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The Unread Chapters
The Unread Chapters: Severe Brain Trama Blocked 46 Years of Long Term Memory. Just Who Am I? | Indilyne (Lynn) Pinto
10 posts
I have had a pencil clutched in my hand, writing poems since the first grade, or so Ive been told. At the age of ten, I was introduced to the basics of reading music and the keys on a piano by a preachers wife. By the age of twelve, I was on demand at every church possible in that tiny coal-mining town of Chapmanville. I suffered severe head trauma due to a bike accident in 1964. I was gliding down a steep mountain roadway in West Virginia when the sprocket chain broke; I hit a car head-on. My long-term memory was blocked along with permanent amnesia of my years prior. The concussion embedded scars on my brain, with seizures that could not be controlled, and that is when the neurology department at UCF Shands Medical University Hospital took over. Year after year, the doctors tried various treatments and medicines, but to no avail, so the decision for brain surgery on March 1, 1995, was agreed upon. The surgery was successful. Now my long-term memory is open, but I still have absolutely no memory of my life prior to that date, only three spot scenes, as you will find as the beginning to my book, The Unread Chapters. My positive attitude, as shown in my writings, my ability to read and learn, and also my dedication to music have amazed doctors and my husband for decades. I do hope this story will amaze you.
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I‘ve got a stack of books I‘m part-way through so I‘ll be reading this one today. It‘s a gorgeous day, I might even be able to read outside.

Captivatedbybooks ❣️ doggie ❣️ 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
ShelleyBooksie Look at that floofy tail ♡ 5mo
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So between #Chirp and #NetGalley I‘ve started 2023 with 711 audiobooks ON MY PHONE.😅

I do have a goal to finish 100 Chirp audios and 100 NetGalley audios this year, but I also have a side goal to lower these numbers by the end of the year …. Meaning that hopefully I don‘t buy and request more than I read.

MaleficentBookDragon Shelves of Shame 😂 😂 😂 2y
LaraReads 😂😂😂 2y
SconsinBookyBadger Shelves of shame is chef‘s kiss 😁 2y
Lizpixie Where is your master list of 2023 challenges again @Clwojick? My new bujo‘s will be arriving Tomorrow & I‘m planning on a few days of #audiojournaling✍🏼 2y
Clwojick @Lizpixie Check the #bulletjournal hashtag, and check out my Pinterest board here: https://pin.it/65nPppb (edited) 2y
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Demibom This is hilarious! 5y
kspenmoll 😂😂😂 5y
JoScho Good one! 5y
UwannaPublishme Too funny! 😂😂😂 5y
Birdsong28 😂😂😂😂📚📖 5y
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My bookshelves are overflowing and my TBR is overwhelming and I am in a real RUT, y‘all. {note that not all of these are unread, but also that there ARE tons more TBR scattered around my house and on my Kindle. 😬}

Some bookish happenings:
@BookwormAHN I received the next #whodunitthesequel
@Librarybelle the next one should be delivered to you today
@the-flashley I finally sent the next #LMPBC as well! (So sorry for the delay! 😬)

Librarybelle Awesome! I got home too late today to stop by the post office, so I‘ll check tomorrow! 6y
the-flashley No worries! Your bookshelves look like mine!😅 And I haven‘t even finished unpacking. 6y
BookwormAHN Good, I'm glad you received it 😸 6y
LA_Mead Lol I‘m that way too!!! 6y
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1-Self - help
2- Poetry
3- Religious


sebrittainclark 🧡📚🧡📚🧡 6y
Gaylagal2 I almost chose religious over romance...they were pretty even😉🤙 6y
MicrobeMom @Gaylagal2 I do like a good cheesy romance but I get why many do not. 6y
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Do you like checking boxes? How about feeling superior?

If so, you should take this quiz comprised of books I'm ashamed at not having read yet. How many have you read? Share in the comments.


