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Snow Crash
Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
Only once in a great while doesa writer come along who defies comparison -- awriter so original he redefines the way we look atthe world. Neal Stephenson is such a writer andSnow Crash is such a novel, weavingvirtual reality, Sumerian myth, and just abouteverything in between with a cool, hipcyber-sensibility to bring us the gigantic thriller of theinformation age. In reality, Hiro Protagonist deliverspizza for Uncle Enzo's Cosa Nostra Inc., but itthe Metaverse he's a warrior prince. Plungingheadlong into the enigma of a new computer virus that'sstriking down hackers everywhere, he races alongthe neon-lit streets on a search-and-destroymission for the shadowy virtual villain threatening tobring about infocalypse. Snow Crashis a mind-altering romp through a future Americaso bizarre, so outrageous... you'll recognize itimmediately.
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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#ClassicLSFBC #ReadAway2024 I want to enjoy every book I read or listen to. But I‘ve listened to more than three hours and I‘m not enjoying it, it‘s not causing me to think about possibilities, the only thing it is doing is annoying me. So I‘m bailing.

RamsFan1963 Bailing seems to be the general consensus 2w
CatLass007 @RamsFan1963 Really? Well the only way to discover if you like something is to give it a try. 2w
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
DieAReader 👋🏻🤓Next up!! 2w
julesG Another one!!! This is going to be a very interesting discussion. 2w
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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3 ⭐️s
This was…interesting, to a point. Probably my favorite parts were the interesting twist on linguistics and Sumerian history/mythology. I‘m a sucker for anything pertaining to ancient Mesopotamia. Probably the only reason I finished. The characters aren‘t likable, they‘re a Mary Sue and Gary Stu. 🙄 I really thought Stephenson was going to do more. The ending was so lackluster and felt very slapped together. Really hoped for more oomph…

TheSpineView I totally agree with you on the characters. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I need to check out this book club!!!! 2w
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RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 It continues to not look promising 🤔🤔 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead Our previous read, Way Station, was AMAZING! This one was definitely a letdown after that one. 🤦‍♀️ (edited) 2w
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead Snow Crash is getting put lower and lower on my To-Be-Read list… close to the portion of the list that is labeled “Maybe I‘ll get around to reading this one if I live to be 200 years old”! 😂 2w
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I feel I definitely should join, but it might have to be in a month or so once I've finished planned buddy reads... also there's Camp Litsy to think about. I love classic sci fi though and since coming home I've not had a sci fi book club 😭 2w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 if you find the philosopher's stone (and the Noble collection replica DOES NOT COUNT (I've checked)) please share with me so I can read extra books too 😊 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead No worries! The group is VERY laidback. There‘s no pressure to read every book, you can sit out a readalong whenever. I myself don‘t really know if my reading plans for June will give me time to participate this upcoming month. 😅 2w
Ruthiella We are on the same page. I liked all the Sumerian mythology. But I found the action scenes strangely uninteresting and Hiro and YT not very compelling. I feel like there were sections missing in the book. How did YT and Hiro become partners after the initial encounter? According to the afterword in the edition I read, originally it was supposed to be a graphic novel. Maybe it‘s that explains it? 🤔 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Yes! The action scenes felt like a rough draft before maybe expanding on them in rewrites. Some things felt like they just happened and we‘re supposed to just fill in the in between scenes. I saw that it was initially supposed to be a graphic novel too. I don‘t know whether that would have helped any of it or not. I was also uncomfortable with Y.T.s age. I don‘t understand why she had to be so young, especially given later scenes… 2w
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Meme from a Reddit post I found after reading Fall; or Dodge in Hell.

Well, I've given Stephenson a try. Again.

#ClassicLSFBC (I hope I got the # right)

TrishB I tried once. 2w
Amiable I feel like this describes some Stephen King novels, too. 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 🤣😂🤣 This is exactly how I felt reading Snow Crash! 2w
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Susanita 😂😂😂 2w
DaveGreen7777 OMG @RaeLovesToRead another one! @julesG I was considering reading Snow Crash after not being able to get into Neuromancer but wanting to give another cyberpunk author a try, but yours and other reviews have convinced me I may want to try a different book! 2w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 I have to read it now. I love reading books that have been universally panned (with the exception of Ulysses. Made it about 3 pages with that)... gonna take one for the team!!!! 2w
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 That meme! I agree. There was so much potential but it didn‘t quite reach it. 2w
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
RamsFan1963 @DaveGreen7777 Have you read Burning Chrome by Gibson? I think it's better than Neuromancer, and as short stories it's easier to digest. 2w
DaveGreen7777 @RamsFan1963 Hmmm… I haven‘t read Burning Chrome, I‘ll have to give that one a try! 2w
julesG @Amiable I agree, some SK are like that too. 2w
julesG @RaeLovesToRead Don't do it. Just pick any other book off your TBR. 2w
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This is May's #ClassicLSFBC selection. I have tried for several weeks to get it read. I just couldn't do it. The writing style was not for me. Also, I thought the characters lacked likeability. Bailed at 22%. #HailTheBail

