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Wie ein Fisch im Baum
Wie ein Fisch im Baum | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
141 posts | 121 read | 3 reading | 77 to read
Ally ist elf Jahre alt und eine Einzelgngerin. An der Schule ist sie als Freak bekannt und den Lehrern ein Dorn im Auge. Dabei geht es Ally nur um eins: Um jeden Preis ihr Geheimnis zu wahren sie kann weder lesen noch schreiben. Da kommt ein neuer Lehrer in die Klasse, Mr. Daniels. Im Gegensatz zu seinen Vorgngern beobachtet er Ally genau und findet bald heraus, dass Ally an einer Lese-Rechtschreibschwche leidet und gleichzeitig hochintelligent ist. Langsam lernt Ally, ihm zu vertrauen und schliet nebenbei Freundschaft mit zwei anderen Auenseitern. Gemeinsam widersetzen sie sich mutig dem Mobbing ...
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💜🩷💛💚 2mo
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This is written both for the student who has trouble in school for a disability she didn‘t know as well as the teacher who wants to help by becoming a special educator. I like how the story read with such a diverse group of students. Gave amazing insight to all of them. Didn‘t set for me as strong as I expected from others notes. This was a soft read, not much drama besides bullies and emotional damage.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Remember; great minds don‘t think alike.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This book was everything I wanted to be and more! It made my educator heart so happy! Not everyone learns in the same way and it is important to remember that there are many paths to the end!

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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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What a beautiful dedication!

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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I‘m happy to say I am making progress on these books this weekend - except for Chloe Brown because I haven‘t started that one yet. I‘m 60% through Fish in a Tree, 76% through Tomorrow and…, and on page 111 of The Blue Castle. My daughter and I both had colds so reading Hercule aloud was put on hold until our voices heal, but we will finish it…soon! As soon as I finish one of these, I will start Chloe Brown and make the leap to February! #20in4

Eggs Loved Fish AND cherished Tomorrow & Tomorrow etc. ❤️❤️ 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
Andrew65 Sounds like it has been a good weekend. 1y
Kennglenn It‘s such a good book 13mo
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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It‘s Readathon Eve, and we‘re getting excited. #OutstandingOctober

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This book made my teacher heart so happy. I am so glad that Mr. Daniels came into her life and paid attention to Ally to see that she was struggling. Mr. Daniels helped Ally to be diagnosed with Dyslexia and show her what she thought was impossible was possible! Well all need a teacher like Mr. Daniels in our life! 💜🐠💜🐠💜🐠💜🐠

LiteraryinLawrence I love this book! And the author‘s book about the foster care system is awesome as well! 3y
Lovesbooks87 @LiteraryinLawrence that‘s good to hear. As soon as I was done with this book I ordered both of her other two books. I just had to have them! 3y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Just finished and was pretty good. It would probably be good to give middle schoolers who are struggling to read and to teach them that sometimes people learn differently.

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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Reading a book with a tree in the title, by a tree lol. It‘s a nice day in my area, if a little windy

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This will probably end up being my last read of the year

BookishGirl06 Omg. I meant to say last read of the month 🤦🏻‍♀️ 3y
Kennglenn Good luck 13mo
BookishGirl06 @Kennglenn good luck with what? 13mo
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt

A wonderful young adult book that is worth the read for children, teens, and adults alike. Ally struggles in middle school, with classwork and making friends, acting out and getting in trouble to divert from her true struggle to read and learn in the typical way. When a new teacher arrives and chooses to value her abilities instead of trying to fit her in the typical mold, Ally discovers she can grow and learn and “set the world on fire.”

LiteraryinLawrence I like this author a lot. This book was excellent! 3y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt

This is a great middle school book. It deals with dyslexia and special needs in a caring way. Really good if you have a newly diagnosed child or sibling.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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When I searched to see who said this, I found an interesting article debunking the theory that Einstein said it, and referencing one of my favorite TV shows, QI — https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/04/06/fish-climb/

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Are you going be a silver dollar or a wooden nickel? This is an excellent middle grade book about a girl who has dyslexia. She‘s kind of a misfit at school and she has zero confidence. When she ends up in Mr. Daniels class, her world starts to change for the better.

