The Christmas titles I hope to get to this month.🤞#SeasonsReading 🎄🤶❄️
The Christmas titles I hope to get to this month.🤞#SeasonsReading 🎄🤶❄️
Christmas in Paris was our 13th/bonus and final book for the #IllSeeYouInParis book challenge. Light, quick, easy reading, a little whimsical, a bit romantic, actually kind of a rom com 😅 Can two failed weddings right before Christmas end with one fairy tale wedding? Yes, a bit of a fairy tale, whimsical and implausible, but still a light & entertaining read.
This was between a pick and a so-so for me. I liked the other two of hers I read better. I listened to it and I didn't enjoy the narrator's French accent that much. 2nd book finished for #DashingDecember #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers #AVeryMerryReadathon #LittenListen #WinterCosy #WrapItUp #Adventathon #AVeryMerryBingo @Andrew65 @StayCurious @TheSpineView @aperfectmjk @PuddleJumper @keys_on_fire @ozma.of.oz @Jadams1776
I bought this #festiveread last year. I better find time for it this year! #FestivePhotoChallenge #WinterGames #MistletoeManiacs
#IllSeeYouInParis Book Challenge Bonus Book forDecember. If you've been joining in throughout the year or if you're just coming in at the tail end of this challenge, Christmas in Christmas in Paris is a bonus book for December. It's in addition to our December book choice. I'm going to do my best to get through this one and Chasing Paris for December 😁📚
Yay! Book two of the day done. This is the perfect day to stay in and read. A blizzard warning and below zero windchill. Yup, I‘m staying under my fuzzy blanket. #DashingDecember #Readathon #WinterSolstice #WinterGames2020 #ReadNosedReindeer
This is a new author to me, I had a hard time following the flash backs or memories she kept referring to in the middle of each chapter. Characters were ok, I know its fiction but I found myself really NOT liking the author the more I read. The main female character is needy and just wants to get married! IDK it just wasn‘t a nice feel good read....
Day 21 of #bookadventcalendar Wouldn‘t Christmas in Paris be lovely? @LeahBergen
When you work at a thrift store you can‘t walk out empty handed can‘t you? :p Two more books to add to my ever growing library. #booksforlife #readingislife
I've been inexplicably hooked on Hallmark Christmas movies this season. I picked this book up from the B&N bargain table because I'm a sucker for books with Paris in the title and the Eiffel Tower on the cover. It's exactly Ike one of those movies. But with sex.
Painful, Pretentious, Cheesy
The hubby is sleeping in and @Kaye mentioned doughnuts, so I rushed out to grab munchkins. NO willpower!!! Spending the morning in a sugar coma reading about Paris. I‘d say it is a solid start to Sunday!!
I feel so out of sorts right now, but I‘m ready to get back to normal! I haven‘t read or posted much in what feels like forever. Between hosting Thanksgiving & the passing of my 95 yr old Grandmother (such a blessing to have known her for 43 years & I‘m sure my love of books came from her), I‘m ready to get back in the swing of things! Hoping to have my #bookmarkswap packages out on Mon - Tues & #secretsantagoespostal out by Fri.
I shouldn't look at the cheap books on iBooks. I have a weakness for books set on or around Christmas 🎄
#anitahughes #christmasinparis #ebooks #books
This story is #setinfrance and although it is a bit cheesy, it's a quick light-hearted read. #jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
This is officially my first foray into the world of Christmas novels. I've been hearing so many people rave about Christmas In Paris that I decided to give it a whirl. I'm only 50 pages in, but I'm enjoying it so far. #christmasbooks 🎄❄
Can it be called a beach read if it's about Christmas & I'm reading it in December?? 📚🎄📚🎄
I think I may have a problem. Christmas is my favorite holiday can you tell? 🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅☃️☃️☃️
This is how you know we muses (and Pegasus) post honest, unbiased reviews, folks:
There I was reading this lovely story ... impressed with the writing and basking in extravagant descriptions of Parisian food, shopping, and architecture. I thought, “Wow, this book reminds me of Anita Hughes‘ novels. Everything is so luxurious and magical ...
MORE AT https://randombookmuses.com/2016/10/17/review-christmas-in-paris-by-anita-hughes...