I used to mainly read classics but this was one I didn't get around to. I'm glad I've read it now.
#booked2020 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
I used to mainly read classics but this was one I didn't get around to. I'm glad I've read it now.
#booked2020 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This one wasn't really for me. Sorry Allissa! I've popped it in the post this morning.
#lmpbc @Freespirit @LapReader @thegreensofa
5 ⭐
I loved this! Such a great mix of fantasy and mythology, and unlike anything I've ever read. I did the audiobook, which was fine, but I intend to read a print copy soon.
Thanks for the recommendation, @TheLibrarian - I think this is the last of the #newyearwhodis picks. Thanks so much for all the fun 💚
4.5 ⭐
I loved this. It's such a pretty, but also really creepy, story. Shirley Jackson is the master.
This is my #GothicHorror pick for #booked2020
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
Trigger warnings for just about everything - family violence, child abuse, sexual assault, drug misuse, sexist, racism, infidelity... The list goes on. And I'm okay with all that, as long as there is some sort of redemption or even just a point to it all.
But no.
This is my pick for #BookClubWorthy for #booked2020 because it was my pick for book club. There was definitely a lot to discuss but I'm sorry for making people read it.
2 ⭐
I really, really wanted to like this, but I just couldn't. The concept sounds so awesome but there wasn't enough world building and I just couldn't get into it. I was left feeling so confused, and so dumb because so much didn't make sense to me.
Hoping this was just me and that the rest of my #lmpbc friends have better luck with it. It's on its way to @Freespirit now.
@LapReader @thegreensofa
4 ⭐
This is the book that Slumdog Millionaire is based on. I haven't seen the movie, and I'm pretty sure the version of the book I read (audiobook) was heavily abridged, but I liked it. I really enjoyed the 'twist' but thought more could have been done with it. I'm eager to read the paperback (or watch the movie) to see whether it's the same.
This is my pick for #SetinIndia for #booked2020
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
3 ⭐
I wanted so much from this but it just fell short. The concept is pretty cool but the actual storyline did nothing for me. I also really didn't like how such a large part in the middle was told in letters from Gwen. It wasn't for me.
This is my #newin2020 pick for #booked2020
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
5 ⭐
This series is one of my favourites. I love that each of the #eccentricMC are strong women, who have each been affected by well known male characters, such as Dr Jeckel, Mr Hyde, Dr Frankstein, and Dracula. It's funny and engaging. Unfortunately, this third instalment wasn't as good as the previous two, but I love them nonetheless.
#booked2020 @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
4 ⭐
I'm still not sure whether romance is my thing, but nonetheless I really enjoyed this one. It's my #armchairtravel pick for #booked2020 as Hawaii is somewhere I'd really like to visit some day soon.
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen
"It could get 'Fried Green Tomatoes' awkward."
When your current audiobook references your current physical read ?
3.5 ⭐
King was one of the authors who really got me into reading when I was young. Probably too young for his books! As an adult, I haven't much his newer books. This was a #newyearwhodis recommendation from @TheLibrarian and I'm definitely glad I read it. Some parts were a little slow and the writing was often verbose, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I try not to compare mediums because I think it's really unfair, but the TV series was just so much better.
4.5 ⭐
I loved this. It's not my usual genre, and even now, it wasn't the mystery that I enjoyed. I thought the writing was outstanding. I loved the characters and really heard their different voices.
Another #newyearwhodis success!!
@TheLibrarian @monalyisha
5 ⭐
I absolutely love this series, and it just keeps getting better. It's captivating, exciting and charming. My only complaint is that maybe the last fifth is setting up for the next book. But I can't wait for the final instalment this year!
This also fits for #RedWhiteorBlueonCover for #booked2020 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
4.5 ⭐
I really enjoyed this cute comic about drama club, productions, and set crews. I connected with the characters, as they felt like real people with feelings and flaws.
This is my pick for #bannedbook in #booked2020
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen
3.5 ⭐
This is my #WineorWhine pick for #booked2020 - a mystery set in the Champagne region of France.
I don't read a lot of whodunnit murder mystery type stories, and I love how this challenge pushes me outside of my comfortable zone.
I enjoyed this one. I did the audiobook and I struggled a little bit to figure out who was who, as most of the characters have French names.
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
3.5 ⭐
This is difficult for me to review. I smashed through it in 36 hours, and can definitely see why it won Goodreads awards and was a #newyearwhodis recommendation. But I don't think I liked it. I was entranced by Alicia and her story, but couldn't stand Theo. I wanted to roll my eyes at everything he said. He was so self absorbed and misogynistic.
