I hit my #CampNanowrimo goal two days early! 😁🥳😀
I hit my #CampNanowrimo goal two days early! 😁🥳😀
Working on my #CampNanowrimo project with my #writingbuddy Minerva! I‘m pleasantly surprised to find myself keeping up the pace 😊
Not reading-related but still technically book-related... Despite cutting my #CampNanowrimo goal in half, I have a long way to go. But for the first time in a while, I‘m feeling hopeful. I didn‘t have to work today so I actually sat down & wrote. If I can stay motivated, I can still do this!
I haven‘t had a chance till now to post about my #CampNanowrimo win. I also want to say THANK YOU to all the Littens who were part of the #LitsyCampers cabin! Congratulations to all of you for participating in April‘s Camp 😊 It was great hanging out & sharing our triumphs & woes, and supporting each other with encouragement & advice!
#CampNanowrimo stats as of midnight. 6000 words to go and only 5 days left to write 😱 It‘s going to be challenging but I‘m still hoping to make my goal!
Hey #writersoflitsy! Anyone participating in #CampNanowrimo this April?
Thanks to lowering my #CampNano goal to something more attainable, I can still do this in spite of taking a week off! Haven‘t worked on my novel yet today but I plan to dedicate this evening to getting back on track. #LitsyCampers #CampNanowrimo #KeepWriting
Day 3 of #CampNanowrimo and I‘m still on track! #WritersofLitsy/#LittenWrimos/#NanoLittens: if you‘re participating in Camp Nano this July and haven‘t yet joined the #LitsyCampers cabin, please comment below if you‘d like an invite! We still have room if you‘re interested!
#CampNanowrimo starts soon! I ran a #LitsyCampers cabin in April & will do the same in July. If you‘re interested please let me know in the comments & I‘ll invite you! Remember you need to have a profile on the Camp Nano website with an active project & you also need to make some changes to your cabin settings to receive invitations. Check out this link for more information: http://campnanowrimo.org/what-are-cabins #WritersofLitsy are you in?
I haven‘t been on Litsy much due to having to a house full of family all weekend. With life returning to normal, I finally have the chance to post about my #CampNano win & to thank everyone who joined me in the #LitsyCampers cabin! I loved learning about your writing projects & getting to know you! I‘m planning on doing July‘s #CampNanowrimo too so I hope we can work together again 😊 #KeepWriting!
My #CampNanowrimo donor goodies arrived just in time to encourage me to keep going on day 30 to reach my goal! #KeepWriting
Sort of #BookMail... My #CampNanowrimo t-shirt (not shown) and pencil case full of stickers and supplies arrived today!
Looks like there isn‘t a Litsy #CampNanowrimo cabin for April‘s session yet @blithebuoyant @jmofo @wanderinglynn are you in? I‘ve never run a cabin but I‘m willing to if no one else is planning to.
If you‘re interested please comment with your Camp Nano name & I‘ll send you an invite (see comments for info) I‘m tagging people I think have done #NaNoWriMo or #CampNanowrimo. Please tag anyone who might be interested! #WritersofLitsy #LitsyWrimos
Hey, Littens! Are any of you participating in #CampNanowrimo this April? I will be but I‘m not in a cabin yet. My goal is 35 hours / 35,000 words revision on book one draft “2.5”. #WrimosofLitsy #LittenWrimos #LitsyWriters #WritersofLitsy #CampNano #Revision
Just wanted to say WOW, I'm having the best #CampNanowrimo session I've ever had! Things are going so well that I actually INCREASED my goal rather than lowering it! I'm one #HappyCamper! How are things going for you #LitsyWriters? #WritersofLitsy #WrimosofLitsy #LittenWrimos #Excelsior!
I want this coloring book sooo badly. I wish I could justify the expense right now. #adultcoloringbooks