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How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf
How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf | Molly Harper
17 posts | 25 read | 29 to read
Northern Exposure Even in Grundy, Alaska, its unusual to find a naked guy with a bear trap clamped to his ankle on your porch. But when said guy turns into a wolf, recent southern transplant Mo Wenstein has no difficulty identifying the problem. Her surly neighbor Cooper Grahamwho has been openly critical of Mos ability to adapt to life in Alaskahas trouble of his own. Werewolf trouble. For Cooper, an Alpha in self-imposed exile from his dysfunctional pack, its love at first sniff when it comes to Mo. But Cooper has an even more pressing concern on his mind. Several people around Grundy have been the victims of wolf attacks, and since Cooper has no memory of what he gets up to while in werewolf form, hes worried that he might be the violent canine in question. If a wolf cries wolf, it makes sense to listen, yet Mo is convinced that Cooper is not the culprit. Except if hes not responsible, then who is? And when a werewolf falls head over haunches in love with you, what are you supposed to do anyway? The rules of dating just got a whole lot more complicated. . . .
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June has been a Wolf month. I didn‘t intentionally pick that theme but it just kind worked out that way. So why not end with with one more wolf pick 🤣🐺

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This series always makes me feel good. Funny and sweet. Highly recommend.

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#ChristmasQuotes #snow

Snow days were the best when you were a kid in an area where it didn‘t snow often. The MC in this fun 🐺 paranormal series grew up in the south but just moved to Alaska. ❄️💙❄️

“Snow days were a rare and precious thing when I was growing up. So it seemed wrong, somehow, to be getting ready for a workday when I could see a blanket of white out my window.”

EadieB Great quote! 4y
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Just as good as the first time.


One of my all time favorite werewolf books/series!! Ms. Harper has a great sense of humor, which adds to the appeal of this book. Mo and Cooper start off with an instant almost-hate connection and I loved seeing them grow to love each other. There is drama, love, sex, humor, and a truly lovable cast of characters. There were a few times when it seemed a bit much, but overall, a great read.

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#TrivialThursday @GarthRanzz
1. “Start a War” - Valerie Broussard
2. I started the#AltPick for #VaginalFantasyBookClub last night, I‘m only 14% in, but from what I remember from the last time I read it, I‘d say probably a 4/5
3. According to Goodreads, and not counting any ebook bundles or omnibus‘ “Stone of Tears” - Terry Goodkind, 979p.
4. @pygmywarrior @authorkatekennelly #GloryToTheGuild

GarthRanzz I have to say that book wins the prize for most interesting title. I don‘t think flirting would be the first thing I‘d think of if I saw a naked werewolf. 🙀 Thanks for participating! 6y
Nessavamusic I read a long time ago, I remember being cute but not amazing, but good enough to keep reading her stuff. I think it‘s her first book? 6y
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#MarchMunchies #BakedAlaska Looking forward to a month of foodie prompts from @jenniferw88 😋In Molly Harper's fun 'Naked Werewolf' series, Mo, the MC of the first book moves to tiny Gundy, Alaska & ends up baking desserts for the Blue Glacier saloon. I don't think Baked Alaska was on the menu but baking in Alaska works well for the prompt. I've never made Baked Alaska or even eaten it for that matter, but I like the looks of the 'flambe' one.👍🔥

LibrarianRyan These books are so fun. 7y
DebinHawaii @LibrarianRyan They are! She never fails to make me snort-laugh. 🤣👍 7y
LibrarianRyan @DebinHawaii agreed. I started with he vampire series. I never got past book one of werewolf but that has more to do with time. I was thinking about listening to some. 7y
DebinHawaii @LibrarianRyan Her Jane Jameson & the related Half-Moon Hollow series are my favorites, but this series is good too. I have recently tried some of the audio books of her newer books & have enjoyed them. 7y
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Laylafinn I just got a notice in my mail to keep our pups from going out alone, a lot of coyotes out! 7y
DarcysMom @Laylafinn They often come out of the foothills near my house. 7y
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#JuneTunz #Wolves A little assortment of wolfish or wolf-titled books I've read. Some heartfelt coming-of-age, wartime cooking, the unglamorous side of werewolves, and the start of a snarky-fun paranormal chick-lit series. All were enjoyed, but Tell the Wolves I'm Home (I listened to the audiobook a few months ago) is the favorite. 🐺📚💜

