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Joined June 2016

she/her, psychotherapist, queer, lives in Toronto/Tkaronto, massive booknerd 😍📚
Ridgerunner | Gil Adamson
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Next up!

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How to Pronounce Knife: Stories | Souvankham Thammavongsa
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This was such a delightful collection of short stories. I feel like poets often have such rich, tight purpose and this book certainly supports that theory. Centering the experiences of Laotian people in Canada, Thammavongsa writes a series of complex and endearing characters. Very enjoyable.

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How to Pronounce Knife: Stories | Souvankham Thammavongsa
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Next up!

Penny_LiteraryHoarders The stories are all so wonderful inside! 3y
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Shuggie Bain | Douglas Stuart
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This was such an excellent book. It's gritty. It paints an unflinching portrait of trauma and addiction and poverty in Scotland under Thatcher. It is so well written it makes you feel so strongly for the characters and their struggles. Glad to have started the year with such a great read. #queerbooks

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Grand Union: Stories | Zadie Smith
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Cottage reading time on a rainy day 🌧️📚

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Un Lun Dun | China Miville
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I'm revisiting this gem with my nieces in our book club (online now, due to covid)

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My current read aloud book with my partner 🐍

Booklover22 I didn‘t like this book that much, it didn‘t live up to my expectations. I hope you enjoy it more than I did 3y
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Women Talking: A Novel | Miriam Toews
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I had been nervous to read this book because of the subject matter (a Mennonite community where women and children are being drugged and raped at night) but I'm glad I finally took the plunge. The book is about the women deciding what to do in light of what has happened. It's about justice and collective decision making and faith and autonomy and love. It's powerful and funny and sweet at times, heart-breaking at others.

Reggie Yeah, she did a really good job of not having this book be a one note of anger kind of book. I really like this. 4y
Bibliogeekery @Reggie that's SUCH a good way of putting it! 4y
Moray_Reads It's so well done, so much nuance. I love Miriam Toews 4y
Erinreadsthebooks I loved this book! 4y
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Just got this from the library. I found the last couple books in this series a bit too predictable and repetitive - hope this one surprises me a bit!

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Starting this audiobook! #queerbooks

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Brave New World | Aldous Huxley
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Saw this on twitter. It rings true 😂😭

Women Talking: A Novel | Miriam Toews
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Next up!

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Nimona | Noelle Stevenson
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Next up! #queerbooks

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This was such a well written tale of the Spanish Flu in Dublin told through the eyes of a midwife named Julia. She toils for three days in a small fever maternity ward in the book and we learn so much about loss, deprivation, resilience and love. Very intense to read during the current pandemic but that also made it extra poignant. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am sad to be done it. #queerbooks

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Someone just sent me this which feels so appropriate as Toronto (where I live) heads into another lockdown tomorrow.

Bookzombie 💗💗 4y
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Just starting this book by one of my favourite authors. I attended a zoom launch for this book where she spoke about the wild coincidence of her writing a book about a pandemic in Ireland during the war right before an actual pandemic. The publisher actually pushed the publication date ahead a year because it was so timely. #queerbooks

Reviewsbylola I enjoyed this one so much. Hearing her speak would be amazing! 4y
Bibliogeekery @Reviewsbylola Here's the link for the talk. It's her and Helen Humphreys (two of my most favourite authors 😍) https://youtu.be/x6RKPIlq4Kw 4y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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This was such a pleasure to read. Madeline Miller is so skillful at breathing life and vitality into mythology. Even though I knew so many of the stories she told through Circe's eyes I was riveted with her telling of them. So enjoyable.

KVanRead Great review and pretty quilt! 4y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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#audiobookwalk winter trees 😍

KVanRead Gorgeous 😍 4y
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I decided it was time to revisit this beloved audiobook. So gritty and heartwarming and real. Also, my psychotherapist self likes to imagine being so directive and bossy and definitive with my clients even though I never would be like that.

JamieArc There‘s a podcast too! 4y
Bibliogeekery @JamieArc oh cool! I have to check that out. Thanks! 4y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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I'm really enjoying this book! It's helping get me.out of my reading slump. It's well written and takes me far away from current reality (most welcome)!

TheBookHippie One of my favorites ! 4y
Cspen113 I loved this one!! Also a fantastic audio. 4y
Kangaj1 I just got this on audio from my library! 4y
dearb00kshelves I'm currently reading this one now, too!! 4y
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A little reading before work. I'm switching between audiobook and physical book for this one. #therapistbooks

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I'm learning a new trauma processing technique! #therapistbooks

Nute This sounds very interesting. 4y
Born.A.Reader I've read/done this and it did help me process through some very emotional times/memories. ❤ 4y
Bibliogeekery @Born.A.Reader Glad to hear it was helpful! I just completed the first level of training and did some of it myself through the training. I found it very helpful as well! 4y
Kangaj1 I and other family members have done this and it is amazing. It is so weird but it works! 4y
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Returning | Yael Shahar
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Hi Litsy Pals. I've been gone for many months (7 !?). I had a lot going on and was not managing to prioritize my reading life. I'm eager to reconnect with my love of reading and bookish folks. Are people still using this app?