@RamsFan1963 You are spot on with your review of this book.

julesG Phew, am I glad I'm not alone. I didn't dare to post a review because I thought I was the only one struggling 2w
TheSpineView @julesG I don't get what others saw in this one. 2w
julesG I'm bailing on Seveneves too. Which makes it four books by the author that I just couldn't. It's either me, or him. But I think it's him. 🤣🤣 2w
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Susanita As Anne Bogel says: It‘s never just you. 2w
Ruthiella I finished it but it wasn‘t easy! 😂 There are plenty of other readers who love it, which is great, but it‘s not my cup of tea. #allhailthebail 2w
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
RamsFan1963 It just doesn't age well, what might have been cutting edge at the time has turned cliche. I might have to add him to my list of writers I just don't get. 2w
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I'm done. I read this six years ago, and panned it. I tried to reread it with a fresh attitude, but I still think it's an over hyped mediocre piece of cyberpunk, so I'm bailing at 40%
#ClassicLSFBC #hailthebail

Crazeedi No reason to torture yourself! Too many books, too little time 2w
Oryx I've tried and bailed on this twice. I thought I must be missing something with it, so I'm glad it's not just me! 2w
Ruthiella I finished it, but I agree with your assessment. I really wanted to like it, but it was just OK. Have you read any thing else from Stephenson? 2w
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RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella I have Cryptonomicon, The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O., Interface and Reamde on my TBR shelves. Whether I'll ever read them is debatable, Crypto and Reamde are major chunksters. I did read Zodiac by him and thought it was so-so 2w
TheSpineView I was thinking of bailing also. Now I don't feel guilty about it. I totally agree that it is way overhyped. Very disappointed. 2w
dabbe YES! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
julesG I bailed too. And then I went and started Seveneves yesterday. I must be mad. DODO is good, probably because of the co-author, Nicole Galland. 2w
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead This reminds me of our discussion about Neuromancer! 😱 2w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 Gah. I'm gonna hate it, aren't I? 😅 2w
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson

I feel the books was slow. There are about a million things going on and at times it feels like the pace is picking up only to move the story slightly forward. The world created is great, the characters are vivid, and at times it reads well.

I read this as a “You‘ve got to read this book!” Recommendation and while I see what people like, I just found myself seeing how many pages I had left.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Snow crash is a cyberpunk dystopian novel from the 90s that predicted the metaverse. This book was tailored for me to like it. All the topics are absolutely up my alley but somehow they all felt a little disjointed to me. I loved the “history“ lessons I couldn't make myself care about the characters very much. Checkout our discussion about it on our podcast. Mind Duck Books episode 39: http://bit.ly/3mUywjo

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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So pretty! My signed edition came a couple months ago. Such a classic!

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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson

Really interesting speculative fiction… also eerily prophetic given it was written c.30 years ago. I have a few Stephenson novels on my TBR, looking forward to working my way through them!

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This is brilliant. Once again this author proves his brain is bigger than everyone else's. And most stunning that this was written in the early 90s. Less stunning, some of the language is a bit dated, but just ignore that.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Graywacke I agree, it is brilliant. Fun stuff. 🙂 2y
Librarianaut It is one of my all time favs!!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I love this cover!!! 2y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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My place of origin doesn't normally turn up in a book. So I'm sharing whether you want me to or not. 😂

SRWCF I love it when that happens! Represent! 🤜🤛 2y
Graywacke Cool. And it‘s fun to see a Snow Crash quote. 2y
vlwelser @Graywacke definitely much cooler than a history of the war of 1812 😂 (only other likely option) 2y
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Graywacke @vlwelser the war itself was un-cool. 🙂 2y
vlwelser @Graywacke 😂 indeed 2y
UwannaPublishme 😁👏🏻 2y
TheRiehlDeal Hi, fellow Upstate New York-an! 👋 I‘m from Liverpool! 2y
vlwelser @TheRiehlDeal Fun! I went to SU so I spent some time in that general vicinity. 2y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson

Not for all. Almost so-so. Kind of crazy dystopian cyberspace tale with ancient myths that became Snow Crash virus. Loved the two young characters: Hiro a hacker and delivery guy and a skateboarding girl. It was a little too long.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I've started reading this one which I've meant to read for a long time. Reviews I have seen are kind of mixed though!

