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Joined April 2016

I love to read and hang out with my dog. I blog about it at A Book and A Dog. https://abookandadog.com
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With the spooky reading season approaching, I was in the mood for a book involving a haunted house. Scrolling through books I saved on the Hoopla app, I came across this one. Fantasy is always a bit out of my wheelhouse; however, I couldn‘t resist a story set just after WWI in an old, gothic English manor with a library. The book description sounded spooky and dreamy!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-last-heir-to-blackwood-library

WildAlaskaBibliophile Is that your home? It\'s lovely! 😍 (edited) 5d
NatalieR @WildAlaskaBibliophile Yes, it is. A life long dream. Thank you! 😊 5d
WildAlaskaBibliophile @NatalieR 😍😍😍😍😍 5d
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I participated in The Back Room author event hosted by Hank Phillipe Ryan and Karen Dionne for the first time. It was a lot of fun seeing authors Madeline Martin, Rose Carlyle, Mansi Shah, and and Marybeth Mayhew Whalen discuss their latest books and interact with participants. I wrote about my experience on my blog. 💕


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It‘s always a good day when there is a book in my mailbox. I‘m grateful for The Poisoned Pen, an independent bookseller, in Scottsdale, Arizona, who sent me a signed copy of The Forest of Lost Souls by Dean Koontz. The gorgeous end papers are perfect for fall! The dust jacket protects a beautiful hardcover. I look forward to reading this!

More pictures on my blog at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-forest-of-lost-souls-signed

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TNH explains the power of silence by slowing down the mind so that we can recognize the surrounding beauty. Many people search for happiness; however, they spend their days frantically running from one place to another. Silence is about cultivating quiet in our minds amid chaos. TNH offers techniques to remind us to be present in the moment with equanimity in a noisy environment or mind. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/silence

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I‘ve been a fan of Grisham forever, so I was disappointed to not have liked this one as much as I hoped. Especially since I attended Grisham‘s author event in 2017 for the release of this book and purchased a signed copy. While I have a few issues with this book, it was still an okay read. The story kept my interest enough that I finished it and didn‘t feel compelled to bail.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-rooster-bar

Ruthiella I had a similar experience with the last John Irving book. You can‘t win them all, I guess. But it is still disappointing when a favorite author fails to deliver. 2w
IuliaC Beautiful photo! 2w
AnnCrystal 😍💝. 2w
NatalieR @Ruthiella Yeah, not every book is going to be a win for all fans. Oh well, I‘ll still keep reading. 🤓 1w
NatalieR @IuliaC Thank you! 😊 1w
72 likes5 comments
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Alright #hygge hour Littens, I see you! I had a vague understanding of Hygge from my use of the Calm app and mindfulness practice. I wanted to learn more about it, so I added this book to my Libby wishlist. Thanks to your recent posts, I finally read and very much enjoyed this little book. Now I understand what you all are doing! Great idea!! 😅

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-little-book-of-hygge

Close to Death: A Novel | Anthony Horowitz
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I like how I never know what to expect from a Hawthorne and Horowitz mystery novel. Each installment in the series is unique. The only constant is that poor Horowitz has to figure out how to navigate the walls put up by Hawthorne. Trying to learn more about Hawthorne is like trying to enter an impenetrable fortress. Each murder mystery is complex and impossible for me to figure out.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/close-to-death

Aims42 Perfectly said! I feel this way too 😍 3w
AnnCrystal 😍💝. 3w
NatalieR @Aims42 Thank you! 😊 2w
73 likes3 comments
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I‘m getting close to finishing the Alphabet series. I‘ve enjoyed all books in the series, otherwise I wouldn‘t keep reading them; furthermore, U is for Undertow, stands out as one of my favorites.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/u-is-for-undertow

Bookwormjillk I thought they really came together towards the end. Shame we‘ll never know how they ended. 3w
NatalieR @Bookwormjillk I like the direction the series is taking. I‘m sure it will be sad when I get to the end. 3w
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Evan Smoak answers a person‘s frantic call for help. Soon after saving that person, Evan is captured, drugged, and whisked away. He awakens, realizing he is someone‘s prisoner, but he has no idea who has kidnapped him, what they want from him, or where he is. Evan expends all of his energy and skill in an effort to escape his confinement. Meanwhile, he receives another call for help. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-nowhere-man

