This nice little story about the Monrose family - their portable pets included - having a nightly canping trip that becomes scary. Again, the stories are nice, but the ones with Bunnicula in it are somehow better. Maybe because they are weirder? 🤔🤔🤔
This nice little story about the Monrose family - their portable pets included - having a nightly canping trip that becomes scary. Again, the stories are nice, but the ones with Bunnicula in it are somehow better. Maybe because they are weirder? 🤔🤔🤔
In this book the Monroes go on an overnight camping trip on St George's Eve, when spirits are set loose. The Monroes set up camp near two strange men and their even stranger dog. This begins a long terror-filled night full of storms, and a tale of Bunnicula's origins. I love the nods to classic literature in these books and the puns are fantastic.
If I have done everything right, you should have matches in your email. If you have any questions at any time, please let me know. I am always open by email, or text, or phone and that info is in the email.
I can relate. 😆
Hey All,
It's October 2nd. I just want to check in on our #NightmareSwap participants. If you have been tagged below I DO NOT have a response that you received your swap partner information. Please either reply back to me in email, or reply to me below.
Happy haunting.
okay all you #NightmareSwap Participants, the matches have gone out (@bookzombie, email me please).
Please remember to reply to your emails.
Harold, Chester and Howie are back in this new adventure. The Monroe's go camping but when the three animals get lost with their new acquaintance, Dawg, things really take a walk on the wild side.
This one is a bit outlandish but hey aren't they all? And it is still cute as hell. It kind of reminds me of Homeward Bound with a sinister twist but still perfect for the little ones to read. I definitely recommend this as a part of the series.