New book find after shopping with the sister @CymbaX13 tankor 💙
Happy Holidays everyone! Can‘t wait to see everyone post their #bookishgifts! This year my hubby got me this Dragonflight first edition! Apparently it‘s one of the first “Romantasy” books published! Has anyone ever read it?
1. I used to be able to bend over and touch my hands flat to the floor while keeping my legs straight. Those days are long gone!
2. Lessa has a special talent with dragons.
The good: World Building and Plot! McCaffrey is a master.
The bad: Outdated understanding of consent. F'lar can also be very 1960s sometimes.
The GREAT: DRAGONS. They're the voices of reason and the emotional anchors that keep the humans from becoming at times irredeemable. Pernese dragons are the platonic ideal for human-dragon bonding and set the template for all the future variations thereof in fiction.
(see long winded review on LT)
2023 may be even worse than last year!Sorry I disappeared again, first Dad(who is finally out of hospital as of this weekend🙌)then my daughter(that‘s living here!)gets Covid & has to leave us looking after her 18month old coz his father is an asshole! It‘s been a tough week. But I have read! I finished this audiobook a few days ago & bubs finally at daycare so I can post it. I love Anne McCaffrey, she blends SciFi & fantasy like no one else.5⭐️👇
Couldn‘t sleep(again!🥱)so I‘ve managed to listen to 20 chapters of the tagged book & 42 lines of this dragon scale chunky shawl. I love the color combo & I think that 2 cream stripes is enough to put on each end. Once I‘ve finished, washed it in wool softener & blocked it out, it‘ll be much bigger. Plenty big enough to keep me warm on cold winter nights sitting up reading(or #audioknitting more projects!) #AwesomeApril #readathon #LitsyCrafters
I‘m #audioknitting a dragon scale chunky shawl for the coming winter, to the 1st Dragons of Pern book. I thought it fitting. It‘s knitted using Fiddlesticks Superb Big in Teal & Cream. So far I‘ve done two of the cream stripes& am tossing up a 3rd or leave it at two each end. F‘lar, bronze dragon rider is on Search for new riders when the Red Star forewarns the coming of Thread once more. #KnittersOfLitsy #LitsyCrafters #AwesomeApril #readathon
A solid start to the vast world of Pern. Does a great job explaining the lore and how the world works. Lessa is a great character who is really head strong. There is talking dragons, time travel, a decent amount of characters the writing is easy to follow but some of the bigger explanations can be a bit confusing. All in all I enjoyed it but I could be bias as I love the world of Pern haha.
Goodwill score at only 1 dollar. I'm not sure when this cover version was printed though, but it looks brand new. I've always planned to read this series. (Paperback.)
2/5⭐ Well it's a McCaffrey book I managed to get through, but that (and Mnementh's dry sense of humor) is about the best I can say about it. The characters are flat, the writing style dry, the introduction of time travel convoluted, the “romance“ dreadful and problematic, the character decisions nonsensical, and the few named women mostly negative stereotypes. #bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
I'm surprised at how well i remember this book. Looking forward to actually delving further into the series this time
I enjoyed the Harper series sent in this same world, and McCaffrey is classic so I picked this up for an easygoing nighttime read. I can see how this world and McCaffrey‘s style may have influenced some of the series I love now, but this book is not great in my opinion. The writing is much better in the Harper series.
Beautifully descriptive and a novel you can completely get lost in.
Amazing world building, some awesome character building which I would imagine carries on over the next novels in the series.
The relationships between the dragons and humans is believable and touching. I‘d never read McCaffrey before but I‘ll be reading more of her work from now on!
1. I share my home with both dogs and cats but am at heart a cat person.
2. I am thankful for the cooler weather we‘ve had this week. I hasn‘t lasted but it‘s an indication that the dog days of summer are almost over.
Thanks for the tag @Booksy @rubyslippersreads
Feel like playing @Freespirit @La_Cori ?
And with Weyr Search, I have done a final wrap on the Modern Mrs Darcy Reading challenge 2020!
#mmdchallenge #mmdreading
1️⃣ Anne McCaffrey (Dragonriders of Pern series, Harper Hall trilogy, Freedom series)
2️⃣ 2 + numerous full boxes + various piles around my house
I need more bookcases! I just cannot seem to part with any of my books. What if I want to read them again? 📚📚📚
3️⃣ mostly random
This is a series I've wanted to read for long time so I'm finally diving in!! There's 23 books so it's going to take some time to get through them all...
It‘s midnight Monday, Sydney time so this is my final tally for the #24B4Monday Extended Version! I‘m very happy with both the time & with five books finished. I just finished Dragonflight with 3mins to spare, my reread of the Pern books is making me nostalgic, it‘s been awhile since I last picked them up. If you‘ve never read McCaffrey, these are a great place to start. They mix SciFi with fantasy beautifully. #HSreadathon #SummersEndReadathon
It‘s 4pm Monday here & I‘ve been out at the RTA & various other necessities but I had this in my tote bag so I started reading it in the car instead of the book I‘d planned on finishing the #24B4Monday #readathon with, now I‘m hooked into the story so🤷🏻♀️Now I‘m home & in my reading chair which I don‘t plan on leaving anytime soon! Let‘s see how many hours I can get today. How‘s your readathon? #HSreadathon #SummersEndReadathon
#colormepretty Day 7: #gold @sweetkokoro
For me the first thing that comes to mind when you say “gold” in the context of books is the Dragonriders of Pern series. The left cover art above is what‘s on the copy I got at a used bookstore in the 90s and have read umpteen times, and I‘m very fond of Whelan‘s art, but I also love the art on the right — tempted to buy a copy of that version just for the pretties.