AnnCrystal 💕🌻💝. 1mo
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Lost Girl of the Lake | Joe Mckinney, Michael McCarty
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I‘m easily drawn to stories about abandoned houses or villages. I think that is what kept me reading this novella — there were many times I came close to bailing. The story seemed to often deviate from the main story, which was the mysterious girl in the lake and the abandoned village, by the MC‘s lengthy interactions with his parents and another boy at the resort.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/lost-girl-of-the-lake

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The thing I love about horror stories is how they can creep me out and get my mind racing in a million different directions trying to figure out what‘s happening. When I close the book, I can return to my relatively calm, peaceful life. But I can‘t with this new novella, because this horror story won‘t leave my head! 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/when-you-leave-i-disappear

AnnCrystal 🥺👍😍💕🌻💝. 1mo
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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I admit, I judge books by their covers. I assumed this book was about external beauty based on the title and the image of a beautiful woman. I was finally drawn to reading this book because it was constantly popping up in my book feeds. Many readers seem to love this book, so I read the description and decided it sounded like something I would find interesting.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/hello-beautiful

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-Not the tagged book- Audible Original Podcast offered this six-part series about Arthur Conan Doyle, and I was intrigued to learn about his personal life and the creation of Holmes. There‘s a lot of information packed into this two-hour podcast. I recommend giving this a listen if you're interested in learning the highlights of Doyle‘s life. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-real-sherlock

AnnCrystal Was Doyle's friendship with Harry Houdini discussed? I always wondered if Doyle truly believed that Houdini was a Master Sorcerer or if it was something else that broke their friendship. (edited) 1mo
Daisey I completely forgot I have this in my Audible library. Thanks for reminding me. I need to listen to it alongside #NoPlaceLikeHolmes sometime soon. 1mo
NatalieR @AnnCrystal It was only briefly mentioned. Nothing profound to answer your question about his relationship with Houdini. 😕 1mo
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NatalieR @Daisey Ah, yes! Excellent idea. 😀 I just added Sherlock Holmes narrated by Stephen Fry to my Audible library. It‘s more than 70 hours. Probably listen to it in chunks over time. 1mo
AnnCrystal Thank you @NatalieR , very good to know 😉👍💝. 1mo
Cashappagent725 Hey 👋
Can I cashapp you some $$?
NatalieR @AnnCrystal You‘re welcome! 😊 1mo
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Call Me Zelda | Erika Robuck
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I have an innate curiosity to learn about the lives of other people. Identified as a biographical fiction novel, Call Me Zelda by Erika Robuck, spoke to my interests about F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. The novel opens in 1932 with Zelda being admitted to the Phipps Psychiatric Clinic in Baltimore, Maryland, and meeting her assigned nurse, Anna Howard.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/call-me-zelda

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The Burgas Affair | Ellis Shuman
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I had never heard of Rakiya before, but I became quickly acquainted with the knowledge that it‘s a type of alcohol, or fruit spirits. Rakiya is consistently present in this short story collection. It is either the main focus of the story, as in the story titled, Rakiya, or briefly mentioned as a modest character. This book contains an impressive 12 short stories. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/rakiya-stories-of-bulgaria

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Professor Ben Garrod offers a lot of knowledge in just a couple of hours. He teaches listeners what defines a dinosaur, the various kinds of dinosaurs, and what led to their extinction. I was amazed to learn that some dinosaurs had feathers, and birds today are technically considered dinosaurs. Ben explains recent research that has revealed fascinating discoveries.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/a-grown-up-guide-to-dinosaurs

Hooked_on_books All your little green dinos are adorable! 2mo
kelli7990 I really enjoyed this book when I first read it. 2mo
AnnCrystal 👏Fun bookstaging 🦕📗🦖🤩👍. Isn't that a fun fact. It's easy to imagine turtles and sea creatures, yet somehow it is extraordinary when considering birds. Loved that bit of info. when I learned about it. (edited) 2mo
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NatalieR @Hooked_on_books Thanks! They are my dog‘s toys. 😂 2mo
NatalieR @AnnCrystal Thanks! 😊 I think that was my favorite part. 2mo
85 likes6 comments
Yellowface | R F Kuang
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For the longest time, I had no intentions of reading this one. After seeing people read and love this book for about six months, I decided I would see what all the hype was about. I put the audiobook on hold with my local library and waited another eight months for my chance. I enjoyed this story and am glad I read it. If I hadn‘t read it, I think I would have been okay, too.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/yellowface

