Does anyone else feel amazon guilt? You know, I feel bad for buying from Amazon because apparently they are the devil, but it's so convenient.
Does anyone else feel amazon guilt? You know, I feel bad for buying from Amazon because apparently they are the devil, but it's so convenient.
Honestly, do I even click on this right now. ?? I spent $120 this weekend and approx $80 of it was on "one click" purchases.
Amazon is giving out what I like to call law suit rewards. Go check your account people.
This is awful!b!b. In the best kind of way. I got a SUNDAY delivery by Amazon. And it's a holiday weekend. I am pretty sure this is from @WanderingBookaneer for #halloweengoespostal. So now I wait. ...
I got this gift card for my bday. But I just don't know what I should buy with it??? Hmm. Maybe BOOKS?!
Yes I think it may have to be books.😍
When you spend the afternoon shopping for #allhallowsreadbookexchange. 😅
BOOK QUIZ: I was just in our Amazon Books and I took a picture of the first page of a book that is on my TBR. The first paragraph just pulls me in. Can you guess the book based on the first paragraph? I picked a random book for this post so don't guess Amazon Queen!! #firstparagraphbookquiz