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Gunslinger Girl
Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
69 posts | 52 read | 76 to read
James Patterson presents a bold new heroine--a cross between Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley: Serendipity Jones, the fastest sharpshooter in tomorrow's West. Seventeen-year-old Serendipity "Pity" Jones inherited two things from her mother: a pair of six shooters and perfect aim. She's been offered a life of fame and fortune in Cessation, a glittering city where lawlessness is a way of life. But the price she pays for her freedom may be too great.... In this extraordinary debut from Lyndsay Ely, the West is once again wild after a Second Civil War fractures the U.S. into a broken, dangerous land. Pity's struggle against the dark and twisted underbelly of a corrupt city will haunt you long after the final bullet is shot.
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Open to those who signed up for #book2book with @AllDebooks

Comment below if you‘d like to take this one home. If multiple folks are interested I‘ll draw a random number. I‘m in the US.

@CSeydel @Bookish_Gal @LiteraryinLawrence @Chrissyreadit @Clwojick @Cuilin @bcncookbookclub @Tineke @julieclair @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @BookwormAHN @Lizpixie @KateReadsYA @TheBookHippie @dabbe

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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This held a lot of promise. Interesting concept and world. It just never felt compelling. Pity our MC was dull. Some parts felt like nothing was happening even when things were. I would love a book set in this world just telling someone else‘s story. I love the idea of a strong heroine that‘s a sharpshooter so hopefully I can find one that‘s better. #bookspinbingo

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Someone recommended this to me and I found it on sale so I picked it up. Hopefully it‘s good. Cover is eye catching to me.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#marchinthetitle21 #girlboyinthetitle

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely

This was fun! Had a slump in the middle and the pickup to the climax was abrupt but other than that it was really good and a fun read. Even had a small twist I didn't see coming which was surprising. Definitely a good read if you're looking for something that is different (this was a western and dystopian, making a new combination I've never read before) but not bogged down by details of the world.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely

I like this book a lot only I'm 300 pages in and it feels like the plot just got started. I can't help but wonder if about 75 pages could have been cut and it still would be good. It feels a little bloated at this point. I hope the last 150 pages fly by like the first 150 did

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely

Almost 200 pages in after only reading for a couple hours. This book is so fun and quick (for being 400 something pages) I love books like this.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Today's final theme of #BookRecs is highly #Underrated #YA 🖤
*The one above Gunslinger Girl is Fateful by Claudia Grey*

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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This book was so good! I loved the action and plot, the pace was so fast and I didnt expect the twists it took, the romance was so good and I adored the characters, I loved the descriptions and the world they lived in, and I really enjoyed the overall western dystopian atmosphere. Only thing I was unsure of was the open ending....I am in desperate need of a sequel, however this is unfortunately a standalone.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Started this yesterday, and hoping to finish it today! I love it so far, it's a mix between western, dystopian and romance. Plus a bit of mystery. 🥰

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I‘ve seen mixed reviews about this one but I enjoyed it, and although the author has said that she‘s not planning one, I wouldn‘t mind a #sequelplease! The ending was set up up perfectly for one!

LibrarianRyan This wasn‘t my favorite but I did enjoy it. And I agree about the sequel. 4y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I liked this one! It‘s a genre-busting, #actionpacked combo of dystopian and Western. I liked the MC, Pity, a lot and the pacing was good.
#popsugar2020 - a Western

runswithscissors007 Since finishing Deadwood I have been looking for a alternate Western! This looks perfect! 5y
OriginalCyn620 @runswithscissors007 I‘ve seen mixed reviews but I liked it! Hope you do too! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty photo 💗 5y
LibrarianRyan I think it needs a sequel. but it's not getting one. 5y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Just got this new book and I'm interested to see if I'm going to like it. I'm not a big fan of Westerns or western fantasy so this is a big change for me, but sometimes its fun to try new genres. 50 pages in and it's interesting so far. #HardcoverBargainBuys #TheErbeLadyReads

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Day 3 person 3

LibrarianRyan Great cover, so so book. 5y
marleed But that cover! 5y
LibrarianRyan @marleed It is a great cover. It almost represents the book. It is pretty close. The paper back cover just sucks and doesn't represent the book at all. I liked the books, and this cover got me to buy it, but I didn't love it because it needs a sequel. 5y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Action packed and so exciting! It didn‘t go where I expected it to at all and I loved the futuristic West! A fun book that I‘d definitely recommend

