When one is raised on a steady diet of sorrow, it‘s hard to imagine that others might have had an even larger serving.
When one is raised on a steady diet of sorrow, it‘s hard to imagine that others might have had an even larger serving.
“Curses is all we got. But I learned from poison you can make medicine. From curses, I‘ll make blessings.”
The voice of Bilhah
I have come to love anything that has the word “perfect” in it. You instantly know it is all a facade. 🤓
“There‘s something like able in everyone.”
Whenever I feel really low and the pain of the loss of my dear Mother and very best friend overwhelms me, I read this book. In it, I learn hope and resilience. It is not an easy read, nor should it be. It is honest, it is raw, it is real. 💔
Must read prior to the movie coming out. Nicole Kidman stars, I have heard...🤔
I recently lost my mother and have been having a very hard time lately. A great friend sent me this wonderful book. Can‘t wait to start reading! Poetry can be so very healing. 💕
“There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book.” Marcel Proust
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. This was my first time reading a book by Kristin Hannah and the ease of her words create beautiful human stories. I will definitely make it a point to check out some of her other titles. Happy reading all!
“It‘s funny how what you‘re used to seems like its right, even if it‘s bad.” Rill Foss
“Witnesses who aren‘t telling the truth have a hard time stopping on an absolute yes or no.” Avery Stafford
This one took me a little bit to get in to, but once you become engaged in the story, it is pretty good.
Having read the Fifty Shades Trilogy, I was a little apprehensive about this book. I was hoping the author may have decided that this new book should head in a slightly different direction. I was pleasantly surprised by the emotions expressed by the characters. Indeed, E. L. James is a master of the depiction of physical intimacy, however, I still appreciated the non-physical aspects of this book just the same.
I was disappointed in this book, which surprised me because I have always enjoyed any title that involved Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Reading this made me feel like I was the third party standing by watching two sisters name drop and flirt their way through high society. Please don‘t get me wrong, the book was written well and if a glimpse into the social life of the two sisters is your thing, this is the book for you.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. An intriguing read for any fans of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, albeit fiction. It is well written and does an impressive job of portraying our former First Lady‘s grace, style and intelligence.
“In order to deconstruct the American family, you must work diligently to construct it.”
This one brought out all the feels-mothers and daughters. 💕
My plans for April-read, read, read!!!!! 🤩Any feedback on these titles is more than welcome and appreciated. 💕
“As a therapist, your only goal is to be present and receptive to your feelings as you sit with her. That‘s all you need to do. The rest will take care of itself.”
Having a mother who suffered a severe stroke three years ago and still deals with Left Neglect, this book was a familiar and great read for me. Cried my way through the last few chapters. Once again, the resilience of the human spirit is unbelievable. 💕
This book got to be a bit of a long read for me, but I still enjoyed reading about the mental aspects of the game of golf and the psychological mine fields professional athletes must conquer. 🤩💪🏻
This book is not for the faint of heart. Jackie Hance holds nothing back in reliving a mother‘s unimaginable tragedy and sharing with readers her long and painful journey back to life. Heartbreaking, this book truly shows the incredible resilience we human beings are capable of, as long as we just keep going! 💕
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The author, Clint Hill, is from a small town in North Dakota, about 30 miles from where I live and grew up. I have always admired Jackie Kennedy for her intelligence, grace and style. Clint Hill‘s life and career are an inspiration. I have read all of his books and applaud each one! 🇺🇸
This book was a bit predictable, but still an enjoyable read by the very talented Danielle Steele. 😊