It‘s been 3 years since I‘ve posted on here! Hope all of you are well! Happy weekend and happy reading!!
It‘s been 3 years since I‘ve posted on here! Hope all of you are well! Happy weekend and happy reading!!
Next read!! Haven't had too much time to read lately, but because of all the snow my area as gotten, I have more time on my hands! ⛄📚
"Everything seems worse in the darkest hours of the night."
So far, I am enjoying this lovely read!
I am FINALLY starting this really hyped up book!! Has anyone read it? So far I am LOVING it!
It is Sunday, which means my only off day, which means it's reading in bed all day! Excited to start this fun read! Have heard many good things! Hope you all enjoy your Sunday! 📚
Rereading a favorite of mine! Such a beautiful story that really makes you appreciate your health❤🎄.
Honestly, I love all of John Green's books.
This masterpiece is a memoir that looks back to look forward, highlighting the philosophy of "Greenlights," which say to us "go – advance, carry on, continue," similar to a green light at an intersection. Likewise, yellow means pause and red means stop. McConaughey goes into how he uses them to move forward – the green lights, along with red and yellow, which might indicate a lesson or a time to change or grow.
Rereading the Twilight series before Midnight Sun comes out! Who else is as excited as I am???🌙
"Let hardship sharpen your blade, Simon."
This book is FABULOUSLY WRITTEN. My goodness! If you enjoyed Harry Potter or anything similar to that, give this book a try! Absolutely lovely. Just lovely.
Really loving Monstrous so far! Also, my "I need my space" mug is perfect for these quarantining times! How are you all coping with quarantining? My life hasn't changed much at all because I am home most of the time anyway!
Currently reading The Four Agreements! Definitely challenging my way of thinking and how I see the world! Loving every page so far! Has anyone else read this?
Finished Murakami's memoir, "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running". Murakmai relates running with life itself. He states that we can't control the pain or sorrow that life throws at us, but we can decide on how we will approach the situation. This book will open your mind to think more positively! I highly recommend it!
"I always worried someone would notice me, and then when no one did, I felt lonely."
Absolutely loving this book so far! Have heard such great things and I finally picked up a copy! 📚
This is exactly what I needed to read.
"But I am consumed with regret for the things I didn't do,the choices I didn't make, the things I didn't say."
I havent posted in a while! Been really busy with work and school! Who else has a difficult time balancing reading into your schedule? 📚
Onto my next reading adventure! Who else loves Neil Gaiman?! 🌟🌟
Really enjoyed the first book in the Dresden Files series! This is probably my favorite quote from this book! Looking forward to reading the rest of the series! If you enjoy fantasy and a little bit of mystery, this will take you to another world!!
Imagine this: You are grocery shopping and suddenly see a woman who looks exactly like your ex-college lover, who died 20 years ago in a fire. The next morning a policeman wakes you up stating that that same woman you saw while grocery shopping has been murdered the previous night.
So far I am VERY impressed with this book. Spent my two off days just staying home reading and I am not ashamed one bit! I highly recommend this book!
Enjoying some Porto with my reading tonight. 📚🍷
Been snowing here a lot recently!! Perfect book weather!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!! Bought enough books to last me for a while today! Currently really enjoying the Dresden Files series! I am hooked! I wish you all a wonderful 2019! 📚🤗
Hope everyone is looking forward to the holidays!! I am currently taking a break from the Throne of Glass series and reading something a little different from what I usually read! I've decided to pick up a copy of Salt by Mark Kurlansky. So far I am enjoying it immensely! This book gives you the full history of how valuable salt is! Many years ago, salt was even used as a form of currency! This book is quite an eye opener! I highly recommend it!
Who else agrees? Btw! Heir of Fire was incredible! Took me a while to read due to moving and lots going on recently, but looking forward to reading the fourth book in the series!! 📚📚
Moving to a new apartment! First thing I am packing are obviously my books! 📚📚
Fun fact: I work in a used book store for a living! 📚📚📚 and you can guess what I do on my free time!
Are you ever halfway through a series, then crave to reread the first book? Love this series so much!!
That ending!! I really need to stop choosing books over sleep, but I had to know what happens at the end! I am completely speechless. Did not expect that ending! Looking forward to reading the third book in the series! 😬 I must catch up on some sleep now!
Definitely is one of my favorite quotes from Throne of Glass. Knowledge is power!!
What is everyone else reading? I've really been enjoying the second book in the Throne of Glass series! Is it possible that it is even better than the first??
Just finished the first book in the Throne of Glass series! I am hooked! Excited to read the next book in the series!