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Dein Leuchten
Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
So wunderbar romantisch wie eine heie Schokolade vorm Kaminfeuer ... Jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten reist Sierra mit ihren Eltern nach Kalifornien, um dort auf der Familienplantage Weihnachtsbume zu verkaufen. Doch diesmal wird Sierras Welt auf den Kopf gestellt. Sierra verliebt sich das erste Mal, unsterblich und mit aller Macht. In Caleb, den Jungen mit den Grbchen, der Weihnachtsbume verschenkt und eine dunkle Vergangenheit verbirgt, denn Caleb soll seine Schwester angegriffen haben. In seiner Heimatstadt ist er deshalb ein Auenseiter. Sierras Eltern, ihre Freunde, alle warnen sie davor, sich auf ihn einzulassen. Doch Sierra kann nicht glauben, dass Caleb gefhrlich ist, und riskiert alles, um ihre groe Liebe zu gewinnen ...
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What Light | Jay Asher
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Book number one from my #TBRWrappedUp stack was a success. It's a very cute Christmas romance involving a Christmas tree lot. I do wish I read this book when I was younger. However, I think my current students will love it. To the classroom library it goes!


What Light | Jay Asher
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First book chosen from my #TBRWrappedUp ! Perfect for December. I bought this book right when it came out (2016 🙈) and still haven't touched it. I'm excited to be finally reading it.

What Light | Jay Asher
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Going to start this book now. It‘s a book I‘ve wanted to read for years! I‘m really excited

TEArificbooks It‘s cute 3y
Bookaholicforlife @mdm139 I‘ve heard that and I liked his first book. It definitely fits the Christmas vibe 3y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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4/5 What a cute holiday read. Puts you in the Christmas spirit!

What Light | Jay Asher
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It‘s official: I‘m a sucker for predictable Christmas readings😹 I don‘t mind mind it with Christmas books✨ Enjoyed a peppermint hot chocolate while I finished this one!

What Light | Jay Asher
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Presenting today and my mind‘s in starting this book🥴✨

What Light | Jay Asher
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Jadams89 🎄🎉 4y
Bookgoil Oo looks good! 4y
TheSpineView 👍🤩📖 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick ⛄Totally crushing it!⛄ 4y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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I read and enjoyed this YA holiday romance a few years ago.
#wordsofoctober #light

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚👍🏻📚 4y
CaffeineAndCandy ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ ❤ 4y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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Cookies & milk sounds appropriate for a Christmas time tale. #weekendread

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What Light | Jay Asher
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I loved this cute teenage love story. The characters were imperfect and very sweet.

Buechersuechtling Yeah, I read this the year before last year and liked it very much. 😄 5y
Branwen I just finished reading this one a few days ago! I love the theme of forgiveness! 5y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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Almost caught up... Here are a few more I haven‘t posted yet:

Christmas By Accident ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Christmas in Vermont ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Merry Christmas, Baby ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
What Light (reread) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#holidayread #wintergames #merryreaders

Clwojick 81 pt 5y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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I recommend this quick Christmas read! #lights #hollyjollyreading

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover!!! 5y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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2 1/2 stars rounded to 3. This is a sweet Christmas story that reads like a Hallmark TV movie about a girl‘s last winter in California on her parents‘ tree lot, a family owned business she has been traveling to from Oregon each Christmas season, for years. Sierra meets a boy with a past, and they fall for each other. There are no surprises and the story pretty much moves along as predicted.

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What Light | Jay Asher

I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was very cute.

What Light | Jay Asher
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Second time attempting to read this, and I just cannot get into it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ wildly disappointing.

What Light | Jay Asher
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This was the book I needed the last few days. I have been feeling off and unhappy and I knew that a cute story would pull me out of my funk. I enjoy Asher's work and though it isn't my favorite of his, the easy going story was just what I needed. Cute read for YA readers.

What Light | Jay Asher
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This was such a cute, Christmassy read! A YA romance about a girl who‘s family owns and operates a Christmas tree farm, and a boy with a troubled past. It‘s about first love, friendship, family, and Christmas. A fun seasonal story.

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What Light | Jay Asher
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The hubs went to run some errands, so I‘m taking advantage of the quiet house and getting some reading done. ❤️🎄📖

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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I like that cozy Christmas love story that develops slowly but warmly. I couldn‘t quite buy Calebs background story and Sierra‘s relationship to her parents was a bit unrealistic – but there‘s also a lot of originality, like candy canes in hot chocolate and lightening trees in the wild with fairy lights. I especially liked the the scene at the Christmas Mass.

I recommend this story as a romantic Christmas time read.

What Light | Jay Asher
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I‘ve been banished to the living room so the hubs can wrap presents. I think it‘s a perfect opportunity to start this book. 😊🎁🎄

That-Bookish-Hiker This is a cute book! Hope you enjoy it! 😁 6y
GypsyKat @That-Bookish-Hiker Thank you! 6y
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Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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To know/see that I really had the time today to advance in my book makes me happy. Might be that my idea of reading two rather short books in 4 days was a bit too optimistic – but I tell you a secret (okay, two): I put both books on hold again, so that I can borrow them again right away. 😁

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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I find it a little bit strange how Sierra and especially her father talk about her behaviour and relationship towards boys, especially those who work at the Christmas tree business and that towards Caleb.

