That‘s me!
Photo credit: bookloversworld IG
As requested by @saresmore here is my blog on early dictionaries on Dictionary Day (in the US at least!) https://blog.nls.uk/happy-dictionary-day/
One of my best friends gave my grandkids brand new personalized dictionaries. The oldest hugged it to her chest saying, “Now I have all the words in the world!” 😍😍😍My heart sang!
There is a 19-year old plaintiff on Judge Judy right now who doesn‘t know the meaning of “exclusively” (as in dating) or “subsequently.”
🎵Teach your children well🎶
I like that they chose this word for today, Blue Monday.
#happymonday #litsywordoftheday
Fitting #litsywordoftheday!
For me this means getting more sleep this year by going to bed earlier. Like 9pm.
Sacrificing my bedtime reading, but sleep equals health and I need more of that for sure!
What's your instauration?
Not yet in horrid shade or dismal den, / Nor nocent yet, but on the grassy herb / Fearless unfeared he slept.
-- John Milton, Paradise Lost, 1667
Salvatore was enjoying his regular evening's caffè corretto when pounding footsteps on the stairs to his aerie caused him to turn from his view of the city.
-- Elizabeth George, Just One Evil Act, 2013
Today's #wordoftheday
Good thing it's not on Feb 14th 😬💗💗💗💗
Does anyone else almost hyperventilate from "WHERE DO I BEGIN!!!" excitement when people ask for book recommendations on social media? Friend posted this and I couldn't do anything but fingersmash the keyboard I was so "omg omg I can recommend all the books!"
NEW YORK -- As the 2017 Scripps National Spelling Bee gets underway, Google has decided to honor the annual event by compiling a list of the most misspelled words in the country.