Recently finished #TheOne by #JohnMarrs and I very much enjoyed it...but now I‘m on to the next!
Diving into some true crime this time with #TheKillerAcrossTheTable by #JohnDouglas and #MarkOlshaker
#TrueCrime #FBI #CriminalMinds #BehaviorAnalysis
Recently finished #TheOne by #JohnMarrs and I very much enjoyed it...but now I‘m on to the next!
Diving into some true crime this time with #TheKillerAcrossTheTable by #JohnDouglas and #MarkOlshaker
#TrueCrime #FBI #CriminalMinds #BehaviorAnalysis
Starting off the 2021 reading list a tad sleazy! Surprisingly not a murder mystery...at least I don‘t think it is 🤷🏻♀️
#GuiltyPleasure #TheMister #ELJames
#LethalWhite is finished, so I‘m starting the next one today!
#MurderMystery #TroubledBlood #RobertGalbraith #MysteryAndCoffee
lmao I‘m sorry, but this killed me (no pun intended)! A turnip for a head?! I can‘t even 😂
#LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith
I hope they end up together 🤞🏻🤞🏻
On to the next mystery 🕵🏻♀️ With the new one on preorder, time to get cracking on this one...it‘s gonna be a good one 🥰
#WhatImCurrentlyReading #LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith #MurderMystery
Oooohhhhh my god!!! I‘m not even half way through this book and I am already so so so so so in love with it! It has to be one of the best mysteries I‘ve read in a long time!! SO amazing!!
#FionaBarton #WhatImCurrentlyReading #MurderMystery
I don‘t understand all the hate on this book, I quite enjoyed it actually. It did take some time for me to get into it, but I did end up really liking it
After FINALLY finishing Pet Semetary, I‘m moving on to better things!
Here‘s what I‘m currently reading!
#TheWooWoo #LindsayWong #Memoir #NonFiction #WhatImCurrentlyReading
I wanted so badly to love this book after all the great things I‘d heard about it...but I just couldn‘t get into it. I just kept waiting for things to happen and nothing ever did. The writing was great, just not a story I could sink my teeth into.
Sunday was an impromptu day of reorganizing my bookshelf. My book collection grew over the holidays, so it was time to organize! I zero vision going in, I just put where it felt right...I must say, small victory, but I am damn proud!
#TBRShelf #Thanos #HarryPotter #SchruteBuckWorthy? #MostlyMurderMystery #FeelingProud
What I‘m currently reading...
#PetSematary #StephenKing #Horror #NotMyUsualGenre
I have finished and it was FABULOUS!! 😍😍😍
Oh. My. God!...
These chapters into the killer‘s psyche get my heart pumping EVERY time! Needless to say, I am thoroughly enjoying this read!
#MurderMystery #CareerOfEvil #RobertGalbraith #HeartPounding #HereComesThatFeeling
I saw this as I was scrolling through Facebook and it hit me right in the feelers! 😭❤️
#HarryPotter #Hogwarts #JKRowling
And on to the the next! One more in the series that I have to read before I can watch the show! Yay! Love myself some mystery 😍
#MurderMystery #CurrentlyReading #CareerOfEvil #RobertGalbraith
Finally on my two week summer vacation, so I‘m finally getting caught up on some reading! The more I dive into this one, the more I fall in love with it!
#OntarioToSaskatchewan #MurderMysteryLover
With my ever growing TBR list, I caved and bought more books. In all fairness, I was gifted a gift card for Indigo for my birthday. I was going to wait to use it...like wait until I got a good chunk of the way through my TBR list. What a joke that was! This book went on sale, so I HAD to get it!!
#Indigo #ShoppingIsMyCardio #TheKillerAcrossTheTable #BirthdayPresents
I want to get back to reading my book, but I have a major test coming up tomorrow and I‘ve been hitting the books haaaard! When Anatomy and Law & Ethics are over...only then can I get back to my regular scheduled program! 😭🤦🏻♀️
#MedLabStudent #AnatomyOverMystery #FuturePhlebotomist #MissingYou
After another day at the hospital, I was able to polish off a good chunk of this book! I must say, I am already loving it!! Good to be back on the mystery train!
#TheSilkworm #RobertGalbraith #HospitalWaitTimes #MurderMystery
I was trying to figure out why this looked so odd to me...and then it dawned on me...there aren‘t any breaks in the paragraphs!!
Sitting in the hospital, so it gave me a chance to catch up on my reading! This book was EXACTLY what I needed! I‘ve realized that maybe I need to re-evaluate some things in my life! Totally recommend this book!!
This is just an incredibly small portion of my personal library that I still need to read 😬 I love books and I love buying them...oops! I am slowly getting through the list...with studying, my personal reading has slowed down 😞 Also, please excuse my terrible crocheting!
