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Lie to Me
Lie to Me: A Psychological Suspense | J.T. Ellison
Domestic noir at its best. Readers will devour this stunning page-turner about the disintegration of a marriage as grief, jealousy, betrayal and murder destroy the facade of the perfect literary couple. New York Times bestselling author J.T. Ellison takes her exceptional writing to a new level with this breakout novel. They built a life on lies Sutton and Ethan Montclair's idyllic life is not as it appears. They seem made for each other, but the truth is ugly. Consumed by professional and personal betrayals and financial woes, the two both love and hate each other. As tensions mount, Sutton disappears, leaving behind a note saying not to look for her. Ethan finds himself the target of vicious gossip as friends, family and the media speculate on what really happened to Sutton Montclair. As the police investigate, the lies the couple have been spinning for years quickly unravel. Is Ethan a killer? Is he being set up? Did Sutton hate him enough to kill the child she never wanted and then herself? The path to the answers is full of twists that will leave the reader breathless.
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I won‘t lie to you, I‘ve never read this author before so I‘m kinda excited to start a first. #27of2024

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I was checking my Goodreads for books with a #LieInTitle & I have a lot. When I looked deeper, I found 6 of them were by J. T. Ellison who I‘ve been reading since her Taylor Jackson & Dr. Samantha Owens series days.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 5mo
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I forgot to post this yesterday! Work 😱


Eggs Great choice 🤗 2y
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#Tellthetruthday Don‘t lie to me?!?!


Eggs ❤️🤗👍🏼 3y
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Was entertaining. Good mystery story. Didn‘t take me too long to figure out “the bad guy” but it usually doesn‘t lol. That‘s why no one will watch tv w me

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At first, I was really enjoying this book. Then it started to significantly remind me of Gone Girl. Don‘t get me wrong, I liked Gone Girl, I‘m just not a fan of books that repeat that theme. Finally, the plot shifted and I ended up enjoying it again. I really like J.T. Ellison and love her email newsletters. #MountTBR

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I don't know if it's me but I didn't like this book one bit...found it very boring, to me it just dragged and dragged

Cathythoughts I bailed on this one ... started off ok but I soon lost interest ! 4y
bookaholic1 @Cathythoughts yes I understand this was a pathetic book to read 4y
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I have come to love anything that has the word “perfect” in it. You instantly know it is all a facade. 🤓

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Really solid thriller! I really enjoyed this one!


Such a cliche, but this really has Gone Girl vibes...at least in the beginning. I thought it was going one way, but then it went another. Then another twist, and another. I do have some questions about things in the story that, I don‘t know, didn‘t make sense because maybe I missed something. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I really did enjoy this one. (First book I‘ve read from this author)

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Finished this book on my drive home today. Lie to Me is really predictable. I purposefully do not try guessing the plot twists, because I enjoy experiencing the surprise of the reveals. So if I can guess it without trying, you know it‘s very predictable. But, it was an entertaining listen. I‘m planning to listen to the follow up book, Tear Me Apart.

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I enjoyed reading this so much! I wasn‘t at all creeped out-it isn‘t that type of mystery-thriller. What I loved about this one was how doggone suspenseful it was!! Short chapters made it a fast-paced read, and I loved every reveal. My first Ellison book, but if her stories are like this, I totally want to read more of her work.

#TeamSlaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick

Cathythoughts I like the sound of this one 👍🏻stacked 5y
Cathythoughts Unstacked ! As I just got it for 1.50 ..... better let @TrishB know 👍🏻 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I‘m not supposed to buy any books before my birthday....but I‘ve sneaked this onto my kindle. Don‘t tell anyone 😘 thanks 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB 👍🏻🤐 5y
intothehallofbooks @Cathythoughts @TrishB I hope y‘all like it!! 5y
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I‘ve read a huge chunk of this today and the level of suspense I feel makes me want to keep at it until I finish. This is my book club‘s selection for October. I tried to start it about a week-ish ago but didn‘t make it past the second chapter before I was done with it and stopped. But for some reason, I‘m really clicking with the story since I restarted it today and I‘m eager to see how it all plays out.

#TeamSlaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick

Clwojick this one looks good!! 5y
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My husband wasn‘t sure if I‘d still want to go the library book sale we had planned on yesterday after Elliot passed. I decided it might be a comforting distraction and it was. My book finds brought me joy and I needed that.

Lovesbooks87 You got some good ones! 5y
AmyG I find books always comforting. You got some good ones. 5y
Ruthiella Nice haul! 5y
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This book gives a solid nod to Gone Girl but with a very different ending. It‘s full of interesting twists and turns that seem to typify a dysfunctional marriage, but the ending seemed contrived and not all that believable. Perhaps I was expecting too much based on the hype surrounding the book, but I found it underwhelming.