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I‘m a latecomer to the writings of Neil Peart. Ghost Rider is the book I was most looking forward to reading. His 19-year-old daughter died in a car accident in 1997. Ten months later, his wife died of cancer. I remember thinking, ‘How does someone survive that magnitude of loss?!‘ Well, Neil tells readers exactly how he survived in Ghost Rider. I love everything about this book.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/ghost-rider

The Roommate | Dervla McTiernan
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Set in Ireland, Niamh is a young woman employed as a teacher living with a roommate. She wakes up one morning, assuming her roommate is still asleep, when police, Cormac Reilly, knocks on her door. Curious why her roommate didn‘t rouse with the knocking, Niamh realizes her roommate is missing. As the investigation into her missing roommate evolves, Niamh‘s life becomes increasingly chaotic and confusing. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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This book was originally published in 2001. It was updated and re-published with the new title in 2020 to include information about the reopening of Wood‘s death investigation in 2018. A complete biography is the best way to describe this book. Author, Suzanne Finstad, clearly spent years of her life researching and interviewing everyone associated with Wood. It is extremely detailed and thorough.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ☁️ 💙 2mo
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The Cuckoo's Cry | Carolina Overington
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This is my first time reading anything by Caroline Overington, so I didn‘t know what to expect when I started this book. I was pleasantly surprised by the development of this story line. I liked the characters, the beach town seemed lovely, and the suspenseful buildup was great.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

sarahbarnes Beautiful pic! 2mo
NatalieR @sarahbarnes Thank you! 😊 2mo
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My Effin' Life | Geddy Lee
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I loved learning about Geddy Lee and Rush. I chose the audiobook format for this book; it‘s so cool that Geddy narrates. The book illustrates the life of Rush, including how the band was initially formed, the resignation of their first drummer, how Neil Peart joined the band, and highlights from their impressive 40-year career. I included some cool videos in my full review.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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The ending was satisfying in a way that left me wanting more. I wasn‘t ready for it to be over. There is a conclusion to what happened to the missing person. I was also left with curiosity about what happened to the characters next. This ending left room for the reader to draw their own conclusions, which I kind of like. It‘s fun to dream about what I hope happens next. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜 2mo
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The Survivor: A Novel | Gregg Hurwitz
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This book is incredibly good! I have quickly become a huge fan of Hurwitz and want to read everything he has written. The Survivor immediately surprised me with the emotional weight the story holds. I often felt physically heavy while reading this book. It might seem strange to have immensely enjoyed that feeling, but it just illustrated the talented writing of Hurwitz. I loved every minute of it!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

The Getaway | Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks, Emily Bauer
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This is my first time reading a book by these authors, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I picked up The Getaway from one of Audible‘s amazing offers awhile ago. Kate Mara‘s narration made for a fantastic listening experience! I‘m so glad I never attended a weekend retreat like this one! The suspenseful build-up in this story was perfect. I generally have a hard time liking short stories, but I loved this one.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

The Beach House | Mary Alice Monroe
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I read the fourth book in the Beach House series, Beach House for Rent several years ago, and have finally made my way back to this series. I decided to read the first book, The Beach House, to see how things started. Reading a beach-themed book in July seemed like the best idea. It worked out perfectly, as The Beach House takes place over the course of one summer in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. 🏖️

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

AnnCrystal 😍🌺💝. 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 😍 3mo
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You know how books are so amazing because they can transport you to another place? That‘s what I love about the Lighthouse Library Mystery series set in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, where I love to vacation. Not only that, the heart of the story takes place at the Bodie Island Lighthouse. Eva has created a fictional library inside the lighthouse with a tiny apartment. It‘s purely dreamy!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Bookwormjillk I love this series for the same reason! 3mo
JackOBotts Beautiful flowers! 🌺 3mo
JamieArc I read the first one right before visiting the OBX and it was a delight to visit the real light house and imagine it as it is in the book ❤️ 3mo
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sblbooks I'm reading book two this month. 3mo
NatalieR @Bookwormjillk 😎🏖️ 3mo
NatalieR @JackOBotts Thank you! They smell amazing too! 🥰 3mo
NatalieR @JamieArc That‘s really cool. Bodie is my favorite lighthouse. 🖤🤍🖤🤍 3mo
NatalieR @sblbooks Nice! I hope you‘re enjoying it! 📖 3mo
83 likes8 comments
Do Not Disturb: A Novel | Freida McFadden
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A few months ago, I overheard a coworker say to someone that she was exhausted because she stayed up late the previous night reading a book she couldn‘t put down. Naturally, I casually inserted myself into the conversation by asking what book she had been reading. She replied that it was by Freida McFadden. It was time for me to see what all the hype was about.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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Happy Fourth of July from me and Nikolette! 🇺🇸🎆📚