LibrarianRyan I think it needs a sequel but it‘s a stand alone. 5y
GivenLemons @LibrarianRyan I actually didn‘t mind it ending where it did, but I‘m a lot more tolerant of open endings than most people 😅 that being said, love a sequel 5y
SW-T I have this on hold! Waiting is hard sometimes 🙄 5y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Just finished my #letterG book for #LitsyAtoZ challenge AND WHAT AN AMAZING TREAT! I loved it from start to finish. Great action, great plot twists, great writing, and even a little but if cheese. But mostly some badass characters and classic western shoot outs.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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The things I‘ve ordered online haven‘t come in yet, but when they do, they‘ll be added to this #LitsyAtoZTBR stack. So far in order I want to read them.
#litsyAtoZ2019 #litsyAtoZ #litsyAtoZchallenge #ABCedrianTBR #TBR

That-Bookish-Hiker Nice tbr! I sent you a email with the tracking number, did you get it? 6y
PagesByTheWater @That-Bookish-Hiker I just checked yes I did! Idk how I missed that. Did you get mine? 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker @PagesByTheWater yay! I hope it gets to you sooner than the 11th. I didn‘t get yours. Can you resend it? 6y
PagesByTheWater Me too! Of course! Sending now ❤️ 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I picked this book up because I loved the cover. It just screams powerful woman to me and Serendipity Jones is just that. She doesn't let her past define what she is capable of in life. Set after the second Civil War, this #YA #dystopian had a storyline that kept me guessing. Who was crossing whom? Who was really in charge? I even liked the ending even though I am a romantic at heart. Sometimes love doesn't triumph.

LibrarianRyan I really wish the author would continue the story. To me it doesn‘t feel like and end. 6y
MaggieCarr @LibrarianRyan and I felt like the ending was perfect for her character. Why put a cap/finish line/tidy wrapped up ending on an MC that is still learning who she is and what she is capable of. Don't get me wrong, I love a happy ending but felt this one was spot on how it needed to be for Pity. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Reading Women's Challenge 2019 : Read a book because of the cover. I love this cover and didn't even read up on it before checking it out. Pleasantly surprised that it is #YA and #dystopian, two things I love and didn't realize when I was selecting books. I'm really enjoying it so far. The Greatest Showman meets Caraval/Legendary...

BookwormM That is a great cover 6y
LibrarianRyan Don‘t look at the paper back cover. It‘s HORRIBLE! I wish this had a sequel. But author says no. 6y
MaggieCarr @LibrarianRyan telling me not to look made me want to see how bad it was lol. Oh.my.word!!! You are so right! Awful! And if we had the paperback version in our collection, I definetly wouldn't have picked it up for this challenge. 😜 6y
LibrarianRyan @MaggieCarr this cover feels like this book. The paperback cover feels like the publisher didn‘t think it made enough money so make it look like a James Patterson novel and make his name look bigger. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Talk about a shot in The WRONG direction. The original cover said READ ME and was much more representative of the story inside.

All this cover says is “didn‘t sell enough to suit Patterson so give it a Patterson cover and try again”. UGHhHHHhHhHhHhHh.

I never would have picked up this book. The book is a futuristic boom that is living in an “old west” style. If you have ever seen the SYFY show Defiance, it‘s a similar idea.

Your thoughts?

CampbellTaraL Oof, I watched and played Defiance, and this cover doesn't make me think of that setting at all. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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♡♡♡ Sharpshooters and dystopian and intrigue, oh my!

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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1. Decorating the apartment for autumn
2. Trying to get the motivation to get up and start the day
3. Tagged
4. Homemade apple jelly from the apple harvest in my town
5. Homemade food.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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#24b4monday day 2 update:
Didn't get as far as I wanted to today but I'm on page 168 of this book and loving it. I won't be able reach the 24 hours this time. But I do plan to get as many hours in as possible on day 3. I'm enjoying the book and that's what really matters.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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#24b4monday day one stats
Time 1:17
Books finished: still working on gunslinger girl

BeansPage You're doing great keep it up!🤘🏻 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I haven't gotten far in the #24B4Monday but I'm moving along. I'm loving this book, but it's so intense. I've got a dirty chai and I'm snuggled in with my puppy for a late night of reading

BeansPage Great start sweetie! 🤘🏻 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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For my “TBR Group Read” square on my challenge. I ended up liking this more than I thought it would considering I‘m not really a fan of westerns. However, there was enough dystopia, romance, intrigue all of that...to make it more palatable.