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1. Psycho 😳
2. Tagged book 😬😬
3. WAKE ME UP, before ya go! go!

lol yep that's my morning shower jam.


JoScho Thanks for playing 💙🧖🏽‍♀️💙 5y
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Loves this book, although it was kinda predictable.

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Eggs, oatmeal, iced coffee, and a book. The best way to spend my day off 🖤 #jtellison #goodmorning

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Good, fast-paced read. Definitely kept me guessing. Just what I needed after a few bailed books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

tammysue 👏🏻👍🏻 5y
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Sutton and Ethan's love story is one for the books. Convoluted, shrouded in lies, but deep and everlasting. That is, until Ethan's world is torn apart by Sutton's disappearance. Filled with countless twists and breathless reveals, Lie To Me will keep you guessing...and confused! My only criticism is the additional "narrated" chapters. The book could've held it's own without them.

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Free books are the best! This one is rolling pretty slowly for me so far...someone tell me it gets dark and twisty soon!

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Hello 11:30 pm. It seems we keep meeting this way. It‘s my only time to read lately (and lately the books have been insanely good). And I‘m so tempted to just stay awake until my son wakes up the first time (of many) until we finally just let him sleep in our bed so we ALL get to sleep. Who runs this house? My 2 year old.

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This book reminded me of Gone Girl but I wouldn‘t compare the two. I enjoyed the twisty story! Theo on the other hand is not happy I put him in a hoodie after he shivered during his naps. 🤣

Callemarie YES omg at first that is what I was thinking and I was like please not another gone girl... I love JT Ellison. This was a great book 6y
AlaMich Awww!!🐶❤️ 6y
BridgetteM Your dog so cute! 6y
MicheleinPhilly OMG. Pickles HATES clothes. It can be 10 degrees out and she protests if I put a sweater or coat on her. 6y
batsy Omg Theo you're so adorable 😂❤️ 6y
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A little reading before yoga! 🧘‍♀️Happy Wednesday!!! 💕

robinb Have a great day! 😊 6y
Cathythoughts Happy Wednesday ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump. Hopefully will get in a few pages before my husband‘s company Christmas dinner this evening. 🤗

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Up early this morning to get a little reading in before a busy day. This particular book was a gift from the sweet @robinb 🤗 I‘m excited for it! Thank you again, Robin!!!

robinb Hope it‘s a great one...enjoy!!! 🤗 6y
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I haven‘t wanted to simultaneously praise a book and throw it out the window in a long time 😂 I couldn‘t put it down and think it‘s the most well written psychological thriller I‘ve read in a loooonnng time.....right up until the last sentence 😡 *cue book being thrown out window * I‘m giving it a pick because it stirred up so many strong emotions and pulled me out of a reading slump 👍🏻 If you‘ve read it PLEASE tell me thoughts on the ending!

lynneamch Argh! I read the last bit four times. Still loved the book, but sure would like to talk with J. T. about that ending. What bugs me the most is the timing. Did she really find Josie so quickly after Holly brought the news that Ivy wasn't hers? She says social media has destroyed anonimity, but, come on! I keep feeling like I must have missed something. 6y
Bookworm83 @lynneamch Right?!?! I feel the same! Have you read her most recent book? I‘m going to give her another try 🤞🏻 6y
lynneamch I really liked this one on audio. 6y
lynneamch Will definitely read the newest. I heard her talk about it at Southern Festival of Books and loved her. #sfb2018 6y
Bookworm83 @lynneamch Awesome! I‘ll check that other one of hers out, too then! 6y
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I thought the ending was stretched out, but overall, I enjoyed this audiobook. I love it when they use different actors for the different chsracters' points of view. It makes it feel like a radio play.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I take back my doubts about this one!! I loved it, so many great twists and turns.. loved it!!

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Reading in Libby... can someone tell me if this is just another Gone Girl?... because it‘s giving me mega-Gone Girl vibes... ???

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Torn on my thoughts on this one. Couldn‘t put it down but more through curiousity than anything else. It had a very gone girl vibe to it at the beginning so I‘m pleased it took a different turn. I didn‘t find the twist particularly believable nor shocking and I also wasn‘t a fan of the ending. It seemed to all tie together a little too easily. Most people seem to have loved this one though so I think I‘m in the minority with my concerns.

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Thoughts on this one? I‘ve picked it up so many times...maybe this time I won‘t put it down 🤷🏼‍♀️

RebelReader It‘s still on my TBR since I saw the author last fall and bought it! 😬 I know my book nerdiness is showing! 🤣 6y
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Book #1 finished!

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#24in48 first challenge: marvelous first lines. This is the best from my readathon tbt stack. I love when you have an unreliable and disliked narrator.

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I‘ve got my coffee. I‘ve got my book. Ready to start the morning.