Texreader ❤️❤️❤️🎉🇺🇸 3mo
AnnCrystal 🇺🇲🦅💖🐕🐾💝🇺🇸. 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🤍💙 🇺🇸 3mo
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Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 3mo
Cupcake12 ❤️🐾🐶 3mo
intothehallofbooks Oh hello there!! 🐾 ♥️ 3mo
BookWrym Cute little poser 3mo
BookmarkTavern How patriotic! 3mo
dabbe #niftynikolette 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
ShelleyBooksie She is so dignified ♡♡ 3mo
74 likes12 comments
Second Skin | Christian White
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Second Skin is a short story about a widower and a 9-year-old girl who believes she is the man‘s wife reincarnated. The story was engaging and inceasingly suspenseful. There is a nod to Stephen King in the story that I enjoyed.  The listening length is about four and a half hours, perfect for this short story. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a novel by Kimberly Belle and I felt in the mood for a suspenseful thriller, so it seemed perfect timing to read Stranger in the Lake. I enjoyed this book of suspense, secrets, lies, and murder. It‘s always a pleasure to listen to an audiobook narrated by Xe Sands.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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Thanks to an incredible Audible sale, I recently purchased all of Neil Peart‘s nonfiction books. In this one, Neil joined a group through African villages for one month on his bicycle. The ride itself was physically and mentally challenging, and Neil shares the struggles of bike repairs, long rides up steep hills and treacherous terrain, and searches for food and drink.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

The Searcher | Tana French
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I found this to be different from French‘s Dublin Murder Squad books. The story didn‘t have the quick-paced, suspenseful twists and turns that are common in a lot of thrillers. I found the pace of the story smooth and engaging. The overall outcome wasn‘t surprising, but the details and people involved were unexpected. The Searcher contained more emotion than fast-paced crime-solving tactics. 

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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I rarely enjoy short stories, but this one was perfect! At only 16 pages on my iPad, Hurwitz tells a suspenseful story succinctly and completely. I was not left wanting more of the story as there didn‘t need to be more. I enjoyed learning how the Nowhere Man started his work. I‘m ready for book two!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

dabbe Your gorgeous pup reminds me of my cocker, Caramel. 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
NatalieR @dabbe Ahh…so sweet! ❤️ 4mo
AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 4mo
66 likes3 comments
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This is an excellent book. It‘s a powerful and emotional read. Steven Hale, is a journalist who accepted an unusual invitation to witness an execution by the state of Tennessee. This is exactly the type of book that fueled my interest and subsequently guided my passion to build a career working with inmates. I share more about my professional experience in my full review.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

JenReadsAlot I read your blog entry and commend you for your career! I'm a therapist that worked for 16 years in a county jail and now I do court ordered AODA treatment! 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 💜 4mo
NatalieR @JenReadsAlot Thank you for reading and your comments! You have an interesting career! I‘m sure we‘d have a lot of fascinating conversations. 😅 4mo
JenReadsAlot I bet we would!! 4mo
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Lady Killer | Lisa Scottoline
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I became a fan of Lisa Scottoline when I met her in 2018 on her book tour for After Anna. I was immediately drawn to her warm, excitable personality. She tells great stories, in person and her writing. I love all her books I‘ve read. Sadly, Lady Killer is my least favorite. ☹️

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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I decided I better get my act together and read this book before I retire in a few months! I adore Sharon Salzberg and appreciate her wisdom. In this book, she teaches readers how to incorporate meditation into their work life to better cope with stressful meetings, pressing deadlines, and difficult people. ☮️