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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Omg the adulting I got done today AND reading this book! High five to Samm today!
-2 loads of laundry
-4 loads of dishes
-1 hour at the gym
-2 videos filmed and edited
-1 poster made for Facebook group
And it's only 5:45 pm!

PS this book awesome. Excited to chat with the author this month. Such a fun dystopian and the ending made much more sense to me the second time around.

BookishMarginalia Wow! You‘ve been busy! 6y
StephanieMarie I am in awe of you! I had a very lazy day 6y
Ahomeinpages Wow, that's so impressive! 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Rereading this since the author will be in the TBR and Beyond book group later this month 😁😁😁😁😁😁

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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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My July TBR. Minus the #botm books I ordered for July.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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#ebookdeal on Kindle today! This has been on radar my for awhile.

LibrarianRyan It's not bad. I enjoyed it despite its flaws. Plus while they have promoted it as a stand alone I really think it will have a sequel. 6y
ladym30 I liked it. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Happy Aloha Saturday! 🌺 Today I went to the Spring Fair from the town I live in Hawaii and my hubby bought me this super awesome fabric Hawaiian bookmark. It has elastic and adjusts to pretty much any size book (I tried on many already, lol). Loving it, the flower is just a hair clip on that I have. Bit of a #shelfie here as well 😉 #Book is on my #tbr

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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I've got 7 books going at the moment, which is just ridiculous. But then I keep glancing at this one and thinking 8 is a nice round number. 🙄

Amelie The struggle is real 😜 6y
benchley1 I never know how people just read 1 6y
Traci1 @Amelie @benchley1 I used to be one of those people who never read more than one book at a time. I'd get mixed up on plots and lose focus. But once I started it was 2 books at once. Then 4 books. And now here I am. I feel like I have the attention span of a toddler. 6y
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Scurvygirl Ugh! I have 10 going because my brain is so disconjointed ( my made up word) and considering starting another... Need to finish a few this weekend. 6y
Traci1 @Scurvygirl yeah I feel like if I could finish at least 2 this weekend I won't feel so bad about it. 6y
LibrarianRyan This book was decent. Currently a stand alone but could use a sequel. Inadequate world building left more questions than answers but I enjoyed the ride. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I don't think the blurb which styles this as a futuristic western matches the story inside. I felt it was more like a mash-up historical fiction and sci-fi with western overtones, with maybe little bit of Moulin Rouge flavor too? Regardless this was a great page-turner read. Multiple strong characters and the theme of finding your place in the world. Definitely recommended despite the my uncertainty with the description.

Erinsuereads I‘ve been seeing this book everywhere! Glad it‘s good! I first found it on @Jadams1776 page. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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3/5 🌟 I was expecting more of a road or adventure story than this turned out to be. I wasn't a huge fan of the romance but I really liked the main character. Lots of intrigue. A fun read.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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This week's wrap up is up!



Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Only on the dedication page and we're already off to a good start.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I'm not moving too badly on #litsyatoz

Lova I love your graphic! Where did you find him? 6y
Bookzombie Such a cute graphic! 6y
LibrarianRyan @Lova google I believe. 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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This was a really enjoyable book minus the cheesy romance. It's not REALLY a western as much as a fantasy historical fiction with a wild west feel. Enjoyed all the characters and the plot. I do know I had a hard time following the end since so much happened and like EVERY freaking character was involved.

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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I got high hopes for this one!

enoyus Just picked this up not too long ago. I hope it‘s a good one. 6y
TheRomantiCate Please let me know how it is! It looks great!! 6y
sunflowermeghan I've been wanting to read this one! Can't wait to hear what you think of it. 6y
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ladym30 I loved it! 6y
KarouBlue Who is that funko pop on the right! Adorbs! 6y
SassenachTheBookWizard @MellieAntoinete it's Regina from Once Upon A Time 6y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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This book was truly a fun ride! More people need to read this. A Western novel in a dystopian world. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. This one did not disappoint me, and I was worried it would. Check it out if you haven't!

MeganAnn Great review! I almost picked this up, but was afraid it might disappoint so I decided to wait. Now I'll get it for sure. 👏🏻😊 7y
shaegeeksout Go in open minded, and its a fun ride! 7y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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[#BookReview] Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely. The main character, Serendipity Jones was described as a mix of Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley, which not only works so well but also is what originally got me interested! Have you read Gunslinger Girl?

Full review: http://heathersreadinghideaway.blogspot.com/2018/03/book-review-gunslinger-girl-...