Her father is acting over protective and is the walking cliché of the US-american-TV series-dad but she, in response, acts way too grown-up for my taste. I mean, she is, I don‘t know, 15 or 16 or maximum 17. That doesn‘t match, I think.

LaLecture I hate these overprotective cliché parents ?. The best protection for a teenager is to talk openly and honestly with them. Characters like this always annoy me. 6y
Buechersuechtling @LaLecture Yepp. And it‘s totally not realistic that a teenager signals “I know and understand why you behave like this. And I promise I will be sensible and careful because I am well educated.” Teenagers don‘t do this. But apart from that I like the book. Christmas-sweet. (Okay, the plot with the sister is … unconventional. But I just read 50 %, let‘s see where all this will lead me … I‘ll stay open.) 6y
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Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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I admit I am not very much a fan of hot chocolate with marshmallows but I really like the idea of, how they practice it in the book, stirring my hot chocolate with a candy cane. Although for me it needn‘t be one with peppermint taste. I don‘t know if I can imagine hot chocolate that tastes like “After Eight”.

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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It‘s so sweet but in a honestly good way. And the little Christmas trees that separate different locations or events within one chapter are really cute. I think my Christmas-mood begins to rise.

I‘m disappointed that I need to stop reading now because I have an appointment. I‘m already a bit late … 🤭

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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„Wusstest du, dass Grübchen eigentlich eine Missbildung sind?“, fährt er fort. „Das heißt, er hat einen Muskel im Gesicht, der zu kurz ist. Irgendwie eklig, wenn man drüber nachdenkt.“ (Seite 38)

A dimple is a malformation because a facial muscle is too short and therefore causes it. (p. 38)

⬆️⬆️⬆️ Andrew, one of the male characters, thinks that‘s awful but I myself think, in the contrary, that it‘s very interesting to know. I didn‘t before.

Moony Na toll, ich hab auch ein Grübchen.... fanden früher immer alle süß. 😂 6y
Buechersuechtling @Moony Jetzt hab dich nicht so, ich hab fast überall anders außer im Gesicht verkürzte Muskeln und die fand noch keiner süß. Jedenfalls hab ich dafür noch kein offizielles Kompliment gekriegt. Also. ? 6y
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Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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Off-topic but please bear with me because I am so excited that I could troll my musical tickets (that I ordered the day before yesterday) out of my letter-box today❣️

“Miss Saigon” Is my favourite musical and I am very happy that finally I can start to listen to it again to learn the text. Unbelievable but about 25 years ago I knew the complete musical by heart. You could throw me a line and I told you whose text it is in what situation. 🤷🏽‍♀️

What Light | Jay Asher

This was the perfect read for this time of year. Jay Asher is great at writing characters who deal with pain and anger. Caleb was such a realistic character and love interest. I really liked caleb and sierra's relationship. I loved this book and can't wait for Jay Asher to publish more books.

RadicalReader @mirsophie love Jay Asher he is a phenomenal author and love all his books. Check out 6y
mirsophie @radicalreader i love that book too 6y
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Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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I am only one chapter in but I already like Jay Ashet‘s writing style. Very fluent and with just a few sentences he managed to create authentic ties between the three girls in such a way that I believe right away that they are best friends since being small children

The only thing I don‘t get yet is that Christmas-tree selling in California although the Christmas-tree farm is located in Oregon. Sounds a bit weird but is originally, too.

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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To be fair I am a little bit more curious for „Ich und Kaminski“ than I am for this one but I will start it nevertheless because it has a Christmas setting.

And you know, my Christmas mood finally has to come from somewhere. Why not from this book❓ Christmas time combined with a love story, if that doesn‘t help to get me into Christmas mood then I don‘t know. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Dein Leuchten | Jay Asher
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I have good news. 😃

Yes, that I couldn‘t browse and rummage around in my online library in yesterday‘s late evening was indeed due to server problems. Which luckily were solved by this morning.

So, look what I just borrowed. 😃 It‘s one of the books with less than 200 pages from my wish list – because I know that tomorrow a book I put on hold a few weeks ago will be available.

What Light | Jay Asher
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What Light | Jay Asher

A lovely Christmas story, just what I needed to feel christmassy! 5/5

What Light | Jay Asher
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A re-read for me...
? "Sierra's family runs a Christmas tree farm in Oregon—it's a bucolic setting for a girl to grow up in, except that every year, they pack up and move to California to set up their Christmas tree lot for the season. So Sierra lives two lives: her life in Oregon and her life at Christmas. And leaving one always means missing the other. Until this particular Christmas, when Sierra meets Caleb, & one life eclipses the other." ?

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What Light | Jay Asher
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Picked this up for a book club bingo prompt this month. I have always liked Jay Asher‘s stories.

