OMG!!! Thank you Christine!!! this just arrived today!! It‘s a very fun and thoughtful surprise! 😘💛💛💛I let Loki be part of the photo.
OMG!!! Thank you Christine!!! this just arrived today!! It‘s a very fun and thoughtful surprise! 😘💛💛💛I let Loki be part of the photo.
Are you guilty of your sign‘s reading crime? I can‘t lie, as a ♓️ I do “occasionally” dog ear a page if I can‘t find a marker handy... I‘m trying to get better about this one though 🙈
Super excited for the reading challenges! Cannot wait for it to start 😁😁
#ReadYourSign #Cancer♋ @Clwojick @Meaw_catlady
I haven't done a challenge here on Litsy in a long time, and this one piqued my interest! @Clwojick @Meaw_catlady #ReadYourSign
Apologies for yet another post that is not book related (I am a terrible Litsy-er lately) but all of this #BasicWitchSwap talk and Alyisha‘s last post made me wonder if anyone else uses Co-Star for daily horoscope? If you want to add me on there, I‘m sprainedbrain (obv).
I tried the light bulb... no ding, and this was all I thought of doing. 🤷🏻♀️😂
#EpicReads shared this on fb and I thought you all would enjoy. As a Scorpio, I admit, I am indeed 5-star stingy. 🦂♏️
Is your “reading crime” accurate? 😆 Comment below or repost and tag me. #readingcrimeastrology
Yeah that's about right! I'm a Pisces though but this definitely describes me 🍷📚And instead of getting sloshed with a cat, let's change that to getting sloshed with my dog 😂
Today‘s horoscope is eerily insightful.
This is another one of the Hay House Basics I've tried, but I wouldn't agree that it was basic at all. I feel like I've studied a degree in astrology, which is great if a world of information is what you want... but not so great for bed time reading 🤔