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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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I don‘t usually read three books at once but I‘m ready to take up the challenge.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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1. Fish in a Tree
2. Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Oskar from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
3. I typically like the flow of sticking with one POV.

Want to play? @gradcat
Thanks for the tag @Butterfinger !

Sace I read this book for #ReadYourSign and I really enjoyed it. 4y
Eggs ❤️Lynda M. Hunt❤️ great responses! Thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚🤗 4y
gradcat Thanks for the tag, lovely!! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚🐟 4y
Eggs @OriginalCyn620 😘💕🥰 4y
Fantasy_bookworm This book is AMAZING, RIGHT? 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Fun to read, had some cliches. Considering it as a read-aloud text for my 4th graders.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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I received this yesterday, thank you!!

Sace Oh this is so good! Just read it... Last week? Week before? (days are running together...) 4y
mrp27 @Sace Ha ha! So true, all the days have been running together these last few months. I look forward to reading this. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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“Great minds don‘t think alike.”

I enjoyed this inspiring read with great messages of recognising differences, overcoming challenges, and the power of friendships.
(The International Dyslexia Association defined dyslexia as a ‘specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin‘, although it‘s commonly known as a learning difference, as also referred to in the book.)


kspenmoll Absolutely loved this book! 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This was actually the April pick for the #MGBuddyReads but I flaked out (as is my way) and ended up reading it for a #ReadYourSign prompt. I'm really glad I did actually read it. Ally is a great character as are all the characters. A sweet book.

1 of 5 books complete

ramblingsofareader “Hoomans are strange” should definitely be the official catchphrase of #catsoflitsy 😹 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Getting my #ReadYourSign party started 🎉🎉🎉

@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady

Meaw_catlady Woohoo! 4y
Clwojick Party on!!!🎈🌟 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Clwojick 🎉🎉🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥🔥🌟🌟🌟🌟 Me too! I‘m thrilled! 4y
cozypunk What is read your sign? I'm a Cancer. 4y
Sace @dwRavenPuff I'm a pisces ♓🐟🐠 4y
Sace @dwRavenPuff ack! And I didn't answer your question 🤦‍♀️ It's a reading challenge for June that @Clwojick and @Meaw_catlady organized. 4y
cozypunk Fun! Thanks 😊 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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#BookReport (format inspired by @Daisey)
📚 Finished Monster Volume 8
🎧 Finished The Mother Daughter Book Club 1
🎧 Finished Macbeth
🎧 Started The Mother Daughter Book Club 2

📚 Start Fish in a Tree for #ReadYourSign
📚 Read Grand Hotel
📚 Read S&S
📚 La catedral del mar
📚 Finish Digital Minimalism
🎧 Start Joyland
🎧 Start Love's Labour's Lost for #ShakespeareReadAlong
Paused- Map of Salt and Stars


Cinfhen Very nicely organized 🥳🙌🏻😍 4y
Sace @Cinfhen all hail @Daisey 😂 4y
Daisey It looks great!! 📚 4y
Cinfhen Absolutely 💕🙌🏻 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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My TBR for #ReadYourSign
From bottom to top, left to right-prompts 3, 9, 15, 7, 12, 11, and 8 (numerical order? What's that?)

I've got back up titles as well...just in case I start a book and it's not for me. I have to have an option to change my mind 😂

Is it June yet? I can't wait!

@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady

Meaw_catlady Great list!!!! I can‘t wait for June I‘ll be posting mine soon! 4y
Sace @Meaw_catlady this #BookSpin and my #CYOReadathon = me feeling like a shaky little chihuahua😂 4y
Meaw_catlady @Sace you‘ve got this!!! 💚 4y
Clwojick Yesss! I‘m so excited! Can‘t wait for your Readathon too! 🙌🏻🌟🎉 4y
Sace @Clwojick Yay! I can't wait to read with you! 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Dyslexia has always made Ally an outsider in her class. A spectacular teacher and an impressive attitude change her life. Wonderful relationships. Great story. I love Albert.