Sorry @TheLibrarian but this one didn't do it for me.
5 ⭐
First 5 star read for 2020 is this #newyearwhodis recommendation from @TheLibrarian - it's a great story about embracing and showcasing Black excellence with some quite serious discussions about racism and identity. I'm still not sure how I'm feeling about the ending - didn't see that coming!
This is also my first pick for #booked2020 as it's a #YAnovelbyPoC
@monalyisha @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
4 ⭐
My first book for 2020 is a #newyearwhodis recommendation from @TheLibrarian and it did not disappoint. Although parts of it were hard to get through (TWs for animal cruelty, family violence, child abuse, etc), it's a powerful story. I especially liked the narration, and while the style's unusual, it worked well here.
Thanks for helping me start the new year in the best way, Carrie and @monalyisha
(Photo featuring my best girl, Minnie 💚)
Final stats for #24b42020: 33 hours, 33 minutes! 🎉
Finished - Beauty Queens, Heartless, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, The Wicked Will Rise, The Tea Dragon Festival, Little White Lies, and Norse Mythology.
Still working my way through - Little Fires Everywhere, Ghost Walls, and My Brother's Name is Jessica
Favourite read: The Tea Dragon Festival
Here's to a great 2020, with heaps of reading and fun times!
Time to update my reading challenges for 2019!!
#litsyatoz female authors: COMPLETE!!
This was such a great way to read some diverse authors. I especially loved The Power, Akata Witch and Habit of a Foreign Sky.
Thanks for the fun, @BookishMarginalia
I forgot to separate today's total from yesterday, but here's my progress so far after day two of #24b42020!
Finished two audiobooks and one print book. Looking good!!
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72
Let's get this started!!
My goal is 30 hours over the five days. Should be achievable. I don't really have a stack; I want to just read what I feel - but options include
- Little Fires Everywhere
- The Trauma Cleaner
- Winter
- The Right Girl
- Beauty Queens
- The Wicked Will Rise
- The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek
Thanks as always @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72
4 ⭐
By now, I think everyone has heard that this is a great book. The writing is beautiful. But I don't think I loved it as much as I expected. It was a little slow and dragged in parts. I'm also worried that I didn't "get it" because I wasn't blown away.
This is my #nightorientedtitle and my last read for #booked2019! Woohoo!!! I'll post a summary soon, but I'm feeling very proud of myself ?
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen
4 ⭐
I enjoyed this. Running out of water is a really scary concept, but definitely something we should be thinking more about. Although this is set in southern California, it's just as applicable here in Australia.
I liked the characters and the story, although it definitely is targeted more towards YA.
This is my #clifi pick for #booked2019
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Only one more book to go!
4.5 ⭐
This was so good! I love how real and raw this is. Its also a really good mix of humour and serious issues.
This is my #indigenousauthor pick for #booked2019
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
5 ⭐
I really, really enjoyed this! I've seen a lot of hate for it, and I understand the complaints that it was only written to capitalise on the current resurgence of The Handmaid's Tale, but I think it's great!
Atwood is such a amazing writer and this is so pleasant to read. It's a bit different from THT but in all the rights way. It's doesn't detract from the original story but adds it's own dimension.
This weekend's #MrBook1inaMillion #readathon is my best ever total for #24b4monday!! What a great weekend it's been!!
@MrBook @Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid @Lucas.Rencher @Rachel.Rencher
Here's my TBR stack for this weekend's #24b4monday readathon! Looking forward to celebrating one of everybody's favourite with some reads that I'm super excited about. Also got some audiobooks lined up as well #MrBook1inaMillion
@MrBook @Andrew65
3.5 ⭐
I had a lot of trouble getting into this one, which might say more about my current reading slump than the book!
It has a strong #socialmediafocus and warns about the dangers of having too much of a reliance on technology!
#booked2019 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This was a great month! A total of 18 reads, including seven 5⭐
Favourite: Pumpkinheads
Goodreads: 149/100
#litsyatoz: 0/26 (total 24/26)
#booked2019: 3/6 (total 21/24)
Another super fun #24b4monday #readathon over for the month! I didn't get much time for reading yesterday (Sunday) so I didn't quite hit my goal of 18 hours, but that doesn't matter!
Thanks heaps for organising (and just being super wonderful!), @Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid
I'm pumped for this month's #24b4monday #readathon. I'm aiming for 18 hours this time - let's see if I can hit it!
