This was a perfect little holiday read. I really loved the concept around time and how even the smallest action can have big impacts on those around you. Wasn‘t overly keen on the ending but overall worth a read #pick
This was a perfect little holiday read. I really loved the concept around time and how even the smallest action can have big impacts on those around you. Wasn‘t overly keen on the ending but overall worth a read #pick
First couple of pages, I found the writing a little cliche YA-ish & I thought I wasn't going to like it but then the writing warmed up, the pace set off at a gallop, the plot started unrolling like a toilet roll wrapped round a puppy and ...
... just like that I'm in the middle of an utterly wonderful reading experience. It had time travel, a non-slushy romance, tears jerked & a feel good ending. It pressed ALL my literary buttons.
Orange 🍊
#99ponkindle definitely worth it if you haven‘t read it!
In this #BlameItOnTrish book, there‘s a bit of time travel and a lot of #WishYouWereHere. A lovely read.
Having #StartedFromTheBottom of my library haul, I‘m excited to finally start the tagged book this weekend. I think it was a recommendation from Trish, so Superlambbanana is photo bombing just for you 😘 @TrishB
Here‘s to a great February Cindy & Megan 😊
#ourlastsummer #abbainaugust
My holiday book purchases this summer and a sun set sky on holiday 💕
#summernightcity #abbainaugust
Generally my go to lighter reads are by this author- though they still always manage to be emotional!
4/5. The writing is calm and transfixing. The plot build up was just right. It felt like a light read for a summer afternoon, but the ending stirs up just the right amount of emotions.
I have a zillion books (or so it seems) with a summer theme. Here‘s just a taste. #summerdays #juneitselectrifying
I've read so many good reviews for this book, that I just had to bring this home from the library. 😀
The Summer of Impossible Things! I love Rowan Coleman's books! Enjoying her current read! ❤️ @penguinrandomhouse
The best book I have read in a very long time! I loved the characters and the storyline.
#bookmail another rec from @ScorpioBookDreams 💜📚
@ScorpioBookDreams posted this a couple of weeks ago - I'd never heard of the author and thought it sounded interesting and time travel 😀💝.
This is an amazing, lovely, sad but uplifting book.
It's about a lot of things, but mostly family and love and sacrifice.
Now I'm going to have to buy everything by the author, oh dear!
#bookmail - got to love it on a Sunday! Thanks to @ScorpioBookDreams for the recommendation 😀 a new author to me.
Signed #bookmail. I love Rowan Coleman so can't wait to start this 😍😍
Sometimes the books pick you! Excited to get started with this one - right in time to help me get out of a reading slump. #astoria #ibelieveinbookfairies
A deeply felt and intense read. I loved how Luna's present changed so incrementally, and the existential crises she dealt with as she nudged her way towards the life she felt she should have had. Vivid characters and a colourful and lively depiction of 1970s Brooklyn, with the dark menace of racial tension, the Mob and gang violence just waiting to boil over. A fantastic read, and strongly recommended.