What Light | Jay Asher
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I only managed to finish two books in the month of November (although I did read most of a third). I‘ve definitely been in kind of a funk, and I just haven‘t had the focus for reading much. So this stack is my potential December TBR (plus a couple of audiobooks). I‘m determined to get more reading done this month! Most of these look like they‘re just light and fluffy, and that‘s definitely what I‘m looking for right about now. 🎄📚❤️ #DecemberTBR

AmyG Hope your slump melts away soon. 6y
GypsyKat @AmyG Thank you! I think it‘s from my heart medication. It causes depression, and since I already deal with depression and anxiety, it‘s been rough. I just can‘t seem to focus on much lately. My Dr is trying to find a way to help, but for now I‘m just doing what I can to try to fight it on my own. 6y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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Another fun tag from @craftylikefox
1) 🤔🤔🤔 Let It Snow and What Light
2) Baking cookies, wrapping presents, Charlie Brown Christmas
3) Lots!!!
4) Cookies, stuffing, peppermint mocha 😋😋😋
*Bonus* Easy PB Cookies
1 cup PB
1 cup Sugar
1 Egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix ingredients, form small balls, place on cookie sheet, use fork to flatten. Bake 10-12 min or until golden brown. -Optional - As soon as you pull them out of ⬇⬇

vkois88 The oven, put a Hershey kiss in the center of them. SO GOOD 🤗🤗🤗 6y
Craftylikefox I will have to try that recipe!!! 6y
vkois88 @craftylikefox I love that they're so simple and delicious. They're always a hit when I take them anywhere. I'm actually making some tomorrow 😊😊 6y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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This is definitely a pick for me. The love story that you experience in this book isn‘t quite like other love stories I‘ve read. It‘s so passionate and loving. I can truly say this book has the type of love story everybody should want! 💗💗 #jayashnerwhatlight #jayasher #passion #love #christmas #treefarm #romance

What Light | Jay Asher
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Christmas in July??
So-so, not as compelling as 13 Reasons Why

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What Light | Jay Asher
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Finally finished a book! Easy read, predictable plot but cute. Was a little weird reading a Christmas themed book in June though 😂

What Light | Jay Asher
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Giving this one a try.... Haven't finished a book in forever.... I hate reading slumps 😭😭😭

What Light | Jay Asher
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Just started this book, enjoying it so far

hes7 This book is so cute! 6y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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This book made my Hallmark dreams come true ?The second you plunge into the second chapter you can't help but sing along to Haley Reinhart's famous song "I can't help but falling in love with you" ?
This one is absolutely perfect for the holiday season ❄️

Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Mushkbooksh Thank you. I am glad to be a part of the community 💕 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
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RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it.
Mushkbooksh Thank you for the warm welcome 💕 6y
BookNerd9906 Welcome to Litsy, I just joined too. ❤️ 6y
Mushkbooksh Thank you. ❤️Looking forward to remain a part of this wonderful community 🦋 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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After reading Thirteen Reasons Why, I had high expectations for this book. I enjoyed the characters and I enjoyed the storyline. However, there was a lot left to be answered throughout. Plus my major issue was the abrupt ending. #ya #youngadult

What Light | Jay Asher
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🕯 #thisremindsmeof Christmas time and lights

@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

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What Light | Jay Asher
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Well this is disappointing. I hadn‘t realized he was part of this.

Do you think he actually was a victim or is he just saying that now since he was accused?


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What Light | Jay Asher
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this book is absolutely adorable! containing Hallmark-like traits, this book is altogether cute, sweet, and romantic. i definitely recommend it although it wasn't dramatic enough for me. it seemed too smooth and perfect but qualifies as a wholesome read!

#YA #youngadult #teen #jayasher #whatlight #christmas #winter #winteread #cute #romance #love #booklover #lovestory

RadicalReader @briaskyex I love Jay Asher he writes some awesome books!! The one I just finished was The Future of Us amazing read!! 6y
briaskye @RadicalReader cool! this was my first Jay Asher book! ill have to check that one out!!😊 6y
SwimmerLikesBooks That book looks super good!! 6y
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briaskye @SwimmerLikesBooks it's really good!! you should read it! 6y
briaskye @SwimmerLikesBooks btw i love your account you have a nice aesthetic:) 6y
SwimmerLikesBooks @briaskyex I️ will have to try I️t. Thank you so much!! Your‘s is so gorgeous! 6y
briaskye @SwimmerLikesBooks thanks!! 😊😊 6y
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What Light | Jay Asher
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Cute ya Xmas story!

What Light | Jay Asher
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Now that my work party is safely behind me I wanted to celebrate with a holiday read. There is not very much to this read but it fit my mood and I liked reading about working in a Christmas tree lot. I just wanted more from the story.

DGRachel I love your clothespin reindeer! I have one around here somewhere... 7y
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What Light | Jay Asher

I can‘t quite put my finger on it, but this book didn‘t grab me at all. Everything was just a little too neat and tidy for my tastes, even with the presence of low level angst. It lacked depth and I found myself having a hard time investing in the characters. Technically it‘s a Christmas read and those tend to be lighter, but I felt this one lacked substance, holiday read or not.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) 7y
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