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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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3.5 ⭐️. Overall I liked this book. It's WestWorld meets The Hunger Games minus the robots. Very much reminds me of the Syfy tv show Defiance. But there are too many holes in this world building for a stand alone book. Plus the author insisted it's a stand alone but left it completely open for a sequel (which I would read). I did a pretty long review on GR if you are interested.

theresidentromantic Do you know if it has anything to do with the anime of the same name? 7y
LibrarianRyan @theresidentromantic nothing to do with it. 7y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Today‘s audiobook. #CurrentlyReading #MarchInBooks

According to the blurb, the story takes place in the West that has turned wild again after the Second Civil War. Since “#HistoryNeverRepeats—except it does” is an idea I keep seeing today, I‘m going to go ahead and use this book for #MarchIntoOz. 😉

Cinfhen Sounds interesting....and I‘m stumped for today‘s post....still have 12 hours left to think it over..... 7y
maich Nice cover❣ 7y
JaclynW Sounds very interesting. 7y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I guess I succeeded in being productive yesterday, because I had to start a new audiobook.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Just had this book come up as Steampunk. Let's be clear this is NOT Steampunk. I know this for sure. I'm 30 pages from the end. This is also NOT a real western. Vague western feel yes but NOT a western.

And while I'm ranting, I HATE white bookcover. Dust jackets , okay I can take it off while I'm reading. But not the cover.

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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tournevis Sounds like sf to me. It's anticipation with a Western twist for sure. 7y
ChasingOm It sounds like “Weird West” to me — a genre I‘ve found I love. 😂 Basically Western mixed with fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, etc. 7y
LibrarianRyan I am in the middle of this. It's like a mishmash of cowboys and aliens (minus the aliens). It's a dystopian future with a western feel. I'm enjoying it but the world building is currently a little lax. Similar to the TV show Defiance. Carnival, Zane grey, and hunger games all rolled into one. @tournevis @ChasingOm (edited) 7y
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WanderingBookaneer @tournevis @ChasingOm @LibrarianRyan : I borrowed it for a reading challenge thinking it was a Western and now I don‘t know if I can use it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
LibrarianRyan @WanderingBookaneer no. It's not a true western and only has the barest western Fele to it. And part of that is the incomplete world building. Like why six shot revolvers ? Even now those are rarely used, but this is clearly the future. Or at least after the 50s. But I say 10-100 years from now. (edited) 7y
LibrarianRyan Heck, west world is more western this this book is. 7y
WanderingBookaneer @LibrarianRyan : I didn‘t make myself clear. I know I cannot use it as a Western, but I was hoping that I could use it as something else. I was hoping it fell under Steampunk, but the modes of transportation rules that out. I agree about world building and six shooters 7y
LibrarianRyan @WanderingBookaneer i don't remember what challenges your doing. I think it would for for mixed genes (duh I know) dystopian. Alternate history but that will be a close call. There's not enough of the history to day. If you haven't already try Ink and Bone for Steampunk. It's not exactly Steampunk but it feels so much like Steampunk it's hard not to fit it in that genera. It also works for alternative history as it's as if Alexandria never burned 7y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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Just picked this baby up for $8 at the used bookstore, can't wait!
#tbr #newin #books #ya

Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I had no will power at BN today. None. Exorcism is so #blameitonLitsy. I've been trying to get a copy for a few weeks but my local BN had an inventory problem. Every copy was missing. They got a fresh batch today.

FlowerFairy Have been plowing through Exorcism today. Loving it! 7y
Karkar I love the cover for Exorcism!❤️📚❤️ 7y
kamoorephoto Fab choices! One of my favorite covers ever on the left! 7y
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LibrarianRyan @kamoorephoto mine to. Mainly why I bought it. I saw everyone else posting and just had to have it. @Karkar 7y
AngieR I gotta have that exorcism book 😍 7y
kamoorephoto @AngieR The hardback looks like a yearbook!! @LibrarianRyan The designer is a comedian!! The cover stood out to me and called to me like all the bad horror movies at Blockbuster in the 90‘s 😹😹😹 7y
LibrarianRyan @kamoorephoto I bought the hard cover for my last library and had zero desire to read it. This is so much better. 7y
kamoorephoto @LibrarianRyan That‘s hilarious. Well, I love having that cover on my bookcase 👍🏼 I also read a short horror story collection with a video cover that caught my eye on my Kindle and I kind of wish I could have it in paperback now to add to it, side by side; unfortunately it‘s not in the directory... 7y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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My January book haul lot of great books!

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