Mitch Welcome back! 😘 4y
slategreyskies I‘m still here! So glad you‘re back!! 🍁 4y
Jas16 Welcome back! 4y
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Megabooks Yes! We‘re here. Welcome back! 4y
rabbitprincess I‘m here! Welcome back! 4y
jmtrivera Welcome back! 4y
readordierachel Welcome back! Lovely photo 🍁 4y
KVanRead Welcome back! 4y
LeahBergen Hello again!! 👋🏻 4y
janeycanuck Welcome back! 4y
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It was so lovely to read a bit more about Olive Kitteridge. Elizabeth Strout weaves together such interesting little character sketches. This was such a great escape read!

The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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This book was the perfect whimsical escape from the pandemic dystopian reality we are living in. At a book launch for it I heard the author describe the concept for it as if someone didn't go through the door to Narnia as a child and then had a second chance when they were older. A mystical library, stories within stories, and an impossible seeming quest (or two). A great read!

JaclynW Sounds fabulous! 4y
EliNeedsMoreShelves One of my favorites of the year! 4y
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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Cathythoughts ❤️✨✨✨ 4y
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Essential Gwendolyn Brooks | Gwendolyn Brooks
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Nute Yes! 4y
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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Sounds like a fun party! 😍

The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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This book is so lovely under the dust jacket! Really relishing this whimsical tale.

The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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I'm alternating between reading and listening to the audiobook of this book as I recover. It's really striking the right chords with a mystical library and a great deal of whimsy! 🐝🗝️🗡️

sprainedbrain Loved this book! 🐝 4y
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Pet | Akwaeke Emezi
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Starting this book with my nieces over FaceTime! I miss in-person book with them! #transbooks

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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Starting this exciting book as a pandemic read-aloud with my partner!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That sounds like fun! 4y
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Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Next up!

emz711 How was it?! 4y
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After being the sickest I've ever been in my life I am starting to recover at last! I haven't been able to read almost at all but I'm looking forward to getting back to books and Litsy and life!

CBee I‘m so glad you‘re on the mend 🙂 4y
Jas16 Happy you are feeling better! 4y
Lindy 🌷🌻🌷 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Glad to hear you‘re feeling better. 💕🌀📚 4y
Megabooks So glad you are feeling better!! 4y
batsy So glad you're on the mend 💙 4y
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On Being Ill | Virginia Woolf
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Thanks so much for all your care and support about my presumptive Covid19! It means so much! I'm feeling really rough today, was at the hospital briefly, but am at home again resting. Hope to feel well enough for some light uplifting reading soon. Any suggestions?

CBee Nothing to suggest, but I just LOVE this art ❤️ Take good care of yourself! 4y
KristenDuck Feel better soon!! 4y
Eyelit If you like hilarity, romance, and choose your own adventures this book is so much fun 4y
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merelybookish Healing vibes! 🙏 4y
Amandajoy I might recommend an audio book. I like the Winston Brothers series by Penny Reid for light hearted and fun. It‘s great on audio! 4y
Leftcoastzen Hope you feel better soon! 4y
MySharonaK Feel better soon ❣️ 4y
rockpools Hope you‘re doing ok 🌻🌼🌸🌺🌸🌻 4y
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On Being Ill | Virginia Woolf
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Hi folks. So I'm sick, my doctor has reported me to public health with presumptive COVID19. I can't get tested because I don't work in a public setting so I'm in isolation at home with instructions to go to the hospital if I worsen. I haven't been able to concentrate on reading but books and book people are so comforting to me so thanks for being here, Litsy pals. 💕 (I also find pictures of jellyfish comforting)