#dragons #sff #pern
So, now that Game of Thrones is done, I think now would be the perfect time to make Dragonriders of Pern the next big series. It has something for everyone and it's an amazingly detailed world. Tons of material to work with. I love this book series. Just my recommendation for a new series to fall in love with.
I looked through my library collection for Pern audiobooks to listen to while crocheting this Dragon Shawl, but they had none! It's a travesty.
Grabbed this book this morning after some nostalgia, and WOWZERS I am conflicted, Littens. My vague recollection that my middle-school self thought that the male lead was kind of garbage has turned into some pretty problematic stuff, and I‘m barely in! I‘m going to give it a go (because badass woman and bonded dragons) but I‘m wishing I could find some similar dragon fantasy without the problematic romance/relationship dynamics. Any suggestions?
A lazy Sunday of puppy cuddles and this month‘s sci-fi and fantasy book club pick.
What a great idea to celebrate with! Congratulations on 3k! #mels3kgiveaway
I could barely decide between 3 trilogies which I love. In the end I thought I‘d choose the one that others probably won‘t choose: The Dragonriders of PERN.
The three books are Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon. And the series goes on after that if you really like it!
My others choices would‘ve been the Farseer Tril. or the original Earthsea Tril. 😄
Someone on litsy was talking Pern and then fell into a hole on tvtropes, so I decided to reread book 1. It's... Interesting. Let's just say it's harder to miss the domestic violence and sexual consent issues as a grown-up.
"The dragons could never understand why they generated such abject fear in common folk." - DRAGONFLIGHT, and occasionally me
One of my friends is flying in to visit me on Sunday before her panel at NYCC! I'm psyched to have her visiting. It does mean I need to finish cleaning my apartment and find a place to stash my gazillion Anne McCaffrey books, including the beautiful new DRAGONFLIGHT. Is there any author whose books you have way too many of?
Sick days are for burning candles and reading books. I think I'm gonna settle in with a reread of my new editions of DRAGONFLIGHT to match @hafsahfaizal's gorgeous custom candle. 😍🐉📚
My buddy and I were talking about books that got us into our favourite genres. These two were pivotal in making me a fantasy lover. They are classics with dragons and great world-building. Anne McCaffrey was an amazing author, she's so dearly missed.
#dragonflight #dragonquest #annemccaffrey #fantasy #dragons
"Lessa woke, cold." The new covers of the Dragonriders of Pern series are here! ? I didn't realize they'd finally come out until the first one arrived at the bookstore... and now I'm just waiting for the next two. I'm a huge Pern fan (if my custom #iceydesigns candle didn't give it away) and these covers actually reflect the weird, wonderful Pernese dragons. I can't wait to have the whole trilogy for my too-large McCaffrey collection.
It's here!!! The incredible Hafsah (Icey Designs) designed me a one-of-a-kind #Pern candle. It's based on klah scents (coffee, and I replaced cinnamon with vanilla) and named after my favorite #Dragonflight quote. It is totally wonderfully gorgeous and smells amazing. I couldn't be happier. 😍 Expect a lot of photos of this in the future, especially given that original Pern series just got jacket redesigns that are en route to me now...
"Look around you, Lessa of Pern. Look around the Weyr with unveiled eyes. ... Humbled to think your hands rest where Moreta's and Torene's had rested? Well, the stone is ingrained with dirt and needs a good scrubbing. And your rump may rest where theirs did - but that's not where you have your brains." – DRAGONFLIGHT ?
#fortunefavoursaugust: Athena (inspirational quote) accompanied by a Hudson Valley skyline just begging for dragons.
So this is my tired and confused face. Tired because of the obvious, confused because #Goodreads just listed this gem of a SCI-FI novel in their top 50 Fantasy novels rather than the Sci-fi list. 😑
No no no no no. Anne spent so long arguing the point that these are clearly Sci-fi. Since she's no longer here to defend the point I'll do it for her! 😂
I find a lot of people ask me about adult fantasy series- this would be one recommendation from me! Really enjoyed this series :)
Today's #riotgrams prompt is "best twist," and it belongs to Anne McCaffrey's DRAGONFLIGHT. Wait, wait, the dragons can travel through space *and* time?!
My older brother was never really one for books so, when Dad bought #Dragonflight for him, it quickly joined the trickle of hand-me-downs that made up my possessions. Unlike the Liverpool football shirts, this one book sparked a passion. It took my love of reading into a whole new reality. To this day, #scifi and #fantasy are my go-to genres, and #AnneMcCaffrey remains my favourite author. Give it a shot; I mean, come on - it's got #dragons!
I never managed to get my hands on all of the stories of Pern, but these are the ones listed on my Goodreads read shelf and I loved them!
#MayBookFlowers #agalaxyfarfaraway
I was really excited about reading this book but I couldn't get into it. I would have bailed but I'm using it for my #fantasy task for the #readharderchallenge.
My favorite book series as a kid, but holds up for an adult.
Fun, well-written, action-driven story, the first about friendly dragons and their unique bond with their riders. Good characters, too, although I found the women's role dated. Still, they come through as kick-ass, even if they have to defy males all along. 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If someone is obsessively in love with the Dragonriders of Pern series, does anyone have suggestions of other newer fantasies to get them hooked on?