Was just thinking about this today. Have you ever read an audiobook that had a bloopers reel at the end?
Was just thinking about this today. Have you ever read an audiobook that had a bloopers reel at the end?
This was such a beautiful audiobook. I loved listening to Sara's story. I have always enjoyed her music, but it was so special to hear about her journey in life. I never knew her struggles with body image, anxiety, and basically not feeling good enough. She was so honest about it all.
Each chapter is introduced with her singing one of her songs, which was lovely. She is self deprecating and witty. The blooper section at the end was especially fun!
I am so happy she included a chapter about Waitress! That musical has such a special place in my heart. The first time I saw it, I had so many emotions but ultimately it helped me decide to leave my toxic relationship.
When Sara started singing 'She Used to Be Mine' at the start of the chapter, I literally burst into tears 😭 I loved hearing the backstory of how that song came to be and that it was so personal to her as well 💕
Okay yall, this audiobook was absolutely beautiful. Sara sings a song at the beginning of every chapter, her writing and stories are so vulnerable and honest, and she even has friends and fans read parts of the essays. I would definitely recommend!! (Also I love Waitress so much so it was fun to hear the backstory.)
I really enjoyed listening to Sara Bareilles narrate her book ‘Sounds Like Me‘. Told through eight honest essays, this is the story of Sara‘s life so far. This was my first audiobook and I loved it, I‘d definitely recommend it for fans – 5 stars!
My full review is up on my blog now 📚
Sara clearly wrote this memoir for those who need to be told to be.. wait for it.... brave. We learn how a flawed human with anxiety, self-loathing, and a chronic inability to cowrite, has been able to accomplish so much in her young music career. Spoiler alert: she just did stuff, even if she was scared, even if she didn't think she could do it, even if she didn't do it very well the first time. #memoir #audiobook
Sara references this quote in chapter 7 (chapter 9 of the audiobook) and it seems to encapsulate the theme of the book so far. #audiobook #memoir #music
If you love Sara Bareilles you will love this book. It is hilarious and heartfelt and true. I would suggest listening to the audio alongside a print/ebook copy if you can because there are pictures you don‘t want to miss. Also I about peed my pants listening to the audio and there is a blooper reel at the end. Why don‘t more audiobooks have bloopers? This should definitely be a thing. 😂
Compromise is sometimes just manipulation 💯
I think Sara Bareilles and I need to be best friends. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this audiobook, but I was glad I had the physical book too because she includes the greatest pictures from her childhood.
I ❤️ Sara Bareilles! I love the deep meaning behind her lyrics. Though I tend to listen to much darker music, her pop sound soothes my lighter musical side.
I snagged her biography through Book Outlet awhile back. #SpiritOfTheRadio #TimbitTunes
“I was waiting for someone else to give me permission to make my own decisions, and that was my greatest mistake.”
One of the many relatable parts of this book.
I like her music and was interested to learn more about her. It‘s a series of very insightful stories about different parts of her life, her struggles with body image, anxiety, and depression, and how she got to where she is. 4.5/5 — I‘m a sucker for honesty with a bit of light humor from artists I adore!
I‘m not even a fan beyond adoring “Love Song” & “Brave” (I mean, who doesn‘t?) but so much of this felt achingly relatable. The Dear Sara letter section (“Beautiful Girl”) made me tear up on the Subway. Worth listening to on audio for her singing each chapter alone. 💖
I‘ve gone through this book so many times. I promise when the world is not understanding a thing you say, Sara completely does.
I read this one and loved it last year but in talking with @MayginReads who advised to give the audio a try, I fell more in love with it.
The audio really let's Sara's warmth and love be heard in the way reading the book hinted at but the best part was that you really get to hear her geekiness and I loved that.
Not to mention Sara sings verses of the title tracks in acapellla 😍
thanks @MayginReads for this one
Starting this one as a #gymsoundtrack this morning..... seeing 'Waitress' in a couple of months time... so excited!
This was a fantastic book! I didn't know much about the author, but loved getting to know her through this book. She struggled with extreme body issues growing up as an overweight kid, and covers this in a beautifully connecting way. Goes into her struggle to find her niche in the music industry, and the small hiccups along the way.
I finished The Kite Runner, but I need some time to process that before I write about it. So, on to a palate cleanser from my TBR list!
#day14 #marchintoreading #pi?#pie! Just got my season tickets to my local theater in Fort Lauderdale for Broadway season 2017/18 (mostly so I can get first dibs on Hamilton in 2018/19 - I'm a planner!)..... This season, I'm so excited to see 'Waitress'... loved the movie, and LOVE Sara Bareilles, so just put this audiobook on hold at library... hear it's great, and she sings on it too 😊👍
Some of the most fun I've had listening to a audiobook in awhile. Sara narrates and sings her way through a charming few hours. The essays range from personal stories about her childhood and life on the road as a musician to secrets behind the songs. She's candid about struggles with body image, anxiety, and self doubt. Stay tuned after the production credits for some hilarious outtakes.
This explains why I feel connected to her as much! For all I know, Sara could be part of my karass. #SoundsLikeMe #SaraBareilles #ReadJanuary #Autobiography
I am a total fan of this lady, and I am just filled with so much emotion right now. Her essays are as heartfelt and honest as her songs, and reading them makes me feel like I'm getting to know her better, and that I'm becoming more of a friend than a fan. This mug of fruity pebbles is what's keeping my eyes dry this sunny Saturday morning. #WhatsForBreakfast #ReadJanuary #Autobiography
"Sara Bareilles grew up in Eureka, but we're too small a town to merit a stop on the book tour. So we called our friends at Elliott Bay in Seattle and asked if we could ship our copies up there for her to sign when she was at their store on tour. They were happy to help. It's great to have so many friends in the in the indie bookstore business." - Scott Brown (my husband!) #eurekabooks, Eureka CA #getindie
The slump continues... Maybe I'll give a Little light nonfiction from my favorite musician a try...
I love her music. I love her stories. I wish this were twice as long. But it's so good as is. I highly recommend listening to the audiobook. She sings acapella and brings life to her tales. LOVE it.
"There is power in the act of articulating your inner world - it becomes a home for your helplessness."
I'm a sucker for a memoir and such a huge fan of Sara Bareilles' songwriting, I figured her memoir would be a sure thing. While it was cool to hear about how some of her songs came about, the storytelling was kind of unremarkable for such a talented songwriter. Sorry, Sara...I still love you!