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Ti odio, anzi no, ti amo!
Ti odio, anzi no, ti amo! | Sally Thorne
Lucy Hutton convinta che l'impiegata modello si becchi, prima o poi, l'ufficio migliore (e relativa promozione). Per questo servizievole e accomodante, lavoratrice indefessa ma carina e gentile con chiunque. Per questo tutti la amano alla Bexley & Gamin. Tutti tranne il freddo, efficiente, impeccabile e fastidiosamente attraente Joshua Templeman. E il sentimento reciproco. Costretti a condividere lo stesso cubicolo per 40 ore la settimana, pi svariati straordinari che meglio non quantificare, hanno iniziato a lanciarsi continue e ridicole sfide, in un gioco al rialzo che sembra impossibile da fermare. C' il Gioco degli Sguardi, il Gioco dello Specchio e nessuno dei due sopporta di perdere. Fino a quando in ufficio si comincia a parlare del Gioco della Grande Promozione. Se Lucy vince, diventer il capo di Joshua. Se perde... meglio non pensarci. Ma allora, con la sua carriera in ballo, per non parlare dell'orgoglio, perch Lucy comincia a fare sogni sempre pi torridi sull'odiato collega? E perch si veste per andare al lavoro come se invece dovesse recarsi a un appuntamento sexy? Dopo che un'innocente corsa in ascensore diventa il teatro di un bacio indimenticabile tra i due, Lucy ha finalmente la sua risposta: forse lei non odia Joshua. E forse nemmeno lui odia lei. Forse tutto il contrario. Oppure solo un altro gioco?
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 4mo
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A super cute, slow burn, enemies to lovers. I really enjoyed this one and loved both main characters. Such a fun read and a great palette cleanser.

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“Books were and always would be, something a little magic and something to respect.” #TheHatingGame. #BookQuote. #CurrentlyReading

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You might think people hate you and be wrong about it. Joshua Templeman is just so irresistible! People can definitely go from hate to love.

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@Kimberlone @Ruthiella after loving the book I am enjoying the adaptation you recommended (while I do my taxes at almost the last possible moment lmao)

Ruthiella @5feet.of.fury Glad to hear it.😃 Good luck with the taxes! 👍 5mo
5feet.of.fury @Ruthiella the adaptation was v good! The wedding was the biggest diff, but it kept the key moments 5mo
Ruthiella You know, I thought of this movie when reading The Brothers Karamazov when one of the brother‘s ex-fiancee hooks up with the other brother. Like, there‘s the literary precedent! 😂 5mo
5feet.of.fury @Ruthiella I hated #thebros so much 5mo
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Eggs 💙🩵💚💛💛 7mo
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The Hating Game is a very steamy take on the enemies to lovers trope. I thoroughly enjoyed it the whole way through. ❤️

5feet.of.fury ❤️ so fun 7mo
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I truly did not want to like this as much as I did, I don‘t even like contemporary romance books, I read it because it was on someone‘s list for having THE hurt/comfort scene (yeah it was really good), the FMC is the smallest small girl with tiny baby bird bones which got a bit grating, & it did at times become ridiculous in general but it hit a lot of high notes. A little in love with it.

Ruthiella I didn‘t read the book but I did watch the movie and it was pretty cute. 7mo
5feet.of.fury @Ruthiella oooh! Nice, I will have to check it out! 7mo
Kimberlone This is one that I actually enjoyed the movie more! 7mo
5feet.of.fury @Kimberlone yay! good to know! 7mo
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Loved this pick for next month's Romance Book Club ❤️

An office rivalry turns into an office romance.

I was along for the ride 100 percent.

PS - Check out the book earrings - they have real pages! Thanks again @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Ruthiella I didn‘t read this but I did see the movie and it was pretty sweet. 9mo
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1. It‘s a toss up between 😘 and 🤣
2. The tagged book is the first one that came to mind.

If you want to play, consider yourself tagged! 😊

TheSpineView Great book! Thanks for playing! 11mo
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The books I read on vacation at the lake last week

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Oh, this book. I loved it. The banter between Lucy and Joshua was hilarious. I mean, laughing while reading on the train.

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Passion. I ended up looking up the definition, and it stated as “a strong and barely controllable emotion.” The passion that goes into hate and love are perhaps too similar that sometimes, it could be frightening. This book definitely represented it well. A light summer read!

KadaGul @Anchobi413 I was going to read 📖 first before watch 👀 the movie 🎦 #BooktoMovie 1y
Anchobi413 @KadaGul My thoughts exactly, Will be watching the movie this weekend! (edited) 1y
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This was adorable. Definitely spicy. But I loved how the relationship evolved.