SamAnne Sending you healing thoughts. How scary for you. 4y
JaclynW I'm sorry! Take care! 💕💕 4y
melissajayne I hope you feel better soon! 4y
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TheBookAddict I do hope you get better soon! Take care. We‘re here for you if you need some Bookish talk. 💕💕 4y
Megabooks Sending hugs and healing vibes!! 💕💕 I took some pictures of jellyfish at the Monterey bay aquarium, and I‘ll try to find them tomorrow! 4y
valeriegeary We're here for you! ❤️ 4y
Lizpixie Oh no! Sending much love & virtual hugs from Australia. We are always here for you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 4y
Eyelit Take good care! 💜💜💜 4y
CBee Take care and keep us updated! We are here for you ❤️❤️ 4y
Simona Take care❣️ 4y
jmtrivera I'm sorry! Hope you recover quickly! 💜 4y
Bookwormjillk Take care ❤️❤️ 4y
Kalalalatja Take care ❤️ 4y
batsy Take care and I hope you have a swift recovery 💜 4y
sherryvdh Hope you recover quickly! Sending healing vibes. 💚💙💜 4y
Soubhiville I hope you‘re feeling better soon. 4y
j.rye I hope you recover quickly! A friend was diagnosed early into this and he is already on the mend. 🤞 you have a swift journey to health like he did. 4y
rabbitprincess Hope you‘re feeling better soon! ♥️♥️ 4y
Jas16 I hope you feel better soon. Also the Monterey Bay Aquarium website has jellyfish live cams which I find soothing and you might as well. 4y
Amandajoy I hope you get well soon! 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch I hope you recover quickly! Best wishes! 4y
emtobiasz Take care ❤️ 4y
Bookzombie Take care. 💗 Hope you recover quickly! 4y
Nute Thinking of you! Praying for a swift and full recovery. Sending positive energy and healing vibes. Take Care!💕 4y
janeycanuck So sorry to hear you are sick, hope you kick this soon! 4y
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Mitch 🤣🤣🤣🤣 4y
MyBookLife I am pretty sure I will be okay for a pretty long time. Quarantine, bring it on 🤗🤗 4y
Suet624 This is beyond awesome. Sweet vindication. 4y
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DimeryRene Sweet burn! 🥳🥳 Hahahaha 4y
BiblioLitten 😂😂😂 4y
Soubhiville 🤣😂🤣 I‘ve never been more thankful for the well over 100 books on my TBR Shelf! Good call! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage True story. 🤣🤣 4y
Leftcoastzen 😂😂😂👏📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 4y
KarouBlue Nigella!!!!!!!! 4y
charl08 Love this 👏👏👏 4y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Love this!!!! 4y
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Morning solitude. I can't believe I have to leave this place tomorrow to go back to social distancing in the city (and work)!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful!! Stay safe!! ❤️ 4y
Lindy Lovely photo. 🌲 4y
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Isolate and read 💓

BookishMe Blissful 😍😍 4y
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Social distancing

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Social distancing

MyNamesParadise That‘s beautiful! Where is that? 4y
Bibliogeekery @MyNamesParadise it's in Muskoka, Ontario. It's called the Torrance Barrens 4y
MyNamesParadise @Bibliogeekery oh I love Canada! Haven‘t been to Ontario yet though! I‘ve been to the Maritime provinces. 4y
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Social distancing

Mitch Seems like an idyllic place to be (at any time) 4y
AmyG So peaceful. 4y
Tamra Nice! 4y
readordierachel What gorgeous spot 4y
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I'm at my parent's cottage practicing some social distancing with my partner and my nieces. We are all enjoying this latest Lumberjanes novel.

Pandemic | Scott Sigler
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Haircuts in the time of coronavirus 💇

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A little cosy mystery comfort reading! 😍📚

LiteraryLona I love her books! 4y
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I love this billboard in Toronto! My nervous system needs a little pandemic soothing - practicing social distancing and curling up with a bunch of books. I was supposed to fly to Cuba today for March break but had to cancel due to COVID19.

How is everyone's pandemic anxiety?

AlaMich Through the roof on Friday. I work at an elementary school and we were waiting to see if we would close. Also concerned about elderly family members. 4y
RamsFan1963 I got more reassurance from that sign than I've gotten from my entire govt's response to this crisis. 4y
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ReadingSusan Mine was really bad until yesterday when my library closed to the public. Then I felt like I could breathe again and not freak out every time someone coughed. I still have to work though. 4y
TheLudicReader I don‘t think you are alone in feeling stressed out, but I am trying to dwell on the positives. More daylight. A well stocked library. My loved ones are safe and healthy. Wine. 4y
Bookwomble Despite having just discovered I'm classed as vulnerable, I'm actually not that bothered. I'm taking sensible precautions, which is all one can reasonably do. Not sure what's happening at work - I meet members of the community in one-to-one appointments, and I'm wondering whether we'll be made to socially distance soon. I'm thinking next week's team meeting should probably be cancelled, though 🙂 4y
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Absolutely delightful! I have been reading this so slowly because I didn't want it to end but my nervous system needed some soothing so I finished it today. A lovely collection of different bits of Mary Oliver loveliness! 😍📚 #queerbooks

lahousewyfe Loved this collection! 4y
Angitron Adding to my stack - I could definitely use something soothing right now! 4y
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