#TBR #PersonalLibrary #BlindDateWithABook #MurderMystery #BornACrime #TrevorNoah #RobertGalbraith #UnfuckYourself
That heart breaking moment when you settle in in the waiting room at the doctors office and realize you forgot your book at home! 😭
#ReaderProblems #IReallyThoughtIHadIt
I am loving this book and I am LOVING this line!
#NotEveryoneIsDestinedForGreatness #TheSubtleArtOfNotGivingAFuck #MarkManson
I finished The Cuckoo‘s Calling which was incredible!!
Now I‘m going to read a little self help and learn how to not give a fuck! I‘ll let you know how it goes! 😂
OH. MY. GOD!! This book was AMAZING!! I am so in love and I think I am really going to enjoy the series (thankfully, my dad got them all for me for Christmas lol)
This book kept me on the edge of my seat and had me guessing all the way through! Just when I thought I knew who the killer was, another twist was thrown into the mix!
I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!
So I decided to break from reading...only after my mom won tickets to a London Knights game tho!
#LondonKnights #OntarioGirl #DateKnight #IdRatherBeReading #BooksOverHockey
My mom bought Everett (my son) a book shelf off Amazon for his growing library. As bad as I am buying books for myself, I‘m just as bad buying books for him! 😂
#HomeAlone #SomethingFromNothing #PawPatrol #DieHard #TheWonkyDonkey #EverettReads #BookShelf #Amazon
Murder mysteries then and murder mysteries now...some things never change!
I‘ve been reading and so far LOVING The Cuckoo‘s Calling! You might say I‘ve been living under a rock because I only just found out that it was made into a show! So naturally, I went on the hunt for it! With ZERO hope of finding it, but a multitude of determination, I walked into our local movie store and I FOUND IT! This will be just the fire I need under my ass to finish the first three books!
#CBStrike #RobertGalbraith
So 2018 was a sucky year of reading for me! I had promised I would read more this year and disappointingly, I did not stick with that promise to myself! However, I‘ve decided to take much more time out for myself this year...you know, spend less time worrying about everyone and everything else, more time worrying about me! I‘ve got a great reading list to tackle and for the first time in a long time, I‘m really excited about this! #2019ReadingList
Due to my influx of reading material over the holidays, I got a little excited and put #TheChalkMan on hold while I lose myself in the first of the Corman Strike novels written by Robert Galbraith! I‘ve heard so man great things about this series, so it should be fun!
#TheCuckoosCalling #RobertGalbraith #MurderMystery
For Christmas, my dad helped add to the mega list of TBR books I have going on, but I have to admit that I am so excited!! 2019 is going to be the year of good reads!!
#TheCuckoosCalling #CareerOfEvil #TheSilkworm #LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith #TheSubtleArtOfNotGivingAFuck #MarkManson #Careergasm #SarahVermunt
Welp! On to the next!
I finished reading #ThePerfectStranger last night and naturally, I had to pick another Whodunnit! This time, I‘ve picked #TheChalkMan by #CJTudor. I was really excited to pick this one up as I‘ve heard really good things about it!
This quote resonated with me...I‘ve definitely felt these same things and I felt I was able to connect with this character on an emotional level!
This book was one of the best books I‘ve read in a loooong time and I highly recommend it!
#AnotherAddedToTheReadList #ThePerfectStranger #MeganMiranda #MurderMystery #Thriller
Clearly I‘m on a roll when it comes to reading this month! Finished #JurorNumber3 today and decided to continue on my whodunnit high! Who doesn‘t love a good mystery?
#WhatImCurrentlyReading #ThePerfectStranger #MeganMiranda #MurderMystery #Whodunnit
When a book is so good, you choose reading over sleep!
#CantPutItDown #Whodunnit
Omg! This book had me wanting to just read on forever! After I was finished, I had to continue my research on the Golden State Killer!
Michelle McNamara knew exactly how to captivate her audience! The world lost a fabulous writer :(
I finally got around to finishing I‘ll Be Gone in the Dark, so naturally I had to get my hands on another murder mystery. So far, I‘m so enthralled with this book that I skip my before-work-naps just so I can continue reading 📖 I hate having to put it down! I love a good whodunnit!
#MurderMystery #Whodunnit #WhatImCurrentlyReading
Admittedly, I‘ve been doing a terrible job at keeping up with my reading and I‘ve still got so much to read.
I‘ve recently picked it up again and plan on finishing it so I can tackle my continuously growing mountain of books!
“The awkwardly built man-child...” Love it!!
Omg! I loved this book! I sometimes find it hard to get into new books, however, once I really started this book I couldn‘t put it down! I can‘t wait to see the movie now!
5 out of 5 stars!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