#spicy #romcom #officeromance #office #romance

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The rainbow floaty Szn is a go!Report cards are finished ✔️ this was delightful and I‘m thankful to the litten who mentioned Sally Thorne as the better choice when wanting a rom com to read

IndianBookworm I agree, so much better than the other toxic romcoms out there. You can also try 1y
mcctrish @IndianBookworm I have seen that so many places, I will totally get my hands on it 1y
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: The Ugly Truth

Klou Great!! 1y
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Matching my toes to my book 🤣 it‘s report writing Szn so I need extremely light reading material. It‘s my first time writing report cards in many years ( I‘ve been a sub for ages ) I keep promising myself treats if I survive

Tamra 🤞🏾💪🏾 1y
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Great book. Started off a bit slow for me but then picked up quickly.

Cupcake12 I really enjoyed this. It‘s also a film on Netflix 📕 (edited) 1y
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A bunch of books I got today. Look forward to read them eventually.

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I typically avoid watching movies based on books until I've read the book, but recently I realized there are SO MANY movies I've missed out on because of this arbitrary rule of mine, because there are SO MANY books I'm realistically never going to read, even if im interested in the movie. For example, LOTR, which I still haven't read OR SEEN. So screw it, watching The Hating Game on a whim since I rarely read romance 🤷🏽‍♀️

AvidReader25 The LOTR movies are so good! Even if you haven‘t read the books I‘d recommend them. 2y
TEArificbooks Yes, I realized that too recently. So many books and so many movies and so little time. So now I think of it as “if I watch the movie there is no pressure to read the book and I save time” I only do this for some movies though, the ones I know realistically I will never get around to the book. I also watched this movie but didn‘t read the book 2y
ElizaMarie What platform is the Hating Game on? 2y
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ShyBookOwl @TEArificbooks Glad it's not just me. I may rewrite my rule to state if I watch a movie based on a book I haven't read and like it, I should read something else by that author. Because I strongly dislike reading the book once I've seen the movie. I already know how it ends PLUS the filmmakers' interpretation overshadows my own. 2y
ShyBookOwl @AvidReader25 I bet. Maybe one day! At this point, I may save it for when my son is old enough for us to do it together 😅 2y
ImperfectCJ Confession: I couldn't get into LOTR in print until I watched the first movie. After that first movie, I got into the books (but still skip almost all of the poetry and songs). There's no saving The Hobbit, though, book or movie(s) (although I liked the read-along kids' version I had on vinyl when I was little). 2y
ShyBookOwl @ImperfectCJ Omg, thank you for this. I feel less broken now 😂 every time I tried LOTR, I'd get barely 10 pages in before nodding off and then feel so much shame haha maybe I should start with the movie after all! 2y
ImperfectCJ @ShyBookOwl I'm usually like you, not wanting the movie to influence how I see the characters/story, but for some reason LOTR was just impenetrable for me until I had Peter Jackson's world in mind. A crutch, maybe, but it helped me enjoy the books (which is good because my kids loved them and wanted them read aloud multiple times). 2y
ShyBookOwl @ImperfectCJ That's great. I have a 9-week-old, so I'm definitely starting to think about family-friendly classics like this. If the movie is my entry point, so be it! 2y
ImperfectCJ @ShyBookOwl I highly recommend the tagged book. It helped me SO much picking books to read to my kids at all ages. I give it as a baby shower gift now. 2y
ShyBookOwl @ImperfectCJ thank you!! 2y
Ruthiella This is available on Kanopy through my library. I might check it out! 2y
ShyBookOwl @Ruthiella It was fun. A typical rom-com but bookish with a good cast. Sidenote: just googled Kanopy. Very cool! Going to set it up 😊 2y
ShyBookOwl @ImperfectCJ I started reading your book rec. Wow! It's already blowing my mind and getting me even more excited to share my love of reading with my son. Thank you! 2y
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Lucy & Joshua are executive assistants 4 co-CEO‘s, & they hate each other. When they start to see each other outside of the office, they discover their feelings are quite the opposite.
The hype was right for this book. I liked the characters. I really enjoyed not having a 3rd act break up. However, I didn‘t like how Joshua just started intimately touching Lucy w/o her full permission 1st. I felt kind of uncomfortable just listening to it.

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Hands down, this is my favorite #enemiestolovers romance!


Shawna Same! 2y
mcctrish I just ordered this 🤣 2y
Clwojick Agreed! 2y
LeeRHarry Definitely - loved this 😊 2y
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#EnemiestoLovers is my favourite romance trope and I loved this book 🥰


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🎧 I loved the story but Lucy was annoying on & off. Good narration. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Just came back on litsy after years.🙈
Started the year with this one, and of course the internet recommended it to me. Personally, I really enjoyed the book. The dynamics between the protagonists, the silly banter and the progress, I loved it all. As much as I liked the book, the movie just didn't cut it for me. Any other Sally thorne recommendations?

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I‘ve found that a fluffy romance is a good palate cleanser between longer heavier books.

I haven‘t looked into more than the brief summary & it seems to be a light rom-com.

