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Staalhart: De wrekers 1 | Brandon Sanderson
Tien jaar geleden verscheen Calamity aan de hemel en ontwikkelden sommige mensen ineens bijzondere krachten. Deze zogeheten 'Epics' kregen niet alleen een gave, maar ook een onstilbare honger naar macht en destructie. Niemand durft de Epics een strobreed in de weg te leggen. Niemand, behalve de Wrekers. Die geheimzinnige groep heeft al meerdere onverslaanbaar geachte Epics uitgeschakeld. David is vastbesloten de Wrekers op te sporen en ze te overtuigen hun vizier te richten op de wrede Epic Staalhart. Die regeert als een tiran over Newcago en is verantwoordelijk voor de dood van Davids vader. Staalhart staat erom bekend onsterfelijk te zijn, maar David is de enige die Staalhart ooit heeft zien bloeden. En hij zint op wraak.
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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It‘s the year of Brandon Sanderson for me😅 this is technically a reread but loved the writing and storyline. David enlists The Reckoners to help him dispatch Steelheart, the Epic who took over Chicago and remade it with night and steel.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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YA. Male point of view; fantasy. This story reminded me of Marvel or DC comics and had lots of action. I had difficulty enjoying the story because it was, for me, predictable. Those looking to read fantasy without romance might find this a good choice.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Once again Brandon Sanderson incredibly amazes me This book was so interesting. I loved the characters and the setting. I've never read anything like this. It had surprising turns in the story and I am so excited to finish the next one...Firefight! 😃 😄 ❤

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Klou Brilliant! 13mo
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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It took me a while to get into this book, partially because the main character is kind of an oddball. But as I kept reading, there was some very interesting plot twists and now I can't wait to read the next one and see where it goes!

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Ryan Elford
Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

This book is sooo well written. One of my favourite quotes from it is “Never throw the first punch. If you have to throw the second, try to make sure they don‘t get up for a third.” It is just such a powerful quote, and the rest of the book is so exiting! It hooks you so quickly. I really recommend it.

MrsBabki You have impressed me in a BIG way with this series! Love it! 2y
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Ryan Elford
Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

This book was amazing! It has so much action and excitement! If you like super villains and cool powers, than you should read this book.

Ryan Elford
Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

This is a great book! I really like it, because it has so much action, people have really cool powers, and it has some humour. Books with super heroes and super villains are my favourite purely because I like to see what different author‘s think of heroes and villains and the ability‘s that they give each character and I am excited to see what other villains the Reckoners encounter!

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Fantastic Four

If you like Sanderson and have not read Steelheart this is a great book with a super hero flavor.

PageShifter I have read it and it was something different. I liked it! 3y
TheSpineView @PageShifter Love Ssnderson! His world building is so good! 3y
Klou Great choice!! 3y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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TheBookHippie Good life advise 🤣 3y
TheSpineView @TheBookHippie Yes it is.😊 3y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This book was so fun and fast paced I knocked the whole thing out in about 3 days, and that‘s with mom duties. The lead character is kind of a dork, has a hilariously difficult time with metaphors, and desperately wants to join an elite group called the Reckoners so he can avenge his father‘s death. Set in the near future in a Chicago filled to the brim with super powered people, Steelheart is a thrill and I look forward to picking up the sequels.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Not my favorite Brandon Sanderson, yet worth the listening time! 🎧 It is about a world where super powers in people yet all that have them do evil things with the powers. How can normal good people fight against that?!

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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🎧here I sit listening unable to do much, because I'm drawn into the story. This is why I had to stop reading a few years back. I need to find balance! 🤪

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Got so distracted listening that I didn't take a much needed nap while baby was napping... Oops! 🤪

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I picked this one after really enjoying Skyward and it did not disappoint. Straight into the action with likeable characters and a great premise. I couldn't help but think of The Boys TV series just a little :-P ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A very entertaining sci-fi/fantasy read.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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🔷️ Finish Steelheart on audio
🔷️ Finish Anna and the French Kiss for the Owls

... Then pick my next Owls read of the ones I have left!

Chrissyreadit 😻😻😻 5y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I don't usually do TBR piles, but I decided to try my hand at the OWLs this year. As I am kind of new to this, I made a pile for all the prompts. I figure it will set me up for the NEWTs and I can take it from there... pointers appreciated. Newbie here!

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

"You can't be so frightened of what might happen that you are unwilling to act."

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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„The heroes will come…we might just have to help them along.”

I really enjoyed this book. 😇

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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#TallShipCelebration #Steel

Brandon Sanderson's YA take on superpowers (they're called 'epics' in this world). Steelheart is the 1st book of the Reckoners trilogy.


CrowCAH Do they really have hearts made of steel? 5y
TheRomantiCate I‘m reading this too!! 5y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Super heroes exist, but they‘re not here to protect but subject us. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and only a few have the will to fight back.

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I really liked this book. It was such an interesting and exciting story. However the main character‘s obsession (fascination?) with Meghan was a little uncomfortable. And for some reason rename Chicago “newcago” felt weird. 😂🤷‍♀️

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Books & book sales make me so happy.
Finding a new-to-me author: game, set, match.
Brandon Sanderson might be an author I just HAVE to buy. You know, they come out with a new book, and it doesn't even matter what it's about, you just know it's going to be good and you just need to buy it.
STEELHEART was only $8 on Amazon (hardcover) and I just couldn't withstand it anymore. I don't regret buying it.

