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The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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By now, I think everyone has heard that this is a great book. The writing is beautiful. But I don't think I loved it as much as I expected. It was a little slow and dragged in parts. I'm also worried that I didn't "get it" because I wasn't blown away.

This is my #nightorientedtitle and my last read for #booked2019! Woohoo!!! I'll post a summary soon, but I'm feeling very proud of myself ?
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Yay!!!! You did it🙌🏻❣️congrats 🎉🎉🎉 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Fabulous job!! 🎉🎉🎉 4y
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I tried. For months. I just couldn‘t. I made it 75% through before I allowed myself to put it down.
Also got seriously behind on the #booked2109 reading challenge...

Cinfhen Ohhhh, I‘m about to start a BuddyRead in 2 weeks with this book. Hope we have better luck @vivastory @peaknit @Cathythoughts @lele1432 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I‘m excited to see see what it‘s like 🤞🏻👍🏻❤️ 5y
Cinfhen I‘m still waiting to get a copy @Cathythoughts hopefully I‘ll be ready to go next week 🥳 5y
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Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I tried to order it from my bookshop, but it‘s out of print they said. So I‘m getting it on kindle 👍🏻 5y
Cinfhen Are we still ready to start this book on Sunday @vivastory @peaknit @Cathythoughts @lele1432 I‘m still waiting for library copy but I‘m happy to buy the audio if you want to start this week. 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I‘m easy Cindy , whatever suits ... 5y
KT1432 @Cinfhen either way is good for me, my audio loan is available in a few days! 😊 5y
vivastory @Cinfhen I'm fine with waiting until your audio loan is available 5y
peaKnit @Cinfhen I‘m ready when you are, it was available for kindle, so locked and loaded. I‘m struggling with Monster...😳 5y
Cinfhen Sorry we hijacked your feed @Marni lf everyone is ready to go I‘ll just pick up a copy on Audible or Kindle and we can start on Sunday @Cathythoughts @lele1432 @vivastory @peaknit ( sorry, you aren‘t loving Monster) there was a chunk in the middle that was a little dry but because I was listening on audio too I was able to sort of listen with one ear but still do other things. It pays to muddle through. Or not 😘 5y
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The Stars Are Fire | Anita Shreve
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Somehow I've never read Anita Shreve before! This wouldn't have been something I'd pick on my own, but I'm really glad my book club read it. She writes complex relationships and traumas so beautifully.

#booked2019 #nightorientedtitle @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft #pop19 #bookwithazodiacorastrologyterminthetitle

rather_be_reading i havent either 5y
LeeRHarry I have read a few of hers, it is sad she is no longer with us 😔 5y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read her before but I‘ve always been curious. I‘m adding this to my potential bookclub list of books!! 5y
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ferskner @LeeRHarry oh my gosh I had no idea she'd passed away! That is so sad. @Cinfhen this would be FANTASTIC as a book club pick. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I read maybe two of her early books. Glad to know others are good too! (And sorry to hear she‘s died. 😢) 5y
Crazeedi I enjoyed this one, I've read several of hers, it was sad to heat shes gone 5y
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This book was excellent. I was caught up in the lives of the Donner Party. I can‘t imagine having the will to set out on such a journey. Brown brings life to each of the people, and their suffering and losses are heartbreaking. #Booked2019 #nightorientedtitle #nonfiction19

Read in July.

I also thought a lot about Alma Katsu‘s The Hunger while I read this. I felt like I could see how she came up with her horror story.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review! 5y
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heidisreads Just listened to this audio and really appreciated the research and writing! 5y
Cinfhen I need to try this book again🤓 5y
Bookzombie @Cinfhen I would say give it another go. I really liked it on audio. 🙂 5y
Bookzombie @heidisreads I did too! 5y
Cinfhen Maybe I‘l switch to audio xx thanks 5y
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I was already five chapters into Wolfhunter River before I realised I hadn‘t posted a review of ‘Chernobyl! This book about the “accident” was more in depth than Chernobyl, A History. There was more of the science behind it & the political mess that it generated & a deeper glimpse into the Soviet system & its many failings. Highly recommend. #Booked2019 #NightOrientedTitle #NonFiction2019 #WithAnUnlikeableCharacter


Andrew65 Sounds great but frightening reading. 5y
JPeterson What a fascinating book! It‘s crazy with some of the stuff that happened, people did, all that. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage 📚♥️👊🏻 Tough read, for sure. 5y
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Cinfhen Interesting choice for that prompt! Sounds like a fascinating read 🤓#LiveAndLearn 5y
Lizpixie @Andrew65 I was 15 when it happened & still vividly remember the panic & terror. @JPeterson it astonishes me that more accidents like this didn‘t happen considering the way they ran their nuclear industry!😱 @BarbaraTheBibliophage it was that, brought back s lot of my Cold War anxiety. 5y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen the author definitely did his research, the insight into the Soviet Union & it‘s endemic failings(not just in its nuclear industry but in the culture itself)was both fascinating & shocking. One general, who knew nothing about radiation, when told that they‘d need 7yrs to completely “sanitize” the area around Reactor 4, screams that they have 7 months to complete it or they‘d be shot. The underling tells him to just shoot him now!👇👇👇 (edited) 5y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen they put people in charge who either had no clue about the nuclear industry & its dangers or they were people from the institute that designed the flawed reactor and had a vested interest in covering up their mistakes. Or they were KGB or communist party flunkies, there to make sure the secrecy was upheld at all costs.🤦🏻‍♀️ (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @Lizpixie Yes I still remember if vividly too. 5y
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Springtime: A Ghost Story | Michelle De Kretser
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Completed my Litsy Booked2019 Spring Challenge just under the wire.

