I will not be bandied about by men any longer. I am not a prize to be bought or sold. — FLAME IN THE MIST
#fortunefavoursaugust day 20: vesta (fire)
I will not be bandied about by men any longer. I am not a prize to be bought or sold. — FLAME IN THE MIST
#fortunefavoursaugust day 20: vesta (fire)
"Miss Tarabotti was not one of life's milk-water misses—in fact, quite the opposite. Many a gentleman had likened his first meeting with her to downing a very strong cognac when one was expecting to imbibe fruit juice—that is to say, startling and apt to leave one with a distinct burning sensation."
#bookishemoji17 day eight: ⚙️
#fortunefavoursaugust day eight: Romulus (worldbuilding)
If you haven't read this, you should. It's a goddamn delight.
#bookishemoji17 day five: 🎻
#fortunefavoursaugust day five: Venus (beauty)
I spend a lot of time thinking about cover design as both a book lover and a bookseller, and THIS SAVAGE SONG is one of my favorites. The colors! The subtle tie-in to the book's themes! The typography!!! What are some of your favorite covers?
The Harper galley box that arrives at the bookstore always feels like a personal present for me. Look at these beauties! 😍
#fortunefavoursaugust: Mars (a character you would want on your side in a battle)
I don't know if you've seen the blurb or cover of Justina Ireland's Dread Nation, but if we end up in a war with the undead, I'm on Jane McKeene's side.
"Look around you, Lessa of Pern. Look around the Weyr with unveiled eyes. ... Humbled to think your hands rest where Moreta's and Torene's had rested? Well, the stone is ingrained with dirt and needs a good scrubbing. And your rump may rest where theirs did - but that's not where you have your brains." – DRAGONFLIGHT ?
#fortunefavoursaugust: Athena (inspirational quote) accompanied by a Hudson Valley skyline just begging for dragons.