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Thank you for the generous book mail! It looks like Fish in the Tree is the copy for #lmpbc so I can mail it back to you or can I mail it to the next individual it's supposed to go to. Thanks again! 🤗

LibrarianRyan Thank you. I‘ll email you the address to send it on and I‘ll get the other copy in the mail. 4y
mrp27 @LibrarianRyan Perfect! I'll get to the post office tomorrow or Thursday at the latest. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Another one that fits a #readyoursign prompt (*ahem* that I should have read for the #MGBuddyReads....)

Balibee146 Have had this sitting to read then pass on to my sons teacher.... Guess I have time now 🙄 4y
Angeles That book is one of my sons favorites! 4y
Sace @Balibee146 lol. I've had too much time but apparently no brainpower. 4y
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Sace @Angeles it sounds really good. 4y
Balibee146 @sace the same here... In nearly 7 weeks lockdown I have read 3 books.... I'll look back at that aspect of this time in disbelief but I just can't settle! 4y
Sace @Balibee146 exactly. Apparently TV is the only thing I can manage right now. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhh. I can not remember next months book but if you check out the tag you will find the list and the host. I hope you had fun. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Peddler410 As someone who liked the book, I recommend Mockingbird by Erskine and The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by McAnulty. 4y
Sharv_Sona 1. The one and only Ivan. 2. The war that saved my life 3. Counting by sevens 4. Smile 5. Wonder. And YES I have read all of these books. 4y
JaclynW @Peddler410 I will have to add these, thanks! 4y
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JaclynW @Sharv_Sona Great suggestions! I have read 2 of those. 4y
JaclynW I'm drawing a blank! I was also going to say Counting By 7s and Wonder like @Sharv_Sona . I just finished Counting By 7s and loved it!! Ifvi think of more books, I will come back and post. I really loved Fish in a Tree and will definitely be recommending it to others. 4y
sblbooks Great book! I recommend Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus and After Zero. 4y
Sharv_Sona I legit just went through all the questions and realized that I didn't give them a like I forgot so I just went through and gave every question a like because I liked it. I do NOT give out likes for free!! 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sharv_Sona 1.I call them the fire ants. A group of small beings that can become overwhelming. 4y
Sharv_Sona 2. Teachers are like the machines that take quarters for bouncy balls. You know what you‘re going to get. Yet, you don‘t know, too. 4y
JaclynW There were many! I didn't write any down and I no longer have the book. There were many quotable quotes too. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sharv_Sona Yes. 4y
Sharv_Sona It makes sense. 4y
JaclynW That made me teary eyed. She has some wisdom in this area. 4y
sblbooks Ally was spot-on. 4y
Daisey Yes, it was a great explanation. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Peddler410 Growth, change. 4y
Sharv_Sona Happiness and satisfaction 4y
Sharv_Sona I also agree with @Peddler410 4y
JaclynW @Peddler410 Yes! A transformation. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sharv_Sona Alike- they both can be done easily and they both have the same amount of effect 4y
Sharv_Sona Different- I said they had the same AMOUNT of effect but FRIENDSHIP has a good effect while bullying has a bad effect 4y
JaclynW I think bullying is a cry for help, for friendship. A bully is typically insecure. They just go about getting friends the wrong way, if they channelled their energy they use for bullying to making friends....Wow! They would be a force. Bullying can also be a form of protection against rejection. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sharv_Sona Yes, definitely she wrote a poem even with her difficulties and not only did she write a poem it was a great poem. 4y
JaclynW This one is hard to answer. I totally saw through the teacher's actions like Ally did. I would have felt the same too. More like a consolation prize than an award. But as a teacher, I understand his motivation behind it. He was hoping to give her some confidence. I wonder if there were other ways this could have been accomplished. But then again, maybe her poem was truly the best of the bunch. What does everyone else think? I'm curious. 4y
