I really loved this #ownvoices book about 3 women of colour - friends for decades. It's about how their life changed, what happens now that they're old, what will happen in the future. 5/5 ⭐️
I really loved this #ownvoices book about 3 women of colour - friends for decades. It's about how their life changed, what happens now that they're old, what will happen in the future. 5/5 ⭐️
How I love this poetry collection. It lets you think about your own life - the good and the bad things.
That Andreil kiss killed me. My heart. I'm shipping them so hart 😍😍
Even more fluff. All the cute couples 😍
How I love those books. They basically need a trigger warning for everything because all the characters had horrible stuff to deal with. But they're all so cute and need to be protected at all costs. Shipping Andreil forever
Happy 20th anniversary to this marvellous book
#harrypotter #harrypotter20
Happy 20th anniversary to this beautiful book
#harrypotter #harrypotter20
I'm also reading this book right now. So far I have mixed feelings about it. It has 7 MCs and some are really getting on my nerves and you can see that this book was written by a white allocishet male author 🙄
I'm currently reading this lovely book. As always it's quite funny and my dad Apollo is just as annoying as always
#thedarkprophecy #rickriordan #apollo
Hey. Again I'm hosting a diverse book photography challenge on Instagram. This time it's all about intersectionality. Just post on the days you want and use the hashtag #DiverseBookJul You can also participate here on Litsy or on other social media platforms like twitter or your blogs.
#bookchallenge #bookstagram
What a cute love story. I ship Daniel and Natasha forever. It's ownvoices for Latinx rep. 5/5 ⭐️
#thesunisalsoastar #nicolayoon #ownvoices
What a book. I got all the feels. And so diverse with intersectional rep. You need to read this. A masterpiece. But beware of all the triggers. I have a list on one of my IG accounts instagram.com/bookaestheticsss
I received an arc of this lovely book and it was so good. It talks about intersectional feminism, calls out white feminism and white privilege and the MC is a Puerto-Rican lesbian. This book is ownvoices for lesbian and latinx rep. But it was also called out for being hurtful to indigenous people. The author apologised and I think there will be a revised copy.
What a cute read. This ownvoices book is about a love story between a trans girl and a guy featuring flashbacks to when Amanda transitioned. 5/5 ⭐️
So bad. Really homophobic in so many ways. Also a lot of ableist language, sexism and misogyny. DO NOT PICK UP THIS BOOK WHEN YOU ARE MARGINALISED !!! And shame on every non-marginalised reader picking up this trash of a book.
A couple of friends and I decided to host a readathon to tackle our tbr and arc piles. It's centred on Instagram but you can also participate on other social media platforms like tumblr, twitter or your blog. Just use the hashtag #sumtbreadathon for your posts and you're good to go. Hope I'll see many of you participate. (More infos on the bookstagram pages of the hosts)
#bookchallenge #readathon #tbr #toberead
I received an arc via Netgalley. Ownvoices for PoC rep.
What a book. So important for the BLM movement. It deals with gun violence, police brutality and social injustice. This book should be an obligatory read for everybody.
#dearmartin #nicstone #blm #blacklivesmatter
What a cute love story between 2 guys. I have all the feels. I really recommend this book. 4/5 ⭐️
#boymeetsboy #davidlevithan #gay
This book is set during the second American civil war starting in 2074. The idea was really good. Shows that civil wars like the one in Syria nowadays can happen in the US too but it was a bit problematic: queerbating, stereotypical descriptions of characters of colours, ableist language, sloppy realisation of the book's idea, centred around Christianity. No mention of Islam even so the author is Muslim. Gave it a 2,5/5 ⭐️