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

KathyWheeler I probably could have used something like this earlier in my career. 😊 A few months before I retired though, I just refused to stress about anything. I did my job, but didn‘t allow people to pressure me. 4mo
NatalieR @KathyWheeler I‘m with you! 😀 Fortunately, I‘m able to phase myself out by reducing the days I work and my workload. It‘s amazing and perfect for my mental health. 🧘🏻‍♀️ 4mo
KathyWheeler @NatalieR I had just gone back to the building after working from home during COVID, then my husband got really sick so I went back to work from home, then I decided to retire and never really went back to the building unless I had to. So I‘d sort of phased myself out in terms of a physical presence. It was great for my mental health. 4mo
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NatalieR @KathyWheeler I‘m sorry your husband got sick. I‘m glad you had a peaceful end to your career. I hope you‘re enjoying retirement. 🩷 4mo
KathyWheeler @NatalieR It was so scary when he was sick; it took him more than a year to fully recover, but he‘s better now. I am enjoying retirement. ❤️ 4mo
peaKnit I‘m retiring in 6 months and I am feeling myself disengage. I like the idea of not allowing myself to be pressured. I am going to try that. Thanks! 4mo
NatalieR @KathyWheeler I‘m so happy your husband has recovered and you‘re enjoying retirement! ❤️ 4mo
NatalieR @peaKnit Congratulations! I am feeling disengaged too. Some of it is intentional. I have to learn to separate myself. It‘s going to happen soon anyway. 😅 I hope the tip works for you! 🤞 4mo
60 likes8 comments
Murder Mystery Book Club | Danielle Collins
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I love vacationing in Key West and enjoy reading cozy mysteries, so I was eager to try this series. The murder mystery was good, and the characters were likable. I appreciate that the story didn‘t have the cheesy, immature tone like some cozy mysteries. At less than five hours on audio, it‘s a pretty quick read. I liked this book, but I didn‘t love it. I‘m on the fence if I will continue to read the series.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

KathyWheeler I finished the series and enjoyed it. It‘s not the best series ever, but I liked the characters and setting. And because they‘re so short, I listened to them as my nighttime books. 4mo
NatalieR @KathyWheeler Seems like a great plan for listening to this series. I appreciate the short length. Definitely makes reading the series a possibility for me. 4mo
KathyWheeler @NatalieR yeah — if the books had been longer, I might not have continued. (edited) 4mo
64 likes3 comments
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I have seen a lot of readers posting their praise for Sara Paretsky‘s books and decided to give her a try. She writes a series of books based on a woman private detective, V.I. Warshawki, set in Chicago. She is a tough detective and quite sharp at her detecting skills. I enjoyed Indemnity Only, but I didn‘t love it as I hoped.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

CarolynM I read the first one years ago on the recommendation of an extremely well read colleague. Like you, I was underwhelmed. I think it just comes down to personal taste. 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 4mo
NatalieR @CarolynM I agree. It wasn‘t bad. Just okay for me. 4mo
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The Ink Black Heart | Robert Galbraith
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The Ink Black Heart is the sixth installment of the Cormoran Strike series. Robin and Strike investigate the death of cartoon co-creator, Edie Ledwell. This is my least favorite book in the series. I don‘t care for cartoons and there was a lot of online dialoge I find painful to listen to in an audiobook format. Fortunately, I enjoyed other aspects of the story very much. It‘s a low pick for me.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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Books: A Memoir | Larry McMurtry
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McMurtry opens this memoir sharing about his upbringing, which contained very few books. He first opened Booked Up in Washington, DC in the 1970s. The store expanded to Houston, Dallas, and Tucson before opening the final storefronts in Archer City, Texas. This memoir contains short, quick chapters of informative and entertaining stories about McMurtry‘s experiences buying books. 📚

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Suet624 I had no idea he owned bookstores! 4mo
Hooked_on_books I had no idea he was a bookseller! This sounds very good. 4mo
UwannaPublishme Who knew! 🤔 4mo
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Leftcoastzen Such a great read. 4mo
NatalieR @UwannaPublishme @Hooked_on_books @Suet624 I didn‘t either until I watched the tv series Fixer Upper: Hotel. Chip Gaines bought his last bookstore and its contents. I have more info in my full review on my website. 4mo
UwannaPublishme Fascinating review! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
NatalieR @UwannaPublishme Thank you! 😊 4mo
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Finding the Mother Tree | Suzanne Simard
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This book was much more than I expected. Suzanne intelligently shares the science of how forests function, which she learned through extensive study and her own research. Her book also reads like a memoir, which really made me connect to her life-long work. 🌳