I'm not big into Halloween or spooky stuff, so I'm not really sticking to the theme, but my stack includes:
- Lair of Dreams
- Warcross
- Dorothy Must Die
- The Night Circus
@TheReadingMermaid @jb72 @Andrew65
4.5 ⭐
This is the memoir written by the woman who was raped by Brock Turner.
I love the title and premise of this book, given that Chanel lost her name and almost lost her identity in pursuit of justice. It's a powerful story, told in a beautiful manner. Some parts felt a bit disjointed but it was so empowering to read.
5 ⭐
Finally got around to reading this and it's as good as everyone says. Taylor Jenkins Reid is great at these types of stories. I did the audiobook, which I recommend, but could also see the appeal of doing this in print.
This is my #featuresamusician pick for #booked2019 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft
5 🌟
This is one of the cutest, sweetest things I have ever read! Give it a shot if you need to feel that light feeling in your chest and to grin like an idiot.
3 ⭐ Overall, this one was pretty 'meh' for me. I can't really say I enjoyed it but it was a quick read. It's very YA, which I'm not generally opposed to but this one seemed pointless. I'm also not sure how I feel about the portrayal of religion in this book.
This is my #foodorbeverageoncover pick for #booked2019
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft
I only got in 10 books this month (mostly because I spent three weeks on Middlegame) but four of them were 5⭐ and some of the best I've read all year!
Middlegame was just such a standout - I can't say enough good things about it.
Not so great with stats:
Goodreads - 131/100
#booked2019 - 0/6 (total 18/24)
#litsyatoz - 0/26 (total 24/26)
My best way to ensure an hour (or more) for reading is to take a bath. This will probably be one of my last for the year - the weather is getting so nice!!
Also, this book is so good!!!
@LapReader @CarolynM
5 ⭐
This is so much fun. I'm not usually into Romances, but this was really good. So sweet.
It's apparently a sequel to The Kiss Quotient, but I haven't read that one yet and I didn't feel like I was missing anything here. That being said, there may have been many things that I didn't even know I was missing!
3.75 ⭐
I can see why people are loving this - it's a beautifully written book about real people. Personally, I prefer more dialogue in what I'm reading - I'm glad I did the audiobook because I may not have made it through the physical book. But it is really gorgeous.
13 reads, including 9 audiobooks
3 five ⭐ reads and 6 four ⭐ reads
Favourite read: The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy
Goodreads: 121/100
#booked2019: 2/6 (total 18/18)
#litsyatoz: 1/26 (total 24/26)
3 ⭐
I picked this for #relatedtoapodcast despite having never listened to the podcast. It's not terrible, but I thought it was kind of boring. It's like sci-fi for people who have never read or heard of sci-fi. Too much focus on 'this is funny because it's weird' when they could have just set up a weird world and told a great story. Here, the weirdness gets boring and the story is lackluster and goes nowhere. Guess it's just not for me! 🤷♀️
1. Reading this as the last prompt for a challenge. I'm more than half way through and still not too sure...
2. No long weekend here, but it is Father's Day so catching up with family tomorrow will be nice
3. I go for the sweet stuff - butterscotch, toffee, cookies and cream, etc
4. Not well, but I did learn to play the flute
Thanks @howjessreads
4 ⭐
I think this has been my favourite in the Simon-verse. It's cute and funky, although still had some typical YA stuff that I usually find annoying. Much better than Leah on the Offbeat. I didn't feel it was trying too hard, which was my main complaint about Leah.
I finished Saturday with right on 10 hours for #24b4monday. As I started reading this morning at 9:30am, I literally can only stop for 30 minutes today if I want to hit 24 hours before midnight. So, that's not happening 😂
On another note, is this book worth continuing? I'm at 56%. I see a lot of hate for the story, but I'm really liking that part. I just can't stand the misogyny, ableism, fat shaming, etc
@jb72 @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid
3 ⭐
I only got two hours of reading in yesterday for the first day of #24b4monday - I have quite a bit to make up today and tomorrow!
But I did finally get this one finished. It's a weird book, like it doesn't know what it wants to be. Some parts were super interesting, but then parts dragged. I liked the ending, but it felt rushed. Between a pick and a so-so for me.
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72
2.5 ⭐
Maybe my expectations were too high going in to this one, but I didn't really enjoy it at all. I didn't connect with the characters. I didn't understand their thoughts or reactions, or how the relationships between them were built and changed. I also felt like there were some really serious topics (murder, rape, drug use, self harm, trauma) that were flippantly dealt with. I'm gonna give the rest of the series a miss.