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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I didn‘t hate this book, but I wasn‘t sad when it was over. I might have had too-high expectations (I absolutely LOVE Seveneves by this author), but while I enjoyed the clever premise, the world building and most of the humor, this 90s-published book felt very dated, and the characters were a bit thinly developed, I did like Hiro Protagonist (lol) and YT, but disliked the casual racism and the one sex scene in the book was gross. So… ugh.


sprainedbrain I should also mention, for an Audible exclusive, I was not impressed with the quality of the audiobook in general, or the narrator specifically. Maybe the audio was also too dated… but this was my ‘weather term in the title‘ book for #Booked2022 and also ticked the technology themed box for the #52BookClubChallenge so there‘s that. 2y
DuckOfDoom I had similar thought when I read it. It felt very dated to me and Stephenson is always hit and miss. Loved The Rise and Fall of Dodo but really disliked Fall, Or Dodge in Hell, both read as #buddyread with @julesG 2y
Oryx I also loved Seveneves but bailed on this one. 2y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I like this book and understand it was written in the 90‘s, but I can‘t handle the amount of times he‘s used the word retarded, and I‘m only halfway through.

GarethSouthwell Yeah, I struggled with this for similar reasons. A bit juvenile at times. 2y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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The bad thing about reading with other people? Sometimes it takes you more than a YEAR to finish a book… my husband and I will read books together, take turns reading out loud, but we are bad about making time for our book. It‘s the worst book club ever with good intentions lol.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I really wanted to love this book and there were many parts and aspects of the story that I really enjoyed. But too much of this book really kinda drug on to the point that I didn‘t even read those sections and skipped to the next part. And I don‘t think I really missed out on anything. Also there were parts of the plot that never got wrapped up🤷🏻‍♀️ Very interesting sci-fi concepts but overall so so for me!

RamsFan1963 I never cared for it. I don't understand its status as a modern classic in sci-fi lit. 3y
451Degrees @RamsFan1963 absolutely agree! I was enjoying it at the beginning and then it just kinda seemed to fall apart as it went on. 3y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Next book club pick! I‘m loving kinda going into books blind since it‘s other people‘s choices. I have no idea what to expect! #bookclubbook #bookclub

peanutnine I love this cover 3y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Possibly the apex of the weirdest yet most eloquent novels I've yet read. Multiple aspects of this book are fascinating, and I will most likely reread it several more times in order to fully ingest the whole thing.

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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Book 22 of 2021. #npr100sff

Hope I will like this!

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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TheNeverendingTBR What was you thoughts on this one? 4y
Eggs @TheNeverendingTBR I have not read it... 4y
Klou This was on my list of books to choose. Sounds good!! 4y
Eggs Yes!!! @Klou 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This was a tough read but I stuck with it and finished because I hate to DNF.

I finished it just there and damn, what a drag!

In this one Neal Stephenson writes like he's describing a dream he's had, I'm not into that.

The characters weren't likeable and the story was all over the damn place and never made much sense to me.

Worst book I've read in a long time.

Just not for me.

I'm not giving up on this author though, I'll try Seveneves.

Cathythoughts Oh no ! And the cover & blurb look so promising 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Cathythoughts I know! 😥 It's just all over the place and I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I read on thinking it would make sense...🤷‍♂️ 4y
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Librarianaut I wish it had worked for you 😩 4y
vlwelser Some of his books are awesome. And I want to like them all but I don't. 4y
eeclayton I hate to DNF too but I remind myself consciously that life is too short to finish a book that doesn't resonate with me. Also, I heard Gyorgy Dragoman (Hungarian author) say that, if he struggles with a book, he abandons it, puts it on a list and returns to it in 5 years. If he can, he reads it then, if it still doesn't resonate then he gives up on it. Which I think is pretty awesome advice. 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Librarianaut I'm going to make sure I choose my next book wisely! 😹 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @eeclayton That's pretty solid advice, but the reason I forced myself with this one is because I paid full retail price at Waterstones for it 😏 4y
vlwelser I haven't but it's been on my TBR forever. This one is probably my favorite. 4y
Suet624 I hate to DNF too. 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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1.) Went for the bookish selfie with my current read - Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson which is taking longer than expected to finish because I've been busy with other things, like Litsy and TV. 😂

