Just finished this and it was so hilarious! Needed a cozy mystery and an alternate history book for my #readharder2019
Just finished this and it was so hilarious! Needed a cozy mystery and an alternate history book for my #readharder2019
If you‘ve read the Bill Hodges Trilogy.. then The Outsider will make you happy to see.... someone! I enjoyed it! It squished my picture.. erg. Anyone in case anyone wants to see more of my books... https://www.goodreads.com/mkittysabkworm
5 Stars for the Changeling, 2 for the Ruins.. I hated it.. boring and Killer vines were not doing much for me.. 5 for Scythe.. and working on FNAF 4 The Fourth Closet 😻
Apocalyptic Beginnings, Ripper, Deadly 11, This is the End, Bury the Rabbit (book 3) and the rest I intend to read 🤞🤞oops I forgot Pure Dark Vol 1!
Just Finished this one today and here‘s a look at my upcoming books 😻
4 Stars for a Short Story about Neighbors and a mysterious Ailment...
OMG Best Horror Book I‘ve read in a LOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooG time and it‘s a Cool Trilogy! I‘ve Read All 3 Books and am on a Stephen King Binge....
Weird again since I read out of Order not knowing there was an order.. supposed to be on goodreads at least Marvel Zombies Vs Army of Darkness, then Dead Days, then Evil Evolution 1 (not sure what that 1 means either as it was a one shot like this one... ?) and then finally Marvel Zombies... zombies are my fav so it was cool but have to reread since I had more fun playing with the pictures lol
At least spidey Knows not to walk in yellow snow lol
Marvel Zombies Evil Evolution which includes Apes I made some cool collages! As I was reading.. read backwards though and am still kinda confused?
Here are some samples from Dot Journaling to give you an idea what it is 😍
@wanderinglynn is having an #OctHPGiveaway to enter go to her page for details. I remember there are 2 requirements and it‘s a US only giveaway 😻this is my repost the best I know how to do.
@wanderinglynn This is the book that‘s all about Dot Journaling I t gives you basics and examples! I took a screen shot from vk to show you an example of someone‘s super creative journal.. mine is only writing in it for practice
Ok last one I made of Bad guys vs good guys eating each other lol I was having fun with the screenshots I took and used Adobe Photoshop Collage on my iPad. I Have more but thought I‘d stop there plus battery at 4%... anyways enjoy! I Picked Certain ppl in order they were eaten...except for T‘Challa.. yet haven‘t read past 5.. so... yeah but you still have to read to find out way more!
T‘Challa and it cut off my fav quote “This is madness!! You are a severed head! You don‘t even have a body! This sickness has consumed you—it‘s keeping you alive somehow! But this hunger—it‘s all in your mind. You can‘t digest anything—you don‘t have a body, there is nowhere for the food to go!”
(Marvel Zombie Vol 1 or 1-5) Captain America, Wolverine, Magneto, & more fight over food rather than good vs bad. Pretty funny at some points and kinda lame too.. but like I said I‘ve never seen Marvel Zombies before & even making some kind of a script work is worth reading! (esp cuz Kirkman.. 😍) Can you find where I altered the images? for Mustachio, Splotch, Thought Bubble (tail end), & Zombie Bit.
@TheLibrarian has 70,000 followers and is hosting a Giveaway this is my fav book of all time! Hurray! #70kgiveaway
I don‘t know the author just that this is Shadow Cat Manga But it made me laugh
Omg this is a great idea.. if you can read it basically says “By Reading this Chapter you are giving your solemn oath never to b*tch, moan or complain about the speed of our manga releases..” I remember watching a Vampire Manga Cartoon a long time ago and was trying to find the series this isn‘t it but I just thought this was so funny!
#144 From MangaPanda Twins.. & Lizzie OMGosh. Sphere Music Hall was committing murders.. and now Young Master..is in Trouble by Double..
Read 1-144 ❤️❤️❤️ Black Butler Re-read 1st one to the boys my oldest got that it was funny youngest was more focused on tv lol but he tried.. “why does the chef always burn the meat Mom?”
So my boys went trick or treating and got this for Mom 💩❤️😂 My youngest and I have been coloring a book called “I Stink” except it isn‘t on here prob since I bought it on sale at Walgreens lol but I love that they thought of me and our little inside joke! Always wanted the “Everybody Poops” book..lol
Just received this in the mail the other day! Won a contest in July from Del Ray! (I didn‘t notice I won till this month..so it was actually pretty speedy delivery) Thank you and I‘m so excited to read it‘s a SSC!
Read the Highlighted Quotes White Middle First Then Top To Bottom Orange...that‘s what I mean about being MEAN lol
My notes on Island of the Dolls might skip this one..characters seem like buttholes except Jack and I haven‘t met Pepper yet
Chapter 22 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
The Shining (1980) ~Each Chapter starts with a movie quote and they are really interesting especially since they correspond with what‘s going on in the chapter. I‘m 32% done but my book includes Helltown (World‘s Scariest Places 3) & Island of the Dolls (World‘s Scariest Places 4).
This one was weird for me and a first from McDowell. It‘s been on my TBR for a looong time and I forgot I had an ebook copy. Here‘s my Goodreads review https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2148815209