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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The Thousandth Floor | Katharine McGee
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When I purchased The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee ages ago, I somehow completely missed that this book is classified in the YA genre. (I rarely read YA.) I enjoyed it more than I expected. It‘s a good story that kept me engaged, and has a suspenseful ending. I‘m sure people who enjoy YA and science fiction would very much enjoy this book.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

AnnCrystal 😍💝. Lilac or Wisteria? 😍💝. 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💜 5mo
NatalieR @AnnCrystal Wisteria 💜 5mo
AnnCrystal @NatalieR 😍👍💝. 5mo
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This novel kept me on the edge of my seat as the story alternated between Betty‘s life in 1995 and Arlette‘s time in London in the early 1920‘s. This novel is full of secrets, romantic relationships, curiosity, and life development. There are many moments of excitement and hope while also moments of sadness and devastation. The ending was very satisfying and left me feeling sad the story was over.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜💜 5mo
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Blood Territory | Mark Whittaker
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This is an investigative podcast from Audible where the author seeks to find the truth of who killed Jimmy. The murder occurred in the Australian Northern Territory during the hottest season of the year. Jimmy‘s body was discovered in a creek bed, mummified, with his genitals removed. Phillip Mather, Jimmy‘s best friend, was convicted of the crime and served 11 years in prison.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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For as long as I can remember, I have had a fascination with institutions. I suppose it‘s because I have a curiosity for places not accessible to everyone and the people who live and work in those places. I‘ve looked forward to reading this book as I had never heard of Blackwell‘s Island and the subject matter seemed a perfect fit for my interests.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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Criminal (Will Trent, #6) | Karin Slaughter
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I‘m such a huge fan of Karin Slaughter. I think I‘ve rated every book of hers with five stars. Criminal is the sixth installment in the Will Trent series and it‘s DEEP! This novel tells the tale of Will Trent‘s birth and parentage in a way I never expected. This is a fascinating book!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

kspenmoll Those irises! 💜🤍 (edited) 5mo
NatalieR @kspenmoll Thanks! 😊 5mo
76 likes2 comments
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Intriguing and suspenseful. I enjoyed how the characters pulled at my heart strings. I appreciate the message Mitch concludes with. As expected from the book description, there is a significant God presence in the book as the survivors in the lifeboat debate their beliefs. I‘m not a religious person as I prefer Eastern philosophy and it did not hinder my ability to become fully engrossed in the story.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas
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I truly enjoyed my time with the Count of Monte Cristo/Edmond Dantes. I anxiously awaited the famous prison break, which was everything I hoped for. There are so many characters, at times it felt like I was reading several different stories. The book pretty much covers Dantes‘ entire life, yet at the end I wanted there to be more. I liked the ending, and yet, I feel like there is more story to be told.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

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Bittersweet! I‘m so excited for today‘s book mail of Don Winslow‘s latest book, City in Ruins. I‘m also sad that Don is retiring from writing. City in Ruins is his final book and the third installment in the Danny Ryan trilogy. I received my signed copy of City in Ruins from The Poisoned Pen, an independent bookseller, in Scottsdale, Arizona. They included a collectible set of three poker chips representing each book title in the trilogy. 🌵

Amiable Love Don Winslow! I saw him a year or so ago at an author event in Rhode Island when he was on tour for the second book of this trilogy. He‘s a great speaker. I too will miss his books. 6mo
NatalieR @Amiable Wow! That‘s amazing you got to see him on tour!! 🤩 6mo
Amiable @NatalieR He grew up in Rhode Island and now owns a vacation home there, I think. In any case, he comes to visit every year. So one of the independent bookstores coordinated an event at a local theater where he spoke about his books and also about his advocacy efforts and next steps now that he‘s retired from writing. I‘m lucky to live only about 30 minutes away and was able to snap up tickets! 6mo
NatalieR @Amiable Thanks for sharing your experience. You are very lucky! I‘m happy you got to see him. I‘ve heard his events and stories are great! 6mo
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