sblbooks @JaclynW I agree with you! I can't really say because I would have to hear all the other poems to make a decision. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Peddler410 My first thought was books, but that might be a given. My second thought — toilet paper 😂. My real answer, portable iPhone chargers. Someone in my family is always looking for the charger. 4y
Sharv_Sona Books. That's what I wish for or belle's library. That would be AWESOME! 📚 4y
JaclynW @Peddler410 😂🙌🏾 4y
JaclynW That's a tough question! Books seem like an obvious one for us book lovers. Books to read, learn from and share with others. I wish that I could wish more love, understanding and compassion for every human on Earth. I'm so tired of people being mean, treating others unfairly, abuse, war, divisiveness, etc. A peaceful world would be amazing. ❤🌍 4y
JaclynW My above wish isn't really an object so I guess I cheated. Haha! 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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kspenmoll I thought her butterfly wish was to be able to read so she could fit in. (edited) 4y
Peddler410 My guess was a wish to read, like @kspenmoll mentioned. I think she wants to be “normal”. 4y
Sharv_Sona I agree with all of you. She maybe just wanted to fit in, but i was thinking out of the box and thought that she wanted people to understand what she is going through 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sharv_Sona All of them are in a similar situation and its nice that they know that here is someone like them out there. 4y
JaclynW Some are supportive which leads to helping others reach their potential (venturing out, feeling more brave, trying new things, being more honest/vulnerable, etc.). Others come to see that everyone has struggles, they become more empathetic as the story moves along. 4y
sblbooks Albert is willing to stand up to the bully, when he picks on Keisha & Ally. Ali thinks she's the only one that's different, but Keisha sets her straight. 4y
Daisey I think that these friendships helped each of these characters realize the truth about their own situation. Sometimes we can‘t get perspective on what we‘re dealing with but good friends help us to see and understand in a different way. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Chelsibno Ally has gone through her entire elementary school experience feeling like she was stupid, because she couldn‘t read or write at the same level as all of her classmates. Throughout school, she has observed seemingly everyone else learn how to read and write with little to no difficulty. With the perception that she is the only one struggling to do this, she‘s come to the conclusion that she is “stupid,” despite her talents and other abilities. 4y
Chelsibno Her older brother has also come to this conclusion after years of experiences similar to Ally‘s. He has resigned himself to the idea that he cannot succeed in school, or any endeavors that require him to read. His resignation to this idea is heartbreaking when it seems like this is the one thing that stands in his way of succeeding in a field that he loves and excels in. 4y
kspenmoll @Chelsibno Your thinking about both characters rings true.The author did a great job creating characters with reading issues. As a special education co-teacher in a high school,I have talked/worked with dyslexic students and for some the story is similar.I have one student who in groups struggles to save face & will not accept help but when he saw others happy to get my support he did too. 4y
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Peddler410 @Chelsibno I‘m not sure what I can add. Nice job with your sharing about these two characters. 4y
Peddler410 @Kspenmoll I see similar situations at the middle school. 4y
Sharv_Sona Well the characters that had reading issues were judged to read and its basically the same thing as judging a fish to climb a tree 4y
JaclynW @Chelsibno Well said. It is heartbreaking that some let labels completely define them. We each carry unique qualities and talents. We all have something to contribute. 4y
JaclynW @kspenmoll That's a great example. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Cosmos_Moon All your spoiler posts are killing me! I have this on my TBR, so not clicking. 4y
Peddler410 I read this a while ago — in the fall. I need to do a little refresher and I‘ll be back to add answers to the questions I skipped. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Hey all,

