Listening to the audiobook, so far so good. James Patterson is a guilty pleasure ☺
Listening to the audiobook, so far so good. James Patterson is a guilty pleasure ☺
I enjoyed the mystery and the twists. I had several parts figured out but there were a few things that surprised me a bit. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jenna Murphy believes Noah has been incorrectly charged with murder. He#r side investigations earn her a suspension and later a demotion. But, she‘s still convinced this case ties in with a string of others, especially after her uncle is killed. Too many town secrets have allowed a killer to hide in plain sight. Gruesome.
Okay, I decided to finally tackle some of the James Patterson books from my personal shelf for April‘s #BacklistReadathon. With over 320+ books on his list, I could choose him for months to come. 😅😅
A few years back I binged every James Patterson I could get my hands on and but then I needed a break. I guess it‘s time to get back into it. 🖤
I love his Women‘s Murder Club series, but otherwise I tend to prefer his standalones and BookShots.
Of all four James Patterson books I have read so far, this is the one I would recommend for people to read!!
Jenna is a detective heading back to her hometown to investigate “The Murder House,” and uncover who is behind these brutal killings that are continuing to happen.
I loved her character, the twist, and the chapters told from the perspective of the killer rather than Jenna! Overall so well done and kept me entertained!
Gardening, a nice walk, and a new audiobook... great start to my week!
My #vegetablegarden is really taking off!! I can‘t wait to actually be getting the vegetables! But I have certainly come a long way from just the seeds in red solo cups!
Note about James Patterson: this is my fourth Patterson book - first was 4 stars, next was 2 stars and the last was 3 stars!! I wonder how this one will be...
Wow!! I absolutely loved this one.. It's a standalone so not sure if there'll be another but I soooo wanna see what's next for Jenna & Noah.. 😁
I really enjoyed this book. I think I've only read 2 or 3 of James Patterson's books. All have been great. I had the audiobook and it was excellent.
Let me start by saying I liked this book, it had a good plot, it kept me interested, HOWEVER it was sooooo long!!! I am not sure it needed to be as long as it was, I feel like some of the plot could have been removed and it would have been okay. It also was not my favorite James Patterson book, but that is okay he has a lot odds are there will be a few that aren‘t my favorites.
#JumpStart2020 Book 1
We are having some stormy weather here on the island. Which means, plenty of time for fires and reading ♡
I enjoyed this book. It had a couple of twists that kept me intrigued. I felt like it dragged on just a little, though it did have an interesting ending. I would suggest this book for someone looking for a medium suspense/thriller novel. It's not an edge-of-the-seat kind of book, though it is entertaining! Happy Reading!
I don‘t normally read a ton of Patterson, but this one had great reviews and I figured I would try it and it did not disappoint at all. It was scary and suspenseful and full of twists. I didn‘t want to stop at any point. I really was hooked on this story and definitely feel that this was Patterson at his best.
Started out kind of slow but it picked up speed fast. Great read. So many twists and turns, hand on for a great ride
I enjoyed this book, not only was it a light read but I was surprised by the ending. I figured all along I knew who who the bad person was, but totally got it wrong. Also has another surprise at the end. 👍👍👍
This starts out a bit slow but really picks up when the flashbacks begin. I knew who the authors wanted me to think was the killer and who I wanted the killer to be, but I didn‘t know the truth until the very end. Basically this is a twisty, scary, serial killer book.
I listened to the audio. I thought having a male & female narrator switch off was going to bother me, but it didn‘t. Guess I was caught up in the story.
Keep seeing this one on my library‘s Audio books so have downloaded and started listening to it.
My last read of January. It actually was difficult to put down. Not what I would usually choose, but glad I did.
About to start a new #book by #jamespatterson #murderhouse #bookstagram #books #bookworm #booklover #bookphoto #bookoftheday #bookporn #bookholic #booklove #booklover
Listened to this on audible. It's told in two voices, the female narrator was very good but I couldn't take to the guy, however she is the main part so he wasn't in it enough to ruin it. Guessed the twist, but it didn't spoil my enjoyment of the book. Actually the first James Patterson I've 'read' so might dig out a few more of his now. Only real criticism was that it tied up a bit neatly at the end, feels a bit contrived to me when that happens
This is my first #jamespatterson novel and I am pretty sure it won't be the last, because I already bought the next one. In my defense it was on sale. I read a few #mystery novels before but they never quite grabbed me like this one. If you are fan of #Patterson which books are your favorite and which ones would you recommend a Patterson newbie.
It's been a rainy few days here in NS not to mention chilly. Isn't it suppose to be warm by now?! Oh well, gives me an excuse to stay home today and read a new book and enjoy my Dunkin Doughnuts coffee (which you can't buy in 🇨🇦) and my new bookmark from create, explore, read on Instagram and how cute is my new mug from Disney?! Love me some Chip!
This was fun. It did exactly what a mystery thriller should do...it kept me intrigued. I figured out who did it or at least I thought I had. I responded to the twists by flipping my Sherlockian opinion back and forth and all over the place. I don't know if I'll hang out with James Patterson again. This was definitely better than a Lifetime movie, but there are other mystery novels with far more depth. Recommended for magnetic pull of the suspense!
This is an author that I had no interest in, but my co-worker told me I have to read this book...so, this is my first James Patterson novel. Maybe there's love for this author, and I never would have known without this recommendation.
How would I get through January in the service industry without a new book? First James Patterson book....I'm impressed!
Dark....intense...twisty and just to damn good! Loved it. You can read my no spoilers review at www.delawarebookaddict.blogspot.com #booklover #reader #reading
Definitely not a place I wasnt to vacation! #jamespatterson #mysteries #reader #reading
Sounds like my co-workers lol #books #quotes #mysteries
Probably gonna stay up too late reading again! Too bad I have to work tomorrow. 😞#ineedtofindajobthatentailsreadingallday
Loved it!! It was so entertaining I couldn't wait to read it everyday!!
Airplane read that was full of twists and turns. I wasn't really sure who did what, but had fun guessing.
That moment when you open a birthday present and you can tell it's books yipppppeeeee, but then they end up being James Patterson books. 😩😩😩😩Are either of these worth cracking open? I have only read one JP book but one was enough to make me swear I'd never read another!!! Was I wrong??
I literally could not put this book down, there are so many twists and turns you feel like a pretzel by the end! Completely shocked by the ending! My favorite by James Patterson.