1. Night-oriented Title
2. Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction)
3. Indigenous Author
4. Features a Musician
5. Social Media Focus
6. Food or Beverage on the Cover

#Booked2019 #Spring #Nightorientedtitle #CliFi #IndigenousAuthor #featuresamusician #SocialMediaFocus #FoodorBeverageontheCover

BarbaraTheBibliophage Whew! Great job! 5y
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Milkman | Anna Burns
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Here‘s my wrap-up for the April-June quarter of #booked2019. I skipped around, as usual, and ended up getting one prompt ahead of schedule. 😄

#RelatedToAPodcast: Sadie
#IrishAuthor: Milkman
#NightOrientedTitle: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
#FeaturesAMusician: The Wise Man‘s Fear
#DiverseMiddleGrade: Counting by 7s
#SoldiersStory: Slaughterhouse-Five
#NewIn2019: The Winter of the Witch

Cinfhen Excellent!!!! Way to go!!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 👊🏻♥️📚 5y
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Night | Elie Wiesel
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Aaandd that‘s a wrap for #Booked2019 #Spring, let‘s never leave a season so late again 😂

Not a “light” season but a completed one. Ness (#CliFi ) was the weirdest by far, Metal (#FeaturesaMusician ) the most intellectually interesting. Mai Tai (#FoodorBeverageonCover) was the weakest. Talking to my Country (#IndigenousAuthor) dovetailed into I am a Troll (#SocialMediaFocus) and both, terrifyingly seemed to run into Night (#NightOrientedTitle).

Cinfhen Bring on summer 💛🌞🌈🌴 5y
GlassAsDiamonds @Cinfhen agreed. I‘m still finding it difficult to really pin down all my thoughts on Night but I am impressed at how many of us chose it for this prompt. 5y
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Cinfhen I was glad to see that number as well!!! My neighbor is literally Elie Wiesel‘s nephew!!!! How cool is that??? 5y
GlassAsDiamonds @Cinfhen woah! Now *thats* a lineage!!!!!! I hope he‘s lovely!!!! 5y
Cinfhen He‘s brilliant!!! He‘s a neurosurgeon and the nicest sweetest guy. Fabulous neighbor & good looking too😉 5y
GlassAsDiamonds @Cinfhen wow! That‘s a complete package!! 😂😂😂😂 5y
Cinfhen And did I mention he׳s recently divorced 😜 5y
GlassAsDiamonds @Cinfhen Divorced you say.... 🤔🤔🤔🤔 At 3am this morning I discovered that Mr GaD had gone to bed while I was still reading and turned off the hot water heater, leaving me to either stay awake for 30min longer while it heated up to “barely warm” or have a cold shower. Cute neighbour and I may shortly have one more thing in common 😡😡😡😡😡 5y
Cinfhen Ugh!! The hot water heater is the bain of my existence but only in the winter months😂😂but I totally get it 5y
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The Night Before | Wendy Walker
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Told in the alternating voices of two sisters, Laura who has moved back home after a bad breakup and is getting ready for a first date and Rosie, married with child who frantically searches for Laura when she doesn‘t come back from her date. A bit of a slow moving plot but the unexpected twists were more than enough to keep me reading until the end. Enjoyable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #Booked2019 #Booked2019spring #nightorientedtitle

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review. Good job sneaking one more prompt onto your list before the end of the season! 5y
Cinfhen This was pretty good but unfortunately ultimately forgettable. Great choice for prompt 5y
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I finished my first book of #24B4Monday at 11:36:35:09. The audio version of this was a lot of fun. The story was something slightly out of the ordinary for me, but I do tend to enjoy magical realism when I pick it up. Parts of the plot seemed a bit contrived, but overall I thought it worked, I'm in love with the cover art, and I really like that this left a few questions unanswered. #booked2019 #nightorientedtitle

BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice review. Good job on getting this prompt done *just* before the end of the quarter! 5y
Cinfhen I‘m still on the fence about this book- I don‘t really enjoy magical realism but I did love 5y
IndoorDame @Cinfhen that one is on my tbr, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll have to move it up the list. 5y
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IndoorDame @BarbaraTheBibliophage one of the perks of such a well timed readathon must be to sneak in another prompt or two, right? 5y
Cinfhen It‘s super short and it‘s a Muslim MC 😃👍🏻 5y
Andrew65 Well done and a great time. 👏👏👏 5y
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