2.) Quiet and geeky? 🤷‍♂️

3.) About two days I think, when I was in my 20s; I don't know why but I ended up with some temporary insomnia and just went to bed and looked at my eyelids - just wouldn't switch off. ☻

@Eggs #wondrouswednesday 💫

Eggs # 1 yeah if you want to do tv and Litsy right, it takes serious time 😂🤣😂🤣 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Snow Crash tells of pizza delivery driver & hacker Hiro Protagonist (best named character) & Kourier Y.T. in a future America that is splintered into separate "countries". Many of these are now run by criminal organizations, although idea of crime itself is a bit antiquated with only a privatized law enforcement & really no judicial system to speak of. This is the second Cyber Punk classic I've read this year, the other being Gibson's ?

vivastory Neuromancer. I liked Gibson's book slightly more, although I appreciated Stephenson's digressions into linguistics & ancient religions, it did bog it down a bit at times. Still, I can easily see why this is considered such a classic & although it was my first Stephenson it certainly won't be my last! 4y
MsMelissa I‘m so glad to read that you liked it! I checked my Kobo and it turns out I own this 😂 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I think I have Seveneves on my Kindle. I also have Quicksilver on my shelves. It was one of those really unusual books that dives deep into certain issues & alternates with very plot driven chapters. 4y
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QuintusMarcus Stephenson‘s Cryptonomicon (sp?) is excellent. 4y
vivastory @QuintusMarcus I forgot about that one. That does sound good 👍 4y
DGRachel I‘ve had this on my shelves for years. So many books... 4y
vivastory @DGRachel The Kindle deals don't help matters 📚📚📚 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I'm not sure if I settled on pizza for dinner because of my current read, or just coincidence... either way my book and food pairing is on point. 📚🍕

MsMelissa Now I want pizza 🍕 😂 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa You can't go wrong with pizza! 4y
licorice.spice Omg I'm so hungry now! 4y
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Megabooks Omg that pizza looks so good!!! I miss those thick glutinous crusts!! (I have celiac.) 4y
merelybookish Minsky's? 😀 4y
LeahBergen That looks tasty! 4y
vivastory @merelybookish Yep, I'm impressed! 4y
merelybookish @vivastory It's the crust! 😉 A fave at our house. Kids still miss it. 😋 4y
vivastory @merelybookish They even deliver wine now, too! 4y
Tanisha_A Been a while since I had one! 🤤 4y
vivastory @Tanisha_A Maybe this is a sign 😆🍕 4y
batsy What's the topping? I'm drooling 😆 4y
Liz_M Please tell me it was delivered by a sassy skate-boarder! 4y
vivastory @batsy Half cheese, half sausage. It was excellent! 4y
vivastory @Liz_M If only! I usually get delivery, but last night it was curbside pickup 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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#TBRPile Day 7
Posting one book from Mount TBR each day for 31 days. No reason, no explanation. Building a molehill out of that mountain.

StaceyKondla Ahhh - I need to read this one too 😂 4y
vivastory @StaceyKondla I haven't read Stephenson yet, so I'm thinking of driving into this one this week 4y
StaceyKondla I will watch for your review 😉 4y
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MsMelissa Have you read any of his books? I have a bunch of them, but have yet to read any! 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I haven't read any yet. I have this one & 4y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa I think I'm going to read Snowcrash this week 4y
auduibiditalia Seems interesting, but no my style 4y
RamsFan1963 I'm probably one of the few people who didnt care for this book. I hear it called a classic, a masterpiece, one of the 25 best sci-fi books of all time. I don't get it. 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Read again because this is a favorite that holds up — and is even perhaps more relevant. And also because it is an wild ride! 😆😎

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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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this is definitely not a book for everyone, but it's very unique and poignant. Stephenson has a very uncanny prediction of the modern internet from the early 90's, coupled with a satire of cyberpunk, commentary on economics and capitalism, and a very detailed examination of religion and linguistics relating back to programming. it's a helluva dense read, and a bit too lengthy but I was entranced by it all the same.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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woke up to miserable cold and wet weather (I'll take cold and dry weather, thanks) and getting non-stop spam calls. starting this book as a much-needed breather in the middle of the day. I also realized I haven't read any sci-fi books in a while (I guess Hollow Kingdom sort of counts?), and I wanted a bit of a break before finishing the winternight trilogy.