I apologize for being a horrible #MGBuddyRead host. I have had the blah's this month but I am working on it.

To that end, I will post the discussion questions for the buddy read Thursday evening.

Look forward to seeing what people think.

@jaclynw @lmstraubie @thebookhippie @chelsibno @daisey @kspenmoll @peddler410 @mrp27 @annececilie @megnews @saturndoo @samantahMarie @lifeisasnap @Cwarnier

and anyone else i missed!

Sharv_Sona Ooh! I've read that book a few years a go when I was 7 or 8 cause I'm 11 now, anyways, it's a really good book because it's fun 4y
LibrarianRyan @Sharv_Sona thanks. I hope you‘ll join the discussion. I‘ll remember to tag you when I post them. 4y
mrp27 I wasn't able to get a copy of the book in time to read 😕 4y
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LibrarianRyan @mrp27 dang if I‘d have known I‘d have sent you mine. I bought a copy and then a group mate picked it for #LMPBC so I was going to use her copy so I can mark it all up. Heck I‘ll still send it to you if you want it. 4y
mrp27 Ohh I'd love it if you wouldn't mind! With the library closed Libby waits are long. 4y
JaclynW I just finished a few weeks ago. Looking forward to questions. Thanks! 4y
sblbooks I just finished this today, so I'm looking forward to the discussion. 4y
LibrarianRyan @mrp27 I'm sending it tomorrow. Also throwing a little something else in. I won one on goodreads and then the publisher also sent me a copy and I figure it will eventurall be a #MGbuddyread title so... 4y
mrp27 Ohh let me send you my new address I've moved. I think I have your email 4y
LibrarianRyan @mrp27 yes please. 4y
mrp27 I thought I had your email address but I don't 4y
LibrarianRyan @mrp27 missryanaf@gmail.com 4y
mrp27 Thanks! Just sent email. 4y
LibrarianRyan @mrp27 hey girl. You should be getting my package. I think I made a boo boo and sent you the wrong copy of fish in a tree. I think I sent the #lmpbc copy because the copy in my hand right now looks brand new. When you get the package can I ask you to check the book and if it is the wrong copy send it on. Illl still send you my copy I have sitting here. 4y
mrp27 No problem. I haven't received it yet but as soon as I do I'll let you know. 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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#BookReport #DaiseysReadingWeek
📚 I finished 3 fairly short #middlegrade reads but made little progress on my longer read
🎧 2 audiobooks

📖 1984
🎧 & 📖 Antony & Cleopatra for #ShakespeareReadalong
🎧 Maybe I‘ll get back to The Golden Notebook this week

📚 Continue current reads
📚 Maybe finally get around to one of these same possibilities from last week

slategreyskies I‘ve been meaning to read The Golden Notebook. I keep looking at it on my shelf, but I haven‘t actually pulled it off and started it yet. What do you think about it so far? 4y
IhoardBOOKS I did Circe as an audiobook last month and it was amazing. Hope you like it as much as I did. 4y
Daisey @slategreyskies Well, to be honest, I own the audiobook and started it one day on my walk over a week ago. Then a library hold came in and I listened to that as well as the Star Wars audio and a couple podcasts. I haven‘t made it back to listen to any more of The Golden Notebook yet. 4y
Daisey @IhoardBOOKS I‘ve heard so many great reviews! It just keeps getting pushed back on my TBR list! 4y
Cinfhen Go for Circe!!!! 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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#BookReport #WeeklyForcast

Still reading the top two books- #nonfiction #memoir #historicalmystery

Finished two books this week. I am happy with that- distance teaching has me occupied!!!! #teachersoflitsy

Daisey I completely understand about the distance teaching. I read mostly middle grade this week as well and really enjoyed Fish in a Tree. 4y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen I absolutely loved it! The author created wonderful characters & the struggles & challenges of a student with dyslexia-especially within herself. It will be perfect for the student I was thinking of using it for reading. 4y
kspenmoll @Daisey Thanks so much for your support!!! Do you have any other suggestions?❤️ 4y
Cinfhen That‘s wonderful 😊 4y
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Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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This book has been on my radar for a while, so I‘m glad I finally made time to read it. It‘s a great story and will definitely be added to my class library.

#MGBuddyRead #middlegrade

Fish in a Tree | Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Good morning! I started reading our next #MGBuddyRead choice for #DeweysReadathon this morning. I‘ve got some iced coffee and my current favorite book shirt. I really didn‘t make any specific plans for today and have some things to work on that will keep me from reading all day, but
I‘m still looking forward to quite a bit of reading.

#readathon #24hourreadathon #deweyapril

Mccall0113 Happy reading, friend! 4y
Bookworm83 Fish in a Tree is such a great middle grade!! I recommend to all my kids 4y
Daisey @Mccall0113 Thanks! 4y
Daisey @Bookworm83 @LiteraryinLititz I‘m enjoying it so far, but I had to put it down and switch to audio while working on other things this morning. 4y
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