cobwebmoth 11 of 143.😩 There are a couple that I planned on reading this year, though. 6y
tjwill I‘ve read 32 (22%). Some of the others are on my TBR, but most of these are books I have no interest in reading at all. What was your number? No one should feel ashamed for not having read certain books! Don‘t let literary snobs bully you! (edited) 6y
2BR02B @cobwebmoth nice! I should make a plan or something. I bet I could knock out one a month if I tried. 6y
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Louise I've read 28, and like @tjwill, I think some titles on the list don't really qualify as must-read books. In many cases, I've read different books by the same author. But it's interesting to see the choice of titles and try to guess how old the folks are who put these lists together! 😆 (edited) 6y
2BR02B @tjwill I made this list last year, and I've read six since then. 32 is really impressive! My shame is mostly tongue-in-cheek, but I do feel a little guilty when I consume too much "literary junk food" and not enough "serious literature." 6y
2BR02B @Louise I'm thirty! And some of these books have been on my shelves, unread, for ten years or more! That's probably a lot of the obscure/inessential stuff on the list- my reading tastes have evolved over the years, but I haven't been able to bring myself to get rid of unread books because FOMO, I guess. 6y
tjwill @2BR02B It‘s ok to not read serious stuff. Six of the serious, classic reads in a year is plenty! 6y
Louise I had to look up FOMO! I guess that dates me! 🤣 Yes, over the years, our tastes definitely evolve; and the books that last for us shine ever brighter! 6y
shadowspeak17 I‘ve only read 6 (4%). 😬 6y
2BR02B @shadowspeak17 Same here! High five! 6y
Insightsintobooks I'm only at 17. Some of these books are on my list to read, but I have to purchase them first. Some I have, but haven't read yet. 6y
llwheeler 14 here (mostly the fantasy ones lol) 6y
llwheeler Also i love this site and have gone through way too many of the book lists - it's so addictive to tap through them! 6y
Sace 8...but out of curiosity I'm going to go back and click the ones I have sitting on my shelf but haven't read yet (story of my life.) 6y
Weaponxgirl 28 so 20%. I love list challenges and I'm gonna follow you and compare our lists now! 6y
Graywacke Love your list and even more the title, which captures how I feel when I read these lists! 🤣 I‘ve read 35, and can‘t promise I remember much about many of those. 6y
DGRachel 18 not including 4 that I tried and bailed (and will never try again) 6y
2BR02B @llwheeler Yes, so addictive! I've wasted many a slow afternoon at work just ticking boxes. Earning those stars is just so satisfying, though. 6y
Lisaw13 20 - and a couple that I bailed on - love book lists! 6y
Leniverse 22 + some I DNF (might try some of them again some other time), plus a few I have in progress. I did actually put aside the paranormal romance and pick up Infinite Jest this very day! 😂 6y
TK-421 I've read 10/143 and will honestly admit that although some of the books on this list are on my TBR radar (either owned or on my buy/borrow list), there's a lot of these I'll probably never read. 6y
Beachesnbooks I've read 28....soooo many are on my TBR! The list is right, I need to get to work 😂 6y
BibliOphelia 38 (27%), which was well more than I expected! 😳😂 6y
vivastory 37. Not too bad! 6y
zoerella I'm bookmarking this list because it aligns weirdly well with the mental list I've been keeping for ohhh, the past 10 years or so. I got 30 but some of them were read a looong time ago. 6y
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When tumblr calls you out! 😂🤣😂😝🤣
I need the new books! I‘ll get to the unread ones soon I promise! 🤫

Also make that 10 into 100! 😬😅

DGRachel 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is the BEST TBR meme EVER! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 7y
Jadams89 OMG that is FANTASTIC!!!! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @DGRachel I know! 😂 7y
Ash.on.the.line @Jadams1776 it is! I had to share! 7y
batsy 😂😂😂 7y
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I had a (very) mini meltdown last night to my husband about the 77 unread books I own, and I'm both troubled and amused that Facebook reminded me I had the exact same meltdown 7 years ago. And it's WORSE now!! 😩

Kalalalatja 😂😂😂😂 7y
MicheleinPhilly 77? Oh girl, you have NO idea. My house and Kindle would send you into spasms. ☺️ 7y
Soubhiville Huh, now I'm wondering how many I have. I don't count my kindle since nothing in it takes up physical space, is that cheating? 7y
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cariashley @MicheleinPhilly I know, I'm sure lots of people have way more- I guess I should be proud of my own restraint! My Manhattan apartment forces it, that's for sure! 7y
cariashley @Soubhiville depends on why you're trying to limit yourself I think! I feel guilty about the books I've spent money on but haven't read more so than the space they take up, so I do count kindle books. Though space is an issue too 😳 7y
Soubhiville 102 physical books... ok that's more than I thought. 🤣 7y
Soubhiville @cariashley I see your point.... 7y
julesG Not going to tell you how many unread books are on my shelves and on my kindle. I've given up feeling guilty, I'm building a collection! 😁 7y
Reviewsbylola Omg, I'd be way too scared to count. 🙈 7y
Zelma @cariashley why do you feel guilty? Is there a sense that you many never get to end of your TBR? For me, my books are almost entirely unread. Once I read them, they leave my house and new ones come in. I see it as my own personal library, with something new to read always at my fingertips. 7y
cariashley @Zelma yes, it's definitely that, and I also feel like I can't pick up new books without a sense of guilt that I should be reading the ones I already have. I rarely let myself take out library books for that reason but I really want to. Although now that I'm typing this it seems silly and self imposed - I actually like the sound of your system a lot! 7y
Zelma @cariashley I also take out tons from the library. Love all the options. 👍 7y
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