Please, give this book some love and read it 🙊
I swear you won't regret it 🙌🏽
Please, give this book some love and read it 🙊
I swear you won't regret it 🙌🏽
If you only have to read one book this year, can it be this one? Please?
#bookworm #read #bookish #saintsandmisfits #ownvoices #muslimrep
I'm disappointed. This book is not about a bisexual character like the author said. Ramona, at the end of the book, is still figuring out who she is and that's okay ✌🏽
Be aware : acephobic, lesbophobic, biphobic comments + rich people = jerks + Ramona at the beginning is dating someone who already has a boyfriend.
#bookworm #review #ramonablue #lgbtqiabooks #read #bookish #lgbtqia #pridemonth
Definitely a good read that deals with gender stereotypes and how parents should let their children be whoever they want to be 👏🏽
#bookworm #review #book #bookish #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #downamongthesticksandbones
Just started this one and so far I have mixed feelings 🙊
#bookworm #currentlyreading #book #bookish #read #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #ramonablue
Take my money, and give me a sequel please?
Grace, the MC, is bisexual and living with an abusive mother.
Eva, the love interest, is biracial, a lesbian, and her mom just passed away.
It's a beautiful story about finding the strength to say 'no more' and live your life 🏳️🌈
#bookworm #howtomakeawish #lgbtqiabooks #read #book #lgbtqia #pridemonth #bookish
Only 40 pages in and I already ship Grace & Eva 🙊🏳️🌈
#currentlyreading #bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #read #lgbtqia #pridemonth #book #bookish #howtomakeawish
I must admit, though I preferred the first book - at least so far - I'm really enjoying this one.
This bogus focuses a lot on gender stereotypes and expectations, it's really nice to read about these topics 🙌🏽
#currentlyreading #bookworm #bookish #book #read #lgbtqia #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth
Still hoping I can read this one before the end of the month 🙊
#ramonablue #tbr #bookworm #bookish #book #read #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth
I expected something else. Not just a list of all the guys he ever had sex with.
The 34 first % were enough for me, I don't need more.
#review #bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #read #book #bookish #pridemonth
Just started this beauty ✌🏽
#bookworm #currentlyreading #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #downamongthesticksandbones #read #book #bookish
Where is the sequel? Be nice and give it to me NOW.
#tashheartstolstoy #favourite #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #bookworm #book #bookish #read
"College Students - Where Are They Now?
Subtitle: Dead, Unfulfilled, or Having a Midlife Crisis."
I'm dead ?
#bookworm #currentlyreading #tashheartstolstoy #read #book #bookish #quote #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #acerep
"I don't need any guy out there to tell me what I'm feeling is real. The only reason I told you is because I was trying to be honest with you. Not because I want your opinion on whether I have legitimate emotions or not."
#bookworm #currentlyreading #tashheartstolstoy #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #acerep #book #bookish #read
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this book🙊
It's my first book, my very first book I read when I was 5, gifted to me by the most amazing person ever, my grandad 💛
This book is so important to me I have a Hufflepuff tattoo🌻
#harrypotter #hufflepuff #bookworm #bookish #read #book #jkrowling
This baby just came in the mail 🙊
#downamongthesticksandbones #seananmcguire #tbr #newbook #bookworm #bookmail #bookish #book #read #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #lgbtqia
"I feel like I could eat the world raw."
#thesongofachilles #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth #bookish #book #read #booknerd
"It's not the world that's cruel. It's the people in it."
#bookworm #thefoxholecourt #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #demirep #pridemonth #bookish #book #read #booknerd
"Is it possible for your whole body to grin? The answer is yes."
#currentlyreading #tashheartstolstoy #bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #lgbtqia #pridemonth
"However you want to live is valid and important - because the mere fact of you, living, makes the world more radiant.
Live bravely."
#bookworm #queerthereandeverywhere #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #lgbtqia #quote
"Accordingto Jack, kids are mini grown-ups who act constantly drunk, and if they refuse to be rational in her presence, they are not worthy of her attention, much less cloying accommodation."
#currentlyreading #tasheartstolstoy #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #quote
My love for this book knows no limit 🙊
Ace rep beautifully done from what I've read on ownvoices reviews 🙌🏽
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #everyheartadoorway
Brandon Sanderson, please, take all my money to keep writing about this world PLEASE!
#bookworm #thefinalempire #mistborntrilogy #highfantasy #brandonsanderson
Nina LaCour is my queen 🙊
Her books give me life, she just has a way to write them that makes me so thankful I have them in my hands 🙌🏽
This book in particular is a favourite of mine, it touched my heart on some deeper levels and I'm glad it did 💛
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #ninalacour #everythingleadstoyou
I would recommend any book by Patrick Ness with my eyes closed!
This book was about understanding blood doesn't equal family, that being you is the most beautiful gift you can give yourself and that real friends are always there for you 💛
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #patrickness #release
In general a cute book, with a possibly bi/pan MC but he doesn't label himself so no assumption, we just know he had a gf with whom he was really in love with and he's now in love with a guy - Jamie was probably my favourite part of this book!
I recommend it if you're in a reading slump and want something quick and simple to read ✌🏽
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #leolovesaries
A book all about intersectional feminism and what it means to be a lesbian and poc nowadays 🏳️🌈
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth #juliettakesabreath #intersectionalfeminism
So far I'm loving this book and yeah I'm rooting for Paul because I want him to be with Tash 🙊
#bookworm #currentlyreading #tashheartstolstoy #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth
A really interesting book showing how unique we all are and how brave it is to live 🏳️🌈
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth
It's definitely a book everybody should read because it has some great bisexual rep with a Chinese-Australian MC and autistic MC with anxiety ✌🏽
#bookworm #lgbtqiabooks #pridemonth