Took me forever to read this. No reflection on Tom Robbin‘s; I just have to be in the mood.
Took me forever to read this. No reflection on Tom Robbin‘s; I just have to be in the mood.
Just as thought provoking as it was 30 years ago. It's kind of reassuring to discover that what I figured out when the 7th veil fell back then is still alive and well, if not a little more robust when the 7th veil fell again. But that's something y'all have to figure out for yourselves 😉
"This is the room of the wolfmother wallpaper."
Started this re-read earlier today. I read it back in 1996 or so and all I remember is that I loved it and that it clarified, in a theological sense, the battle over Israel. Since I can't stop thinking about Israel but am feeling reality overload with the tragic news stories, I figured why not.
“Neat means #tidy, orderly, well-groomed. It's a valuable tool for describing the appearance of a room, a hairdo, or a manuscript. When it's generically and inappropriately applied, though, as it is in the slang aspect, it only obscures the true nature of the thing or feeling that it's supposed to be representing. It's turned into a sponge word. You can wring meanings out of it by the bucketful--and never know which one is right.” #QuotsyFeb21
Just came across this passage and it really resonated with me. The first paragraph sums up pretty perfectly my problem with most modern, conceptual art.
"It was, as they described it, a huge, welded steel coathanger, maybe six feet long. Folded over its bar was a flat, deflated skyscraper, sewn out of canvas, its windows, entranceways, and other architectural features painted on. The piece was hanging from the ceiling, and there was a card on the wall that listed Boomer's name, the materials he had used, and the title. The title was 'Donald Trump's Pants Come Back From the Cleaners'." ?
"As we lie there, helpless, beyond distraction, electricity stealing out of our brains like a con man stealing out of a sucker's neighborhood, it will occur to many of us that everything we ever did, we did for money. And at that instant, right before the stars blink off, we will, according to what else we may have learned in life, burn with an unendurable regret - or have us a good silent laugh at our own expense."
“There is a place between the cerebrum and the stars where sky stops and space commences, and should we find ourselves on a particular prairie or mountaintop at a particular hour, our relationship with sky thins and loosens while our connection to space becomes solid as bone.” #mountain #QuotsyNov20
I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection. No description. No explanation. Some will be old. Some will be new. Don't judge me. I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
Original idea of- @StaceyKondla @cortg
Courtesy tags for @Trashcanman @Catherine_Willoughby
“Mockingbirds are the true artists of the #bird kingdom. Which is to say, although they're born with a song of their own, an innate riff that happens to be one of the most versatile of all ornithological expressions, mockingbirds aren't content to merely play the hand that is dealt them. Like all artists, they are out to rearrange reality. ⬇️
“Dip a slice of bread in batter. That's September: yellow, gold, soft and #sticky. Fry the bread. Now you have October: chewier, drier, streaked with browns. The day in question fell somewhere in the middle of the french toast process.” #QuotsyFeb20
“...You caught me nekkid as a jaybird."
" 'Nekkid' or 'naked,' mama?"
"What's the blessed difference? Are you making Yankee fun of the way I talk? The way you used to talk?"
"No, no, mama, let me tell you. #Naked means you just don't have any clothes on. Nekkid means you don't have any clothes on and you're fixing to get into trouble.”
"To most of her peers, 'beauty' smacked of the rarefied, the indulgent, the superfluous, the effete. How could persons of good conscience pursue the beautiful when there was so much suffering and #injustice in the world? Ellen Cherry's answer was that if one didn't cultivate beauty, soon he or she wouldn't be able to recognize ugliness. The prevalence of social ugliness made commitment to physical beauty all the more essential." #QuotsyJan19
This was my first introduction to the wild & wonderful weirdness of Tom Robbins, lent to me years and years ago by a friend (along with Kurt Vonnegut's Slapstick) when I was going through a bad time. Afterwards, I sought out every Robbins & Vonnegut novel I could find. Both are brilliant writers, love 'em or hate 'em, & while I enjoy their books, I know many don't. I can understand why, but I'm still mostly in the ❤️ camp. #Skinny #SisForSeptember
I got a wonderful holiday package today from my lovely #litsypenpal @tjwill !! A first edition of my favorite book, an owl book sleeve (my first!), a copy of Die Young With Me (which sounds super interesting), ACOMAF bookmark and sticker and some chocolates. Thank you so much, this was so thoughtful and made my week. 😍😊💜 I love this community so much.
When I think of #anthropomorphiccharacters I can't help but think of the cast of inexplicably animated cast offs (Can o' Beans, Dirty Sock, Spoon, etc.) who play a fairly large role in this -- the first Tom Robbins book I had ever read.
Fantastic novel. A nice bit of absurdity wrapped in a thought provoking, yet darkly humorous story that explores ideas of growth, movement and understanding among other things. I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, the latest printing is poorly typeset and the paper is too thin to read cleanly. Find an older printing if you can.
There's a Middle Eastern restaurant in this book. Lots of talking about food. So the entire time I was reading it, I craved hummus and falafels! #somethingforsept
There's a Middle Eastern restaurant in this book. Lots of talking about food. So the entire time I was reading it, I craved hummus and falafels! #somethingforsept
I usually adore Tom Robbins' work, but I had to abandon this one a little after 100 pages. I think I actually threw it across the room when I gave up. My friend said she finished it & hated every second. That made me feel better about giving it the toss.