Cinfhen Great assortment of books and visually, super pleasing as always 😍 7y
readinginthedark Nice choices! 7y
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Ok, you caught me, I don't have any #BooksAboutNature... Does nature adjacent count? 😬

These are great books! Everyone needs a little Molly Harper in their lives! Need a break from vampires? How about some werewolves in Grundy, Alaska? All the fun of Half Moon Hallow in an even smaller town! Hijinks, shenanigans, and ridiculously funny accidents abound!

#ReadJanuary @RealLifeReading

booksandsympathy Sounds fun 8y
BookishFeminist ?? "nature adjacent" 8y
readinginthedark You know, they talk about animal tracks and survival and stuff... 😆 8y
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DebinHawaii Love these books! 😆 8y
Sammidnightsun I love them great books great author 8y
PurpleyPumpkin 🤣🤣🤣 8y
britt_brooke 😂 8y
Moonpa These are fun! 8y
Mommamanzi Hahaha this is the best. I totally see trees in the photo! Def nature! 8y
minkyb Nature noted! 8y
Crinoline_Laphroaig OMG Love the covers! 8y
Zelma Excellent use of graphics and thought bubbles. 😂👍 8y
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When a naked man shows up on your doorstep with a bear trap clamped around his ankle, it's best just to do what he asks

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What I love about Molly Harper is that her writing isn't "too much." The romance is sweet without being overwhelming, the humor is light and fun, and the plot moves along at a comfortable pace. This book is a good time! My only complaint is one scene where Cooper comes busting in after being gone, all, "You're mine, I've marked you." I hate that, but that's the only time it happens, so I can look past it. Can't wait to meet her! #nolastorycon

Yamich49 These are fun to listen to on audiobook too! When I was in grad school and making a regular 6-hr road trip to visit family, I would download one of her books on audio and it made the trip much more bearable! 8y
readinginthedark @Yamich49 I can see that! I'm gonna' have a 12 1/2 hr trip to New Orleans for this convention, so thanks for the suggestion! 8y
Yamich49 @readinginthedark No problem! I think the narrator is perfect for her books. 👍 8y
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I was just thinking this the other day while reading Anne of Green Gables! When in doubt, boil water...usually for no reason. 😆

Bookworm-Bobbie Perhaps it's because they start making tea and then realise they don't have any? When people are upset, someone always makes tea. ☕️ 8y
Laalaleighh @Bookworm-Bobbie just like Sheldon Cooper! 8y
Bookworm-Bobbie @Laalaleighh exactly! Sheldon Cooper and everyone in the U.K. 8y
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Laalaleighh @Bookworm-Bobbie the UK must be wonderful 😍☕️ 8y
Bookworm-Bobbie @Laalaleighh no complaints here, unless someone makes a bad cup of tea. We can quite particular about our tea 😄 8y
Laalaleighh @Bookworm-Bobbie *sigh* living in the UK is my dream life. So very jealous. 8y
Bookworm-Bobbie @Laalaleighh I love Iiving here, we have so much history and I'm a sucker for history 😆 8y
Laalaleighh @bookworm-Bobbie ME TOO. I can't imagine how amazing it must be to realize how much history has happened in the very place where you are at any given moment. The closest I get to that is when I go to Boston. But we only get like 200 years. You guys have like, a millennium. 8y
readinginthedark @Bookworm-Bobbie That makes sense! I figure it started with a need to disinfect things and isn't as necessary with our modern medicines, but tea is a reasonable modern solution! And I would love living in the U.K., too, but would never be able to convince my husband to move permanently. 8y
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