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This book is one of the best I have read!! It started with a bang and kept getting better from their. Each character was awesome. Even if they weren't the main character, they kept my interest. Long after I finished the book I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I am about a quarter of the way through with Steelheart and I am finding it very entertaining.

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

This book was my first Sanderson. His father gave me a signed copy when it first came out and, at first, I was skeptical. I admit that I started reading it just to be polite (this isn‘t really my genre normally). I was instantly pulled in. I have read it twice since then—most recently earlier this week. Brandon is a master of his craft. Loved this book!

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

Mr. Sanderson is the king of plot! This was a fun one. Not my favorite Sanderson, but still really enjoyed it. Especially that ending! Lots of action, cool take on superheroes, likable geeky characters, and just the right amount of humor. Ready for the next book.

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I didn't expect this book to be anything other than incredible coming from Brandon Sanderson but I was honestly surprised at how much I loved it. I'm not real into superheroes and such but I just was so hooked as soon as I started reading Steelheart! Sanderson knows how to tell an incredible story

Such a great book, loved the characters, especially Cody, he cracks me up. Oh and I absolutely love the terrible metaphors David comes up with!!


Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This book and the other 2 in the series were in one of my kindle deals emails for only $2.99 each! I read a sample first and I was so hooked so I grabbed up all 3. I mean its by Brandon Sanderson.. did I really think it wouldn't be spectacular? Lol

I finally broke down and bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite 10. I was so tired of trying to read on my old Kindle Fire, it was just terrible. I recommend one of these to anyone looking for a new reader!

jpmcwisemorgan I bought the series too because it was cheap and I fell for the buy $20 in ebooks and you‘ll get $5 offer I received from Amazon last month. 6y
mutlee I also picked up the series on sale and was thinking of starting it tonight. 6y
InBooksILive @mutlee I haven't been able to stop reading the first book since I bought it! 6y
mutlee All right, I just finished two books that I didn‘t enjoy that much, so I‘m starting this. Sanderson won‘t disappoint. 6y
InBooksILive @mutlee right! Sanderson could never disappoint! Lemme know what you think after you read some of it? It had me hooked instantly 6y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I've been so good. Really I have. I haven't bought any books, for 52 day (yes, addicts on the road to recovery count days) then I open a YA email from Book Riot this morning and in a hazy blur these 3 beauties end up on my Kindle. #nowillpower #atleastitsnotdrugs

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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"You've got passion to kill but you need to find passion to live."

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

Absolutely loved this book! Couldn‘t put it down! I personally am a huge Brandon Sanderson fan anyhow but this book was a new and fresh concept compared to his normal writings. It had me on the edge of my seat multiple times, laughing at others, and even crying at one point! Wonderfully written and so engaging!

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
thereadingowlvina Welcome to Litsy!!! 🎉👋😊 6y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson


Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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The book is a dystopian novel that questioned the reality of people owning superpowers. This is the first part of a trilogy, that I admittedly haven‘t read the other books, but the first book as a stand-alone is a great sci-fi book with only the ending to rely on the second book. If you like interesting concepts of superpower and technology, with really solid plot twist, I totally recommend this book!

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This trilogy has been on my TBR for a while now. I love Sanderson‘s writing, he‘s seriously a genius! I‘m stoked that the first book is Audible‘s Daily Deal today!

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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I quite enjoyed what I read by Brandon Sanderson so far, so I snatched up this daily deal!
#audible #bookhaul

TheSpineView I have it too on audio book. It's on the TBR list. 6y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This was recommended to me by a friend, and to be honest, I wasn‘t sure that I‘d like it after reading the description. Boy was I wrong. I LOVED IT!!!

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

The thing about Sanderson‘s books is that I never know what I‘m going to get, but I‘m never disappointed. He decides he‘s going to write a book about people with extraordinary abilities, we assume we‘re getting a wash rinse repeat super hero book. Instead we get a wildly different experience where “sometimes the heroes just need some help”. I spent a lot of the book laughing at the horrible metaphors. It is truly an art!

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Time to buy another bookshelf... can't wait to read Steelheart

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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson


Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson

This book had me hooked from the start. The plot was thorough, and had a lot of hooks and twists. Would definitely recommend.

Dr.Who_number10 Welcome to litsy Justin 7y
JustinM03 Thanks 7y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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1. Hayley Atwell, Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone, Janelle Monae, Myrna Loy
2. Purple
3. Most of my reads have been pretty short, so probably Spineless
4. Roland Deschain (The Dark Tower), David Charleston (Steelheart), Binti, and Bella Swan (got to have someone easy to sacrifice when things get bad)
5. ?


queerbookreader I would give up a kidney to meet janelle monae 😭 7y
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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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They are making a game to go with the Steelheart books by Sanderson. If your interested in winning the games or the books use the link below.


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Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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This is the first book I've read by Brandon Sanderson, and all I can say is, "More please." ? Steelheart pulled me in and wouldn't let me go until I reached the end. Then I went and downloaded the sequel because I'm dying to find out what happens next. ?

Steelheart | Brandon Sanderson
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Steelheart is the first book in the Reckoners series. Read this book last Oct. 2013.
Definitely a page turner.
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
mabell Welcome! 🎉 7y
Libby1 Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚❤️ 7y
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