Starting my first Louise Penny book. I didn‘t even read the summary before checking it out 😂 I‘m always amused at the beginning of audiobooks, when the narrator states the book‘s title and author, followed by “Read by .”
Starting my first Louise Penny book. I didn‘t even read the summary before checking it out 😂 I‘m always amused at the beginning of audiobooks, when the narrator states the book‘s title and author, followed by “Read by .”
I love historical fiction.
“We have to be the best. Not just good,” I said, steel filling my bones. “We need to fly more missions than the men. We have to be more efficient than they are. We can‘t be excellent. We have to be exemplary.”
Runyan says, “So often in history,we dismiss women‘s work as secondary to men‘s.”
The characters are fictional, but not the history. The ending wasn‘t shocking, but I was satisfied. Long live the Night Witches!
This book looked interesting, and I picked it up for Samuel (almost 9). But... I'm totally reading it first.
I was in a rush, and trying to contain my children, while we were in the library's used bookstore. I saw Sayers's name, and grabbed... only to realize this story is "based on the characters of." I'm totally still going to read it.
Starting one of those books that is always on the list of Top X-number of SciFi/Fantasy Books You Must Read. I haven't even read the back cover. I just plucked it from the shelf. #adventure
I'm really enjoying this book! Have you heard of it? I think they're making a movie soon.
I have mixed feelings about the visual style. I like the narrative style-- it feels like Death is telling you a chatty story over a cup of coffee! But I feel like the subheadings before the conversations are a distraction.
I sat down, and turned to page 209, where I had the page turned down, intending to read one chapter. Maybe two. And then…it was midnight, and I was done with the remaining 250 pages.
I knew there was a sequel, but searching by the author's name for this blurb, I see there are four available, and the final book coming out in 3 weeks. I'd better get cracking!
This is the first paper book I've read in ages, and I'm looking forward to reading it again! I appreciated all the characters, and the expected (for me) ending.
It goes back and forth between present and past, and sometimes that confused me a little.
When you realize the entire book series you've started is available on KindleUnlimited 🎉
I think I liked this one best, out of the handful I've read lately.
I know it's probably hard to write a really unique thriller, but everything I've read lately has reminded me of something I've already read.
This one reminds me of the Sweet Valley High Evil Twin stories.
This one was like a grisly version of On The Street Where You Live, by Mary Higgins Clark.
Oh man, I really, realllllly enjoyed this one. Warning though, little kids get hurt.
This was the book that got me back into reading. I read it for the first time when I was a young teen. I love it so SO much. Nature! Music! Drama! Romance! Happy Ending! It felt so good to walk with this character.
Have you heard of this book? Some people I know were reading it, and now it's ON TV!
Okay, seriously. This was my first time reading it, and I did a lot of thinking.
A heartwrenching page turner. Came with trigger warnings.
Once my twins were born, I stopped reading. I tried to start again in January, but found myself staying up until the wee hours, because…you know. "Just gonna finish this chapter!"
I started again last week. Now I've read three books in a week! But it's also almost 1:30am. I think this was why I stopped. Not because I couldn't make time to read, but because I lack self control.
I read the Passion and Resurrection from this Bible, and basically wept all the way through.
My kids are currently obsessed with this book, and it's really cute!
Have you read this book? Jeremy is obsessssssed with the miniseries. I wish I could find it on audio.
I got this book for Rebekkah, after I saw @ErinBumG mention it. And look what Rebekkah drew in her class! (We've only read the first bit, and she couldn't remember the word narwhal.)
I got the audiobook and the paperback, to get Samuel started last month. Now we've listened to it about 100 times, and we own 17 of 22 volumes from the series.
Ordered a used copy of this one for the kids, and I'm really excited to share it with the twins. They're super-into animals lately.
We got this from the library, because Sophia is obsessssssed with trains right now. Every time we read this, she tells me "Dat little dog is me, Mom! And dat big dog is you!" Why yes, I did go buy a used copy on Amazon, why do you ask?
I'm reading again! Picture books, mostly 😂 I picked this one because we own a few others by dePaola, and I like them. But once we started reading, I realized that I had read this book as a child! I love it when that happens.
Oh my word, this is why I had to stop reading-- I have no self control! It's 3am!
Anyway, what Bugnard says about food here is 100% true for me.
First book I've read in a year? Maybe longer? I picked it because somebody on Twitter mentioned that Julia Child disliked pressure cookers, so she felt justified in not "getting" the fervor for the InstantPot.
I love my InstantPot, so now I have to know: WHY, JULIA?!