HeyT This was my last read of 2019 and it took me a while to get into it but once I was immersed it was great. 4y
uwak @HeyT I'm 100 pages in and digging it. The writing style is pretty dense but I appreciate Stephenson's concepts and humor. 4y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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My first cyberpunk book!
See my full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3105868248

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson

A must read in the cyberpunk genre.

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👻📚📚 5y
Readswithcoffee Welcome to Litsy ☕️📚📚📚☕️ 5y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Just picked this up in a book sale. I read it approximately 15 years ago, and loved it. Very curious to see how it‘s aged, but it‘s first stop will be with a young friend who‘d loved Ready Player One, which he lent to me and I felt like it was Snow Crash fan fiction :P

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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I know I‘m on mat leave, but my program had a big meeting today and I couldn‘t miss it... but look what my boss gifted me for my leave!! 😭 she knows me well!

Soubhiville I love this book! 5y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Finally cracking into this.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Went to the Kanda used book fair with @tokyoseg and came home with 8 books! Looking forward to the foreign book bargain fair in two weeks 😁

tokyoseg Impressive haul 😁 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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@Mitch is doing a #50kreadinglifegiveaway. Thank you, very much!

Five words to describe my reading life:
🔮 fantastic
🗺 searching
📚 knowledgeable (not that I retain it necessarily but I love reading about new things)
🎪 entertaining
😜 unapologetic

Mitch Great set if words 👍🏼. Thanks for taking part 🙏 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I don't understand the hype given to this book, it was pretty mediocre in my opinion, I never connected with any of the characters and had to force myself to finish it.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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#7 sounds just my cup of tea



kstadt929 Thanks for entering! Good luck! 🍀 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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The Addams Family
Anne Rice

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This has been sitting on my TBR shelves for awhile now, but finally getting around to reading it. I'm trying to ignore all the hype and take the book at face value.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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When you are wrestling for a sword, the man with the handle always wins.

Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This has been on my TBR list for quite some time, and I‘m finally getting around to reading it. Have heard so many wonderful things about it. No pressure ;) #scifi

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📚🤓 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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1. Ooh hard to choose. I am going with Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I loved that book.
2. Tetris.
3. I've been listening to Sisters of Mercy a lot lately, and The Smiths and Siouxsie always. I also love 80s pop, my first tape was Culture Club!
4. Highlander, the Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, Die Hard are some faves.

Thanks @JoScho !!

JoScho Love Die Hard! Thanks for playing ❤️ 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson


Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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It is snowing. Full on snowing. The picture does not show just how much it is snowing.


AmyG I have the same. 🙁 6y
pilardib Beautiful 😮 6y
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tournevis @pilardib I do hope I won't have to shovel. 6y
tracey38 I'm sorry. My family in PA have been taking similar pics today. I think everyone is ready for warm weather! 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Same in my neighbourhood. And it‘s falling on top of the ice that accumulated over the past few days and which me can‘t shovel away. At this point, we‘re just waiting for the warmer temps to come at the end of the week. I am so done with winter!😠 6y
Melissa_J Sucks doesn‘t it? I refuse to look outside. At least it is supposed to be sunny and warm this weekend. 6y
Gezemice We had that yesterday morning. It is ridiculous. 6y
LibrarianJen I‘ll trade you the wind and sand storm we are having for your snow! 6y
KarynGood It‘s snowing here too. 😕 6y
rabbitprincess It's the sort of snow my family calls "Christmas magic" snow after the inevitable magical snowfall at the end of bad Christmas movies ? 6y
tournevis @tracey38 Warmer, you bet! 6y
tournevis @PurpleyPumpkin We were exceptionnaly lucky that most of the weekend ice had time to melt before this thing started. That I will not complain about 6y
tournevis @Melissa_J I'll believe it when I see it. 6y
tournevis @Gezemice Yesterday morning, we had icing rain and sleet... 6y
tournevis @LibrarianJen Yeah, I wouldn't want that. No. 6y
tournevis @rabbitprincess Except this one as actually made of water instead of soap flakes. 6y
xicanti Booooooo. 6y
mrozzz Waaaaah 😖 6y
tournevis @xicanti @mrozzz It's supposed to snow again today, but it's *supposed* to be sunny and seasonal this weekend. I'll believe it when I see it. 6y
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Hey, Neal Stephenson? Are you kidding me with these names? 😆