐️
When lunch is over but you don't want to stop reading...
One of my favorite books and series! This is just so much fun, great characters, and a fun Retelling.
Getting "seasonal" today. Apparently I have a lot of summer books! (Except for Winter) I still need to read Second Chance Summer and Twenty Boy Summer!!
Received this one in the mail from Tor! It sounds quite interesting and unique! Can't wait to see what it's about!!
This book was SO good. Perfect amount of fun, feels, and ferocity. Great action, amazing characters, and wonderful world building. Highly recommended from me!! 4.75 - 5 ⭐️
I just adore Anna and the French Kiss and can't wait for my next re-read! I was thinking about reading again for my birthday this year but that's coming up so soon!
Such at atmospheric read but the writing style really wasn't quite for me. I was definitely hooked and it was a quick read even on audio! I didn't want to stop. But ultimately a bit too far off the beaten path for my liking 3⭐️
This was so good from start to finish! Lots of great moments and the ending was so awesome! I need moooore!
I was hoping for a lot more with this one. The set up felt shaky but the plot started to pick up in the middle. Still iffy on it but could have also been timing.
Book mail! Excited to be a part of this blog tour & thanks to Harper for the review copy!!
This was a bit different than I expected (not as much "thriller") but I also couldn't look away! It was definitely a fast read but also hard to read at times because of their father. It was horrifying but interesting. 3.5⭐️
I just adore Leigh Bardugo and her books! Six of Crows is just gorgeous and I can't wait for Crooked Kingdom!
This was a quick and fast-paced read! The structure worked better for the ending than beginning. The end was definitely wild and surprising! I wasn't IN LOVE with the twist but I definitely didn't see it coming! 4⭐️
Working on a new read... The Passenger! Different from Lisa Lutz's normal humor. Enjoying it but waiting for a big twist somewhere, I hope!
I love anything Sanderson and CALAMITY was no exception! This was much more fast-paced than the first two books and I was hoping for a bit more at the end. Still love this series and these characters. A quick and fun read as always! 4.25⭐️
BURNING MIDNIGHT was fun an easy to read but it was so bummed with the ending! Loved the concept but the finale ended up being a bit too cheese-tactic for me.