When your husband gets a library card from the educational institution he is working for ... and you beg for the card number so you can bolster your Overdrive book choices... you might be a book hoarder. 😜
When your husband gets a library card from the educational institution he is working for ... and you beg for the card number so you can bolster your Overdrive book choices... you might be a book hoarder. 😜
I liked Nick‘s touchy family dynamics, especially because Mallery referenced Fool‘s Gold characters I was familiar with.
Love. This is the second Vrabel book that I've had to go back and reread the last chapter because it's so gucci. Review to come on www.randombookmuses.com and Goodreads. :)
A smart, fun, contemporary, relatable book about two very different sisters — the farmer and the fashionista. https://randombookmuses.com/2017/08/04/review-quick-and-dirty-3-secrets-of-the-t...
Excellent fun! Randombookmuses.com
So emotionally taxing that I had to hold back the whole time reading it... probably the same feeling Anna's friends had. 😔https://randombookmuses.com/2017/07/21/review-before-everything-by-victoria-redel/
The thing about THE THING ABOUT LOVE is that it's as amazing as I expected it to be. Tension, tenderness, witty banter, and a HEA. https://randombookmuses.com/2017/05/06/review-the-thing-about-love-by-julie-jame...
Fun, luxurious, rich, sumptuous. https://randombookmuses.com/2017/04/22/review-white-sand-blue-sea-by-anita-hughe...
Random Book Muses wants to know how well you know the Muses and Pegasus. 😊 https://randombookmuses.com/2017/04/18/guess-that-muse-and-pegasus/
Nice character development of these three sisters who start out not knowing each other very well - but grow together (and grow themselves). Fun niece, handsome contractor, history-infused theatre. Good read! https://randombookmuses.com/2017/04/17/review-the-last-chance-matinee-by-mariah-...
Excellent writing, and GOOD characters with whom I'd love to be neighbors. https://randombookmuses.com/2017/04/17/the-hideaway-by-lauren-k-denton/
Loving this contemporary tale of sisters digging into their family's past. Saga-ish. Mystery-ish. Wonderful. And there might be a love story but I'm halfway through and haven't spied a date yet. ❤
Actually HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS by C Lynxwiler, but it's not listed in Litsy and I'm too tired to figure out if there's a way for me to add it :) #christmas #doritos #fridaynight
Well written so far... already so sad... hoping for some Hope and Joy...
This is how you know we muses (and Pegasus) post honest, unbiased reviews, folks:
There I was reading this lovely story ... impressed with the writing and basking in extravagant descriptions of Parisian food, shopping, and architecture. I thought, “Wow, this book reminds me of Anita Hughes‘ novels. Everything is so luxurious and magical ...
MORE AT https://randombookmuses.com/2016/10/17/review-christmas-in-paris-by-anita-hughes...
Middle grades novel about fears, coping, friendship, grief... https://randombookmuses.com/2016/10/12/review-a-blind-guide-to-normal-by-beth-vr... ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Can't wait to read this sequel to A Blind Guide to Stinkville, one of my very favorite YA books EVER.
A friend just told me she bought this for her teenager - my teenager refuses to read anything I pick out. But I loved the Canterbury Tales AND the Breakfast Club... has anyone read this? Real reviews please... Amazon is full of baloney. Here's the link to the book. http://amzn.to/2dCmkwo
Loving this! I'm 90% done and I don't want it to end. EDIT: What an ending. Brilliant characters. Sigh. Here's my review: https://randombookmuses.com/2016/10/05/review-three-amazing-things-about-you-by-...
I hope I can handle the flashbacks. Not usually my thing. Mais, j'adore Paris...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ ️www.randombookmuses.com Gritty, bloody, scary, FUN ride across the country and back with two best friends, a psychopath, and the Feds.
#getindie My local bookshop posts Facebook photos of cool books. #ontheroadbookshop
Loving Book 3 in this Amish romance series, with emphasis on family. :)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ LOVE these Amish sisters and their edgy aunt... and it's so fun watching boys try to date self-sufficient, independent Poppy. Review at https://randombookmuses.com/2016/07/27/review-a-bee-in-her-bonnet-by-jennifer-be...
⭐️⭐️⭐️great characters (especially the cook)! Review at https://randombookmuses.com/2016/08/03/review-death-at-the-day-lily-cafe-by-wend...
Loved this quick read by a new-to-me author. I'm on the hunt for more by Abigail Strom! Review Friday afternoon on www.randombookmuses.com #bookreview #happilyeverafter #randombookmuses
#recommendsday This was an entertaining read! Review on RandomBookMuses.com
I have no recollection of putting this on my Overdrive holds... But apparently I did and now I am SO GLAD. I was reading a NetGalley ARC that was killing me with boredom... And now I get to enjoy this fun novel instead! Love.
Loved this light yet saga-ish read. A writer, an angry sister, another writer, a carefree child, yet another writer... Read my review Thursday morning on randombookmuses.com!
I'm still in the beginning chapters - makings of a love story, some drunkenness, and -- CRINGE -- chapters changing tenses. Someone tell me this book is going to pull me in soon!
I always love a story about a wedding. 👰🎩💍🌷🍾🎺💞💒
My FAVE May 2016 read ... 5 stars all the way. Review at https://randombookmuses.com/2016/05/07/review-city-of-thieves-by-david-benioff/
Here's where I'm reading now that it's 90°F out there ...
LuEllen, Presley, Declan, Uncle Hollis.... Can't wait to see where they end up.
Loved the Huckleberry Hill series. Awaiting a new J Beckstrand series releasing later this year. Meanwhile, reading Book One in the 2012 FOREVER AFTER IN APPLE LAKE series. Loving it!
I can't wait to read this... But it has an October release date and I usually like to read closer to that date. #bookloverproblems
Reading now... Different from some Mansells. A little more sedate, at the beginning anyway.
Choices choices choices... Not sure which book to read next. None are calling to me, but all are clogging up my TBR list.
Loved Evangeline as usual. Great characters and dialogue. Too much history and blue nun info.