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My #24in48 stack. There is no way I‘m getting through most of this pile but it‘s nice to have a lot of books to choose from.

Kristy_K In The Woods! 😍 6y
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It was a fun thriller! Who actually did it?! I enjoyed the characters a lot in this one. 🤗

RadicalReader @Theshadedbuffalo you have the most unique username I have ever seen on here ever or in social media history of unique usernames 6y
Theshadedbuffalo @RadicalReader haha thank you!! I‘ve branded myself as The Shaded Buffalo for over a year, and I just use it everywhere. I even created my own logo. 😉 I had a very traumatic childhood, and had to crawl my way up to where I am now. In a college biology class, we had to choose a mammal to report about; I lived in Oklahoma at the time, so I chose buffalo/bison. I went and observed them in their natural habitat, took pictures, and did soo 👇🏻👇🏻 6y
Theshadedbuffalo @RadicalReader much research on them. In Native American cultures, the buffalo represents many things, perseverance and strength being the top. Plus they are the number one protector and provider of their entire ecosystem, and they crawled their way back from near extinction. I realized how in time that is with who I am. Buffalo is my spirit animal, and they are amazing creatures. 👇🏻👇🏻 6y
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Theshadedbuffalo @RadicalReader oh. And I am obsessed with all different kinds of sunglasses. 😎😎 so! That‘s me!! 😆😆 6y
RadicalReader @Theshadedbuffalo that is an absolutely most admirable story behind a username. That is remarkable you‘ve branded yourself as such what an accomplishment. What is the difference between a buffalo and a Bison figuring there is no better reference than someone who lives around such majestic beasts 6y
Theshadedbuffalo @RadicalReader well, as far as the U.S. is concerned, bison and buffalo are words that can be used interchangeably. There are other types of buffalo around the world, but bison is a word reserved for the largest land mammal in the U.S. I like the word buffalo more than bison- it has a better flow and sounds better as a whole. 😉 6y
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My father-in-law and I have books in common. He‘s constantly borrowing mine (and never giving them back) and we talk at length about our favorites. He recommended this one, has been bugging me about it, so I got it on audible. I‘m halfway through and can‘t figure it out yet, so I guess that‘s good!

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It took me a little bit to get into it, but now I‘m fully invested!

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Some of the most perfect couples are hiding the biggest secrets...this book was a page turner...great read

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Yay!! I love all of my amazing gifts! My Pennywise Funko, bookish shirt, Pennywise pillowcase, necklace and RPO cup!! I am so excited to read these books and use my awesome journal! How much do I love that we sent each other the same keychain and book?! Thanks so very much Rita 😘 you are awesome!! I love it all and feel quite spoiled!

JoeStalksBeck Yay! And yes we did! Lmao! Amazing! I didn‘t say anything until you posted your stuff. Lol! I‘m so happy you like everything! 6y
JoScho @JoeStalksBeck love it!! Thanks so much wonderful woman! I also can‘t wait to finish my Blake Crouch. I had to put it on hold for my library books but it is so good!! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JoScho omg I finished Stirred and about fell out! The ending! Holy shiiii... now I‘m starting Last Call. There are so many books to this series but so worth the time 6y
Gissy Love your IT bookish items! That Funko, so lovely! 😍❤️❤️❤️ 6y
AJones Wow!! I‘m so jealous. . .I have been looking everywhere for “IT.” I want the original novel without the movie image cover. Enjoy your amazing goodies!! 😉 6y
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A great quick read. This one is definitely a page turner. I had my suspicions early on with what was really going to go down, but was still turning pages to squeeze out every last detail til the end!

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LittlePixels 😳😳😳😳😳 6y
LittlePixels Heck yeah...stacked. 6y
GingerAntics Oh my 6y
GingerAntics STACKED!!! 6y
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great opening line.

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The description of this book called it “domestic noir”. I have never heard of that category before but I have to say that it fits this book perfectly. The twists and turns were unexpected and perfectly timed. J.T. Ellison, you rock!

tammysue Happy you enjoyed it! 😁 6y
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A while back I realized that several of the books I read that month had the word “castle“ in the title. Well, the last three out of four books that I‘ve read this month have the word “lie/lied/lying“ in the title. So, I may as well continue the trend with Lie To Me by J.T. Ellison.

Suet624 Interesting! 6y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve been tempted to do this with “girl” books, since there are so many. 6y
suvata @Hooked_on_books That would be a huge list 6y
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Couldn‘t put this down. It kept me guessing until almost the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

rather_be_reading loved this one!! 6y
SassyPants617 @rather_be_reading It was so good!! I‘ve only read one other book by the author, but I will definitely be reading more. 6y
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Riveted from page 1, Lie to Me is a page turner that sucked me in and kept me guessing. I enjoyed the format and fast pace.