This signed special edition came from FairyLoot. The edges are yellow on top, pink on the bottom & ombré between. The white hardcover has gold foiling on the spine and a girl/guy facing each other across a table behind laptops on the front.

“He‘s the one she loves to hate.”

julesG 😍 Gorgeous edition. 2y
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FINALLY got around to watching this and it wasn‘t the train wreck I was kind of expecting (which is my default level of expectation for adaptations of books I loved reading)

BUT THEY CHANGED THE BREAKFAST SCENE!!! and that is a crime (there was also extensive time line change ups which made it feel a bit shallower IMO and nudged it into instalove territory)

sprainedbrain I agree that they made it more shallow. It‘s wasn‘t horrible though! 2y
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I listened to this on the recommendation of my #booksister @HOTPock3tt and absolutely loved it.

Funny, ridiculous, cute, and sexy all at once. Everything you want in a romcom. 😍


Off to watch the movie!

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I really enjoyed this enemies-to-lovers romance. I related to Lucy as a small woman who just wants to be taken seriously. Her banter with Josh and their childish office games were fun to watch play out. I love a grumpy guy who's secretly a big softie. I also watched the movie version and was pleasantly surprised by the adaptation, it was mostly true to the book.

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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Meet the Parents

Klou Great!! 2y
TheSpineView @Klou 🌞😊 2y
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Wow! What a surprise this book ended up to be! An enemies to lovers rom-com is something I never thought I'd read, so imagine my utter delight when I fell in love with this book! All the characters were extremely likeable (except Josh's boss and dad, obviously). The narrator was spectacular! Her voice is adorable, and I loved how she voiced Lucy's boss. It reminded me of Eva Gabor's Lisa on Green Acres. Book 40 is one of my favorite books of 2022!

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This is the second book I've read recently where the girl stands up for the guy against his disrespectful family like a badass and I am all for it.

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📚 Not a big Contemporary/Romance reader, but this one surprised me

📚 🧚🏻🧞‍♂️🧜🏻‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️🧟‍♂️🥷🏻🤴🏻🪄🖼️⏳

📚 I love the feeling of entering a whole new world and just getting lost in it.

📚 Definitely cover art...😍

Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94

Want to play? @BookNAround @NatalieR @hannah-leeloo

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Finished this on the road just after visiting the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest in Arizona.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cute. Funny in places. Predictable ending. Quick summer read. Reminded me of You‘ve Got Mail, but more “adult” - some eye-rolling here with those scenes, and the writing was cringe-worthy at times, but it was entertaining otherwise.

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This one was top of mind for #BecameAMovie as I just finally watched the movie this past holiday weekend. It‘s been so long since I read the book that I can‘t speak to how closely the movie followed it, but it was a fairly cute rom-com.🤷🏻‍♀️

Eggs Perfect 🤩 2y
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I really should‘ve written my review for The Hating Game right after reading it because I really did enjoy it. However I have since watched the movie and I feel it has maybe tainted my original view because now I can‘t separate them.

I would definitely recommend the book to anyone who enjoys enemies to lovers- 100%. The movie is also an ok rom-com but just not how I interpreted the book really.


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Probably the BEST book-to-movie adaptation I have seen in a long while. Highly recommend both book and movie.

marleed Oh I saw the movie this week while grand dog sitting. Fun adaptation! 2y
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Payday means book mail 🤣🙈 trying to expand into romance as a genre this year and wanted some light summer read 🥰

melzen Will you read tmi for the first time or? 2y
melzen Let us know what you think about the books 2y
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A cute office romance with fun chemistry. Clichés abound. ?

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Ugh. Bailing at 46%, I‘m just not feeling it. This was recommended to me (and now makes me nervous for the other books this person recommended). I honestly don‘t care about seeing them get together. I‘m also so distracted about where this is set… set in a city, but they need a car and the country is far enough for a flight.

This was my #bookspin book 🤷🏻‍♀️

I was reading this so I could watch the movie on Hulu. Maybe I‘ll watch it anyway.

Kimberlone I think the movie is actually better! The book didn‘t really impress me when I read it originally. 2y
HeyT I forgot they made a movie. I read this a few years ago in audio as background during a gaming grind fest. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just doesn't match!! 2y
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Here are my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books for May!

I‘m feeling good about May! So hopefully I‘ll read both of these.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I really enjoyed The Hating Game. 2y
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Lighthearted, funny, intriguing and feel good.
I needed something lighthearted after the few heavy reads and it was exactly what I was looking for.
The buildup is perfect, and I was so happy to go on the roller coaster of emotions with Lucy.
This is one book to movie that I‘m excited to watch.

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Loved this book + finally got to see the movie 😭💛🥰🥲 soooo cute! Actually great adaptation that didn‘t feel like it took out too much where you lost the plot. Pacing was really good; random artsy transitions were nice but not always needed. Characters were great, and so was the chem between Lucy + Josh! Great performance from Lucy Hale too! Overall really happy with it and would watch again!! 🥰🎥🍿