Excellent. I really enjoyed this. It was interesting and compelling.
Excellent. I really enjoyed this. It was interesting and compelling.
I guess since I‘ve highlighted 2 different passages in the first chapter, I kind of like her story. I‘ll@keep reading.
Ok, but *would* a 53 year old man have this as a tattoo? Idk, John Green.
Hated it. The first half was good, difficult and uncomfortable, but interesting and enough to keep my interest. But the second half went off the rails in some bizarre ways. It finished with what should have been a satisfying ending but was done in such a ridiculous way that I could only roll my eyes and hate-skim.
I‘m ~75% through and it is the most horrid, uncomfortable thing I‘ve ever read. It‘s so awful in so many ways. But I also can‘t put it down, so I‘ll finish it so I at least have some closure to this story. I was in until about halfway. Then things went off he rails in some really bizarre ways.
I went into this book cold, threw it into my hold list bc a friend loved it. I read the first 2 chapters and, holy hell. THAT is not what you expect going in with no preparation.
Listening to a library audiobook of s title I wouldn't have otherwise chosen for myself? Must be book club night!
Back to comfort reading!
"Belief and faith are great, but very few people have been led astray by thinking for themselves."
Two thumbs up for juicy Tom Cruise wedding and Scientology dirt.
Maybe I'm a lazy reader but whenever I start a new book and see that the POV character changes between chapters I get annoyed. I'm not great at keeping track, I always have to flip back and remember who did what.
Comfort reading at its finest.
When you realize you have book club in 2 days and haven't even started the book. I'll be listening to this to squeeze it in.
I'm in a reading rut. I burned hot and fast for a few months and now: slow. So I'm rereading HP.
It's a great day to be a sub when there's a good chunk of silent independent reading time in my sub plans.
This was sweet and quick. I needed something a little whimsical.
I don't really want to talk to anybody. My water bottle makes a good stand for my kindle.
Book Club night!
What does it say about me/my emotional state that I started another book today? I have 7 in my "currently reading" list.
I basically started making the wide eyes + gritted teeth emoji faces as soon as I read this part and continuing until I had to put it down to go to sleep. Me: 😳😬😳😬😲🙈
Fast paced. A page turner. Read the last 40% in one sitting.
Reading this for a book club and hey, this is a good what will happen next story. I'm only 20% in and it's moving quickly.
Got to the end of We Should All Be Feminists and see Chimamanda Adichie has something new coming out this month!
Perhaps I've crossed into a nit-picking dork reader zone, but there is a missing quotation mark here, AND a character's name is spelled 2 different ways throughout the book, AND there's no copyright page (what? You don't read the copyright page?).
This sentence has really stuck with me. I can't stop thinking about it.
This book is long and dense, but I'm very anxious to read it.
I love Sara in this paragraph.
(And prison shirt only means a souvenir t-shirt, nothing related to actual prison)
(Marked spoiler because this is in the the end, a moment of change and clarity for Sara, but it's an almost 50 year old book, so there's probably a small group of people who would be concerned about spoilers.)
Yup. That pretty accurately describes adolescent awful feeling.
I'm trying. But I'm not really getting into this one. I'm 40% through and...*shrug emoji*
"I'd like you to meet Ralph"
Raw and brutal. Jesmyn Ward writes with such depth that you feel the story through every one of your senses.
"Oh, I'll just read the second to last chapter while I eat lunch and then read the last chapter later." I read with wide eyes and my head in one hand, the other hand over my gasping mouth.
Her mother had just given birth. "Daddy dragged her from the bed to his truck, trailing her blood, and we never saw her again." I can't think of the right descriptor: this first chapter is blood and dirt, birth and death. It's raw and carnal.
Just your average Saturday night: looking up old favorites from my youth at the library to reread.
As she sits at her mother's deathbed.
Book Two takes shows the depths of the darkness of what happened to the Freedom Riders. I am utterly speechless at the horrific violence against these men and women.
I went back to the bookstore today for these two. And then my husband said...did you spend $xx on books this week? 😬